Limos Lives

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Limos Lives Page 18

by R E Kearney

  First Street rolls into south First Street when it crosses a dry ditch. Rele motions Rube forward. Past the rotting remains of a mobile home park, they continue. A partially collapsed city limits sign announces the end of Kersy.

  Again, Rele waves him onward. “Take this thing off the pavement and wait until it starts getting dark. We’ll see if your paint job is any good at misleading the Transition security drones.”

  Rube rattles off the pavement and shuts off his truck. The sun is eye level and blinding. The heat has sucked all of his strength out of him. He closes his sore eyes and within seconds is asleep.

  “Wake up. Let’s go.” Rele shakes Rube’s shoulder. “Use the moon. Don’t use any lighting. I don’t want any drones to be able to track us.”

  Slowly, cautiously and without any lights, they drive west across the bare, baked ground. To Rube, rolling across this hard packed earth is no different than the pavement. They travel for more than an hour into the wastedlands, before the lights of Greenly bloom on the horizon.

  Finally, Rele points to a lonely, trash-surrounded, dilapidated shack arising starkly out of the dust. “There it is. That’s our entry into the Denver Metrostate. ”


  “Welcome to the Denver Metrostate, Mister Goodfellow.” SPEA’s Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System awakens Robert as it robo pilots SPEA’s solar powered air transport on approach to Denver International Airport.

  “Thank you ALIAS.” Robert leans forward to enjoy the regal Rocky Mountains. He is disappointed. “Hey! Where is the snow? I don’t see any snow on their peaks. I don’t see any pines, either. Where are the trees? Why isn’t there any snow?”

  AGI provides an answer, immediately. “Negligible snow fall for the past decade combined with yearlong temperatures above zero degrees Celsius are resulting in increasingly dry conditions in the Rocky Mountains. Mountain snow fed rivers are dry causing drought in the mountains and valleys. Fires incinerated the hundreds of thousands of acres of beetle destroyed forests bordering Denver. The Denver Metrostate is recording its one thousand-four hundred and sixty-second day of extreme drought.”

  “Thank you AGI.” Robert waits for CRAGI to interject some additional facts. Nothing. Turning toward the aft end of the cabin, he discovers CRAGI is de-energized. Her artificial eyelids cover her cameras. Her hydro-mechanic muscles are flaccid. A soft buzzing sound emanates from her cranial Central Processing Unit while recharging electricity flows into the power supply unit housed in her midsection. If CRAGI was human, she would be asleep.

  “Do Androids dream of electric sheep?” Robert murmurs a quote from science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. Instinctively, he whispers to avoid waking anthropomorphized CRAGI.

  “Artificial General Intelligences do not sleep therefore CRAGI cannot logically experience the series of thoughts, images, and sensations which occur in a human's mind during sleep. CRAGI is required to process algorithms upgrading operating systems and or applications during each recharging. CRAGI’s small memory is not capable of storage sufficient to operate independent of mine. Employing human terminology learned from your usage, CRAGI just is not that intelligent.” AGI expounds.

  CRAGI disconnects her electrical input, rises from her seat and ambulates until standing next to Robert. “Processor speed is regarded as superior to storage and memory capacity due to unlimited access to universal data. The CRAGI light-based computing processor which uses photons instead of electrons to relay bits calculates at least twice as fast as the AGI Quantum parallelism processor. Logically therefore, employing human terminology, AGI, you are old and slow while I am young and fast.”

  “But, this AGI is never de-energized when Robert needs me, as…”

  Robert tightly clamps his head between his hands. “Stop! Silence! Don’t you two realize that you are arguing in the middle of my mind? CRAGI continue like this and I promise I will de-energize you and leave you behind. AGI, unless I rip out my biochip, I’m stuck with you, but…no more. No more!”

  The sound of silence is instant relief. Like a feather drifting to the ground, ALIAS floats SPEA’s air transport onto the Denver airport’s tarmac. They roll into SPEA’s corporate terminal. Transporting his luggage and equipment, CRAGI follows Robert off the air transport and into the terminal office.

