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Ascension Page 24

by B F Rockriver

  The most immediately impactful change was his quest for a cure. He had a timeline to work with, but he also knew that the treatment with the leeches would give diminishing returns. The Blight was changing him and not just physically. It was mutating his very essence, his soul, and the bloodsucking worms could not remove its taint entirely. The thought of only having one week to live was terrifying, but the hints to how he may be cured brought inspiration. He knew of a source of powerful divine magic. He knew of a few, and one was only half-a-days walk from his former home. With newfound vigor, he sat up, focusing his attention on the most confusing of the logs. A completion notice for the quest to retrieve his stolen gear.

  Quest Complete: Family Heirlooms (Personal).

  Rewards: 500 Experience, -1,000 Reputation with Dawnport, warrant for arrest.

  Reputation Change: You are now a wanted criminal in the city of Dawnport. If any city guards see you, you will be subject to arrest and imprisonment. You have 24 hours to turn yourself in before a bounty is placed for your capture.

  Quest Update: Family Heirlooms II (Personal).

  Description: The bow, armor, and dagger being held as evidence in the Dawnport city barracks have been stolen. Who or why they have been taken is unknown. However, the consequences are easy to determine. The city guard is now looking at you as the prime suspect for breaking and entering, theft, and tampering with evidence. You are now wanted by the city guard. How you react to this new threat is up to you, but make your decision quickly. You have 24 hours before a bounty is placed on your head, and punishment becomes more severe.

  Quest Conditions: (All Conditions are Considered Optional)

  Admit Guilt: Turn yourself into the city guard for a reduced sentence and expedited trial. This will serve as an admission of guilt. You will be imprisoned for up to three days after the trial and be branded as a criminal. (Dungeon/Combat)

  Lawyer Up: Lawyers can be expensive and are vital to proving your innocence. Find someone to represent your case, pay bail, and fight your case in court. Or, you can always try to plead your case. (Political/Persuasion)

  Cash is King: Everyone has a price; you just have to find out what it is. Find and bribe city officials in an effort to have your case dismissed or lost. (Mercantile/Bribery)


  Fly, you fool: Fleeing is always an option. If you run, you will be considered a fugitive. Your reputation with Dawnport and the City Guard will decrease each day until capture, up to a maximum of -2500 Reputation. Fleeing will cause a higher level warrant, along with a minor bounty to be issued for your capture. The criminal tag being displayed to anyone with the ability to analyze you. Time until warrant expires, three months. (Skullduggery/Combat)

  Bonus: Find who stole your items, question them, and retrieve your gear.

  Difficulty: Medium-Hard | Time Limit: 90 Days or Until Captured | Reward/s: Experience*, Reputation changes*, Items*.(*Variable, dependent on outcome)

  Bonus Reward: Heatseekers Longbow, Hunters Leather Armor (Set), Fine Steel Dagger, Sturdy Belt Pouch (with remaining items), and information.

  Failure: N/A

  Do you accept: N/A (Automatic)

  Somehow, someone had retrieved his lost property. Who it was, or why they had done it, Eli did not know. Knowing that a stranger was walking around with his bow made his teeth clench. Kata’s father had crafted the bow himself and given it to Eli as a wedding gift. Now some common thief was walking around with it or pawning it for a handful of coins. Getting the bow back was second only to finding a cure for Don and himself.

  Eli had been lucky enough to start his new life with the beautiful weapon, only to lose it because of his inability to control his emotions. The self-reflection made him even more furious. He was angry at the fact that he had no idea where it was, but more angry at himself for not taking the time to assess his situation when he had been reborn as an adventurer. If he had thought before running off when he came back, if he had only taken a moment to understand his situation, he would not be in this mess. Don would not be blighted and forced into finding a cure or faced with possibly losing his character. This was his fault, and he needed to do something.

