Heart of Hope

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Heart of Hope Page 10

by Shanna Hatfield

  Exhausted and disappointed, they went to bed with barely a kiss good night and fell into a deep sleep. Josh got up as she hurried to dress and leave for her early flight, giving her a kiss filled with desperation and longing as she walked out the door.

  “Jenna, I love you. Always have, always will. Don’t forget that.” He held her close and breathed in her scent one more time before she left.

  Struggling to hold back her tears, she kissed him with a sense of urgency that bordered on despair. “I love you, too, Josh. I miss you so much. I promise in a couple of weeks, we’ll spend some time together.”

  Jenna fought overwhelming exhaustion during her trip to Boston. She woke up in the mornings tired and sometimes with a headache. For the first time in her life, she thought she might throw up on her flight back from Boston. It took every ounce of fortitude she possessed to keep herself from being violently ill. Immediately after landing, she headed out for her next assignment. As she struggled with a queasy stomach, she wondered if she might have a touch of the flu, but quickly decided the stomach flu wouldn’t linger this long.

  Tomorrow, she would be home and had two weeks reprieve before she was scheduled to head out on the road again. She couldn’t wait to relax in her own home, sleep in her own bed, and see Josh.

  Late the next afternoon, she drove into the garage. When the door to the mudroom opened before she turned off the motor, she was surprised to see Josh hurry out to open her car door. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms.

  Kissing her deeply, he gathered her close and held her there, trying to fill the emptiness that had loomed in him since she left.

  “Babe, I missed you so much.” He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent. “Please tell me you’re home for more than a day or two.”

  She hugged him tightly and soaked in his warmth while the smells of sunshine, hay, and his aftershave teased her nose. “I don’t have to go anywhere for two weeks.”

  Josh picked up her suitcase and carried it inside while maintaining his hold on her hand. He seemed reluctant to break contact with her.

  “Is everything okay?” she finally asked. He acted so strange, oddly clinging.

  “Yes. No… I missed you more than I thought humanly possible.” He dropped her suitcase and again pulled her into his embrace. “I wish you didn’t have to leave again. Ever.”

  “I know, Josh. Part of me wishes that, too. The other part of me loves what I’m doing and I’m learning more than I ever dreamed.” Jenna hoped he understood how much it meant to her to be able to succeed in her work.

  “Well, darn it, Jenna. Do you have to be so good at everything you do?” His teasing smile worked its way up to his glowing gray eyes.

  She smiled at his compliment and sat down on a kitchen barstool while he poured two glasses of iced tea.

  “What are you doing in the house on a beautiful day like today?” she asked, taking a sip of the sweet tea. “I assumed you’d either be out in the fields or off on a custom job.”

  Josh took a long drink of his tea before answering.

  “I sent Jake over to do the Tuttle’s baling. He should be done in another hour or so. I was working on some repairs in the shop and remembered I had some picking up to do in here before you got home.” Josh shot her a sheepish smile. He’d been hustling for the last hour, throwing dirty clothes into the washing machine, wiping down the kitchen, putting fresh sheets on the bed, and straightening their bathroom. The house looked good, if he did say so himself. He’d just finished loading the dishwasher and turned it on when he saw Jenna’s car pull into the drive.

  “Everything looks wonderful.” Josh generally did a good job of keeping the house up despite his busy farm schedule. She hoped he knew how much she appreciated all his hard work and his willingness to let her try this new career.

  “I wasn’t sure if you remembered, but we’re supposed to go to dinner and then a play with Clay and Callan tonight. If you’re too tired, warmthey’ll understand.” Josh leaned across the counter as he spoke, his eyes intent on her tired face. He almost hoped she would cancel because he wouldn’t mind staying home with her this evening.

  “Oh, I did forget, but I’d still love to go. I’ve got time to get ready, don’t I?” Jenna glanced at the kitchen clock.

  “Plenty of time.” Josh kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll call Cal and let her know we’re still on. Why don’t I have them meet us here and we can ride together.”

