Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord Page 19

by Mandi Oyster

  Time is nearly out. Draconian sent me an image of a black dragon guarding Cody. Cody leaned against the wall. His blue t-shirt was covered in blood.

  If you hurt them, you will never see Nefarious!

  We’ll see about that. Won’t we?

  “Dacia, is everything okay?” Aurelia asked.

  “Draconian wants to know what is taking so long. He told me the clock is ticking.” My voice sounded … strained, fearful.

  “We will have them out of there before he knows what is happening.” She stood beside me. “Everything is going to be okay.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I mumbled. “He knows we’ll come for them. He’ll be waiting.”

  “Do not give up hope.” Aurelia rested her hand on my shoulder. “We will get them back.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  She raised one shoulder up to her ear. “Why not be optimistic?”

  “You’re right. It’s just … well, I knew this would happen, and I’m terrified.” I looked into her golden eyes, hoping to find some answers, but there was nothing. “What if something happens to them?”

  “We will save them.”

  I shook her arm off my shoulder and paced again. It seemed like an eternity passed before Aurelia turned to me and said, “The grigs found your friends. Are you ready?” She told Arion and me where to teleport to. “As soon as you have them, teleport back here.”

  She turned invisible, and I followed suit. “Wait! How do I teleport out of the dungeon if I have to?”

  “You know how you can keep Draconian from controlling you, but I do not. With magic, some things are not as easy for one person as they are for another. My best advice is for you to want it with all of your being. Even then, you may not succeed.”

  My shoulders sagged forward. My chin settled on my chest. Taking a deep breath, I slowly raised my head. “Let’s hope it works today.”

  Arion, Aurelia, and I teleported into Draconian’s castle simultaneously. I found myself in the room where Draconian had held me prisoner, where he had killed me. I saw myself lying on the table. Draconian stood over me, and electrical charges flowed through my body. Blood dripped from my charred temples. Then my body convulsed, and I was dead.

  I shook my head, chasing away the image. I took one more look at the table where I had been welcomed into death’s arms. When I turned away, my nostrils were assaulted by the smell of rotting flesh. I stumbled backward when I saw the dragon guarding Cody. He was black as midnight. I could sense its desire to tear Cody limb from limb. It was with a great deal of restraint that he held himself back.

  Cody slumped against the granite wall. His skin was pale. Dark circles rimmed his eyes. He watched the dragon as if waiting for it to lunge.

  My heart broke at the sight of him, and I imagined Samantha and Dan were no better off.

  Cody, I’m here. I’ll be standing by you in just a second. Don’t be surprised when I grab hold of you.

  Cody’s expression didn’t change. He didn’t let on that he’d heard me, didn’t give me away.

  The dragon’s head lowered. His nostrils flared, and he scanned the room. He can smell me, I thought to Aurelia.

  I have Dan. Arion has Samantha. On the count of three, get out of there. One … two… three.

  The dragon lifted his snout and prowled toward me. I teleported right next to Cody and grabbed his arm. With every fiber of my being, I willed myself out of the room. Nothing happened.

  Turning his head, the dragon stared right at me. I wondered if I’d lost my invisibility or if the beast’s bronze eyes could see through it.

  I ran, pulling Cody behind me. He hesitated at the wall, but I pulled him forward. Resting my hand against the cold stone, I pushed Cody through, following close behind him.

  The dragon’s claws tore through my back. I screamed. The pain was blinding, all-encompassing. I stumbled forward, pushing us through the wall, knocking Cody to the ground.

  Blood ran from the wounds. I clutched Cody’s hand and pictured us in my dorm room. Blackness crept in at the edges of my vision.

  “Dacia.” Cody’s voice sounded far away. “Please wake up, Dacia. I don’t know where we are. I need you. Please, Dacia, please wake up.” Cody knelt above me, his hands grasping my shoulders.

