Book of the Archangels Book 1

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Book of the Archangels Book 1 Page 12

by L C Walker

HAVING A family is one thing that separates humans from angels. There are other things that are different, but what I want to show is how unique you are to God.

  Did you know that I will never know what it is to feel the love of a mother or a father? I know humans will say I have the love of God, which is true, but to have a created being formed by the love of two individuals is something so unique, it is hard to put into words a human could understand. Also, the idea of marriage is something I will never know. The relationship a man has with a woman and the idea of living for forty, fifty or sixty years together is beyond my comprehension. The Bible says it best in Matthew 22:30. The Sadducees were questioning our Lord and they asked a question about marriage.

  Starting with the Word in verse 24 - Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. Now there were with us seven brethren; and the first, when he had married a wife, died and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother; Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. And last the woman died also. Therefore, in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? For they all had her. Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels of God in heaven.

  In heaven we angels are neither male nor female. We do not marry and we do not have baby angels. I know that humans will say that we are the ones that are unique. The human mind is limited until you die and then you receive your glorified body. At that time, your mind is changed so you can understand the things of God.

  Even though we angels do think of how unique humans are and how it is that they are so much different than angels, we angels do wonder about the things that separate us from you.

  Humans sin all the time. We angels, who are not fallen, have never sinned. We do not know what sin feels like and it is best if we don’t. With sin comes the temptation that humans have to go through all the time. If we were like humans and we were tempted like humans are tempted, we would give into the temptation just like humans give in.

  With all humans, there is a desire to do good and a desire to do evil. Humans call that thing a conscience. All humans, regardless of what human experts say, have a conscience. The conscience is something God put into every human so they would know the difference between right and wrong or between good and evil. When a person appears at the Great White Throne Judgment, just before they are cast into Hell, they will see their entire life played back to them. It is their conscience that will be a witness against them.

  It amazes me when I think about humans. As each century passes, humans believe they are becoming smarter and smarter. Their experts are now saying that a human is born in certain ways. Some are born to be killers, while others are born to be preachers. Each human is born with that conscience of knowing right from wrong. It is their choice which direction they go; they cannot blame others. Even at the Great White Throne Judgment, they will not be able to blame others. Their conscience will show the hardness of a human heart.

  Like I said, having a baby is unique to humans. Sherry was now on the verge of having her third baby. She had been praying for the last six months that the Lord would give her a baby girl and, on March 2, her prayer was answered. The nurse did the same thing she did when Shawn arrived; she asked what the baby would be named. Both Sherry and Dallas said she would be named Rebekah.

  The very same thing happened this time as it did when Sherry had Shawn. She was in the hospital for two days and then it was going home time. At the house, Dallas had to make some changes. The first thing he did was to buy a bunk-bed so the boys would not have to share a bed. The new arrival would be in the baby bed for the first two years. After that, Dallas and Sherry would be in a new home, with acres for a horse and other animals.

  One difference with Rebekah compared to the two boys was their time of birth. With Winston and Shawn, they were born just before winter. Rebekah was born almost right after winter. One must remember winter will last until mid April and sometimes way into May, in Montana. Sherry still had plenty of time for Rebekah before the summer digs would start up again.

  This summer was going to be totally different for Sherry. Professor Smith wanted to get things arranged so he could log everything in a systematic order so he could transfer the records to his new office at the university. Professor Smith had decided to accept a new position at the university, instead of digging for bones.

  Dallas and Sherry were surprised by the decision, but Professor Smith said it was time to go. He was getting to old to be digging while he had an expert working on his team. Professor Smith then informed Dallas that he would be promoted to his position. This promotion would include a very large pay raise and it would put him in a position of importance. If he accepted the new job, he could finish his doctorate within the next year. Things would speed up so he could be called Professor Taylor.

  The way things were working out for the Taylors; one might think that there was someone guiding each and every step that Dallas and his family were taking. But then, you already know that God was directing each step, because things had to go a certain way so Dallas could understand who he would be, when the puzzle pieces started to fit together.

  After telling Dallas about his new position, Professor Smith told Sherry about her new job. She would be similar to his secretary. She would be responsible for the records going from the trailer to his new office. He also saved the best for last. The new position would include a very large pay raise. As a matter of fact, it was almost as much as the pay raise Dallas was going to receive.

  Everything was working out the way it was planned. These new positions would keep Dallas and Sherry in Montana for the next four years. After those four years, Dallas and the entire family could move to the Middle East. Once in the Middle East, things would never be the same again. But Dallas and the family must get through the next four years. Things were going to happen that would jeopardize the life of Dallas and the rest of his family.

  The Devil knew each day Dallas' family was alive, it was one less day that he would have to find the Book of The Archangels. The Devil had his demons watched everything that Dallas was doing and watching every place he would go. Just like Sherry was getting the records organized for Professor Smith, the Devil was keeping records on Dallas.