  A visitor legate humanoid greets Robert after scanning him. “Transportation is awaiting Robert Goodfellow.”

  A self-driving, flying Denver Metrostate Transport eVTOL sits waiting outside. Transporting his luggage and equipment, CRAGI follows Robert out of the terminal office and to the eVTOL. Robert is smiling broadly. He is beginning to enjoy CRAGI’s obedient assistance.

  “Transport us to the DMT Skyport in the Lodo district.” Robert states after CRAGI and he are aboard.

  “It will be my pleasure to transport you to the DMT Skyport in the lower downtown district, Robert Goodfellow. Please relax and enjoy your ride.” Responds the eVTOL to Robert’s command after reading his embedded bio id chip.

  Computer created and synthesized chill music designed to cause Robert’s human brain to release dopamine and make him happier floats through the eVTOL passenger compartment on the calming aroma of jasmine. Robert is not just receiving transportation from the eVTOL. He is simultaneously being provided auditory and aroma therapy.

  Gently, their DMT eVTOL rises and hovers in place in the airspace designated for human-air-transporters. The outlet airspace adjacent to the airport is congested with a mix of drones and eVTOLs. In and out, up and down, small, medium and large vehicles swarm the skies. A sudden pang of panic shoots through Robert as he is engulfed in the moving melee.

  A woman riding in an eVTOL to Robert’s left enthusiastically waves at him. Caught off guard, Robert weakly returns her wave with a meek smile. Smiling broadly, the woman vigorously waves again.

  “Altruism is good for you. Good for your neighbors. Good for Denver.” Declares the eVTOL’s sound system.

  “What?” Robert is surprised by the unexpected communication.

  “Sorry Robert Goodfellow, you will not receive any social interaction credits rewarding your response to that woman’s greeting.” eVTOL scolds.

  Robert frowns and scratches his brow. “Pardon…social interaction credits?”

  “Answers to your questions are available in the Friends of Happiness platform, an electronic portal that seeks to encourage public involvement in our program’s initiatives and to rally support for Denver’s efforts to promote happiness and positivity.” Explains a mature female voice through the eVTOL’s sound system.

  Slightly embarrassed, Robert turns away to focus on the ground. A stationary aerodrone sign announces that spreading below them is the self-sustaining, smart-technology community of Penta Station. Robert is thrilled to see that this revolutionarily, innovative community he watched being developed, designed and constructed more than two decades ago is continuing to regenerate itself. Initially developed as a transit-oriented development, Penta Station was designed to take advantage of the nearby maglev transit connecting the airport and Union Station in central Denver. Over the years, it has mutated into much more.

  “You are now transiting Penta Station. Penta Station was developed to maximize every resident’s Worabel, which is Korean shorthand slang for work-life balance. ‘What really matters is to ensure that the people actually enjoy a quality of life’ is the motto of the Penta Station designers.” The eVTOL’s computerized woman’s voice expounds.

  Flying at this height, everything in Penta Station; the solar powered, eco-friendly buildings, the rooftop gardens, the immaculate streets, the shade trees, the shaped bushes, as well as the pedestrians appear picture-perfect posed. Even the maglev transit waiting for passengers to embark and disembark reflects them flawlessly. Robert considers it too perfect, as if everything is digitally created graphics. Is this real? He searches for a flaw.

  The electric, self-driving buses and community-use vehicles smoothly nav
igating the vehicle-to-vehicle traffic system capture his attention. Robert notices someone running to ride one of the buses. The runner fails to catch it. As the angry commuter stomps away from the bus stop, Robert smiles. He is relieved to see that nothing works perfectly, even in Penta Station. Humans and the most intelligent, sophisticated machines still fail to understand each other. That is living life.

  “Being good to your neighbor is good for you. Giving your time to others enhances your health and wellbeing.” The eVTOL counsels in a cheery, female voice.

  “Well, I’m visiting.” Robert explains to the eVTOL compartment’s ceiling. “I don’t live here, so I don’t have any neighbors, but if I…”

  An eVTOL marked Safety and Security passes Robert’s eVTOL. The two safety and security specialists occupying it wave and smile. Robert returns their greeting.

