Plucked Out of the Net

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Plucked Out of the Net Page 17

by Georgia McCain

Books by Georgia McCain

  Trials and Triumphs

  Shattered Shackles

  In Straight Paths

  Plucked Out of the Net

  Through Troubled Waters

  Remarkable Incidents & Answers to Prayers

  Amazing Answers to Prevailing Prayers

  God's Little Lambs

  Walking With God for Over 50 Years

  Celebration of Life, Family, and Faith – Collection of Poems, Tributes, and Stories

  In addition, many of her family recipes are provided in the following book, compiled by her daughter, Donna McCain Wilson, on the occasion of her 60th wedding anniversary:

  Still Cooking After Sixty Years

  Plans are to make all available via ebooks. Stay tuned.

  Letters from Readers of Georgia McCain Books

  The following are excerpts from some of the many letters I have received from my readers from different parts of the country from as far away as Alaska. Also, God has seen fit to place my books in several foreign countries, namely Haiti, the Bahamas, Republic of South Africa, New Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Taiwan, England, and South America. I have been encouraged time and again upon receiving letters from people relating how God used one of my books to help them spiritually. Some have been saved, some sanctified, some edified, strengthened, and encouraged. Again, I say, "all glory to Jesus!" He, it is that gives me a nudge when it's time to write another book. And though I'm a very busy person in the work of the Lord, plus all my other duties as a housewife, when I feel God leading, I let many things go undone and busy myself with my writing, which I enjoy as God helps. I've often thought that if only one person would walk up to me in Heaven and say "It was your book that helped me to turn to Jesus and helped to enlighten my way to Heaven," it would be worth all the time and effort put forth in writing them. One soul is worth everything.

  I have a son who is a missionary to Africa. A few years back, he visited a man in jail named Olusegun Obasanjo, and gave him one of my books entitled, Amazing Answers to Prevailing Prayer. Later Mr. Obasanjo got saved, straightened out his life, and ran for president of Nigeria and was elected. Whether or not my book had anything at all to do with Mr. Obasanjo's salvation, I know not, but later after he became president, my son visited him, and he told my son that his mother's book was very inspirational. Later, the president wrote a book entitled Women of Virtue: Stories of Outstanding Women in the Bible, and my son brought me a copy on one of his trips home. So one never knows how far their works for Christ will reach when we put it in God's hands and take our hands off. It will take eternity to tell any good my writing for God's Glory alone has accomplished.

  Trust you enjoy the following letters from my readers:

  I have just become a Christian and your books have helped me so much. I have four and am wondering if you have written anymore. I really like In Straight Paths and Through Troubled Waters. Will you pray for me? I need more help spiritually.

  Your six books arrived for the Stephen D. Herron Memorial Library, and we feel honored to place them in the memorial room. I trust that the people who use the room for study and prayer will profit greatly from reading them. You have always been a great blessing to each of us.

  I cried most of the time while reading your book Shattered Shackles because many happenings had been a reality in my life. I've had lots of heartaches.

  I am a young person who likes to read but am quite selective in what I read. So many of these so-called Christian novels are so aimless and mushy, it's disgusting, but I would recommend your books to anyone. The explanation of holiness is very good.

  I am so happy to know we have dedicated writers such as you who are willing to do the hard work of hammering out a good clean book for people to read. May God bless you as you use your talent for Him. We may never write best sellers but as long as we keep His smile upon our work, it is a best seller. Keep up the good work. (From another writer)

  A note to say thanks for the books. Couldn't put them down. Now that's what I call talent. They were really enlightening. Thanks a million.

  I read your book, which was a great inspiration to me. I never dreamed anyone could even imagine or dream up so much adversity and heartache as I have been through. Your book lifted my spirits in a very dark and lonely period of my life.

  I've read two of your books in two days, as I couldn't lay them down after I started. I will pass them around and I'm sure others will enjoy them, too.

