Whispers of Time

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Whispers of Time Page 32

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  It was late afternoon when everyone began to wake up one by one. Sara yawned as she sat up and glanced over at Rin. Her eyes filled with concern when she noticed she was still sitting in the same place.

  ‘I hope she is okay,’ Sara thought. ‘She must be tired.’

  Rin glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow, ‘Stop fretting over me. I have been far more tired than this in the past.’ Rin tilted her head with a frown. ‘Have you been practicing your mind blocking spell?’

  ‘Yes,’ Sara thought. ‘But you’re more tired than you think. I can hear more of your thoughts than normal.’

  Surprise flashed across Rin’s face before her eyes narrowed. ‘Keep practicing and drop it.’ She gave Sara a final hard look before turning her attention back to Kaedin.

  Sara’s shoulders dropped, and she sighed. She did not notice that Jake looked back and forth between her and Rin. It did not take him long to figure out that the two were talking. His brows furrowed but he decided not to ask her about it. Whatever Rin had to say she apparently did not want all of them to hear.

  Once everyone gathered their things, Rin led them along the base of the mountains. They were moving slower than the previous day and it appeared as if Rin was proceeding with more caution. After only a little while Rin raised her hand to stop them.

  “We must cross the main road,” she whispered. “Allow me to go first and once I am across, I shall signal when you may follow.”

  “Take Raven with you,” Wren said when he realized she meant to go alone.

  Rin glanced up at him with a frown before she shook her head with a sigh. She gave him a reluctant nod as she and Raven disappeared into the underbrush. The others stood in silence until they heard a short, high pitched whistle. Wren motioned them all forward and they stepped out onto the road. He waited in the middle of it until they were all across, then he brought up the rear. Once they were all across Rin turned and continued to lead them along the mountain line.

  Sara tried her best to keep her mind focused on the where they were going but it was not long before she was wringing her hands as she walked. She was so preoccupied with Rin’s nightmares that she tripped over a large root. Jake got an arm around her just in time to keep her face from hitting the nearest tree.

  “What’s up?” he asked. “You’re really distracted.”

  “I can’t tell you,” she said, the tone of her voice rising. “She… she doesn’t want anyone to know so I can’t say anything. I don’t even think Kaedin knows and I…” She trailed off as she glanced at Rin.

  “Does it affect all of us?” His voice became sharp and she peeked back up at him. She shifted when she could see that he was not pleased.

  “Please don’t put me in the middle,” she whispered as her gaze fell to the ground. “I would tell you if I could.”

  Jake put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry, that was not my intention. I’m just worried about keeping you and Paige safe.” He pulled her closer to him when she nodded. The two fell silent as they continued to walk.

  Several hours passed before the thick underbrush started to thin out. The trees were shifting from less of the leafy deciduous tree to more pine trees. Rin called for a short rest in a small clearing between large trees. They all sat crowded together while they shared the dried meats they took from the rider’s cave. Rin paced by where Sara was sitting while she looked up at mountain range above them.

  ‘Where do we cross? Closer to the road or closer to the coast? Would they expect me to lead them the easiest path? Or would they know I would take them deeper into the woods? Which route do I take?’

  Sara’s eyes widened when she heard so many of Rin’s thoughts. She never heard them unless Rin wanted her to hear them.

  ‘I can hear you,’ Sara thought as she watched Rin. Rin froze in place when she heard Sara’s thought and glanced at her out of the corner of her eye.

  ‘You can hear me?’ When Sara only nodded in response to her thought, she exhaled hard and walked further away from her. “Jhyōta.” She flipped her palm over and cast a small weak flame. Her brows furrowed before she put it out.

  ‘I must be more tired than I believed.’

  Sara did not respond to that thought. She knew that was not meant for her to hear. When Rin glanced back at her, she grimaced and gave her a small shrug. That was all Rin needed to see to know she heard her thought.