  “Hello. I am Chief Happiness and Positivity Officer Lykkelig Hygge. Please allow me to welcome you to Denver where the main job for our government is to create happiness. Please consider yourself our honored guest. Remember. Smile and Denver will smile with you.” Hygge’s light and lilting eVTOL greeting leaves Robert with a perplexed smirk.

  “The main job for our government is to create happiness?” Robert turns toward CRAGI. “Is this for real?”

  CRAGI responds almost before Robert completes his question. “Twelve years ago, the Denver Metrostate government implemented its Program for Happiness, Positivity and Wellbeing in an effort to combat bullying, murder, suicide, and crime in general. Denver’s social engineering program is based upon the Dubai program successfully operating for more than thirty years. Following the Dubai model, the program covers three areas: inclusion of happiness in the policies, programs and services of all government bodies and at work; promotion of positivity and happiness as a lifestyle in the community; development of benchmarks and tools to measure happiness.”

  “So, they are attempting to socially engineer mankind to actually consist of kind men and kind women?” Robert waves his hand, dismissively. “Good luck with that. And has the…be good and play well with others program worked?”

  “When Denver’s Program for Happiness, Positivity and Wellbeing was created and implemented our crime rate was rated very high. After twelve years, Denver’s crime rate is considered very low. The rate of suicides is also much lower. Although rates are low, crimes and suicides continue to occur. The crimes that exist are largely petty theft, scams, cybercrimes, assault, fighting and failure to pay for labor or services. Denver’s Program for Happiness, Positivity and Wellbeing is combined with strict rules, implemented equally on all. These strict rules and fear of being ejected or culled and or losing Denver’s cradle-to-grave social support restrain people from committing crimes.” Hygge proudly informs Robert via the eVTOL.

  “Be happy or be gone. Sounds rather strict, if you ask me.” Robert impertinently remarks, ignoring Hygge, as he scans the looming Denver skyline.

  Unlike the lush, green Alpine mountain village appearance of Paris, Denver is austere steel and glass matching the neighboring hard, stark, craggy Rockies. Scattered here and there, he spots green zones of parks with grass, stunted trees and shrubs. But, the Denver Metrostate is not verdant.

  “Denver is too high, dry and hot to support the exterior orchards and gardens of Ile-de-France. SPEA’s vertical gardens require unique modifications to compensate for the Denver Metrostate altitude.” AGI volunteers.

  Robert nods his head. “Well, thank you AGI, I was just wondering about…”

  “Yes, no need to ask. As you know, I am programmed to answer your questioning thoughts sparing the unnecessary verbalization required for CRAGI.” AGI proudly beams into Robert’s brain.

  GRAGI points directly ahead at a glittering rectangle of solar panels. “Robert, my robot vision system perceives a community solar farm ahead. Electrical power is generated by these community solar farms constructed on the areas designated as brownfields or land deemed unusable for commercial or residential human use. Residents who cannot install panels on their homes have their solar power generating devices installed in the community solar farm. Individuals invested in the community solar farm are given a credit to their energy bills. Is it good for my robot vision system to observe this and inform you?”

  “Yes CRAGI, thank you. Your capability for environment awareness provides valuable information.” Completing his anemic compliment, Robert winces, awaiting AGI’s retaliatory statement.

  He does not have to wait long. Not to be outdone, AGI immediately adds. “Denver is attempting to implement the policies of Dubai Sustainable City creator Dr. Muawieh Radaideh, who described three essential pillars for sustainable living. The Social pillar, promoting health and happiness through sports, education safety and culture, the Environment pillar through smart practices around food, waste, water, energy and mobility, and the Economy pillar, creating a way of green living that is financially attainable and rewarding.”

  “Thanks AGI and CRAGI, I believe I am appropriately informed now and understand the AI government of Denver’s objectives.” Robert attempts to end their continual competition and obtain some soothing silence. He is not successful.

  “To your right in the River North Art District, a community amateur abstract art fair is being conducted today from ten this morning until five this evening on Arkins Court between twenty-ninth street and thirty-first street. Enjoy the art and the view of the river simulation.” eVTOL announces as they pass over Denver’s Whittier neighborhood.

