Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord Page 29

by Mandi Oyster

  Aurelia, I thought as I teleported away from Cody. If you tell me his name, I can free him.

  It is Malus Tribulus. Along with her words, I felt her pain.

  “Malus—” A blue dragon dove at me. Its talons tore across my back as I dropped to the ground.

  Through the pain, I tried to focus on the dragon’s thoughts. They were scattered, giving me the impression that it didn’t have a very long attention span. I searched thought after thought until I deciphered his name.

  Valerian, you are free, I thought to the dragon.

  I searched the sky for Malus Tribulus and Aurelia. The black beast held Aurelia in his claws. She still fought, but it was obvious Malus Tribulus had gained the upper hand. Without wasting any more time, I yelled into the sky, “Malus Tribulus, you are free to go back to your home.”

  He released Aurelia and flew off. She spun through the air, spiraling toward the ground, tumbling through the air. She flapped her wings, but the membrane had been slashed apart. Panic widened her eyes.

  I watched with horror as she plunged, realizing seconds before she hit me, that I was about to be crushed. Waving my hands at the sky, I conjured a gust of air to hit her from below. It slowed her descent and helped cushion her fall.

  I set a shield around me, kneeling to the ground and covering my head.

  Aurelia’s body battered the shield, bounced off it, and crashed to the ground with a sickening crunch. Gold blood gushed from several wounds. Her breaths were ragged and wet.

  Dragons circled in the sky above us. I blasted lightning bolts at them as I rushed toward Aurelia’s head.

  Her eye fluttered open. “Thank … you.” Blood trickled between her fangs.

  I held my hand next to her long, slender neck. “Can I heal you?”


  I erected a shield around us. It was a drain on my energy but necessary while my attention was focused on Aurelia.

  A white dragon landed outside the shield, close enough the ground shook. The beast lowered its head, and sorrow filled its lavender eyes.

  “Get her!” Draconian shouted.

  The dragon sank down, tucking its wings in, and making itself appear as small as possible. It crawled around the shield, checking for weaknesses in it.

  Keeping an eye on the newcomer, I inched my hand closer to Aurelia. Smooth scales met my trembling fingers. Images of life floated across my eyelids. I poured all my strength into healing her.

  Aurelia sighed, and I pulled my hand away.

  “Shall we end this?” She lifted her head. Her gaze landed on the white dragon. “That is Arabis.”

  The dragon lifted its head at the sound of its name.

  “Arabis, you are free,” I said.

  “Thank you, Little One.” Her voice was musical. “You are very brave. If you ever need anything …”

  “Will you get my friends to safety?” I asked before she could rescind her offer.

  “As you wish.” She bowed her head and launched into the sky.

  Aurelia stood slowly as if unsure her legs could hold her weight.

  Arion, I thought, Arabis is going to help you get them out of here.

  Draconian still sat against the tree. His arms hung limply at his sides. A dragon stood on either side of him.

  Aurelia nodded her head toward them. “The purple dragon is Acacia.”

  “The green one?” I asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Acacia!” I strode toward Draconian and his guards. Draconian’s head snapped up at the sound of the beast’s name. “You are free.”

  The dragon narrowed its eyes at me. “You insolent fool,” his foul voice was hate-filled, “of course I am free.”

  He stepped toward me, tossing his horned head. Then he unfurled his wings and leaped into the air. The gust of wind knocked Draconian back. He pulled himself to his feet, staggering forward. “Enough!”

  His dragons swooped in, landing all around us. The ground trembled, and I stumbled.

  Draconian stepped through the beasts. His pale face was damp with sweat. “Aurea,” his voice was soft.

  Aurelia stopped. Her eyes dimmed.

  “What a beautiful name.” Draconian sneered at me. “You didn’t think she’d give you her true name. Did you? You’re just a pawn in her game.”

  “Aurea, fight him.” I pressed my hand to her neck, sending her my strength. “You don’t have to let him in. You’re free, Aurea.”

