Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 24

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris


  Jyldar watched them from where he was hidden on a tree branch. He was seething with anger at being made a fool of by that girl. His brother had assured him that she would never return. He slammed his fist into the tree. They should be making a move against Wren now. He was promised this would be his moment to shine. His eyes filled with hatred before he pulled out a slip of parchment and a small vial from his pocket. He eyed the vial with a cold smile. One arrow tipped with this will kill anyone. No healing can diminish its effects. His smile widened as he held up his hand and snapped his fingers. A raven suddenly appeared and landed on his arm. He attached the parchment to its leg and spoke a quick word in elven. The bird flew away in the direction of the cliffs to the south. He was tired of waiting on his brother and would remove the prince on his own.


  Sara trailed behind Jake as they followed Rin and Wren toward the clearing. She watched Rin talking with her brother. A small smile crossed her face when she noticed that Rin still had a grip on his arm.

  ‘They must be close,’ she thought. ‘It’s nice that she is happy.’

  Rin glanced back at her with a raised eyebrow, ‘Have you been practicing the mind blocking spell?’

  Sara heard Rin’s voice in her head, and she grimaced. She peeked up at her and shrugged.

  Rin frowned, ‘Practice!’

  Sara nodded and looked back at the ground in front of her. This was the Rin she was used to.

  As they neared the edge of the clearing, Sara looked up when Rin suddenly fell silent. She watched as Rin fell a step behind her brother. She walked to his right and Jaeha came up to walk on the left. Sara was confused by the sudden change in their demeanor as they left the cover of the woods. When they entered the clearing, she could see tents sprawled out before her. Her brows furrowed when they did not look like any tents she had ever seen. They were hand sewn animal hides that had been dyed to a dark green and they were in the shape of a cube that tapered to a pyramid at the top.

  Once they got closer to the tents, Sara could see elven warriors milling around. They all stood when Wren approached. She bit her lip and tried not to make eye contact as she walked through the troops. They were eyeing her, Jake, and Paige with wary looks. She turned her attention to the number of tents to try and distract herself, but she lost count at fifty when they reached a much larger tent near another edge of the clearing. This tent was twice the size of the others and had a thirty-foot clearance between it and anything else.

  Wren entered the tent and most of the group followed. Raven and Hikaru stepped off to the side and did not go inside. They motioned for Paige and Sara to join them.

  “We must remain outside,” Raven said. “There are conversations where we are not allowed to be present.”

  Paige opened her mouth to protest when Jake stepped back out of the tent. He grabbed hold of Sara’s hand and motioned for Paige to follow him.

  “They go where I go,” he said giving Raven a dirty look before he went back into the tent. Raven and Hikaru exchanged glances but did not try and stop them from entering without permission.

  Sara let Jake pull her into the tent with him. They made their way to a large fur rug in the middle of the tent and sat down.

  “I apologize for the unsuitable furnishings,” Wren said with another frown. “I do not usually entertain guests here.” He paused when Jake appeared to be having difficulties following what he said. “I am speaking too fast again?”

  Jake shook his head, “No, I’m able to follow.” He paused and sat up a little straighter. “There is no reason to apologize. I understand that frontline camps are not equipped with anything that is not needed for battle.”

  Wren’s eyebrow rose in surprise before he nodded, “I appreciate your generous attitude toward the situation.” He looked over at Rin. “Let us waste no more time. Tell me everything.”

  When Rin and Jake began to explain all the recent events to Wren, Sara looked around the tent. It was very spacious even though the furniture in it was sparse. There was a cot over in one corner. Sara could not help but wonder if it was soft. The layers of animal skins covering the logs gave it the appearance of a large fluffy comforter. Glancing down at the floor, she noticed that the tent did not have a real floor. The grass was covered by the large black rug. Sitting just on the edge of the rug, along the right wall was a small desk that had several paintings on it. One caught Sara’s attention right away. It was one of Wren holding a small little girl with silver hair and green eyes. A smile crossed her face when she realized that had to be a small Rin. She appeared so happy in the painting that it made Sara’s heart ache. It looked like a much calmer time.