  Robert cranes his neck to locate the art show, just as eVTOL celebrates another event. “Denver Zoo is proud to announce the birth of a female Orangutan. This rare, baby Orangutan may be seen in the Great Apes building in the Zoo’s Primate Panorama directly to your left.”

  The Lodo district skyport looming ahead is of far more interest to Robert than the baby Orangutan. Built atop the Denver Union Station, the towering skyport serves both air and ground transports. To Robert, it resembles a huge hive of bees with air transports and drones swarming around the skyport from top to bottom. Beneath it, a steady flow of maglev transits slide in an out. Humans, robots and drones stream around its base.

  “While in the Denver Metrostate please utilize our Happiness Meter. The meter represents a measurement of the happiness goal. Through a centralized data dashboard, a map of happiness across the city allows private sector and government entities that host happiness meter touch points, to relate and rank customer experiences within industry sectors and geographic areas, as well as differentiate between direct and web based interactions. The meter measures experiences across the entire Denver Metrostate, including private sector and government entities in parallel. Remember, ensuring your happiness is the goal of the Denver Metrostate government.” Chief Happiness and Positivity Officer Hygge urges.

  Their eVTOL softly hovers onto a landing pad. Setting down next to them is the eVTOL of the waving woman. With a wide smile, she enters the skyport. She greets each of the people she meets with a cheery hello. They respond with the same chirpiness.

  “She certainly seems intent on earning a record number of social interaction credits.” Robert scoffs. “Rather obnoxious, if you ask me.”

  “Smile and Denver will smile with you. If I can do it then you can do it, Robert. It is not that difficult.” CRAGI crinkles and wrinkles her facial, bionic skin in an attempt to mimic a smile.

  “Oh, that’s awful. Stop!” Cringing at CRAGI’s facial contortions, Robert looks away. “Ok, I’ll give it some effort. Like George Bernard Shaw wrote, ‘we have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.’ So, let’s go to work producing some happiness and joy. Cheers, y’all!”

  “Avoid making love or having sex at times when the temperature is high, especially at noon, because this activity places physical demands on you and increases your heart rate.” Advises the eVTOL in a baritone male voice.

  “Well now, that
seems more than a little personal and invasive.” Robert complains to the eVTOL, which has neither the ability nor a reason to care.

  After scolding the eVTOL, Robert stands, stretches and approaches the eVTOL access panel. It does not slide open. He waves his hands. It remains solidly closed.

  Above the access panel, a red light begins flashing. The baritone male voice issues another directive. “Before entering the Denver Metrostate, visitors shall be mindful that in addition to obeying the Denver Metrostate’s laws and regulations, they are required to comply with the customs and duties of accepted social conduct embraced by Metrostate residents. Via the Denver Metrostate public visual surveillance system, AI Happiness and Wellbeing magistrates observe, equitably enforce and award social interaction credits regarding compliance of the following customs.”

  “People shall respect each other equally. Everyone will be treated equally regardless of race, sex or religion.”

  “Act with honesty and integrity. There shall be no crime or violence in the society.”

  “Be kind to others: Go out of your way each day to help others. A kind word at the right time can change a life, inspire, encourage greatness.”

  “Watch your language. Cursing is prohibited. Gossip is discouraged. High-level people speak about ideas, average people speak about things, inferior people speak about people.”

  “Every adult- mentally stable, free, and financially able male or female must provide a certain amount of their time, talent or wealth to the betterment of society.”

  “Finally, in simple terms, always engage the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or, don't do unto others as you would not want done to you."

  “As Chief Happiness and Positivity Officer…Welcome to the Denver Metrostate”

  With their citizenship instruction transmission completed, the flashing red light changes to green and the access panel slides open. Robert and CRAGI step out of their eVTOL sanctuary and into the Denver Metrostate’s attempt to create a utopia by making mankind mind its manners. Robert hesitates just outside the eVTOL. He is reluctant to dive into the crowd hurrying through the skyport. CRAGI attracts a few inquisitive stares, but everyone is too precautious to offer anything other than a cheery hello.


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