Limos Lives

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Limos Lives Page 25

by R E Kearney

  “Rube, before we go inside, you should tell me what type of seeds you want?” Robert attempts to return Rube’s thoughts to their current pursuit.

  Startled, Rube immediately replies. “Wheat. I’ve always grown wheat.”

  “Wheat! You can’t grow wheat out here anymore. Nobody even tries. Too hot. Too dry. No wonder you went broke.” Robert argues. “SPEA doesn’t even bother to store any wheat seeds here. So, I can’t get you any wheat. What about some Kernza? We call it super-wheat. Working with the Chinese, we’re growing Kernza in the Tribyoon canton.”

  Rube scowls. His jaw tightens. He flares with fiery anger. “You and the Chinese ruined me! Broke me!”

  Rube’s fury shocks Robert. He hesitates. He dares not offend Rube. He needs him as his protective ally.

  Robert attempts to suppress Rele’s fire using the only method he knows, logical reasoning. “You have every right to be angry at SPEA…and me, but it’s not our fault. You’re like every other failed farmer and rancher. You fought the future and you wasted your present. The world changed…progressed…evolved. You failed to adjust…failed to change and you lost.”

  Rube’s face reddens. He glowers at Robert. Usually reliable, Robert’s logical argument is obviously not being received well.

  “I can’t believe how easily I suckered the legendary Robert Goodfellow into my trap. He’s reputed to be so intelligent, so cunning. SPEA’s chief cybercrime fighter. Hah! I knocked him down and out with just one little E-M-P burst in Denver. I can’t wait to see what happens to him when I blast him with this E-M-P. Zap! Burned brains!” Rele’s boasts bounce from CRAGI to AGI to Robert.

  Rele’s bragging rattles Robert. He must protect his children from an E-M-P attack that will certainly destroy them. He must convince Rube into uniting with him. But, he is at a loss. How? He knows next to nothing about Rube, except that he is a failed farmer.

  Knowing no other method, Robert persists with his original argument. “Just as Professor Leon Megginson once stated, ‘it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.’ When you and your neighbors attempted to stop change, you destroyed yourself. Way back in 2016, you farmers and ranchers voted to halt progress and instead enabled a bunch of feckless fools to demolish your nation and lives with a Kakistocracy.”

  Rube freezes. “Kakistocracy. Kakistocracy? I haven’t heard anybody say that for years…decades, really. Only once. Only one person.”

  “Well…it’s true…” Robert gently offers, not daring to upset Rube again. “…just my opinion, actually.”

  Rube scrutinizes Robert from his face to his feet. “Are you Canadian?”

  Rube’s question surprises Robert. “Uh yes…Canadian...yes. Born in Montreal. Raised in Toronto. But now, I suppose you could call me a SPEA citizen…or perhaps a SPEAn. Why?”

  “Because, some years ago…many years ago, actually, me and some buddies beat up a Canadian for saying Kakistocracy.” Rube closely watches Robert’s face. “Ever hear about it?”

  “Yeah, I heard about it. In fact, I lived it.” Robert points at himself. “I’m that Canadian.”

  Frowning, Rube shakes his head. “No, not possible. You’re not old enough. The guy we beat would be older. Older than me. Certainly, many…many years older than you. Had to be your father.”

  “Believe me, that person you beat was me.” Robert smirks.

  Rube studies Robert’s face. “How is that possible?”

  Robert frames his chin with the palm of his hand. “My younger appearance is all thanks to my genetics…actually my engineered genetics. I’m one of your dreaded transhumans. Me and my thirteen tremendously talented transhuman toddlers, live and breathe thanks to genetic engineering.”

  Rube backs away from Robert snarling. “You’re one of the evil Elite! Rele claims you and your children are taking over the world…planning to subjugate us normal people into your slaves.”

  “Do I look evil?” Robert barks back. “Your master Rele is the truly evil one. Rele and his fanatics are nothing but murderers. Do you enjoy starving children? Did it make you feel like a real man…a powerful HU-MAN…to brutally kill an innocent woman like Shengwu?”

  Robert’s accusations startle Rube. “What! Who is Shengwu? I don’t know anything about anybody named Shengwu.”

