Peaches: MC Romance (The Unholy Confessions Book 1)

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Peaches: MC Romance (The Unholy Confessions Book 1) Page 10

by Laura Christopher

  Moaning, he bent his knees, running those large hands down my backside and then pulling me up. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. Feeling his hard body against mine was setting me on fire. I needed more. I wanted more. God, I wanted everything.

  He suddenly moved as we continued to kiss; no, this was not kissing. This was full-on making out. We crashed into the wall next to the cabin door that was still wide open.

  "What are you doing to me, Peaches?"

  "Shut up and kiss me."

  Chuckling, he leaned forwards but instead of pressing his lips against mine, he kissed the base of my throat. My heart was pounding, and a harsh breath left my lips as he ran those delicious lips of his across my collar bones. I don't think I had ever been turned on like this in my entire life. What was he doing to me?


  "What do you want, Peaches?"


  "I already told you, you have me."

  Bringing his eyes level with mine once again, sadness filled me at the loss of his lips on my skin and the flames running beneath them. A solo finger ran down the left side of my face, stopping on my jaw as he just looked into my eyes with so much emotion, I found myself at a loss for words.

  "You're a virgin" it was a statement and not a question, but I still felt myself shaking my head no.

  "You said…" I knew what he was referring to, and now was not the time to be mentioning my ex, Brandon.

  "I slept with him once" as those five words fell from my lips, I felt him freeze, instantly I knew where his mind had gone. "Not like that," quickly reassuring him, "I just, I didn't want to again, not with him" no matter how many times he went on and on about it. That was over a year, almost two years ago now. I think, no, I knew that was the reason we stopped seeing each other outside of the high school grounds.

  You could visibly see the tension leave Ash's body. His assumption had been wrong, thankfully.

  "If you want to stop, just say the word" his blue eyes were sincere as they looked deeply into mine. No part of me wanted anything that was about to happen to stop. Ever.

  His finger began to descend again, stopping at the base of my throat. Those thick fingers wrapped around it loosely. He was hesitating, gauging my reaction.

  "Tighter," my voice was begging as his fingers held in place loosely around my throat, unmoving. Our bodies were so flush someone looking at us would be unable to tell where I stopped, and he began.

  The heat between my legs was becoming unbearable, and I needed something, something more. Him.

  Shaking his head slowly, no, I moved my own hand around the back of his neck, pulling his face to mine with such force our lips crashed together.

  Unable to contain the moan that left my lips, the hand he had around my throat loosened, even more, much to my annoyance.

  He was being too gentle, and I needed him to consume me even more than he was already. This was dangerous, and if I wasn't careful, I was going to become addicted to his touch. Honestly, I probably already was, and not one ounce of me gave a damn. This was heaven, or maybe it was hell. Either way, I was on a one-way ticket with no desire to return.

  His hand dropped from my throat completely and ever so slowly, torturously so, moved downwards, hovering over my chest for a moment before continuing, until he reached the hem of my top.

  "Ash," my moan gave him the sign he needed to move it upwards, exposing my black bra to him. Then it was his turn to be the one who groaned while smiling into our kiss; he moved back less than a centimeter.

  Lifting us away from the wall completely, supporting my weight, he just said one-word "Bed."

  Every step he made through the dimly lit cabin echoed around us. Pushing the bedroom door open with his hip, I was surprised that the bedroom seemed just as bare as the lounge had. Only a bed and a set of white wooden draws were in here.

  Dropping me down on top of the double bed, he took a step back, a flash of something crossed his face.

  "What is it?" my hands reached out to touch him, missing the electric sensation his touch gave me in every single way.

  "I don't have any…" condoms?

  "Oh," biting the inside of my lip, "I am on the pill, and I have…god umm, I haven't had a… it’s been months" we both knew what I meant, and it was likely because of what my mom had been doing to me. Those pills she had been giving me had done even more harm than I had even realized. God.

  "I fucking hate your mom, Peaches" pushing me backward, he knelt on the bed, hovering over me.

  "Can we not talk about her right now?" With a nervous laugh, I add, "Plus, you're wearing too many clothes right now."

  "Shut up and kiss me," he mirrored my words from earlier.

  The skin beneath his fingers burnt at his touch, fire spreading from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.


  "What are you doing to me, Peaches?" Leaning over me, dropping a kiss under my jaw, "Driving me crazy."

  "I want you."

  "You have me, baby," nipping the skin behind my ear, he added, "You have all of me."

  Sitting back up, he smirked down as I panted like I had been running a god damned marathon.

  As if he was moving in slow motion he slide down to the edge of the bed. I was confused before he began to remove the jeans from my body. Sending more need for him through me.


