Mirror Princess: A LitRPG Space Fantasy (Sword of Asteria Book 2)

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Mirror Princess: A LitRPG Space Fantasy (Sword of Asteria Book 2) Page 6

by Eddie R. Hicks

  “Will the other ships require my healing?” Averyl asked Remy as he checked in on her progress.

  “No. One did not come back with us, and the others still have healers,” Remy said. “The enemy killed our healers during the opening attack, which is why I requested your aid. I did not want to pull Clerics and Medics away from the duties to their ships.”

  “One airship did not return?”

  “Yes, the Sirocco, the lead ship,” he said. “It’s captain, Bordeaux, ordered the Sirocco to investigate the appearance of a star-dweller ship that arrived during the battle.”


  Remy looked puzzled. “What are they?”

  He did not know about the sentinels. In truth, Averyl herself was not entirely sure what the sentinels were either. The star-dweller, Patrick O’Connor, told Averyl about the sentinels after she had boarded his ship and left Faeheim. O’Connor insisted the galaxy was changing, and they could never return to the old ways of living.

  “Captain Bordeaux wishes to contact the star-dwellers,” Remy added. “He wants to ask for their help.”

  “Star-dwellers prefer to not interfere with land-dweller wars and politics,” Averyl said, though she knew they broke that rule when it was convenient for them. Giving land-dwellers a lift to the shadow angel world to carry out the crusades against them was a fine example of that.

  “My lady,” Pierre, the aeronaut, who had accepted Averyl’s quest, said.

  Pierre brought her the Greater MP Potions as she requested. Averyl drank four bottles, each one restoring 200 MP, bringing her to her maximum number, 800. She stored the rest in her inventory as Pierre completed his quest, granting him experience points.

  “Thank you,” she said to Pierre. “Now, if you will excuse me.”

  Averyl resumed her quest, healing the wounded with Starlight Recovery and bringing back the dead with Resurrection, then drank the potions to restore her MP again. Not one of the elves she revived were Medics or Clerics. They were the first to die and turn to soul crystals. It was a smart move. Kill the healers first in combat, then attack those who could not heal themselves.

  I hope I made the right choice in becoming a healer . . . In battle, I would become the prime target, unless . . . unless there was someone powerful enough in my party to defend me—

  There was a commotion raging from beyond the city’s walls—yelling, screaming, and swords being drawn from their scabbards. One woman shrieked—then another, followed by a man. Children cried for their mothers and fathers. The aeronauts aboard the Swooping Eagle faced the ends of the docks, their concerned eyes searching for the commotion’s source. Many others left the ship in a rush.

  Averyl ran to the edge of the airship, buzzed her wings, and flew off. She found where the men had gathered, landed beside them, and joined them in watching.

  “What is wrong?” she asked.

  Remy pulled a small telescope from his pocket and used it to view what was going on beyond the docks. Averyl saw nothing but the backs of the elven population dashing to their homes. Remy angled the telescope to survey the city’s gates. He lowered it, wincing.

  “Fils de pute . . .” Remy said. “Averyl, come with me, quick!”

  Remy offered her a party invite. She accepted it and glanced at the screen to see who was in it.

  Remy | HP: 977/ 977 | MP: 0/0 | AP: 0/100

  Averyl | HP: 414/414 | MP: 433/800 | AP: 0/100

  Pierre | HP: 796/796 | MP: 0/0 | AP: 0/100

  “Remy!” she shouted. “You did not answer my question!”

  “No time to explain now!” Remy drew twin swords from his sword belt and charged into the city. “Just keep us healed!”

  It would be a battle, of that she was sure, and Remy had already mentioned the healers aboard his ship who had suffered permadeath. Averyl was the only Cleric nearby. Averyl just got recruited to be the main healer of Remy’s party. She did not want to run into the fray without knowing what they would be up against, but the light elves of Lumière took Averyl in, gave her a splendid chateau to stay in, and now they were about to pay the price for it. Her father’s men likely learned that Averyl had come to this world.

  Reluctantly, Averyl joined Remy and Pierre, drank a mana potion, then took several deep breaths to get her shaking hands and fast-beating heart under control.