  “Was I dreaming?” I asked. My back throbbed, and everything was blurry. I blinked several times, trying to clear my eyes. Seeing the blood on Cody’s clothes and the desperation in his eyes, everything came back to me.

  We were on the edge of a rocky cliff. Stunted trees sprouted up sporadically. Far below us, moonlight reflected off lakes.

  “Oh, God. I could’ve killed us.”

  “I don’t know where we are.” Panic twisted Cody’s voice. “I don’t know where to go.”

  Scenes from the day flashed before my eyes—the camouflaged dragon surprising us and carrying me off, my friends kidnapped, grigs, Draconian’s castle, the dragon attacking me. “Aurelia and Arion … they were supposed to save Samantha and Dan.” My voice was thick. “Did they make it out?”

  “I don’t know.” He cupped my face in his hands. “Can you get us back?”

  I tried to move, but my body seized. Pain sucked the air from my lungs and blackened my vision. “No.” The word was a whimper.

  “Take my strength, Dacia.” Cody lay on the ground alongside me.

  I siphoned off his energy, knowing I couldn’t take enough to heal myself. “How long?”

  “It feels like hours, but maybe fifteen or twenty minutes.” An uncertain smile lifted his lips. “Time stopped when Draconian came to the room and took us to his castle. That dragon kept saying how satisfying a meal I would make. It was awful. Then you came, and everything was going to be okay. But, you’re not okay. What happened?”

  “The dragon …” My words caught in my throat. “Thank God he got me, not you.”

  Focusing on life, I healed myself a little more. “Help me stand.”

  Cody pulled me to my feet. I wobbled like a newborn foal. He wrapped his arms around me, careful not to touch my back.

  When I thought I had control of myself, I closed my eyes and concentrated on every detail of my room. I didn’t want to screw up again. When I opened them, we stood in front of the couch. Dan and Samantha were huddled up against each other. Black circles rimmed their wide eyes, making their faces even paler.

  “Dacia,” Samantha said. “You guys are okay. We were so scared. We expected to find you waiting for us here, but when you weren’t, Aurelia took off. We haven’t seen her since. We were scared Draconian would show up and kidnap us again.”

  My legs wobbled. I fought dizziness and nausea. I reached out to steady myself, but there was nothing there to hold onto. I fell to my hands and knees.

  “Oh my, God, Dacia. I had no idea …” Cody’s words faded. When he spoke again, the husky timbre of his voice surprised me. “You need to heal yourself.”

  “Can’t.” My arms and legs trembled. I fought to steady them, to find the strength to go after Aurelia. “Need to find Aurelia.”

  “No, Dacia,” Dan said. “You have to heal yourself. I’m not sure how you’re even alive.”

  Aurelia, I thought. Arion.

  Dacia, where are you? Are you all right? Is Cody with you? Arion’s voice sounded panicked.

  In my room. Cody with me.

  Aurelia left to find you. I will bring her back.

  Thank you, Arion. The room spun. Then everything went black. When I woke up, I lay on my stomach on the couch. Aurelia stood over me with her hands on my back.

  “Take it easy,” she said. “Your wound was severe. I have no idea how you made it back here. You should have died.”

  “Glad … you’re okay.” My voice scratched my throat.

s strength flowed into me. “Cody, can you lend Dacia some energy.”

  “Whatever she needs.” He sat on the floor in front of the couch and grasped my hand.

  Closing my eyes, I focused on healing, but my powers didn’t respond. “Aurelia, I can’t feel even a flicker of energy.”

  “I believe you depleted your magic, keeping yourself alive. You will need to rest.”

  “I can’t.” I looked at my friends. It would be amazing if they didn’t suffer from PTSD. “I need to confront Draconian so they don’t have to worry about being carried off by dragons.”

  “You can’t just go off and challenge him. You need to be ready.” Samantha sounded stern.

  “We’re going to stand by your side,” Dan agreed. “But you can’t even move right now. Don’t look for a battle until you can win it.”