  “Shengwu Kexuejia! She was a brilliant and loving lady that your hate-crazed cronies beat to death while she was working…working to save the lives of sick and dying people. Does that make you proud? Murderer! Does it?!” Robert continues confronting Rube.

  Rube drops his eyes, refusing to look at Robert, while shaking his head and mumbling toward the ground. “I’m sorry about your friend Shengwu. But, I had nothing to do with her murder. Believe me, I’ve never…never.”

  “Guilt through association. If you aren’t like him then why are you with him?” Robert presses his advantage.

  “No!” Rube proclaims, as he meets Robert’s glare. “I’ve heard about Rele’s horrible actions. But believe me, I’m not like Rele. Not one of his followers. I’m just a failed farmer…just looking for another chance.”

  “He is telling the truth.” AGI determines.

  Robert nods his head acknowledging Rube while replying internally to AGI. “Yes, I agree. He appears sincere to me, too.”

  “Why are you standing there talking? You’re such an idiot. Just go in there and get your stupid seeds. You’re wasting my time…delaying termination.” CRAGI relays Rele’s impatient mumblings through AGI to Robert.

  “Is this use of termination an idiom for killing?” AGI inquires.

  “His previous threat certainly makes it sound like it is to me…for me, AGI.” Robert glances past Rube to ensure Rele and CRAGI are still where he left them waiting – a safe distance away.

  “So, are you still going to get me some seeds? Some of your Kernza seeds will work, I guess. Or is that offer over?” Rube doubtfully asks.

  Robert realizes that now is the time to complete his gambit. Giving Rube some SPEA Kernza seeds is no problem, especially if they grow more doubts in Rube’s mind about Rele. Still, he wonders if he has done enough to convince Rube to support him against Rele, if and when he needs him.

  Robert motions for Rube to follow him as he climbs the steps abutting the seed vault’s entrance. “Some Kernza seeds alone are not going to enable you to be a farmer again, you know. But, if you work with me. We work as a team. There’s a possibility that I can help you return to growing.”

  Rube responds with silence. To Robert, he appears to be lost in his own thoughts. As if dreaming, he trails Robert up the steps.

  Robert waits with his hand on the seed vault’s access portal. “Are you with me or against me?”


  Loading thirty pounds of Kernza seed onto Rube’s back lifts the heavy burden of failure from Rube’s shoulders. He grows wings. His mind is out of focus. He can think of nothing more than planting these seeds into his imaginary, fertile soil.

  Oblivious, Rube floats toward Rele and CRAGI on his cloud of optimism. A senseless smile creases his face. Robert rushes ahead to preserve his protection. Using his body to mask his actions, he retrieves Rube’s pistol and slips it inside Rube’s pocket. Rube does not notice.

  “Is that it? Are those your magic beans, Jack?” Rele sarcastically sneers.

  Ignoring Rele’s snide questions, Rube radiates with innocent pride. “Oh no, these aren’t beans. Thanks to Robert, I now possess thirty pounds of SPEA’s Kernza…their most advanced, perennial, deep-rooting, fast-growing super-wheat.”

  “Yeah, big deal, you’ve got your seeds. That’s it. I’ve fulfilled my promise to you. So, let’s go. We need to get out of town.” Rele points his E-M-P at CRAGI. “Start moving. Go to that transporter over there.”

  “What?” Confused, Rube awakes from his dream. “I told Robert he was free when he gave me my seeds. Why do we need

  Rele stamps his foot. His left cheek trembles. “You idiot! They’re our safe passage out of Fort Collens and back into Sheriff’s Shire. If we don’t have them with us as our hostages, DMS Safety and Security will scoop us up before we go two blocks.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Rube turns toward Robert. “He does have a point. It won’t hurt for you to stay with us a little longer. You can tell me how best to grow this Kernza.”

  “Well, what is this? Are you two best buddies now?” Rele pushes Robert forward. “Get in the transport. We need to get started back to Fort Morghan. Sheriff’s waiting.”

  As soon as Rele says Sheriff, Rube forgets his concern for Robert. He hurries ahead to the transporter. With great care, he pulls the pack of Kernza seed from his back and carefully sets it inside. He clambers onto a seat, secures himself then cradles the seed to his chest. Silently, he hugs the pack close until the transporter arrives on the Fort Collens side of the locked Poudre trail security gate.