  With a sigh, she looked away from the painting and saw a small dagger laying on the desk right in front of the painting. Sara tilted her head as she looked at it and wondered if Rin might have made that for him. The blade was not straight and smooth, and the hilt was uneven and bumpy. She did not think it would even cut a piece of fruit. Another smile crossed her face when she decided Rin must have made it. Otherwise, why would he have kept a useless weapon? She scanned the rest of the desk and her eyes froze when they reached a painting on the other side of the desk. Her breathing started to increase as she stared at the elven couple. The woman was the one she saw in Rin’s memories. She was the one who gave her the tiara. Sara shook her head and turned her attention away from the desk. That had to be her parents in that painting.

  Looking at the far side of the tent, she saw a large table that appeared to have many little figures and flags all over the top. Her brows furrowed when she craned her neck trying to see more, but from her angle, she could not make out much more of the table’s contents.

  “Londar started all of this?” Wren’s sharp voice interrupted her thoughts and Sara looked back over at him. He did not appear to be angry, but Sara heard an undertone to his voice.

  “Yes,” Rin replied, her voice quiet. “He somehow knew I would be in the cave and knew what incantation to use.”

  Wren’s expression remained calm, but it darkened, “What business does his brother have in my ranks, I wonder?” He looked toward Jaeha. “Send someone to keep an eye on Hildvae. I did not trust his intentions before, but now I am certain he is not here to serve under me.” Once Jaeha nodded and stuck his head out of the tent, he looked toward Jake. “Thank you for all you have done to assist in this strange situation. I am in your debt for looking after my sister.”

  “I didn’t do any more than I’d hope someone would do for my sister if she were lost,” Jake replied with a small shrug.

  “There are not many who would step forward and assist,” Wren said with a frown. “Keeping this in mind, I would normally present you with a gift of thanks, however, I am not in a position to do so at this time. Once we reach our capital, I shall see that it is done.” He paused and tilted his head when Jake started shaking his head. “It is our custom.”

  Jake sighed, “I’ll accept whatever you deem appropriate.” He paused before he straightened his back again. “But, may I have some say in what it will be?”

  Wren’s expression became curious as he regarded Jake, “What do you request of me?”

  “I’d like to request that you give me your word that you’ll try to help us. The gift of help far exceeds anything else I can think of.”

  “You have my word that I shall do everything in my power to secure assistance for your home,” Wren said, his voice serious. “Your actions warrant much more but if this is what you wish then I agree.” He held out his hand and the two shook hands before he continued. “We shall discuss further details at a later time, for now, I wish to spend some time with my sister.” He paused and looked toward Jaeha again. “Jaeha, there is an empty tent on the west side of camp. Would you show them to it?”

  Jaeha tilted his head before an amused smile became fixed on his face. He gave Wren a slight head bow.

  “Thank you,” Wren said, his voice taking a sarcastic edge.

Jaeha’s expression did not change as he looked down at everyone sitting on the floor. He pushed the flap of the tent open, “This way.” Jake, Paige, and Sara got up and followed him out of the tent. Kaedin trailed behind them. He paused and glanced at Rin before he walked out of the tent with a heavy sigh.

  Once everyone was gone Wren turned to face Rin, “I believe you have made a wise choice in the ambassador. He appears to have a good head on his shoulders.”

  “I am a good judge of character,” she replied with a roll of her eyes. When her brother only nodded, she glanced over at his desk and her face grew embarrassed, “Why do you keep this?” She pointed at the dagger on his desk. A fond smile crossed his face when he looked at what she was pointing to.

  “It was a gift from my sister.”

  Rin rolled her eyes again, “It is terrible. You should get rid of it.”

  “No,” Wren said with a shake of his head. “It is special because it is from you and I shall always treasure it.” He paused and chuckled. “Besides, if I had thrown it out, you would have been quite angry with me.”