  Remy stopped in the middle of the city square and glanced back at Averyl, who failed to keep up with him and Pierre. “Are you coming or not?”

  Averyl clenched the shaft of her Silver Wand. “Yes.” I must earn my keep should I plan to continue to live here. Oh, Asteria, please bless me with the power to see this through.

  Chapter Six

  Astral wiring complete. Would you like to view your status?

  Nijana awoke to the message and sat up, having realized that someone placed her on a bed. She was in a small room, sitting on one of six beds. Still in the elven village, Nijana figured. The room’s wooden walls looked as if the hands of elves had crafted them. She was in one of the buildings of the small elven fishing village.

  Would you like to view your status?

  The notification wouldn’t leave Nijana’s sight, no matter which direction she angled her gaze. Nijana sighed. Dianna’s Ocarina had afflicted her. She was no longer normal, despite taking the precautions.

  “Fine,” Nijana said to the hovering notification. “Show me what class I’ve become now . . .”

  A Status screen flashed ahead of her, listing Nijana’s status and current level.

  Nijana Celestina

  Class: Bard LVL 1

  Subclass: NONE

  HP: 75/75

  MP: 0/0

  AP: 0/100

  LP: 10/10

  EXP: 0/1000


  Strength: 11

  Dexterity: 12

  Vitality: 10

  Agility: 15

  Intelligence: 13

  Wisdom: 20

  Charisma: 30

  Flight Stats

  Flight Speed: 0.15 KP/H

  Flight Time: 1 Minute 6 Seconds

  Combat Stats

  Attack Bonus: 5

  Magic Attack Bonus: 6

  Healing Potency: 10

  Defense: 3

  Magic Defense: 4

  Critical Hit Rate: 1%

  Attack Speed Bonus: 0.75

  Persuasion: 1

  Ranged Attack Bonus: N/A

  She was a Bard . . .

  A fucking Bard.

  Nijana closed the screen as her wings tensed with rage. The door to the room opened, and in stepped an elven man who was middle-aged and was wearing thick glasses and a long sleeveless gown that exposed his sigil-covered arms. The elven man stopped when he saw Nijana sitting at the edge of the bed, adjusted his glasses, then walked to her.

  “Ah, welcome back,” he said.

  Nijana got off the bed and approached the man while holding her waist. “Where am I?” she asked.

  “The staff from the broker brought you here,” said the man. “I am doctor Sauveterre. I run this clinic. Well, back when it was a clinic.” Sauveterre raised his hands, waved them, and created his Inventory screen. “Before the corruption changed our world, I healed the injured and cured the sick. Now that job goes to the Clerics and Medics. My job now is to aid those who experience corruption-related ailments. In your case, being touched by the corruption for the first time.”

  Corruption. The elves call the affliction “corruption.” I’ve got to remember that. Nijana examined her status again, just to make sure she read it right.

  She did and moaned. “I’m a Bard . . .”

  “Ah, yes, a combat-oriented support class,” Sauveterre said. “In a few moments, you will receive tutorial quests related to the Bard class. They will help you better understand your role.” He reached into his Inventory screen, yanked out a rapier, and tossed it on the floor. He reached in again to retrieve a chakram, and then once more to pull out a short black sleeve tunic. “Starting equipmen
t for you. Please take it.”

  Nijana studied the items Sauveterre offered her, starting with the leather tunic. Its stats appeared on a small screen hovering next to it as she picked it up and held it.

  René’s Cove Tunic [Leather Armor]

  Rank: C

  Defense: 3 Magic Defense: 2

  Sigil Space: 6

  Requires: 30 Charisma

  The outfit caused her face to curl into a wince. It was nothing elegant like Averyl would wear. Though the black corset around the waist was appealing. Where Nijana came from, it was common for people to wear black and women to color their faces with black cosmetics. The bright and cherry cosmetics Averyl used were appalling. Nijana only wore that stuff because Averyl did, as it was necessary to blend into this alternative world and assume Averyl’s identity.

  Nijana lowered the outfit and faced the doctor. “Why do I need this?”

  “You are a Bard,” Sauveterre answered. “The stats will benefit you as you level up.”

  She tossed the outfit onto a nearby bed, then examined the two weapons on the floor, starting with the chakram.

