Reign of Pride

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Reign of Pride Page 7

by A. G. Kirkham

  He hung his suit jacket on the doorknob then sat across from me. We ate Chinese food and he let me have the last dumpling. Nero asked about my favourite past times. I told him that I was an avid runner. I asked about the pictures on the wall in his parents’ home. I mentioned that I saw one of him and I thought he was a cute little guy.

  He snorted with laughter. What a beautiful sound, his laughing. “I don’t think I was ever referred to as cute, Felicia. Mischievous, headstrong, and curious were what they called me most. Except my father who thought I was a royal pain in his ass because I questioned everything.”

  “It’s good to have a curious mind. We learn by doing and experiencing and you were just a normal little boy that had the talent of finding answers in your own way. Dad was always too worried to let me venture out on my own. Lorenzo was my shadow since I could remember. I think that’s why I like running so much. It makes me feel in control and free to just go.” I whooshed my hands through the air with dramatic flair.

  There was so much food left over, I’d suggested that Dario and Livio have some. I was surprised that Nero had agreed and had called the guys in. As it turned out, he’d wanted to use the opportunity to make formal introductions.

  “Felicia, Livio and Dario are your bodyguards. You will not go anywhere without them,” he announced.

  I’d been shocked at his sudden change of demeanor and had gaped while the two men had looked at their shoes and had avoided my gaze.


  “Felicia, you are now my wife, and this makes you a target for our enemies. Dario and Livio have prepared themselves for years to protect my family. You won’t give them trouble and we don’t need to discuss this further.”

  I’d been so angry, I wanted to kick him in the shin. He’d realized I was upset as well so he’d raised his hand to dismiss the men before I blew. I contained myself until the door clicked shut.

  “I want Lorenzo. He’s been protecting me for years!” I yelled. “You said I could keep him and now you go behind my back and pick two guys I barely know?” My chest had been heaving and I’d waved my hands around because I’d been so angry.

  “Stop, Felicia. I make those decisions. It is my job to ensure your safety. I have very good reasons for choosing these men. Not that I owe you an explanation. My word is law in this home,” he reminded me.

  “Do you hear yourself? You’ve declared yourself a dictator,” I spurted out angrily.

  “I would stop now unless you want to incite my rage,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  “Your rage? What about mine?” I asked. I’d stormed over to him to give a nice big piece of my mind, but as soon as I’d gotten close enough to him, he’d grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to my toes as he bent his head down so that our eyes met and his lips had been a mere whisper away from mine.

  “I do not usually explain myself nor will you expect me to in the future, however, I will do this one last time. Lorenzo’s wife is expecting a child and his mindset is on his wife and child as well as his boys as they should be at this time. He will be divided in his thoughts. If he should not be up to this task and a critical mistake made while on watch, he would pay dearly. I took this option away from him so that he does not have to make that choice. Dario and Livio have no family to consider. They’re young and want to move up in the family. They’ve been trained by me and I have no doubt of their loyalty and abilities. I don’t take my role lightly and I won’t compromise on your safety. Is that understood?”

  I’d listened to what he’d said although I was lost in the deepness of those eyes. All I’d been able to do was nod. Then his mouth closed over mine in a kiss that was deep, languorous… and panty-melting. I’d fisted his shirt to hold steady as his lips molded against mine.

  “I think I have found an appropriate way to soothe my wife’s temper.” He’d tipped his lips upwards in a sly smile. Then he’d led me out of the room and up the spiral staircase to our bedroom. I was still in a luxurious fog by his intoxicating kiss that I hardly registered when his hand began unzipping my dress. It’d pooled to the ground and I’d become conscious that I was clad only in a pale pink bra with lace trim and matching panties. Nero had tipped my head back and I’d searched his face.

  “Undress me, Felicia,” he’d commanded.

  My hands trembled a little because I’d never undressed a man. My fingers fumbled with the first couple of buttons, but when my fingertips had brushed his chest, the feel of his warm skin had beckoned me to caress his chest. His hand had slid into my hair, giving it a tiny tug, bringing my eyes to meet his.