  “Unmanned aerial vehicles fitted with optical, zoom and/or thermal cameras circle above your location. DMS Safety and Security specialists await your directions. Be aware that exiting Fort Collens precludes continued Safety and Security assistance due to jurisdiction restrictions.” AGI warns Robert when he and CRAGI depart the transporter.

  “Advise SPEA security to dispatch high level drones to maintain continual surveillance outside Fort Collens. Inform the DMS SPEA Security and Enforcement force to follow five minutes behind in air transporters.” Robert silently directs AGI.

  Clutching his bag of seeds, Rube jumps out of the transporter. He dashes to the locked gate then, like an anxious child, he turns and motions for the others to hurry. While he impatiently waits, Rube slides his seed pack onto his back. Slower and more deliberately, Robert, CRAGI and then Rele with his E-M-P climb out of the transporter into the blazing sun.

  Rele points his E-M-P at CRAGI first then Robert before shouting orders at Rube. “Rube get that pistol thing of yours out and make sure these two stay put. Don’t want them to get any ideas about running off just because I’m busy opening this gate.”

  Rube reluctantly pulls his pistol from his pocket. Holding his revolver loosely, he dangles it toward the ground. “Why aren’t we letting them go? We’ll be safe outside Denver as soon as you open the gate.”

  Rele discharges his E-M-P. The security gate pops open. Turning, he again aims his E-M-P toward Robert. “You protect your precious seeds, Rube. These two are mine. I’m taking charge of them, now, so don’t you waste your limited intelligence worrying about them. Robert is the plague Sheriff and I are fighting to destroy. I’m far from done with him.”

  Glowering at Rele, Rube sullenly walks through the gate and into Sheriff’s Shire. Swinging his E-M-P, Rele directs Robert and CRAGI to follow Rube. Rele shoves the E-M-P against Robert’s back forcing him forward. Rele slams the gate closed.

  Just outside the security barrier, Robert freezes in place. Cold sweat floods his face. His heart races. His head swirls. He is alarmed. Abandoning the safeguarding shelter of Denver to enter the wastedlands, terrifies him. He fears the wide open spaces and, especially, the people inhabiting them. He bears many, deep scars, inside and out, from his encounters with country crazies, as he calls them.

  With his eyes tightly shut, Robert sucks in a deep breath. Rapidly rattling his head, he attempts to shake away his terror. He begins reasoning with himself. He can only stop Limos Lives’ attacks by finding and destroying its nerve center. That’s been his plan and goal from the beginning. Hunt it down and shut it down. Therefore, he must go with Rube and Rele. He has no alternative. He is their prisoner by default and by choice. He only hopes that Rele will take him to his Limos Lives headquarters and not kill him in the wastedlands.

  Sensing Robert’s fear, AGI advises. “DMS Safety and Security specialists are withdrawing their surveillance and security specialists. SPEA security forces are assuming surveillance and shielding operations.”

  Robert silently responds. “Tell SPEA security forces to stay close, as close as possible, but out of sight. Maintain overhead drone surveillance. Continue constant communication. Our destination is unknown. I repeat, stay close. I need them close.”

  “Get moving!” Rele punches Robert in his kidney, shaking him out of his internal discussions.

  Seeking to retain Rube’s protection, Robert scrambles ahead to walk beside him. Acting independently, CRAGI blocks Rele by slowing in front of him. Rele and CRAGI fall farther and farther behind. On the uneven ground, Rele staggers and slowly limps along on his two injured feet.

  “AGI, transmit my conversation to SPEA security forces.” Robert mutely orders.

  “Where are we going, Rube?” Robert asks in a low voice.

  Rube peeks over his shoulder to locate Rele. Finding him many steps behind, concentrating on his struggle to walk, Rube quietly responds. “Well, right now, we’re headed to my truck. I hope it’s still where we left it. Should be. I camouflaged it and nobody appears to come out here anymore. Too hot and nothing to see since the river dried up.”

  Robert attempts to ingratiate himself. “Yeah, too bad for people living out here. No mountain river water escapes from Denver anymore. Where do you think we’ll go once we find your truck?”

  “Imagine Fort Morghan. That’s where we come from. Sheriff’s there. Be happy to get back there. Plant this Kernza.” Rube smiles broadly at Robert. “Hey, that’s where you can help me. After all, you said we’d be a team.”