  “I can’t let this go on forever. Worrying … wondering if you guys are safe … I can’t keep doing that.”

  “You won’t, Dacia.” Cody rubbed his thumb along my hand. “You’ll know when it’s time. You can’t rush it. This is your destiny, and you’re on its timeline. It’s not on yours.”

  “Your friends have been blessed with intelligence,” Aurelia said. “You should listen to them.”

  “Maybe … but that doesn’t mean they’re right. If I don’t do something soon, it’s going to be too late.”

  Dacia! Draconian’s voice blasted through my head.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, wincing.

  How dare you! How dare you come into my castle uninvited and steal from me! You and your friends will pay for this!

  Cody rubbed his thumb along my forehead. “You okay?”

  “Draconian … is really angry.”

  “What did he say?” Aurelia asked.

  “That we’re going to pay.”

  My dragon enjoyed the taste of your blood. He longs for more.

  Chapter 27

  Nightmares For All

  Dragons plunge at me from every angle, soaring back into the darkened sky before they strike. Their master’s rage is mirrored on their faces. If he would allow them to, they would tear me apart.

  My stomach twists. The knots trying to double me over, but I keep a brave face for Cody. Dragons circle where he stands near Falcon Lake. I can’t figure out how to get to him without the beasts attacking.

  Draconian strolls out of the forest. His green robe snagging on branches. Dark anger simmers in his eyes. “How will you save him this time, Dacia?”

  “Let him go.” My voice is strong and holds the threat of retribution. “This is between us.”

  Draconian focuses on Cody and strokes his beard as if in consideration. “I don’t think so.” He returns his attention to me. “If I keep him here, you’ll be less likely to disappear.”

  I step toward him, but a cobalt dragon lands between us, baring foot-long fangs at me. “As long as my friends are in danger, you’ll never get Nefarious.”

  A sinister smirk creeps across Draconian’s lips. “I believe you’ve forgotten something.”

  “What’s that?” I stare at my fingernails as if contemplating a manicure.

  “I don’t think you’ll live through this confrontation. I don’t have to bring you back from Death’s doors.”

  My breath catches in my throat for an instant, and fear flashes across my face.

  “You’re right to be scared.” He strides toward me. “For the last time, hand over Nefarious.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Once you’re gone and nobody is around to save your friends, they will hand him over.” He is right. He knows it, and so do I.

  Waves of rage surge inside me, and for the first time in months, I worry I’ll lose control of my powers. I need to channel this energy—to use it to free Cody and me.

  Draconian shrugs. “Have it your way.” Paralyzed, I fall to the ground.

  Knowing I can free myself, I bring to mind images of life, but my anger swells, washing them away. Pain drives my thoughts further back. I’m unable to move, unable to focus, unable to control my rage.

  “What’s wrong, Dacia?” Draconian taunts. “Not as strong as you thought? Cody can’t hear you crying for help. We shouldn’t deprive him of that, should we?”

  The scream tears from my throat, ripping my vocal cords. Electrical charges flow through my body. The cry becomes distant, then nonexistent. The pain is gone. Peace settles over me. Cody needs me. What will happen to him without me? The boat drifts to shore. I think about life. Unlike when Draconian jerked me back from death, my spirit slowly returns to my body.

  Draconian saunters toward Cody. My body trembles, and I don’t know if my legs will hold me. Determined and unsteady, I climb to my feet. I feel disoriented, but I have to stop Draconian. Lightning bolts shoot from my fingers, but in my condition, none of them hit their mark.

  “I gave you to him!” Draconian whips around. “Why did Death send you back?”

  “He didn’t.” I fight to keep my voice steady. “I wasn’t ready to cross over. Did you really think I’d leave Cody with you?”

  Draconian stumbles backward. I can tell by the look on his face he’d had no idea I’m powerful enough to cheat death on my own. “So, you’re going to make this more of a challenge.”

  “I’m not taking the easy way out so you can torture my friends.” I step toward him. “You’re not going to win.”