  "Patience, baby" was all he said before dropping the heavy denim to the floor behind him, landing with a small thud to the wooden floor before me was kneeling on the bed again.

  My back arched off the bed as his hot breath caressed my core. The anticipation of his touch driving me crazy "Ashby."

  A dark chuckled fell from his lips, sending a delicious heat to pool inside of me.

  Without warning, his tongue flattened on my core, making me scream out in pleasure, even with my underwear still on, this was like nothing I had ever felt before.

  Hooking his thumbs into the black material, he quickly removed them from my body, just like he had done with my jeans.

  "I knew you would taste so goddamned sweet, Peaches."

  "You're wearing too many clothes."

  Looking down, I could see his smirk as he returned to his previous position, "Patience, baby" is all he says before returning his large tongue to my core. Sending fireworks behind my eyes as his hands held onto my hips, keeping me flat on the bed.


  The vibrations of his chuckle only turned me on further. Sliding one hand down, he began to tease me with the tip of his fingers, swirling them in the moisture he had created. Unable to stop the moan that could be associated with that of a porn star as his fingers entered me, pulsating in a way that had me screaming out an orgasm in what only felt like seconds.

  "So beautiful," he says as I lay, unable to move. I had never experienced anything like that before, and that was not even his…. God, he was going to ruin me, in the best god damned way.

  Sliding off the bed, I could hear his boots and jeans drop to the floor with a heavy thud. Moving my head slightly, I could see just as he pulled the white t-shirt over his head. Jesus. I think watching that was enough to send me over the edge all over again, and he didn't even need to touch me.

  "Now, who's the one wearing too many clothes?" he asked, with a quirked brow just standing there, completely and totally naked. Unable to stop my eyes from falling south, they widened, taking at the sight of him.


  "No, I'm Ashby," he laughed, hovering over me once again, his hardness brushing against the exposed skin on my stomach. The ache was building again and unwilling for him to drag this out any longer, I removed my own shirt and bra.

  "Keen?" He snickered, dropping his lips down onto my exposed breast. Tongue circling my nipple as my hands roamed his hard and warm back, needing to touch him in any way possible.

  "Shut up," I moaned as he released my nipple, bringing his head up to mine so I could kiss his lips. Tasting myself on him only turned me on

  Pulling backward, his gaze penetrated my own at the same time as his hardness nudged inside of me. A blend of need and burning make me moan out loud as he pushed all the way inside.

  My hands anchored into his hair as he pulled out slightly before slamming back into me, making me scream out in pure and utter pleasure.

  "Come on, Peaches," his hips slammed flush against mine before moving ferociously. Pounding into me so hard, I was falling over the edge before I could catch a single breath.

  Four days.

  It has been four fucking days, and I was angry, annoyed, and generally fucked off at everyone and everything around me.

  Four god-damned days since Ashby fucking Bronx had last spoken to me, hell he hadn’t even looked in my direction since bringing me back to the clubhouse, the day after we had slept together, several times. Right now, he was living up to every stereotype about men that there was. Son of a bitch.

  I hadn’t been to school since Friday, since I broke up with Brandon and my mom had confronted me in the parking lot about it. She had tried calling me a couple of times on Saturday afternoon but nothing since. Not even so much as a text. Nothing.

  Knowing that I couldn’t avoid school forever, there were only four short weeks left until graduation. Four weeks and then my high school life, the hellish experience that it had been would be behind me.

  What was I going to do next, though?

  That was the biggest question of them all. Was it too late to apply to go to College? Even if it was just the community one and then next year, I could do what I really wanted to do. Get my diploma and become a teacher. My parents, my mom, well she couldn’t stop me now. There was no way I would be marrying Brandon Matthews like she seemed to think I was. It was just not going to happen.

  I needed to get a job or something, find a place of my own to stay. I knew that I couldn’t stay in this clubhouse forever. They had been kind to me, don’t get me wrong, but there was no hope in hell I was going to stick around here with the walking jerk that they all called Stag. No way in hell.

  Stepping out into the clubhouse bar, my feet froze in place, seeing the woman with the long raven black hair. She had taken an instant dislike to me since I first stepped into the clubhouse less than a week ago. The first night Ashby had brought me here. This was the first time I had seen her face to face, alone, since that night. It was almost as if she was avoiding me, although there was no reason too. I didn’t even know her name. What was it with the women here? Marilyn seems to hate me being here, and so does this stranger. Thinking about Marilyn only fueled the anger in me. She didn’t want me here, and I didn’t understand why? What had I possibly done to her?

  “See you’re still hanging around, like a bad smell,” dropping the cloth that she had been wiping down the pool table with onto the side, she just glared at me. My frozen feet stayed in place as she spoke. I was angry enough as it was and knew that if I retaliated, this would only go south, for the both of us.