  “Sounds great.” Jenna finished her tea then tugged her suitcase into the bedroom. The bed looked so inviting, she wanted to sink onto it and sleep for a week. Instead, she drew a bath, deciding she had time for a short soak. She hoped it would ease the achiness that had plagued her the last several days so she could enjoy the evening ahead.

  Jenna awoke to Josh knocking on the bathroom door.

  “Babe, you better get a move on. Clay and Cal will be here in half an hour.” Josh stuck his head around the bathroom door. “Have you been in the tub all this time?”

  Jenna couldn’t believe she fell asleep in the tub. That was definitely a first. She glanced at her shriveled fingers and wondered how long it would take them to look normal again. Frantically grabbing a towel, she got out of the tub then plugged in her blow dryer and flat iron.

  “I’ll be ready in a flash,” she said, blowing her hair dry. “Want to time me?”

  “No need. I’ll still be ready before you are.” Josh laughed, taking clothes out of the closet and laying them on the bed before he jumped in the shower.

  Josh beat her getting ready by a full five minutes. She walked into the living room just as Clay and Callan strolled in the back door.

  After deciding to go in Callan’s car, they enjoyed catching up on the drive into Portland. Clay pulled into the restaurant parking lot where they sat at a cozy booth for four and savored a delicious meal. At the play down the street, they ran into Jenna’s aunt and uncle.

  “Jenna, sweetie, we haven’t seen you forever,” Amelia said, embracing her in a hug and a fog of perfume.

  “I know, Aunt Amelia. I’ve been kind of busy with my new job.” Jenna wrapped her arm around her aunt’s as they walked inside the theater. It turned out Phil and Amelia’s seats were just a few rows over from them, so they visited until it was time for the performance to begin. After the play, a great comedy, Amelia and Phil invited them over for dessert.

  “I didn’t have time to bake today, Jenna, so I picked up something from that wonderful bakery you always liked so well,” Amelia explained. “One of their chocolate creations.”

  “I don’t think it would hurt for just a short visit, would it Jenna?” Josh was more than willing to eat chocolate cake as long as Amelia didn’t make it. He turned to his sister, convinced he could count on her support. “What do you think, Callan?”

  “That sounds lovely.” Callan smiled in agreement.

  Josh knew she wouldn’t let him down when it came to chocolate.

  Over chocolate cheesecake with raspberry sauce, Clay carried most of the conversation with Amelia and Phil while Callan and Josh savored every bite of the treat. Jenna looked like she could barely stay awake as she leaned over her untouched dessert.

  On the drive home, Jenna fell asleep against Josh’s shoulder. He slipped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  Callan glanced back and shook her head. “Is she feeling okay, Josh?” Concern filled her voice. “She looked so pale and tired this evening, I wondered if she was sick.”

  “I’m not sure.” Josh stared down at his wife. It certainly wasn’t like her to be fatigued and lack energy. Generally, she was a ball of fire, running circles around him. “She fell asleep in the tub when she got home and then had to rush to get ready before you two arrived. I wonder if she’s just exhausted from all the travel and stress of her job.”

  “Probably,” Callan commented as they turned into Josh and Jenna’s driveway. “She should have said something and we could have done this another time.”
r />   “I know, but she really did want to go.” Josh unfastened both his and Jenna’s seatbelts, waking her up.

  “Oh, are we home already?” Jenna sat up, looking disoriented. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to conk out on you guys.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Callan smiled from her spot in the front seat. “We had a great time and it’s your turn to pick our outing next month. Just tell us when and where to show up.”

  “I will. Thanks again for this evening. It was so nice.” Jenna tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn.

  “I better get her inside or she might just curl up on the step,” Josh teased, giving Jenna his hand as she climbed out of the car. “See you both later and thanks again.”

  Jenna’s head barely touched her pillow before she sank into a deep sleep. Josh watched her in the moonlit shadows and worried about what was wrong with his wife.

  Chapter Eight

  Although she slept most of the weekend, Jenna was exhausted. She lacked the energy to do more than shuffle into the kitchen to get a drink or eat something before shuffling back to the bed and sleeping for hours on end. Nearly in a panic by the time Monday morning arrived, Josh hovered by her side.