  “Yes, Dacia, as long as you are here by my side, I am free.” Her words vibrated against my hand. “I cannot stop him from controlling me, but I can count on you to keep me true.”

  I kept funneling my energy into her, hoping it would keep Draconian from gaining control. The world spun, and I wobbled. I clung to Aurelia.

  Aurelia pulled away from me. You must save your strength. You have to end this.

  I’m okay.

  Draconian staggered toward us. “Aurea, if you will not join me, you will die”—he thrust his finger at me—“just like her.”

  Aurelia, I thought to her, turn invisible … now. As she did, I transformed into her human form. My body shimmered and long golden hair flowed to my waist.

  “Dacia!” Rage distorted Draconian’s face.

  What are you doing? Aurelia’s voice echoed in my head.

  I didn’t answer, afraid that in my exhaustion Draconian or his dragons would hear my thoughts.

  “Aurea,” Draconian purred, “join me.”

  “Never!” Aurelia’s voice shouted from my lips.

  “Then die.” Shards of ice flew from his fingertips.

  I flung my arms up, erecting a shield that only covered me from the waist up. My power was too diminished to cover all of me and hold Aurelia’s form.

  I pressed forward. Icicles burst against the shield, creating mini snowstorms each time one hit.

  A shard pierced my thigh. I screamed in response. Gold blood trickled down my leg. Weird.

  Fire ignited beneath my skin, melting the dart. I grew the flame in my palm and threw it at Draconian, quickly followed by several others.

  He stumbled backward.

  “Attack!” he screamed at his dragons.

  Aurelia’s gold scales glinted in the sunlight as she reappeared. Her head lowered toward the ground. She bared her teeth, and a low growl escaped her lips as she stalked toward me.

  “Well, isn’t this an interesting turn of events?” Draconian laughed out loud.

  The magic drained from me, seeping away like a balloon deflating. How had I not realized his magic would still affect her?

  Dragons rushed at me. I engulfed myself in flames. Spinning in circles, I shot lightning bolts off in all directions. The dragons held their ground but didn’t venture any closer.

  “Aurea,” I shouted, “you are free. You do not have to obey Draconian.”

  Her eyes cleared, and she shook her head.

  Draconian raised his weathered hands, and my body went limp. I crashed to the ground. The flames that had licked my skin sizzled then extinguished themselves. “She will obey me.”

  Pain blazed through my body, boiling the blood in my veins, searing my muscles. Through my screams, I heard Draconian try to gain control of Aurelia.

  “Aurea,” he crooned. “Dacia is a threat to your kind. You must stop her. If you do not, she will slaughter all the dragons.”

  Thinking about spring and all the life that it brings with it, healing power slowly trickled through my veins. My pain diminished, and strength returned to my limbs. When I was free from his paralyzing spell, I remained as still as possible and spoke to Aurelia telepathically, Aurea, you are free. Draconian is not your master. Do not listen to him. Please help me, Aurea. I am your friend.

Aurelia didn’t acknowledge me. With a predatory gaze in her eye, she prowled closer like a hungry wolf. Fear held me in its grasp. Even though she was a terrifying dragon … she was Aurelia. She was my friend. I couldn’t fight her. Hatred flashed in her eyes, and I knew it was over. I never imagined I’d die at the hand of a friend. I looked into her eyes and hoped she would give me a quick death.

  Aurelia whipped her neck around, turning on Draconian. Relief chased my fear away, leaving me lightheaded. A low growl erupted from the depths of Aurelia’s chest, and she swiped at Draconian with her razor-sharp claws.

  Draconian screamed in agony as her talons tore through his flesh. Blood poured from his wounds. His eyes filled with terror. He stumbled backward and fell to the ground.

  The green dragon sprung on Aurelia, knocking her back. Aurelia growled and attacked the other beast.

  Dragon claws and teeth flashed through the air. Their necks snaked together. Their tails flicked.

  I stood and formed a third sword in my hand. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and strode toward Draconian. He lay on the ground. Blood saturated his robe. The edges of his wounds had already begun stitching themselves together.