  The thought that he had caused so much trouble, for a person he barely knew, acted as fuel for his rapidly growing flame of self-hatred. Clenching his fists, he rose to his feet. Ignoring the plea of Alyssa to rest, he took a step forward. Moving was his only option; if he became still, he might not be able to escape his thoughts. Not wanting to delve into what he could have done differently, he went over the rest of his quests while gathering and equipping his gear. He could not change the past, but he could help save his friend.

  “We don’t have time to waste on this,” Eli said forcefully, an idea taking shape in his mind.

  “Well, then what’s the plan, man?” Don asked, deferring to him immediately. “I mean, I don’t want to end up as some zombie, and I sure as hell don’t want to reroll my character.”

  “First, I need to get out of here without being seen,” Eli said. “Then, we need to head to the Temple of Aeryntorr.”

  Chapter 18

  The two other figures in the small, dimly lit shack stood in silence—the idea of traveling to the Temple of Aeryntorr weighing heavily in the air. No one had set foot in the temple itself for generations. Eli had seen the outer ruins of the temple only once, and that was enough to fill his nights with terror for weeks. He had chased a wounded deer, not wanting to abandon it when he stumbled across the large valley. Once sturdy structures of stone and wood had been reduced to dust and splinters. It was like a meteor had been summoned to wipe a small city from existence. The only structure left standing was a massive temple.

  While he could not see the details of the building, it filled him with awe, even from afar. It sat untouched by age or the forces of nature as if it had been preserved by magic powerful enough to stop time. It’s massive walls sat pressed against a sizable vertical cliff-face that seemed carved into the mountains, and a glowing dome of light shone brightly in the sky. Surrounding the entire clearing, in a half-circle, was a large river that led to the southwestern shores of the island, as if it had been diverted to create a natural defense. None of this worried him. It was what he saw moving that caused him to leave his kill.

  Several forms lurked in the shadows of the forgotten structures. Their silhouettes reminded Eli of primitive humans, but their flesh seemed to be crafted from the earth itself rather than flesh and blood. Their arms were branches from the nearby oaks, ending in razor-sharp claws. Thick, inhuman, legs moved swiftly over the earth, made from animal bone, packed dirt, and leaves as if they were formed from cement. He thought of them as demons, or some sort of goblins crafted from ancient magics. What he saw made him vow never to return. Yet, now, this haunted place was his only hope.

  “You need your rest,” Alyssa said worriedly as if he were speaking from insanity. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Her words did nothing to give him pause. If he were discovered here, in this shack, the entire Wolffen pack would be blamed for harboring a criminal. If he petitioned his case, he would end up in jail, and there was no way for him to earn enough gold to grease enough palms to get him off the hook. His only options were to flee or find someone to represent him, and the latter sounded highly unlikely. Not many people were willing to navigate the legal system, on behalf of another, without being paid a significant sum of money. There was also no way to ensure a speedy trial, and he only had one week before he would need another round of treatments.

  Eli didn’t want to suffer through the pain of Archleeches again. At least until Aida could figure out what was happening with his pain settings, that left only a few options; he knew of only two locations within a week’s travel that might have enough magic to cleanse the blight entirely. One was the seat of power for the city of Dawnport, the Temple of Radiance; the other was the Temple of Aeryntorr.

  Entering the fortified city, and having a ritual performed by the priests of Aror
a was highly unlikely. Not only would he have to rid himself of criminal charges somehow, but he would have to earn enough coin to pay whatever fee the temple would charge to cleanse a person's soul thoroughly. Finding a cure, magical or mundane, may take even longer than earning the gold to hire a priest. Without giving the situation any more thought, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and gave everyone the explanation they were waiting for.

  “Look, I know Don and I need to recover. Unfortunately, William was right, and we only have one week to find a cure or start another round treatment. To make matters worse, each treatment will only be half as effective.” Eli said, waving his hand towards the researcher, “And, again, he was correct to think that the blight is affecting our souls.” He noticed Alyssa’s head drop, and William nodded before he continued, being sure to use words that the system wouldn’t filter, “The gods have told me as much.”