  “Babe, let me take you to the doctor this morning,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed. While Jenna slept through the weekend, he kept watch, trying to figure out what could make her so tired. Shadows hung beneath his bleary eyes as he fidgeted with the edge of the sheet. “Please? Something isn’t right and I really think you should let the doctor take a look.”

  “I have an appointment tomorrow. One more day won’t make any difference.” Jenna struggled to keep her eyes open long enough to talk to Josh. “I’m sure I’ll feel better soon.”

  “Right,” Josh said without any conviction. He leaned over and put an arm on each side of her head. He stared into her eyes, willing the sparks he often saw there to flare to life. Instead, all he saw was weariness. “I’ve got my phone if you need me today, okay? Promise you’ll call me if you don’t feel better or if you need something.”

  “I promise.” Jenna lifted her arms to hug him around the neck, offering him a soft kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, babe.” Josh stood, unconvinced it was a good idea to leave her alone.

  “Go on, Josh. I’ll be fine,” Jenna tried to reassure him. After summoning a smile, she shooed him in the direction of the door. “I’m sure Jake is wondering what happened to you. Get going, Farmer Man.”

  Josh walked backward to the bedroom door and smiled at her before he turned and left. If she didn’t look better when he returned, he would personally escort her to the doctor.

  Jenna couldn’t keep her eyes open and drifted back to sleep. She awoke at noon when she heard a noise in the kitchen. Unable to muster the energy to shuffle down the hall, she raised her voice. “Josh, is that you?”

  She heard more noise, like something being set down on the counter, then footsteps approached the bedroom. A soft knock preceded a dark head peeking into the room. It was Jake.

  “Josh went over to the Weaver’s to finish swathing.” Jake stood in the doorway, looking uncertain. After the last lunchtime fiasco, she couldn’t blame him for acting hesitant around her. “Can I get you something, Jenna?”

  “No, thank you, Jake. I’m fine. I heard someone in the kitchen and thought it was Josh. Go ahead and eat your lunch. Don’t mind me.” Jenna was embarrassed for anyone to see her looking like such a tousled mess. She hadn’t showered since Saturday. If she looked even half as bad as she felt, she must make quite a sight.

  “Are you sure I can’t bring you something to drink or eat?” Jake gave her a worried glance. “Josh said you’ve been under the weather. I could make you some tea or soup.”

  “Thank you, Jake. I appreciate the offer.” Jenna smiled at his eagerness to help. Someday, a lucky girl would find herself blessed to snag Jake Chandler, if he was ever of a mind to let someone catch him. “If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I’d love a glass of iced tea and some toast.”

  “No problem. I’ll be right back.” Jake hustled to the kitchen. She heard him banging around and in no time he was back with a glass of tea, a plate with two pieces of toast, buttered and sliced, and a napkin on a tray. Jenna scooted back to sit against the pillows and pulled the sheet up to her chin.

  “Where do you want this?” Jake asked, walking over to the bed. Jenna took the tray out of his hands and placed it on her lap. She offered him a weak smile, but one that held gratitude.

  “This looks wonderful. If you don’t mind eating in here, I’d love to hear some news of what’s been going on in the world while I slept away the last few days,” Jenna said as Jake stepped away from the bed.

  “Sure, Jen. Just give me a minute.” Jake returned to the kitchen. He reappeared with two sandwiches, a pile of chips, and a mound of grapes on a plate along with a big glass of tea. Jenna motioned him to a small side table beneath the window.

  “Set those books on the floor and drag the table and chair over here.” Jake followed her direction. In no time, they laughed and visited, just like old times. Jenna forgot about her exhaustion for a little while.

  Jake took the last bite of a sandwich when Jenna heard a voice call from the kitchen.

  “Hello, anybody home?”

  “We’re in the bedroom. Come on in,” Jenna replied.

  Callan entered the room carrying a vase of summer roses. “I thought you might like something to cheer you up.” Callan set the flowers down on the dresser and looked around the room.