  Pressing his arms down on the ground, he lifted himself up and pushed back, sitting against a boulder. His arms shook. His face was ashen.

  Looking at the ice sword, he smirked. “You’re not fooling me. You won’t use that.”

  I looked down at the blade. My stomach clenched and my shoulders slumped. When I looked back at him, tears were pooling in my eyes. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

  “Join me.” He coughed. Blood splattered his hand, staining his beard. “There is … so much I can teach you.”

  “Will you free the dragons?” I stepped forward. “Give up on Nefarious?” I took another step.

  His eyes flicked to something behind me. I turned. A red dragon swooped toward me. I blasted the beast with a lightning bolt, knocking it from the sky.

  I turned back to Draconian. Fire danced over his fingers. He raised his hand. “You’ll all be mine.” The flames merged together forming a ball. He lifted it.

  The world slowed. I plunged the sword into his chest. Dropping the blade, I staggered back.

  Draconian looked at the sword, then at me. His grey eyes bulged. Blood gurgled out of his mouth. The flames in his palm extinguished, and he grabbed the sword, pulling it out, slicing his palms open. Blood spurted from his chest, soaking his robe.

  His breath hitched, then stopped. His features slackened. He slumped forward, and the dragons launched into the sky, flying off.

  Aurelia landed next to me, changing into her human form. She lifted the sword. “Turn around.”

  I looked at her, hearing what she said but not comprehending. My hands shuddered. I killed him. Oh, my God. I’m a murderer. My knees buckled, but Aurelia clasped me under the arm, stopping my fall. When I regained my balance, she gently turned me around.

  The sword slashed through the air. Something thumped against the ground. Then Aurelia grabbed my arm, sending her energy through me, and teleported us to my room.

  Chapter 41

  Ding Dong The Wizard Is Dead

  Cody stood at the window. Samantha and Dan huddled together on the couch, and Sarah paced nervously.

  I slumped into Cookie Monster. Turning my hands, I stared at them. I could still feel the blade sliding through Draconian’s flesh, piercing his heart.

  Voices drifted toward me, but the words may as well have been gibberish.

  A hand slammed down on my shoulder, and I jumped up. Cody stood by the chair. His arms were lifted. His palms faced out by his shoulders.

  “Dacia?” He slowly reached out to me.

  Shaking my head, I stepped back. “I … I’m … a murderer. I killed him.” My stomach heaved. I ran to the trashcan and knelt in front of it. I threw up until nothing was left in my stomach. Shivers wracked my body.

  Leaning against the wall, I closed my eyes and pictured Draconian’s dying expression, his pain, and surprise. Tears slid down my cheeks, dripping off my chin.

  Cody sat next to me, wrapping his arms around his knees, careful not to touch me, his eyes dampened by concern.

  Aurelia narrated the day’s events. Samantha, Dan, and Sarah asked questions every so often. I stared at nothing, occasionally wiping my eyes. Cody watched me, not touching me, not saying anything.

  When Aurelia finished, Cody said, “You promised.” His jaw clenched. “You weren’t going to do anything stupid.” He reached toward me but dropped his hand between us. “Then you confronted Draconian.”

  Unable to look him in the eyes, I dropped my chin to my chest. Blood splatters were all over my shirt. I jerked back, my feet scrabbling against the floor. My breath came in quick, harsh gasps. I tugged at my shirt, ripping the bottom of it.

  “Dacia.” Sarah grabbed my hands. “It’s okay.”

  “There’s blood.” My voice was shrill.

  “Samantha get Dacia a change of clothes. Cody, Dan, step outside for a minute. Aurelia, get me a wet washrag.” Sarah focused on me, her voice calm and soothing like she was talking to a wild animal. “You’re all right.”

  “Here.” Samantha handed Sarah my clothes, and Aurelia held out the wet rag.

  Sarah let go of my hands. “Do you need help?”