  ‘Not a word!’ Rin turned away from Sara, “Let us go.” Her voice was irritated as she snatched her pack off the ground. Everyone got back to their feet and headed off again. Rin did not allow them anymore breaks and lead them until it was almost dawn. She stopped in a small spot where there was a dense thicket. They pushed their way into the center where there was a small opening and set up a camp.

  “We can only remain here for a couple of hours,” Rin said. “It is far too open, but I know that some of you need a rest. There is another cave a couple of hours from here. We shall take a longer rest once we reach it.” She paused and looked over at Jake, Paige, and Sara. “Rest while you can.”

  Everyone but Wren, Jaeha, and Kaedin laid down and were all asleep within minutes. Wren laid down but watched the sunrise through the tree branches above him.

  “I shall keep watch,” Kaedin said.

  Rin shook her head, “No, you should sleep. I shall handle the watch.” She looked away from him when she saw the disapproval flashed across his face. She knew he could sense that she was tired. He watched her for a moment before he decided not to push the point and laid down. Rin sighed and rested her head on her knees once she was the only one awake. Her hands started to tremble when it was quiet. The memories that plagued her dreams were far worse since she was poisoned with everdark. She fought off sleep as long as she could before her eyes would no longer stay open and she drifted to sleep.

  Sara woke with a startled gasp an hour after she fell asleep. She was horrified by what she saw in her dreams and her gaze flew to Rin. When she saw that she was not awake yet, she got to her feet and hurried over to her. She could see that Rin was jerking in her sleep with a look of fear on her face. Sara was so focused on waking up Rin that she tripped over Kaedin. He woke in an instant, his hand going for his katana before he paused. Confusion crossed his face when he realized it was Sara who fell on him.


  “Terrible nightmares,” Sara blurted. “She can’t block me out when she sleeps, and I’ve seen them. They’re like flashbacks or something. She said I couldn’t tell anyone.”

  Kaedin sat up and glanced at Rin before he looked back at Sara. “It is all right.” His voice was quiet and calm. He could see that Sara was upset. “Go and try to rest. I shall take care of it.” He pointed back at her bedroll.

  Sara stared at Rin for a moment before she finally nodded and headed back to her blanket. Kaedin watched her walk back before he noticed that Wren was also awake. He looked over at him and Wren only tilted his head before he laid back down. He knew Kaedin would take care of his sister. Once Wren was no longer paying attention to him, Kaedin slid so he was right next to Rin.

  “I am here,” he whispered. The response was immediate, and she calmed at the sound of his voice. He lifted her onto his lap and leaned back against the tree trunk behind him while he rested her head against his chest and wrapped both arms around her. When she started to jerk again, he whispered into her ear again and she would calm.

  Sara watched them for a little while before she could relax enough that she could sleep. When she started to drift off, she wondered if he had done this for Rin before, he seemed to know just how to handle it.

  It was an hour before sunset when Rin woke up. Kaedin looked down at her when he felt her stir and watched her eyes open. They filled with confusion when she lifted her head and looked around. She found the others all awake and huddled at the other end of the camp. They were whispering to each other and eating more of the dried meat.

  “Why did you allow me to sleep so long?” Rin asked when she not
iced it was almost sunset. She tried to sit up, but he did not let go of her.

  “You needed it,” he said before he paused with a frown. “Why did you not tell me?”

  She appeared confused for a moment before closing her eyes with a sigh. “I did not wish to worry you. She was not to tell anyone.”

  “It worries me when I can sense something is wrong and you will not tell me.” He paused and tightened his grip. “Depend on me.”

  “I am sorry,” she whispered when she looked up at him. “I shall attempt to refrain from carrying all the burden myself.” She paused and laid her head back on his chest. “I do not wish for you to believe I do not depend on you. I need you far more than you realize.”

  “As do I,” he whispered.

  She leaned back and kissed him on the cheek before she moved to get up. This time he let her go when she tried to stand.