  I was happy when I came across your book entitled Through Troubled Waters. I read part of it, but the owner took it away before I finished it. My troubles are so great that at times I feel it may be I have sinned. I do not know what to do. The portion of your book I read inspired me greatly. Could you send me a copy and any other that will help me solve my problems. (This came from Ghana, West Africa, and I sent him a copy)

  I just finished reading your book, Trials and Triumphs. and felt real impressed to write and tell you how much it encouraged me. I have been asking the Lord to give me more faith and this book helped me so much. Thank you so much for writing it,

  A dear sister gave me two of your books, and I really enjoyed both of them. I feel they have helped me spiritually. I really crave good reading that will draw me closer to God.

  Just finished your book, In Straight Paths, and it was such an inspiration to me. I was encouraged and excited when I finished reading it. I received your book at church as a Mother's Day gift for being the youngest mother. It's a real life book where I really feel like I can see me at times. It is indeed wonderful and makes me feel that God will help me, as I need it. Pray for me! God bless you.

  Your book answers a need out in the public for explaining what real heart holiness is. There is much confusion at this point.

  Have read your book, Through Troubled Waters, over and over. Very good.

  I believe your book, Through Troubled Waters, is the best book I've ever read and the most spiritual for religious fiction. Keep writing books as they help many people.

  Thank God for the old-fashioned way of salvation and holiness and for people like you who can write beautiful stories that holds high its banner. May God richly bless you.

  Thanks so very much for your books. I read In Straight Paths once again and am now reading the sequel, Plucked out of the Net. I enjoy them so much. Praise God for blessing you with this gift! I pray it will always glorify Him.

  I am writing to you in regards to your books I purchased in Findley, Ohio. I gave one to a lady who wasn't saved. I later sent the other book, Shattered Shackles, to her. She has read them, and they have been a help to her. She has gotten saved and doing her best to walk in the light.

  Hope you will write more books. I really appreciate how the Lord has helped you to entwine the gospel in your stories.

  Enclosed is a money order for your book, Plucked out of the Net. Sure appreciate your writings. So good and stay close to holiness emphasis. So much today that is called Christian fiction isn't Christian at all. May the Lord bless you is our prayer.

  I'm happy to have the opportunity to receive another book of yours. They have all been excellent and wife and I have read and reread them during the long winter evenings.

  I've enjoyed your books much and have shared them with others. In fact, they are all out now. I would like to order your latest one. We need more good Christian books for our young people. Also, us older ones enjoy them.

  A friend of mine loaned me two of your books. I enjoyed them so much that I would like to send them to my brother who is in jail in North Carolina. One of the books reminds me of him.

  I am so happy to have your books where interested and hungry souls can get them. I'm sure your writings are blessing many. The book Through Troubled Waters has been mentioned several times at church illustrating truths of the message given.

  I thought you might like to hear of one incident where a young man was kept home from church because of illness in his family. Someone had loaned him yo
ur book, Through Troubled Waters, and he read it. The next week he testified how God had mightily dealt with his heart. The church prayed for him until he felt a clear witness.

  I'm writing to see if you have written another book. I just read one and think it is wonderful. It has been a real blessing to me. I praise God for people like you that can write such a book, especially the teaching on holiness. If you have written another book, let me know.

  The book, Through Troubled Waters, has been such a help to me in many ways. I wish I had what the nurse in the story had. I would gladly give all I had. She is so pure and good. Would that this old world had more like her. Wish I could talk to someone like the nurse but I'm afraid it's too late. I'm not young anymore. I'm 37 and 1/2. (Thank God, there's help for anyone who truly wants God in their life. I contacted the lady and did my best to help her. Author.)

  Your book came yesterday. I read the inside information but haven't read the contents yet, but will and also, will let others read it. Your talent came from your sixth grade teacher. ha!ha! (He was my sixth grade teacher.) I'm sending a contribution to help with your good work. Keep in touch!

  God sure did inspire you as you wrote the book, Through Troubled Waters. Everything that you tucked away here and there as you wrote was amazing. How anyone could think of so much to fit into a story!! I was very much pleased with the way God helped you to use the Scriptures to teach sanctification. There are many who will read it in your book that never would study along that line any other way. I feel that this was the main reason God helped you to get this needful book out. I feel that souls will make it to Heaven because of it--souls that you would never have come into contact with, otherwise.