  Recruit’s Chakram [Chakram]

  Rank: C

  Attack: 3 Ranged Attack: 6

  Asteriarite Slot: [EMPTY]

  Asteriarite Slot: [EMPTY]

  Requires: 30 Charisma 15 Agility

  A mid-range weapon, hmm. The blade of the chakram was sharp enough to be handled as a melee weapon, too. Nijana had never held one in her life, yet brandishing it felt natural, like she had used them to kill plenty of times in the past. It’s versatile . . . but not my style. I’m a fucking pirate . . . well, I was one. She dropped the Recruit’s Chakram and reached for the rapier.

  Recruit’s Rapier [Rapier]

  Rank: C

  Attack: 3

  Asteriarite Slot: [EMPTY]

  Asteriarite Slot: [EMPTY]

  Requires: 30 Charisma 20 Wisdom

  Now, this is my style.

  Nijana sauntered backward then struck a dramatic pose with the Recruit’s Rapier, aiming its tip at the doctor, her free hand raised. Sauveterre leaped back in shock. “Now, do be careful! I am not a combat class, and so I have very little HP.”

  Her balance felt off. She held the Recruit’s Rapier like it was her second or third time using one. The corruption erased her sword wielding knowledge. How can that be? I remember every sword battle I fought and the training I went through when I was younger.

  She picked the Recruit’s Rapier as her primary arm, and like magic, a scabbard designed to fit a rapier appeared from a surreal glitter of white light, giving her a place to rest it at the side of her dress. A belt to attach the Recruit’s Chakram appeared once she selected that. Nijana tried to wield the weapons simultaneously, but her hands weren’t up for the task. Nijana dropped the rapier and chakram.

  “You need the dual wield trait if you plan to handle both at the same time,” Sauveterre said. “For now, you can have both weapons, but only the stats of one will benefit you, being the weapon you select for your main.”

  Nijana tested what he said, first equipping the Recruit’s Rapier as her main. She looked at her Attack Bonus. It went up by 3 as expected. She switched to the Recruit’s Chakram, confirming on her screen that it was her primary weapon. Her stats changed again. This time Nijana gained not only the 3 points of Attack but 6 Ranged Attack as well. She lost the Ranged Attack when equipping the Recruit’s Rapier again.

  I’ll stick with the Recruit’s Rapier for now. I despise fighting from a distance, such a coward’s way of fighting. Hopefully, my sword skill will increase as I level. Sauveterre had given her armor and weapons, but there was one slot in her Equipment screen unused.

  “Any accessories, Sauveterre?”

  “There are no accessories for Bards,” he replied.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Your instrument counts as one,” Sauveterre said. “Do not ask me why. It is just the rules established by what designed the corruption. You cannot equip an instrument and accessory at the same time.”

  Dianna’s Ocarina lay on the bed Nijana woke upon. She retrieved the instrument, and while holding it, could view its details.

  Dianna’s Ocarina [Wind Instrument]

  Rank: D

  Magic Defense: 2

  Extends the range of Bard songs.

  Asteriarite Slot: [EMPTY]

  Requires: 30 Charisma

  Strange, this didn’t have stats when the broker held it. Did it change because I touched it?

  Nijana shrugged and selected it as her accessory, spun to Sauveterre, and asked, “All of this is for free, right?”

  “Yes, it’s the law now,” he said. “If we find someone newly corrupted, we are obliged to give them freebies to start with. Without them, you will die.”

  “Even to a fae outsider like me?”

  “Admittedly, you are my first patient from another world,” Sauveterre said. “But Lumière had recently taken in a fae princess from your realm, and as I recall, they gave her the equipment needed for her to complete her duties as her selected class.”

  A fae princess . . . Nijana thought as she twirled Dianna’s Ocarina about in her hand. Right, he must be talking about Averyl. Guy and his friends came here to find her . . . and it seems nobody knows what Averyl looks like in this village. They have never seen the real Averyl, just heard the stories about some fae their rulers took in.

  A devious grin spread across Nijana’s face; there was a new heist awaiting her thieving fingers. The autumn-colored fae wings on her back twitched with happiness. Averyl was living in the Lumière Kingdom. If that was the case, Nijana could continue what she was doing on Faeheim, impersonating the princess, wearing her dresses and jewelry, and ordering individuals to give her whatever she desired.