  “We must get moving,” she said looking at the others. Paige and Sara shared unhappy glances before they shoved their blankets back into their packs. It did not take long before they were all prepared and were again on the move. Rin continued to lead them along the line of the mountains. They traveled for a little while before Rin motioned for her brother to join her.

  “What do you have in mind?” He asked as soon as he joined her at the front. She glanced up at the mountains before she looked up at him.

  “I recommend that we head for the cave I mentioned earlier,” she began. “It will be a safe place to remain while I make for Myrabelle’s home. She will be able to assist us with supplies to make Caradthrad.” She paused and looked over at the mountain beside them. “I believe we will have to fly at night under invisibility to cross the mountains. Sara and Paige would not be able to make the climb without leaving us exposed during daylight hours.”

  “You will not go alone to Laethys,” Wren said. “You shall take someone with you.”

  Rin rolled her eyes in frustration, “It would be much simpler for one to slip in rather than two. You know this. I am going to fight no one. We need food unless you would rather hunt, but that shall slow us down even further.”

  “Raven will go with you,” Wren said, his voice becoming hard. “He is light and quick on his feet and would be able to keep up with you.” Rin opened her mouth to protest but a sharp look from her brother caused her to clamp her mouth closed. “Need I remind you what just transpired when you went in alone?”

  Rin gave him a dirty look, but she could tell by his tone that he would hear no refusal from her. She pressed her lips together before she nodded. He seemed satisfied and he fell back to walk with the others.

  Several hours later they arrived at the cave and slipped through the thicket covering the entrance. Rin stood near the front watching while the others set up their camp. As soon as she noticed that her brother and Kaedin were occupied she slipped out the front. Without looking back, she took off at a run in the direction of the village. She pushed down the apprehension beginning to rise in her. Her brother would be quite angry when he realized she did not do what he asked. She shook her head and returned her focus on where she was going. It would be far easier to slip in alone.

  Wren glanced up from his bedroll when Kaedin approached him. He saw the expression on his face and looked around the cave. When he saw that Rin was gone, he cursed under his breath, “How long?”

  “Not long but she is moving fast.”

  Wren looked over at Raven. He was listening to the conversation and started shaking his head as soon as he noticed Wren’s gaze. “I cannot catch her. I could track her, but she is too fast for me.”

  “No,” Wren said after a few minutes. “Remain here, with so many attempting to find us it would be unwise to send you after her.” He paused as his expression became hard. “I am not pleased that neither you nor Hikaru noticed she was gone. Be certain that this does not happen again.”

  Raven’s face paled, “Yes, my lord.” His gaze fell to the ground in front of him and he did not look back up.

  Rin flew through the forest now that she was not hindered by the group. She covered the ten-mile distance between the cave and Laethys in a little under an hour. When she reached the outskirts of the village she slowed and approached a small house. It stood alone among large pine trees off the main road. It had a more rustic feel than the large city of Nuenthras. The home was constructed on a base of large stones with enormous logs stacked to create the walls. The roof was covered in sod and a small chimney ran up the right side.

  Crouching down beside a large pine tree, Rin scanned the area around her before she made her way to the backdoor of the home. When she reached it, she knocked with a light touch, twice, pause, once, twice, pause, three times. She did not wait long before the door flew open and an elven woman, about her mother’s age, jerked her inside.

  “What in the name of the gods are you doing here?” The woman asked as she dashed around the house closing all the curtains. “Do you not know they are looking for you?”

  Rin stayed crouched by the backdoor. “Yes, I know Myrabelle, but we needed assistance. This was the only place I could think of to get supplies so that we could make it to Caradthrad.”

  Myrabelle sighed before a sudden knock on the door caused her to jump. “Hide,” she hissed. “This place is crawling with the city guard.” She rushed over to Rin and shoved her under the table. It was covered with a long green table cloth that went all the way to the floor and hid Rin from view.

  “Arāesya,” Rin whispered, and she disappeared from view as Myrabelle went over and opened the door.