  Let me say, at this time, neither the Devil nor the demons could get closer than twenty feet from Dallas or his family. This was because of the seal on Dallas and his family. This boundary would also include his home. The Devil and his demons were not allowed to go into their home. The Devil and his demons were forbidden to hear any of the conversations that Dallas and Sherry would have at the house. At the work site and at other places, the demons could listen to what was being said.

  I was instructed about the conversations Dallas and Sherry would have in public. If they said anything the demons could use to find or figure out a clue, I would have someone come and interrupt them in mid-sentence. Once the conversation started again, they would forget what they were talking about. This plan of God’s worked to perfection.

  God has a reason for everything He does. It will be the same when the two prophets of God show up in the middle of the tribulation. They will have the seal of God on them and neither the Devil nor his demons will be able to kill them during the 1260 days their ministry will last. When their ministry is over, the Devil will kill the two prophets.

  With the seal around Dallas, he could do things that the demons could not know about. When Dallas went to the library and read in the Book of The Prophets about the things that were going to happen, the demons did not know what page he was reading from or why he was reading from that book.

  Also, when Dallas received his own copy of the book and he noticed that certain paragraphs were high-lighted, the demons were not allowed in his
home, so they did not know what he was reading. If the demons would have known how important that book was, they would have stolen it when it was in the mail. Like I have said before, the Devil is not all knowing and he does not have the power to look into things such as boxes or envelopes. He or his demons, literally, have to open them to see what is inside.

  Just to throw the demons off course, God put the thought in the mind of Dallas to look at any book that he was interested in. The moment Dallas walked into the library, it was like a small boy going into a candy store. He looked all around and was thrilled to see all of the books. God knew that when Dallas was at the library, he would see a book that he had read in high school and pick it up and sort through the pages. One such book was a copy of The Mystery of the Dark Horse. This book was five hundred and twelve pages long. It covered the time of Alexander the Great. As Dallas read different pages of the book, he would write down page numbers. The demons thought for sure this book would have clues about the hiding place of the Book of The Archangels. The Devil commanded that his demons read each and every page of that book and write down any and all clues they found. They never found any clue that would help the Devil find the book.

  In case the demons did not have enough to do, before Dallas left the library, he went from one shelf to another and sat and read from eight other books. When the Devil was informed by his demons what Dallas had done, the Devil knew for sure that Dallas had figured out some of the clues and he was now on the verge of finding the Book of The Archangels. The Devil commanded that the demons read completely through all of those books and write down anything that looked like a clue. The result was the same with those eight books as it was when Dallas had read the book about Alexander the Great.

  When the demons started to read the encyclopedia, they had no idea what they were getting into. The demons were frustrated and mad. If they knew that Dallas liked to read, and I mean read anything, they would have stopped reading and looking in all of those books, because none of them had any clues.

  The way God had Peter write the Book of The Prophets left humans wondering about the things that were written. Even when Dallas received his own copy with the clues highlighted, he did not know what they meant. It is the same for non-believers. When they read the Bible, it is foolishness to them. But, when a born again or saved human reads the Bible, it makes perfect sense. A believer loves the Word and the unsaved hates the Word.

  When Dallas left the library to head home, he had no idea what lay ahead for him. One mile out of town, a semi-truck had slid off the road and was stuck in the ditch. The truck driver used his CB radio and called for help. A tow truck was sent to pull the semi out of the ditch. The tow truck had just left another job and was heading toward the semi when his brakes went out. The Devil had his brakes go out when Dallas was going through a green light. The tow truck hit the side of the car that Dallas was driving and, if it had been anyone else, they would have been killed.

  The wreck completely totaled Dallas’s car, but Dallas was not injured at all. The police said it was a miracle that he walked away from that wreck without any injuries. It was a miracle and it would not be the last miracle for the Taylor family.

  The main reason the wreck occurred was because the Devil commanded his demons to watch for any way they could have an accident happen that would take the life of Dallas or his family. Another reason the accident occurred was because of something that would happen when Dallas would be digging at a new site.

  Looking into the future God, knows what is going to happen. He informed me that Dallas would go to a new dig site during the summer and he would get stuck. The new dig would be in a dried up creek bed that had very steep sides. Dallas had never worried about getting stuck before because he knew he could walk out and get help. This was going to be totally different.

  At the new site, Dallas would start his dig just like he started every dig. He would look at the rock formation and then determine where to start digging. This site was chosen the summer before and Dallas had a pretty good idea where he wanted to start digging. But things do change during the winter. When Dallas looked the site over just before he started to dig, he knew he would change his mind.

  The first place he started digging was a terrible decision. For three hours, he had found nothing. He put everything back in his car and was going to move a little further down the creek. When he started to pull out, his car would not move. He opened the door and looked at the rear of his car; he was stuck. The one place that had sand instead of solid dirt was where he stopped.