  Unable to form any words, I just watched as she began to move towards me. Those hooker heels clicking on the linoleum with every step she made. Even with those heels, she was only an inch taller than I was.

  Why did she seem to hate me so much? I mean, I didn’t even know what her name was, yet she seemed to hold more than hate towards me for just breathing.

  “Listen to me, Peaches, Nala” the way she said my name had my fists curling at my side, “you need to learn how things work around here.”

  Unwilling to give her the satisfaction of speaking, I just quirked my brow, waiting for her to say exactly what it was she wanted me to know.

  “Stag, Ashby Bronx is mine, and if I catch you so much as looking in his direction again, I will rip that ginger hair right outta your skull. I am his girl, not you.”

  What the hell did she mean he was hers?

  Wait, did he have… was she his girlfriend?

  No, he would not have slept with me…… he still thinks I have a boyfriend.

  Is this why he had been avoiding me?

  Because he had a bloody girlfriend?

  One that he… wait, he brought me in here when she was right at the bar. What kind of boyfriend would do that….

  Unless… they had some sort of fucked up agreement?

  Oh, god, I felt such a fool and my face must have told her just that.

  Giving me a dark laugh, her fingers tightened on my shoulder, creeping closer to my neck as though she was thinking about wrapping those black painted nails around it. The pressure of her fingers hurt, and I knew, without a doubt, that bruises would soon be forming on my pale skin.

  “He didn’t tell you? Poor little naive high schooler, huh? These guys are all the same, any opportunity to get into a fresh tight pussy, and they will do anything to get into it, say anything.”

  I had slept with this man, and he’d had a girlfriend?

  One that he had failed to tell me about or even mention at all. Oh god, I never should have messaged him that first night.

  Ashley Bronx was sicker and more twisted than I had even realized.

  At moments he had seemed like he cared, like he was not this big bad biker he portrayed himself to be. Like he was a nice guy with a big heart. God, he was just like Brandon. This thought alone made me feel sick to my stomach, and I couldn’t stop myself from taking one single step back from her.

  “We have an understanding, but you need to know when to step away from what is not yours to have. Nala”


  Did she mean like an open relationship, that kind of understanding?

  “This is not your world, and the sooner you understand that…… life is a balancing act, and with the click of your fingers,” she made the action as I continued to watch her closely, a part of me still unwilling to accept what she was saying, “And it can be over.”

  Was she threatening me?

  “Do you understand me, Nala?” My silence only angered her. “I will end you if you don’t leave my man alone.”

  Pushing her off of me, I all but ran back to the room I had been calling mine for the last few nights as she continued to laugh, knowing that she had won. Well, she could have him and that stupid matte black motorcycle he rode in on.

  How the fuck had he not told me about her?

  Even if they had an arrangement, he owed me that. He owed me the truth. Was that so much to ask?

  Angry giant tears ran down my cheeks as I grabbed the few items I had, shoving them into the duffle bags. Slamming every draw and door that got in my way.

  Leaving through the clubhouse bar, I was surprised to see that she was no longer there. There was actually not one single person here. Which was unusual for this time of day.

  Pulling out my car keys, I jumped when Pinky’s voice came from the side of the door I had just exited from.

  “Going somewhere?” He quirked a brow at me as his lips wrapped around a cigarette, the stench of smoke filling the air around us.

  “Claire’s parents are letting me crash for a few nights,” Lies. The same one I had used before, but right now, I could not give a damn.

  “Right,” blowing out some smoke, he went to take a step away from me but froze. “Stag know about this?”

  “I don’t know, why don’t you get him to ask his girlfriend?” the acid in my words made him visibly cringe.

  So, it really was true then, Ashby had a girlfriend? Damn it, and him to hell.

  What had I been thinking?

  “Listen, she goes around telling people…”

  “Don’t want to know,” dropping down into my seat, I ignored his frustrated gaze as I backed the car out and drove faster than I had ever driven before.

  Sleeping in a car, again, was not my brightest idea; I was cold as hell. Unable to get any kind of sleep as my body shook from the freezing air surrounding me. It was practically summer, how was it so cold at night still?

  My cell phone had died hours ago, so I just sat in the Church parking lot, staring ou
t at the dark night sky.

  Closing my eyes in an attempt to force myself to get some sleep, I screamed, bloody murder when a hand slammed down on the window next to me. Making it shake with such force, I thought it was about to smash all over me. I knew exactly who it was without even looking. Déjà vu.

  Fucking Ashby Bronx.

  Trying to regulate my breathing, I slowly turned my head to look up as he glared down at me, those blue eyes looked angrier than I had ever seen before. What the hell did he have to be angry about?


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