  “Do not tease me, dolce mio. You will find that the dragon within has awoken and will take what he wants, and he wants you. I am trying to hold him in check, baby.” He’d brushed my cheek with his other hand. “Finish, bella.”

  I’d discovered that, not only did I like my hands on him, he liked it as well. In that moment, I’d felt powerful.

  I’d finished undoing the buttons and slid the shirt from his shoulders, my fingers following the path down his arms. Shyness overcame me, I hesitated when undoing his belt. I hadn’t been quite ready to be so bold until he’d urged me to continue. I’d managed to unclasp his belt, but shyness had won over, and I hadn’t been able to continue.

  He’d moved my hands aside and had proceeded to undo his zipper. “Last night, dolce, I was patient. I understood that this was what you needed, my innocent bride. Tonight, will be different. I will still be gentle, but tonight is for me. I want you to go to the bed, climb up facing away from me, on your knees,” he whispered roughly in my ear.

  My breath was quick, almost panting; I was unable to understand my own reaction because, while I was anxious, I’d also been excited.

  He took a stray curl and tucked it behind my ear. “Will you do that for me, dolce?”

  I’d nodded, then took the three steps to the bed. I hadn’t been able to walk, but I’d had to. There was nothing I’d wanted more than to please my husband.

  I’d crawled onto the bed and sat on my haunches, facing the French doors to the balcony. I hadn’t known what to do with my hands, so I’d kept them at my sides and waited for him to come to me.

  I’d felt his heat before he touched me. Nero had swept my hair from my back and tossed it over my shoulder. I’d felt his fingers on the clasp of my bra and, with a single flick, he’d undone it. He’d slid his hands inside the cups, and it fell away, but his hands… his hands had cupped my breasts, then his fingers had played with my nipples until they’d pebbled under his touch.

  Nero had dropped his lips to my shoulders, the bristles of his day-old growth on his chin adding to the sensitivity of his touch. His one hand followed the trail to my sensitive area, dipping his hand beneath my panties. He’d smiled against my skin.

  “You’re wet, dolce. Your body is waiting for me.” Then he’d slid his finger inside me while his thumb had flicked my clit and a strangled sound had come from deep within me. He’d wrapped a hand around my waist and pumped his finger in and out of me, slowly at first, then picking up speed as my body had moved in time with his hand. “That’s it, baby, ride my fingers.”

  I’d gripped the back of his neck, aching for the release I knew was building.

  Nero had then taken his hand away and had guided me onto my hands and knees, his hand between my shoulder blades placing me just as he’d wanted. His hands had glided across my body, down the length of my spine, stopping at my hips to slide my panties down my thighs to my knees, where they would stay. Nero slipped my thighs apart, as far as the material of my panties would allow them to go, then he’d gripped my ass and opened my pussy lips—

  And then he’d licked me from end to end.

  He wouldn’t let me loose. Nero had held me tight and continued to eat me like a starving man.

  I’d been feeling too much. Overwhelmed. I hadn’t been able to take it the heat of his mouth, and yet… I’d needed more.

  “Nero, I can’t… Stop… Please… More.” I
’d almost been incoherent

  “Not yet, Felicia. You come with me inside you,” Nero had growled. He’d climbed onto the bed and his hands had held me steady as he’d guided his massive cock inside me. He’d taken it slow, inch by inch, until my pussy had been filled with him. Then Nero had created a steady rhythm, his hand gliding over my clit and he’d plunged inside me until I’d fallen over the cliff of paradise, screaming his name as I’d come.

  I’d been in the aftershocks of my climax when Nero had groaned into my hair as his release had overtaken him. He’d tensed as he’d pulled me back against him so that we were completely connected, and his cream had filled me. Complete, I felt complete. Safe, sated, happy.

  Nero had tucked me against him. “Sleep, dolce.”

  “Good night, honey.” I yawned. I didn’t see his face, but I think he liked me calling him honey. His arm around me held me tighter and I felt his light kiss in my hair.