  Dallas knew he was in a situation that he did not want to be in. He knew the dirt road he was on was about five miles to the State Highway. He also knew it would take him over an hour to walk to the highway. He decided he would continue to dig and, then around two, he would start his walk.

  The weather was warm and sultry; it felt like it could rain just any moment. Dallas was right about the rain. Six miles upstream it rained so hard the creek could hardly contain the water. While Dallas went back to digging, he thought he heard thunder off in the distance. He looked all around, but he did not see any lightning flashes. He continued to dig and he continued to hear what he thought was thunder. Dallas looked to the north and realized it was a flash flood. He attempted to climb out of the creek, but the water was moving so fast it overtook Dallas and he was swept away. However, the Devil's plan did not work.

  The Devil cannot perform miracles the way God can perform them, but the Devil can change some things to suit his fancy. When Dallas pulled up, the dirt was not solid under his car. The Devil had his demons to move some rocks and brush so Dallas would have to park where he did. Humans are funny in the way they think. They will park their car so they will not have to carry things very far.

  The summer before, the demons followed Dallas to the new site and they told the Devil what Dallas had decided. The Devil was one step ahead of Dallas. He knew Dallas would travel to the new site that day because he had told Sherry and a number of the diggers about his plan. The Devil had plenty of time to get things ready when Dallas arrived.

  The plan would have worked to perfection for the Devil IF Dallas had not had that wreck with the semi. The wreck changed everything. The first thing that changed was the car. The car, like I said, was completely totaled out. The insurance company for the tow truck would cover the value of the car. Even though Dallas was not hurt, he did have a lot of bruises and bumps. He was given a doctors statement that said he could not work for two weeks. The reason for the statement was because of his back. He pulled or strained one or two muscles.

  The insurance company knew they were going to pay thousands for the minor injuries so they worked out a deal with Dallas. They told Dallas if he would not sue he could pick out any car or pick-up and they would give it to him. Dallas jumped on that idea because he always wanted a four wheel drive pick-up truck. The deal was worked out and they gave him the truck he picked out.

  Like I said before, we know what would have happen to Dallas, if he had not had the wreck with the tow truck. Dallas would have died in the flash flood and what was written in the Book of The Prophets would have been a lie. The Holy Spirit is the One that directed Peter when he wrote the book. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit do not lie; they are sinless and they are HOLY!

  If we now go back to the day Dallas drove to the new dig site I will explain what really did happen. Dallas saw the rocks and the brush the demons had placed on the left side of the creek. They knew Dallas would want to park where it would be easy for him to get the tools for digging. However, because Dallas had a four wheel drive, he could put the transmission in all four wheels and go any place that he wanted. That is the exact thing that he did.

  Dallas drove way past the place where he would be digging. He was always told to have an escape route no matter where you go. He put the truck in four wheel drive and did a u-turn. He then drove back to where he was
going to dig. Dallas noticed the more he dug the hotter it was getting. The humidity was so high you could cut it with a knife.

  Off in the distance Dallas could hear what he thought was thunder, but it had a different sound. The more Dallas dug the more he thought about that sound. It was then that it hit him just like the tow truck had hit his car. He knew exactly what that noise was and it was not thunder. It was the roar of a flash flood. He threw everything in the back of his truck as fast as he could. He jumped inside and took off like the Devil was after him. As a matter of fact, the Devil was after him and, if that flood water would have caught up with Dallas, the plan the Devil worked out would have ended the life of Dallas Taylor.

  When Dallas reached the end of the steep sides of the creek, he knew he was safe. The flood waters would fill the plain between there and the State Highway. Dallas also learned a lesson that he would share with others. You should always have a plan of escape before you are in situation that you cannot get out of.

  The Devil sometimes is just too smart for his own good. If he had not had a plan to take the life of Dallas with the wreck, his plan for the flash flood may have worked, except for one thing. Like I said before, God is all knowing and He knows exactly what is going to happen. If the Devil changed his plans, God would know how things would occur with the new plan. The Devil did change his plan and God used it for His good.

  After the wreck with the tow truck, Dallas called Sherry and told her what had happened and that he was all right. Sherry, in the back of her mind, knew it was the Devil that was trying to stop Dallas from becoming one of the most important archaeologist in the world.


  About the author:

  L.C. Walker thought about writing in 1970, but other things kept him from doing so. In 1979, he had the desire to write again, but Bible College kept him from that dream. In 1997, he wanted to share what the Bible had to say about the end times, so he began his first novel. He completed The Past or the Coming Future in 1998. He has now completed 7 more books. Watch for all of them in the coming months.

  The Past or The Coming Future

  The Tribulation

  The Great Tribulation And Beyond

  Can I Have A Second Chance

  The Book of Daniel - The Future

  Writing: Step By Step

  Chupacabra - Demon From Hell


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