  Robert returns Rube’s smile, adding a reassuring nod. “You bet, Rube. I’ll be glad to help you. But, what’s in Fort Morghan? What do we have available for farming? Any modern equipment? Can this Sheriff, you keep mentioning, help us?”

  “Are you receiving his conversation? Should I increase my auditory amplitude?” Robert checks his neural connection with AGI.

  “Reception is clear and distinct enabling comprehensible transmission and recording.” AGI asserts.

  Rube gives a single shake of his head. “Sheriff never leaves her court building, as far as I know. Never saw her outside, anyway. Believe she lives inside. It’s where Rele and I live too. Rele also has his work area there…something he calls a Sat-com room. Don’t know what all he does in it. Some important type of work for Sheriff for certain, because he’s a vassal. I’m a vassal, too. Did you know that?”

  “No, I didn’t. I…” Robert never has a chance to finish his sentence, before Rube floods him with his musings.

  Walk and talk. Talk and walk. Once Rube begins telling Robert about his life, he does not stop. Robert hears tales of the trials of his trip from Tribyoon to Fort Morghan. Twice, Rube recites his oath of fealty and the code of chivalry for Robert asking him to say it with him. Robert wonders if he is attempting to recruit him. But, primarily, Rube describes his loyalty and love for Sheriff.

  “Where is that idiot Rube? He should be back here, so I can keep an eye on Robert. If he lets Robert escape…so help me…I’ll…Sheriff will make him pay. Where is that fool?” Rube cannot hear Rele’s complaints, but they transmit loudly into Robert.

  Before Rube is done telling his tales and before they reach his truck, Robert discovers that until he joined Sheriff, Rube was a simple, lost and lonely old man. No family. No friends. No reason to live.

  He now lives to serve Sheriff and her cause. He tells Robert repeatedly how sustaining Sheriff is his one, true and only reason for living. Once, he was suicidal. Now, he is saved.

  “What is that thing?” The voice of Peter-five suddenly pops into Robert’s head, as they near Rube’s truck. Murmurings of similar questions from other chip children begin buzzing through his consciousness. He panics. He is not prepared and definitely not in a position, for thirteen curious, inquisitive children to invade his thoughts.

  Attempting to respond to Peter-five and his siblings, while continuing to grow his relationship with Rube, Robert declares an emphasized interest in Rube’s tr
uck. “Wow! I haven’t seen a TRUCK like this for years...decades. An ANTIQUE PICK-UP TRUCK, how unusual. Does its INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE still operate by burning GASOLINE or did you convert it to a different fuel? Interesting paint job, too. Do that yourself?”

  Rube stops and stares at Robert. He quizzically squints his left eye and tilts his head. “What’s going on? Why are you acting so strange…talking like that?”

  “Oh, those are just some questions I have bouncing around in my head.” Robert attempts to allay Rube’s concerns, while silencing the children.

  Rube is not convinced. He rubs his chin while he ponders Robert’s attempt at innocence. After several moments of studying Robert’s face, he cautiously speaks. “Yeah…like you say…it’s an antique…still burns gas. Yep…painted it myself...camouflaged it.”

  “He talks funny. Why does he talk like that?” Petra-six wonders. A chorus of voices asking the same question immediately arises.

  “Well, it looks good Rube…real artistic.” Attempting to silence the crowd in his cranium, Robert flips his fingers near his right ear as if chasing away a mosquito.

  Rube steps closer. He peers at Robert’s right ear. Nervously, Robert plays with his right earlobe, attempting to block Rube’s scrutiny. His hearing volume increases four times.

  Rube swipes Robert’s hand out of his way. Squinting, he moves closer until the tip of his nose almost touches Robert. The sound of Rube’s breathing roars through his ear canal. Rube tilts his head then strongly blows into the ear. Robert jumps and flinches.

  “Hey! Your ear ain’t real! Is that a bug in there?!” Rube shouts. “Can you hear me?!”

  “Augh!” Robert drops onto his knees. As fast as he can, he presses his left earlobe five times. Too late he realizes that reducing his external hearing does nothing to silence the screaming of the scared children excruciatingly echoing inside his skull.


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