  It usually takes me a week or ten days before I finish a book but finished yours in three evenings. The clear guidance into sanctification is the best I've ever read and helped me a lot. The story is so true to life. It holds you completely in suspense all the time. Thank you very much for the book.

  We never dreamed we would get to see the author of that wonderful book, Through Troubled Waters. I have wanted to get a copy to send to a real good friend in South America and now I have it. So your good book will perhaps go around the globe.

  My family and I have really enjoyed your first four books.

  Your book, Shattered Shackles, is so touching. After reading some in your book this morning, I was so moved on by the Spirit to pray for those that are so shackled by drink or drugs. God can surely move on their heart to bring them to Christ.

  I am fifteen years old and am writing to compliment you on your book, Through Troubled Waters. I am reading it the second time. I'm going to write a book report on it for school. I'm sure your book has helped many people.

  I think you are brave to address the divorce and remarriage issue in your book, Plucked out of the Net. Our young people need that. Lots of people are getting awfully lenient about it. My husband and daughter read the book and really liked it. I think we all agree that it is the best yet. The message is real good.

  We wanted to thank you for the privilege of reading your lovely little book. Our youngest daughter in California has just read hers and found it very profitable reading. We did, too. Of course, unless you truly loved the Saviour, you couldn't have done such a book.

  I praise the Lord for giving you such a beautiful gift of writing and for your willingness to share it.

  I sat right down and read your book and I truly enjoyed it. We all have our problems and I am no exception. Your book came to me at a time when I was depressed and so unhappy. I received a real blessing from it. You have a wonderful talent in telling of God's love through stories of life as we live it every day. Thanks!

  I would like to tell the world what God and your book has done for me. Praise the Lord! It made me stop and realize there is a God and He truly loves me, regardless of the sins I had committed and the wrong I had done. God was calling me for one of His children. Before I read the book, I had so much hatred and bitterness in my heart. At times I even hated myself. Just as I put the book down, I had a strong urge to fall on my knees and ask the Lord to forgive my sins and to take the hatred and bitterness out of my heart. Praise the Lord! He immediately answered my prayer.

  Believe the Lord has ordained the writing of this book for his people who are in troubled waters.

  Enjoyed your book thoroughly. I want five more copies.

  We all have our problems and I am no exception. Your book came to me at a time when I was so depressed and so unhappy. I received a real blessing from it.

  Surprised and happy to receive your book. The Lord certainly used you in writing it. It is interesting, emotional and evangelistic, very well written, and I'm sure it is a blessing to all who read it. I am interested in ordering some more copies. (This one from Alaska).

  We agreed to use your book for a part of our yearly youth Reading Course. Each year we recommend four or five books for the spiritual edification of our youth and sell them as a package to each youth society. I am heartily recommending it to our youth for two reasons, one is the danger of not obtaining holiness of heart and the other is the need of more personal workers on a one-to-one basis. The book is well written and I'm sure will continue to bless many lives.

  Finished reading your fine book. It has an evangelistic message that is up to date and practical. Its message is desperately needed by thousands today.

  The story is so true to life. It holds you in suspense all the time. I really enjoyed reading it. The clear guidance into sanctification is the best I've ever read and helped me a lot. My copy will be passed on to others as the Lord guides, and pray with me that many will be brought to a better understanding and to the blessing of sanctification.

  I read your beautiful book and was truly blessed by it.

  Magnificent! It really inspired my mind as well as my heart.Thank you! I will pass this wonderful book on, for truly it's a soul winner.

  If possible, we sure could use more books in this place.

  A wonderful message for both young and old. Sure it will be a blessing to many people.

  My grandmother taught me you could live above sin in this life. Your book has enlightened me in this matter

  Have read your book and found it very enlightening.

  May God continue to bless you. (This letter is from the Louisiana State Prison at Angola. I sent more books.)

  May God bless those who have taken time to write to me over the years concerning my books. I deeply appreciate it. There are more, but we will sign off for this time. (Author)



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