  “I always win! Always!”

  “Not this time.” I jab my finger at him, then turn it toward the ground. “This time I win.”

  Draconian raises his hand, and I fall to the ground, paralyzed. Images of life fill my mind. My body relaxes, and when I’m able to move, I teleport to Cody. The black dragon clamps his jaws shut around my waist. His fangs pierce through my flesh and into my organs. Life drains from my body. When the dragon releases his grip, I crumple to the ground. Blood pools around me. Cody pulls me toward him. His fingers run through my hair while he sobs. Then while I lie there wondering if my life is over, I realize I can’t feel any pain. A heavy silence fills the air. The background fades, and the last things I see are Cody’s tear-filled eyes.

  “Dacia.” The whisper was barely audible. “Dacia.” This time it was louder and had an edge of panic in it. “Dacia, please. Please wake up.”

  I forced my eyes open. At first, I had trouble making out shapes. Shadows moved against a darker background. As my vision cleared, I realized Aurelia stood over me. Cody was beside her. “Dacia,” his voice was filled with relief. “Thank God. I … I didn’t think you’d wake up this time.”

  “If they had waited any longer to get me, we might have found out the answer to your question.” Aurelia’s voice was somber. “I am not sure you would have lived through this.”

  If my wounds are that bad, why can’t I feel anything? Am I paralyzed? Oh, God, please no. My eyes fluttered shut.

  “Dacia, stay with me,” Cody said.

  Am I going to be okay? I thought to Aurelia. I can’t feel anything. I can’t move.

  I think you will be fine, Dacia. It might take until morning to heal completely. If I were you, I would not try to move. Let your body recover.

  Okay. “Sorry I woke you.”

  “You didn’t.” Cody focused somewhere over my head. “I had a nightmare and woke up. You were covered in blood. You weren’t breathing. I made Samantha get Aurelia.” Tears choked his voice. “I thought I lost you. Without Aurelia … who knows?” He swiped his hand over his red-rimmed eyes. “We might’ve found out if you can die.”

  “We’ve all had nightmares tonight.” Samantha’s voice sounded small, like she wasn’t sure if I was going to pull through either.

  “Ours just aren’t as bad as yours,” Dan added.

  “You seem to be handling this better,” I said. />
  He shrugged. “I’ve seen a lot since the first time I stayed over here.” He squeezed Samantha’s shoulders. “Besides, somebody needed to be a rock.”

  “I have given you all the strength I can.” Aurelia pulled her hands off mine. “Try to heal yourself a little more before you go back to sleep.” She descended the ladder and left.

  “You okay, Dacia?” Cody’s words caressed my cheek.

  “Aurelia thinks I will be.”

  “But, what do you think?” Samantha asked.

  “I think I hope Aurelia’s right.” I tried to move to see her, but my body didn’t respond. “I’m not sure. I can’t feel any pain.”

  “That’s good. Isn’t it?” Dan asked.

  “I’m afraid I’m paralyzed.” My voice rose, and my heart raced. Breath entered and retreated from my lungs too quickly to do my body any good.

  I watched Cody put his hand on top of mine to comfort me, but I couldn’t feel it there. “You’re gonna be okay.” His fingers squeezed mine. “If you could feel your wounds, you wouldn’t want to be alive right now.” Fear and doubt clouded his eyes and were written in the lines of his face.

  “Thanks, Cody.” He was probably right, but what if he wasn’t?

  “We should get some sleep,” I said. “Morning comes early.”

  “Yeah, way too early.” Samantha sighed.

  “You didn’t scream,” Dan said quietly.

  “It happened fast.” But I screamed before that. I had seen the pained expression on Cody’s face, seen him watch me die.

  The room darkened, but I refused to close my eyes. If I fell asleep again, I didn’t know if I’d survive another nightmare. I tried to focus on healing, but I kept seeing dragons, fangs, violence, and death. Concentrate, Dacia.


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