  Had Nijana known Averyl became a wanted fugitive by her own people, then Nijana would have stayed away from Tanashia that one frightening day and tried another scam.

  As predicted by Sauveterre, floating screens offering tutorials appeared in front of Nijana. She ignored them and pushed them to the side, retrieving the René’s Cove Tunic he had given her, and then walked to the window. She used the glass’s reflection as a mirror and took in the sight of her holding the René’s Cove Tunic over her frame. The outfit was a massive step down from the expensive dresses Averyl wore. If Nijana were to keep up her fake appearance, she’d have to continue wearing the dress she had on for the time being. She learned how to activate her Inventory screen and stuffed the René’s Cove Tunic inside it.

  “Averyl!” a voice from outside had called.

  Someone was calling her name. Well, the name Nijana had taken.

  The window gave Nijana a perfect top-down view of Guy walking alongside an elven woman with long blonde hair and wearing armor that exposed a lot of her sigil-covered skin. The duo called Averyl’s name again. They were looking for her. Nijana had to flee before they discovered that she was inside the clinic. But first.

  She returned to Sauveterre. “May I get some privacy to change?”

  He nodded and retreated to the doorway. “Of course.”

  Sauveterre passed through the opening and shut the door behind. Nijana was alone and had no plans to put on the Bard gear. She found her bag and opened it to discover the soul crystal was still inside it. She sighed in relief; the trade broker hadn’t taken it. She’d have to sell it somewhere else for now. Guy and that elven woman were going to blow her cover.

  Nijana went to store the crystal back into her bag, but stopped when she realized she could just use the Inventory screen for that. Seconds before she placed it inside the floating screen, the crystal’s information displayed.

  Wylume’s Soul Crystal

  The crystallized soul of a land-human named Wylume.

  Class: Nox Knight Level: 15 Rank: A

  It looked more valuable than she thought, making her somewhat glad she had gotten afflicted. Nijana wasn’t able to view its information before and probably would have sold
it for a lot less.

  Guy and the elven woman continued calling Averyl’s name as Nijana slipped out through the clinic’s back entrance. It sounded as if the duo had taken their search to another part of the village. Perfect. Nijana escaped through the elf dwelling’s dirt paths, keeping to the shade provided by the trees. Flying made sense, but the buzzing noise her wings would make would cause people to turn aside and look up. Fairies flying through the skies were not a common thing here. Nobody must know she was avoiding them. By now, the village knew that the Paladin was looking for a missing fae—

  “Run! Run!” screamed a man.

  A woman screamed next, begging for mercy. Children cried for their parents as the hands of village guards yanked their blades from their scabbards. Nijana faced one of the two entrances to the village, her eyes scanning for the commotion brewing outside it and the guards slowly stepping foot into the forest beyond. She looked at the second gate and saw Guy and the elven woman run to that with their weapons drawn. Something was happening. An attack? Nijana glanced at the entrance closest to her, this time focusing on the path leading into the woodland. She saw nothing threatening, just the village’s guards lurking about, shifting their gazes left to right in search of what spooked the elves.

  They weren’t fighting and saw no threat. Therefore, there was no threat to Nijana. This was her chance to leave while the incident distracted everyone, Guy especially. Nijana trotted to the exit ahead, past the two armored guards, and ventured onto the forest’s path. She left the village and looked behind one last time. Guy and his entourage weren’t there. This was it, time to find a path to Lumière City to sell the soul crystal and steal more of Averyl’s possessions—


  The cry drew the attentive eyes of the guards as she walked past.

  A man was carrying the corpse of another elf, a high-level blacksmith, his hands stained red.

  “Cleric!” one guard shouted. “I need a Cleric on the double!”

  Nijana watched as a Cleric from the village sprinted into the forest. The man laid the lifeless body down. The Cleric held their scepter tightly and idled for ten seconds with their eyes shut as radiating energy swirled around. They were casting a long spell, and once finished, a ray of starlight shone on the dead individual. The light vanished, and the blood-gushing wounds on the dead disappeared. Seconds later, they opened their eyes and sat up with life, coughing and groaning in pain in the process—


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