  “You are correct,” she said with a grimace. “I would have been upset with you. However, I am now older and give you permission to get rid of it.” Her eyes narrowed when her brother only laughed and shook his head. He was never going to give it up.

  The two fell silent for a few minutes before Wren glanced back over at her.

  “You have chosen Kaedin?” he asked. Rin looked up at him as surprise crossed her face. This is not what she was expecting him to ask her. “Do not look so surprised,” he continued with a laugh. “Did you believe I would not notice the ring?”

  Rin glanced down and saw that the ring Kaedin gave her was no longer concealed by her bracer. She tugged on it when she looked back up at her brother. “Do you not approve?”

  “Would it matter if I did not?” Wren asked with a tilt of his head. She stared at him for a few moments before a smile appeared on her face.


  “I figured not,” Wren replied with a chuckle. “Did he ask for permission as is customary?”

  Anger flashed across Rin’s face, “Yes, and father told him never. He planned for me to be joined with Londar.”

  “What?” Wren gasped. “He attempted to force you into joining with him?” A dangerous edge slipped into his voice when he saw her nod. “I had no idea, or I would have protested on your behalf.”

  “It is all right,” Rin said with a shrug. “I handled it on my own. I turned him down in front of the entire court. Fa…” She paused when she faltered on the word father. “The king was very angry.”

  “I am surprised they accepted your answer.”

  “They did not accept it. He tried to move forward with plans, but I refused to cooperate. He threatened to banish Kaedin if I did not do as he wished. I made my course of action quite clear if he followed through on his threat, and he backed off for now. I am certain that he still expects for me to do as he wishes at some point.”

  Wren folded his arms across his chest, “It appears that I have missed much by being away so frequently. I shall see to it that will never happen.” He paused. “If it means anything coming only from me, Kaedin has my approval. I have always known the two of you were a match.”

  It appeared as if a large weight lifted off Rin’s shoulders when she looked up at her brother with a relieved smile. “Thank you,” she said as she gave him a hug. Having his approval was very important to her.

  Wren returned her hug and the two stood silently for several minutes before he sighed. When he stepped back, he put both hands on her shoulders.

  “I cannot stall any longer,” he began. “I must know. I need to hear it from your lips before I believe the rumors.” He paused and tightened his grip. “Is what I have heard about father from Ronin true?”

  Rin’s entire body went rigid, “Yes, it is what the well showed me.” She could not bring herself to look up at him when he did not say anything right away. It seemed like an eternity before his grip on her shoulders loosened and she risked a peek at him. His face was devoid of all emotion and he appeared deep in thought. When he noticed her gaze, he looked back down at her.

  “I had always wondered,” he said. “The coincidence of your birth and the sudden murder of Lord Kanamae.” He paused and let go of her. “Your silver hair should have been a complete giveaway.”

  Rin’s gaze returned to the ground in front of her and her eyes grew troubled. “Does this change things for you?”

  Wren stared at her for a moment before he understood what she was implying. He reached out and grabbed her chin. She startled but looked up at him.

  “Never,” he said, his voice firm. “You have been my sister since the moment mother first handed you to me. Nothing shall ever change that.”

  Rin tried to look away as her shoulders dropped, “I am only your half-sister.” Her whispered voice quivered, and she glanced away from him.

  He tightened his grip on her chin and her eye flicked back to his face. “I do not care. You are my little sister and I shall never give that up. I suggest that you make your peace with it.” An amused half-smile crossed his face. “You are and will always be stuck with me.”

  Rin finally relaxed and cracked a small smile.

  “That is better,” Wren said as he released her chin. “However, I do believe it is time to head for home.” He paused, and anger flashed across his face. “I believe I have some things that I would like to discuss with father. We shall leave for Nuenthras tomorrow at first light.”