  Yet, this morning I wake alone. My body is sore, but a good sore. I decide that a shower is necessary before I set about putting a house together for us. The hot water running over my body massages my aching muscles before I get ready for the day. I don a pair of jeans and pullover, a pair of sneakers for comfort and put my hair up in a high ponytail. I make the bed so that I am leaving the room neat and tidy.

  I make my way down the stairs and remember that there isn’t a kitchen to speak of. The room is of course there but has not been set up, this is priority one. I hit the bottom of the stairs to find Livio holding a paper bag and a cup of coffee. He’s in a deep grey suit and crisp white shirt. Looking stylish and prepped to take me where I need to go. He isn’t as big as Nero, but I can tell he works out a lot. He looks older than Nero, and so does Dario. Livio’s hair is a sandy color, whereas Dario is darker, more of a chestnut. There both have their hair cut short. Both have brown eyes, Livio is more like milk chocolate and Dario is a dark caramel. Both are tall and handsome. Not nearly as handsome as my husband, who continues to fill my thoughts. I haven’t been attracted to anyone like I am to Nero. I was sheltered growing up, but I did notice the guys that hung out at our school and the men that came to the house to meet with Dad. None compared to Nero.

  Livio holds out the bag. “Mrs. Moretti, I picked up several danishes and a couple of croissants. I wasn’t sure which you preferred. I also brought you a coffee and have cream and sugar in the bag so you can have it how you like it.”

  “Thank you, Livio. I just need to do another walk through before we leave; I’ll be right back. I can eat it in the car because I need to get furniture in this house or Mr. Moretti and I will be sitting on the floor again tonight.” I grin. I take the bag but leave him with the coffee as I shuttle into the kitchen and note that there are no appliances. Decision made—it’ll be the kitchen and bedroom today at the very least.

  Damn, I forgot to speak to Nero about a credit card. How am I going to pay for all of it? I go back into the den to find my purse sitting on the floor. I decide to call Nero from the car and discuss how I’m supposed to pay for everything. After all, he said he wants me to decorate this place. My mom has accounts at different stores and Dad takes care of the payments. I hope Nero will do the same so I can get to the fun part, shopping.

  I pull out a blueberry and cheese danish and take a mouthful of a melt-in-your-mouth delicious delicacy. Wow. I have no idea where he got these, but I am definitely going to have them swing by and pick up a few more. Livio is still standing by the door, takes one look at me and hands me a napkin. “You got a little blueberry, right there,” he says with a smile, and indicates to a spot on his cheek. I quickly wipe it away as my cheeks heat in embarrassment. “Shall we head out?” he asks.

  “Thank you, Livio. I also need to call Nero,” I tell him as I climb into the back of the black SUV.

  “I’m afraid he won’t be available for at least another hour, Mrs. Moretti,” Dario informs me.

  “Well, now we have a problem. It seems that I don’t have any way to pay for the things he wants me to buy. And I really need for the two of you to start calling me Felicia.”

  “I don’t think Mr. Moretti will be comfortable with us calling you by your first name. We’ll ask his permission as soon as he is available. As for paying for things, don’t worry about it. He has instructed us to handle that.”

  I’m miffed that they feel the need to contact my husband for a permission I’ve granted. And I’m not all that thrilled with them handling the money, either. I need to be in control now that I’m a married woman. Well, there’s only one way to get that control. “Dario, I understand you may be more comfortable in asking Mr. Moretti’s permission, however, I am in the car with you at the moment and I would be more at ease if you would call me Felicia. If Mr. Moretti has an issue with this, then I will discuss it with him when he has the time,” I say this with authority but make sure to use my sweet smile.

  Dario grins then starts the car. Livio shrugs and turns his head, probably so I’ll miss the quirk of the lips, but the rear-view mirror gives him away. Not that I mind; I’ve gotten my point across.