  “Well, goodness, Jake, how are you? I haven’t seen you forever since you enlisted to be Josh’s summer slave labor.” Callan grinned.

  Jake stood up and gave her a warm hug. “Josh keeps me plenty busy, but I enjoy it,” Jake said, picking up his plate and glass.

  “You know, I think you just get more handsome every time I see you,” Callan teased, playfully pinching his cheek and watching his ears and neck turn red. “But don’t let it go to your head.”

  Jenna and Callan both laughed as he hurried into the kitchen. He returned to move the side table and chair back under the window, replacing the books on top.

  “Okay, I’m out of here and back to the field. Despite my heart-stopping good looks, Josh will still expect some work out of me today. Jen, it looks like you’re in good hands this afternoon.” Jake gave Callan another hug. In all the years he’d known her, she’d become like a second mother or well loved sister to him and he enjoyed spending time with her.

  Jenna held out her hand to him, giving his a light squeeze when he engulfed her fingers in a rough hand. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Jake. I very much appreciate it. Have a great afternoon.”

  “You’re welcome. Bye ladies.” Jake walked out the door.

  Callan sat down on the edge of Jenna’s bed and looked at her intently. After studying her for a few minutes, she leaned back and smiled.

  “Your husband was convinced you were on your deathbed this morning and asked me to check on you,” Callan explained. “The girls went with Clay to Steve and Bobbi’s so I thought I’d spend the afternoon, if you don’t mind. Josh said you’ve been down in bed all weekend. Where do you feel sick?”

  “That’s the problem,” Jenna said, exasperated by both her strange illness and Josh. She appreciated him wanting to take care of her, but to ask Callan to babysit her was going too far. “I don’t really feel sick anywhere. I’m just tired. Bone tired. I sleep and sleep, wake up and think about doing something, then fall back asleep before I can get up.”

  “Maybe your travel schedule just has you exhausted. You’ve been on the road so much the past couple of months and it has been so hot, maybe you got dehydrated as well,” Callan said, trying to think of reasons why Jenna might not feel well.

  “I tried to tell Josh I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so I didn’t see any reason to get all worked up, yet.” Jenna slid back down in the bed as her eyes grew heavy.

  “Is there
anything you’d like me to do?” Callan knew Jenna was about to go back to sleep.

  “No, I’m fine. You really don’t have to stay,” Jenna said softly as her eyes drifted shut and she fell asleep.

  Callan picked up Jenna’s lunch tray and returned it to the kitchen. She gathered up all the dirty clothes she could find and started the laundry then went outside and watered Jenna’s garden and flowers.

  When she finished, she returned inside to check on Jenna. The woman continued sleeping, so Callan returned to the kitchen. After digging around in the freezer, she pulled out some meat and planned dinner.

  By the time Josh returned home, Callan had completed three loads of laundry, picked up the house, and made dinner along with a chocolate cream pie. Jenna had taken a shower and sat in bed wearing a T-shirt and shorts, sipping from a glass of lemonade.

  Josh pecked Callan on the cheek, washed his hands at the kitchen sink, and looked around in appreciation.

  “I didn’t know when I called you that a miracle worker was going to come over,” Josh said with a grin. “Honest, Cal, I didn’t expect you to work all afternoon, just keep an eye on Jenna.”

  “I know, Josh, but she was tired and needed to sleep. I couldn’t sit around doing nothing,” Callan said as she pulled a pork roast out of the oven.

  While Callan put dinner on the table, Josh walked into the bedroom and looked down at Jenna. “How are you feeling, babe? Want to sit at the counter or the table with me?”

  “I think I do feel better and I would love to see something besides these four walls.” Jenna scooted to the edge of the bed. Josh started to pick her up but she insisted on walking. “I feel like my legs need to stretch.” She wrapped her arm around Josh’s trim waist as she walked into the kitchen.

  Callan dished up the food and prepared to leave. “Everything is ready. You two enjoy. I better get on home and feed my own hungry troops.” Callan gave Jenna a hug. “If you need me to come over tomorrow, just say the word. I expect a phone call as soon as you find out anything from the doctor.”


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