  The sun was sinking behind the mountains to the west as the companions sat around a fire enjoying a freshly made stew. Rin watched while everyone relaxed and enjoyed the warm, quiet evening. She was grateful that they were having a quiet moment to unwind. After they left in the morning, she was not sure when they would have downtime like this again. She glanced over at Kaedin, who was sitting next to her, and noticed he was picking at his stew.

  “What is troubling you?” she asked. He only shook his head and would not look at her. She gave him a knowing look which he saw out of the corner of his eye. He lowered the bowl of stew with a loud sigh.

  “What does your brother say?” He asked, his voice hesitant.

  Rin tilted her head in confusion when he still avoided eye contact. “What does my brother say about...” She trailed off with a look of realization. “Have you been worrying this entire time about whether my brother approved of you?”

  He finally looked at her with an expectant, nervous stare.

  “Of course, he does,” she said with a smile.

  “He does?” He asked seeming bewildered.

  “He is not my fa--,” she said with a frown. “He is not the king and has always cared for you.” She paused again and looked up at him. “If you were concerned you should have asked. I did not think you would not already know the answer.” She leaned over to kiss him on the cheek but jerked back and looked over at Sara. She was watching Jake walk over to clean off their bowls after they finished eating.

  “Sara!” Sara jumped at the sharp tone of Rin’s voice and looked over at her. “Are you practicing the mind blocking spell?”

  Sara flushed and shrank a little, “No.”

  “Practice that spell,” Rin said. “I do not wish to know what you think about Jacob.” She shook her head with a small shudder as if to shake the memory out of her mind.

  “Think what about me?” Jake asked as he sat back down next to Sara. Her face turned bright red and she refused to look at him. He glanced over at Rin.

  “Absolutely not,” she said, her voice short. “You shall have to ask her. I shall not repeat it.”

  Before Jake could ask her about it again, Sara leapt to her feet and hurried over to Paige. She tugged on her arm.

  “We’re going to bed,” she said.

  Paige stared at her in confusion before getting up with a sigh and following her into the tent. Rin watched them leave before glancing back at Jake. She chuckled at hi
s puzzled expression.

  A few hours later, only Rin, Raven, Hikaru, and Kaedin remained awake by the fire. Rin could not shake the feeling that something was off, and the others knew her instincts were usually correct.

  “It is far too quiet,” Rin said, her gaze going to the forest beside them. “The animal sounds are gone.”

  The others listened and noticed that she was right. Besides the crackling of the fire, the night was silent.

  “Wake up Jacob,” she said as she stood up. Her eyes did not leave the forest and the clearing.

  Raven hurried over and shook Jake awake. Jake pushed his hand away and started to protest but Rin waved her hand and he remained silent. She crept toward the edge of the firelight and paused when a soft, low horn could be heard. A second later it was answered by several others all around them. She started to back up when she jumped to the side as a large black arrow flew right by her head.

  “Orcs! We are under attack!” She yelled as she spun in place. “Raven, Hikaru remain with Jacob and the girls.” Without waiting on a response, she dashed in the direction of her brother’s tent. Kaedin was right behind her. The two disappeared around another tent when orcs came running into the camp with swords in hand. Jake was rooted in place for a few seconds as he observed the strange creature in front of him. Its dark green skin and brown armor seemed to make it blend in with the forest while its deep orange eyes almost glowed in light of the fire.

  “Jake!” Raven yelling his name startled him and he tore his eyes away from the orc. He jumped to his feet and ran over to the tent where Paige and Sara were still sleeping.

  “Stay in there,” he yelled as he jerked the cloth covering off his staff. With a gasp, he ducked under a blade before he spun the staff and blocked the next blow. He brought it around and ran the orc through with the large blade on his staff. Stepping to the side, he dodged another sword. He brought the staff around again and caught another orc in the stomach with the end, then with a quick spin, he stabbed it in the chest. Having a second to stop, he glanced around and noticed there were only a handful of orcs in this part of the camp. It only took Raven and Hikaru a matter of seconds to finish the ones that remained, and they appeared at Jake’s side.


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