  Shaking my head, I grabbed the washcloth, wiping off my face, neck, hands, and arms. When I tried to pull my shirt off, my hands shook so badly I could barely do it. I pulled on a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

  “Do you need anything?” Samantha’s voice wavered.

  I leaned my head against the wall and shrugged. When I closed my eyes, Draconian sat in front of me, pulling the sword out of his chest.

  My eyes sprung open, and I gasped. Cody stood in front of me. He held his hands palms out and inched toward me. “Please.” He stepped closer, and I fought the urge to scramble away. “Let me in.”

  The pain in his eyes struck something inside me. Holding my hand out, I said, “Help me up?” My voice quivered.

  Cody lifted me off the floor, one arm under my legs and one behind my back. He walked over to the chair and sat with me on his lap.

  I kept my body rigid. I didn’t deserve his tenderness. I didn’t deserve kindness. I needed to be locked away where I could never kill anyone else.

  “Take my energy,” Cody whispered.

  His voice startled me, and I jerked back, nearly falling off his lap. He clutched me tighter.

  Aurelia knelt beside the chair, grabbed my hand, and her strength flooded into me. You are not a murderer. You killed him in self-defense, and had you not, you and your friends would be dead or worse, and I would be under his control.

  Her vitality bolstered me, taking the edge off my anguish, and even though her words rang true, I didn’t believe them.

  When Aurelia let go, I looked at my friends, actually seeing them for the first time since I’d come back. All of them had changed out of their bloody clothes. Samantha’s hair was still damp.

  “Do you need healed?” I couldn’t meet their eyes. I was ashamed for not asking sooner. “Are you all right?”

  “We’re good,” Dan answered. “Arabis healed us.”

  “I’ll probably have nightmares tonight.” Samantha shuddered. “I can’t believe you sent a dragon to help us. I was scared to death. Luckily, Arion explained before we totally freaked out.”

  I stared at the floor. “She offered to help, and I needed you safe.”

  “We were hiding under the trees.” Samantha ran her hand along Dan’s thigh while she talked. “This gigantic dragon flew at us, but Arion told us it was okay. As she landed, she transformed into a woman with white skin, like sunlight glistening off snow, and white hair. Her eyes were like Aurelia’s but purple. She grab
bed our hands and teleported back here with us. She healed our wounds and made sure we were safe while we showered. When you ki—” Samantha chewed on her lip. “When, uh, it was over, she left.”

  I relaxed a little, leaning back into Cody, and rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hands along my arm and leg.

  “How are you doing?” Sarah asked.

  “I’m really tired.” I yawned to emphasize my point.

  She walked over and squeezed my shoulder. “If you need me, my door is open.”

  “Thanks.” I tried to smile, but I don’t think I pulled it off.

  “Stay out of trouble,” she said as she strode to the door.

  “It’s not like I go looking for trouble,” I mumbled.

  Cody raised one eyebrow. “You did.” His voice lowered, became somber. “You were saying goodbye.”

  I nodded.

  Sarah turned back. “Cody, Dan, you two can start going back to your room again.” She grabbed the doorknob.

  “Not tonight,” Cody said with no trace of hesitation in his voice.

  I tilted my head. He always did what he was told.

  “I am going to make sure she’s nightmare-free first.”

  “Yes, that’s probably a good idea,” Sarah said.

  Samantha stood, reaching for Dan’s hand. “Since we don’t have to worry about dragons or Draconian anymore, we’re going to dinner. You two can come if you want.”

  “Thanks”—I stood up—“but I’m staying here.”

  “Me, too,” Cody said.

  Samantha hugged me. “Get some rest. You look beat.”

  I returned her hug, grateful for the opportunity. “I think I’ll take a shower, then sleep for a week.”

  She pulled away and grabbed her purse.

  “See you later,” Dan said as they headed out.

  “I will be across the hall if you need me.” Aurelia closed the door behind her.

  Cody and I were left alone. “So—” I turned to him “—how are you going to make sure I’m nightmare-free?” I stepped toward him.


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