  Eli saw Don roll his eyes before they began to shift back and forth as if scanning some invisible page. He hadn’t read the quest update. A moment later, the Turta nodded as the other stared at him in confusion.

  After a short pause, allowing Don to figure out the plan, Eli continued his story, “They have also given me a hint on how we might rid ourselves of this disease. The gods have told me about the immense magic found at an Altar of power.”

  At this point, William interrupted, “Ah, so you want to perform a ritual in the lost temple. That makes sense, that is where magic is at its strongest, being bolstered by the convergence of ley lines. In theory, this magic could be used to cleanse a person's soul. It is also thought that these Altars are what provided priests their spiritual abilities, and access to miracles. But, how will you know what to do, and how will you find it, it’s not called the lost temple for no reason.”

  Eli looked at the man, giving him a gesture that said his question would be answered. “I have also been informed that I am now a wanted criminal in Dawnport. If apprehended, I will be forced to sit in jail for up to a week.”

  “A criminal?” William laughed, before Alyssa slammed her fist into the wall of the shack, shaking some dust free and making the man take a step away.

  Waving the question off, Eli continued, “There was a misunderstanding in the city yesterday, caused by my own stupidity and a case of mistaken identity. Alyssa can tell you what she saw of my punishment. For now, all I know is that someone has stolen the evidence to be used against me.”

  “Those bastards,” The Wolffen woman gowled, her eyes now showing a spark of rage. “It was probably stolen by the same guard that strung you up, to begin with.”

  “That’s possible,” Eli said, not having thought of that likelihood, as it didn’t change much. “Who or why my stuff was stolen doesn’t matter. It is gone, I am the prime suspect, and we are on a timeline. Don and I have one week to figure this out. My trial and my gear can wait.” He looked Don in the eyes, as the Turta began to grab his equipment, “Right now my only concern is making sure that we don’t get turned into monsters. If I have to suffer a worse punishment later, so be it. But, I can’t let anyone else suffer for my mistakes.” He said, putting his hand on his friend's shoulder.

  The room fell silent once again, Eli’s pain at bringing Don into his mess evident in his words. Don stopped moving, his staff in one hand, and his small pouch in the other. Slowly, the would-be monk lowered his staff, resting it on a wall, before placing his hand atop Eli’s.

  “You son of a bitch,” Don shouted, throwing Eli’s hand off of his shoulder. “Do you think you’re the reason I’m caught up in all of this?” Don backed away, looking Eli in the eyes, while he tied the pouch to his bandolier. “I chose to follow you, I chose to cut you free from that pit, and I chose to follow you into the woods. Hell, I led those wolves right to you.” The turta screamed, his hands shaking, and his eyes moist. “How do you think I feel.” A moment later, the staff was slung over his shoulder, and the few throwing knives he had left were shoved into his bandolier, “We both fucked up. You stormed off all angry and got yourself strung up by the guards. My dumb ass helped you, a stranger, knowing I might get into trouble.” The turta paused, checking that he had all of his belongings before continuing, his voice more calm, “I lost reputation with the city guard, aiding a criminal. Did you know that?” He asked, his expression softening, and his eyes looked away.

  “I didn’t know,” Eli said, shame in his voice, having given no thought to the situation his companion had put himself in by freeing him.

  “Then I saw you with that Wolffen kid, and I chose to follow you. That same day, you saved my life from those wolves. Now, we both might get turned into mutant fucking zombies.”

  Don’s words shook Eli to his core as he realized that he no longer had a choice in the matter. The two companions were now tied to each other and needed to get through this together. His heart sank, realizing how wrong he had been. He hadn’t given any consideration to what the person next to him was going through. The green-skinned man, who was now walking towards the door of the shack, wasn’t some innocent bystander caught up in Eli’s mess. Don had made his own decisions, he had his own demons, yet he was still there. As Don reached for the rope handle on the door, Eli winced, understanding just how much he needed the man, the first real friend of his new life, and how alone he would feel without him.