  I give them my first destination, then sit back to enjoy the view. I think about our talk last night. Getting to know Nero is enlightening. He loved soccer as a kid. He was athletic all the way through high school but was not to waste his time on sports, per his father, and focus on his studies in university. I wanted to feel out his opinion on letting me take some online college courses. To my surprise, he was open to the idea. It’s good to know that not everything about Nero is about tradition. I expressed my love for Panic at the Disco, to which he laughed and mentioned Drake is someone he would rather listen to. When we talk about who we are I get a glimpse of more than the next capo, I see a sexy man with a great sense of humor and good taste in music. We may be alright. Building this foundation and talking about ourselves and being open can only lead to a solid future.

  I glance at my phone to see if anyone has called. Mom called twice, probably to offer an invitation to family dinner. There’s a message from Grazia and a text from Olivia. I text Olivia back and make plans to meet up for lunch later in the week. I call Grazia and tell her I’m on a shopping trip. We chat for a few minutes, deciding that she’ll make the time to come out tomorrow and help me choose colors for the dining room. I am grateful for her assistance. She knows her brother better than I and she can make sure that I don’t choose something Nero will think is hideous.

  It is not long before we reach our destination. I walk through the store and am immediately overwhelmed with the countless choices. Who knew there are a hundred different models of matching refrigerators and stoves? I also didn’t think to take measurements. I finally surrender and ask the salesperson for assistance. I’d wanted to make this decision on my own, but I am clearly not informed about all the options. Dario is directly behind me, he stands silent until he sees my indecision.

  “Mrs. Moretti,” he says, to which I respond with a mighty glare. “Felicia,” he corrects and continues, “If I can take a moment of your time.” He leads me away a few feet. “Here are the room dimensions. I took the liberty of downloading the specification on my phone should you have needed them.”

  “Thanks, Dario,” I respond, defeated. “I don’t know what to choose.”

  “I have worked alongside Mr. Moretti for years and know that he wouldn’t want you to spare any expense. I personally like the stainless steel with glass doors for the refrigerator.”

  “I really like that one, too.” I nod happily.

  He smiles at me. “Then get it.”

  I’m full content with my choices. Getting one room settled will be a great accomplishment today.

  Fred, the salesman, informs me that I will have to wait a week for delivery.

  “I’m sorry ma’am, but we book a week out and I don’t have room to move shipments around.” Fred shrugs his shoulders.

  “I have just spent a small fortune in this store, and you are going to have me wait a week for delivery.” I pus
h back stating, “I need them by tomorrow, latest. I don’t want to wait a week for delivery.”

  “My hands are tied,” Fred insists and begins to walk away.

  If he thinks that I won’t walk away and give my business to someone else, he is sorely mistaken. I don’t want to go someplace else and start all over again, but I will. Livio comes to stand beside me. Apparently, he is hearing the back and forth conversation on delivery dates. I am tired of it all. I have been here for over two hours and when I am finally happy with it all, I have to wait another week before I can cook in my own kitchen.

  Livio holds his phone out to me. I look at it confused, then glance up at him. “It’s Mr. Moretti.”

  I take the phone then and walk a few steps away to give me a little privacy. “Hello.”

  “Felicia, tell them you are my wife and insist to have them delivered this afternoon.” Nero sounds frustrated—as if I’m an inconvenience he’s handling between appointments.

  “They can’t fit it in. I asked.” I am exasperated by the entire process and blow out a sigh of frustration.

  “They will find a way. Insist,” he dictates.


  “Felicia, I have a people waiting for me to attend to business and I’m telling you to insist. So, insist.” His cold tone brings shivers down my spine.

  “I’ll try,” I acquiesce, not for a moment believing this is going to make a difference, but I can hear his impatience growing.

  “Good.” The phone goes dead. No goodbye. No “See you tonight,” nothing. Dead air.

  I take a deep breath and walk back to Livio and Fred.

  “I insist you find a way for my shipment to arrive this afternoon. My husband, Nero Moretti, is expecting to have a home-cooked meal and I don’t want to refuse him because your shop couldn’t deliver.” I hope I sound more confident than I feel.

  At my husband’s name, Fred’s entire demeanor changes.

  “I wasn’t aware that you are Mrs. Moretti. My apologies. I will have everything delivered by three o’clock.” Fred stumbles over his words but manages to get them out before scurrying off to make arrangements.


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