  “What took so long?” The guard snapped. He entered the home uninvited.

  Myrabelle folded her arms over her chest and gave him a dirty look. “Well, I am not about to go rushing to the door. I have more important tasks to see to than to keep letting you interrupt me.” She scowled when several more guards entered her home.

  “You are aware that we have the authority to search any house at any time,” the first guard said.

  “So, I have been informed.”

  The guards made their way through her home opening all the cabinets and looking under the bed. They made a mess of the place before they turned to leave. The guard in charge pulled up the table cloth as he walked by. When he did not see anything, he dropped it and it fell back into place.

  “You are clear,” he said, his voice short as he pulled the front door open.

  “I could have told you that,” she snapped. “Are you going to clean up the mess you just made?” They ignored her as they exited the home and closed the door. “I thought I got away from all this nonsense when I left the army.” She peeked through the curtain. “Goodness knows I care for your brother but that father of yours. I cannot stand him.” After locking the door, she turned back to the room. “Come on now, come out where I can see you.” Rin appeared beside her causing her to start. “Good grief, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  Rin grinned with a small shrug, “Apologies.”

  Myrabelle looked her over for a moment before she grabbed her in a fierce hug. “It is good to see you, girl. I heard from your mother that you were missing. She was most worried about you.” She released her and stepped back. “Now, what in the world is going on? Why is everyone after you and your brother?”

  “I cannot explain it all now,” Rin said with a sigh. “There is war coming and we must reach Caradthrad to warn them.” She paused and tilted her head. “You should join us. We could use your skills.”

  “Oh, you do not need me,” Myrabelle said with a laugh.

  Rin’s expression turned serious. “We need everyone we can get. My f-- the king, has turned traitor and plans to attack Caradthrad.”

  “Well of all the foolish things I have ever heard that has to top the list,” Myrabelle said as her eyes widened. “I will help. Take all the food you can find here in the kitchen and I shall make for Caradthrad in a couple of days.”

  Rin followed her into the kitchen. Myrabelle started pulling out all th
e fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese, and dried meat she had and put it into large burlap sacks.

  “What about you?” Rin asked when she realized Myrabelle gave her everything.

  “Oh, hush, I can get more in the village in the morning.” She handed her another large sack full of potatoes and a small bag filled with glass bottles. “Take this too but only use those potions if you must.” When Rin nodded, she ushered her toward the backdoor. “You must go now. I have nothing else I can give you and those guards could come back at any time.” She gave Rin another hug before she pulled the back door open. Rin stepped outside and leaned up against the house as Myrabelle closed the door. She remained there until her eyes had time to adjust to the dark. Once they did, she crept back to the pine tree. When she got there, she set all the bags down. A grimace crossed her face when she realized she could have used the help. It was going to be a struggle to get all the food back the ten miles to the cave. After putting the strap of the bag with the potions over her head, she picked up the sacks and slipped back into the forest. She only made it a few miles when she heard voices up ahead. Without a sound, she set the bags down on the ground before she tiptoed toward the voices. When she got close, she ducked behind a tree before peering around it. She saw several humans with large dogs. They watched as the dogs sniffed along the ground. It appeared as if they were searching for something. She observed for a few minutes and started to creep back to the bags when a voice caused her to freeze.

  “Those animals are useless,” Londar snapped. “We must find her now! Get them moving.”

  Rin’s breathing accelerated as she scrambled backwards. She dashed back to the supplies and snatched them off the ground before she ran in the direction of the cave. She was careful to give the area where Londar was a wide berth when she ran past. After a couple of miles, she was breathing heavy from all the extra weight and was forced to stop. She crouched beside a large tree to catch her breath when she heard the sudden howl of a dog not far behind her. A shiver ran through her when she realized they must have picked up her scent. She jumped up and grabbed the bags but did not move. Her entire body was trembling, and she looked all around in a panic. She had no idea what to do, her rising fear was clouding her judgement.


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