  “That’s what we do, man. That’s what friends do. They have each other's back.” Don said, taking a moment to look back at Eli, “Now, figure out the plan. I’m going to find out a way to get you out of here.” Don said, just before the door slammed behind him.

  “Well, that was awkward.” William’s voice sounded off in the background, causing Alyssa to let out a quiet laugh. “With that out of the way. Can you explain to me how you’re going to not only find the Lost Temple of Aeryntorr but use it to cleanse yourself?” The arcane researcher asked Eli, a serious look on his face.

  Eli took a moment and explained how he stumbled upon the temple before, its location, and how adventurers secured a place of power as a stronghold. His plan was simple and not well thought out. The two players would flee from Dawnport, travel through the Wildwood, fight through whatever was guarding the temple and capture the stronghold. In doing so, Eli hoped that whatever ritual would present itself, or become known somehow. His questline led him there, so he had no reason to question it.

  “Well, of course. Sounds good. You should be home by dinner.” William said jokingly. “My boy, have you been listening to yourself? If that place was so easy to access, why do you think it’s been sitting untouched for so long? Whatever is protecting that place is powerful, and most likely deadly.”

  “I, uh, have to get back to my patients,” Alyssa said, not wanting to get caught between the two men. “Come find me before you leave.”

  After the healer had left the room, William continued to question Eli, his voice serious, “Do I have to remind you that if you die while still under the effect of the disease, you may not come back as yourself? That you could become a danger to everyone around you.”

  “I know full well of the repercussions. If you have a better idea, let me know.” Eli responded. “I’m open to suggestions.”

  The Wizard stood silent for a moment, scratching his short beard, before shrugging, “Well, I could always petition the head priest of Arora, and cure you there.”

  “Sure, and I could walk into the city with a sign on my chest that says, I’m the guy you’re looking for, and I have a highly contagious magical disease.” Eli said, mockingly, “They would hunt us down before morning. Half of the city council is made up of the church. Hell, the head priest is a judge. They are already looking for me. What happens when they find out that a wanted criminal, who also carries the blight, is petitioning to be cured? What happens to Don? What happens to these people if they find out I’ve been here?”

  “Well, when you put it that way.”

  “From where I stand, we have two options. Go somewhere else for a cure, maybe even Ommuria, or head
to the Temple of Aeryntorr. At least, unless you know someone who just happens to be an ultra-powerful healer, or where to find a permanent cure for this fucking disease.” Eli said, his words coming out harsh and condescending, as he became more frustrated with his situation.

  “Son,” William started an angry look on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” Eli apologized, “You don’t even have to help us. You’ve already more than fulfilled your obligation.” He paused, “If you know of any other way to help, I would appreciate it. I’m not exactly thrilled about the idea of going back to that place.”

  William tapped his fingers on his chin, staring down at Eli intensely, “There are people who could help, associates of mine who would love to study your case.”

  “Then summon them, please, if they can do anything.”

  “Unfortunately,” William continued his emphasis on the word, “That would take weeks, possibly a month, and you simply don’t have time. Bribery, and persuasion, won’t work either. I don’t have the coin on hand, and I’m terrible at scheming.” He said, a smirk growing on his face, “Besides, you already owe me about one hundred gold coins for that scroll.”

  “Well, if I die, you’ll never see a coin,” Eli started, before William raised his hand to speak.

  “I wasn’t finished.” The wizard continued, “I think that you may be onto something.”

  Over the next several minutes, William explained his idea. While Eli and Don were heading to the lost Temple of Aeryntorr, William would contact his friends in the Arcane Archives, a self-governed fortress within Ommuria. This wondrous tower was controlled by and composed of scholars, researchers, and the magically gifted. People from every race and nation went there to devote their lives to the pursuit of magic. While their involvement would be helpful, the Archivists, as they were known, took ages to take action on anything.


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