Our team practiced hard, and it was obvious we all wanted to beat Blake. Once practice was over, Devin walked with me to get a drink.
“Do you think we’ll win?” I asked.
“We’d better,” he said sternly. “Usually, I’m not one to care so much about winning, but this is one game we must. I have to beat him.”
“Devin?” He turned slightly to show I had his attention. “You said you didn’t care about them anymore.”
“I don’t.”
I stopped walking, so he stopped to see why. “Then why?”
“Why what? Why do I want to beat him so badly? It’s a pride thing, Dahlia. Those two—” He paused and shook his head. “She blindsided me and tore my heart out. It’s taken me a long time to get to a point where I don’t care about her. I haven’t allowed myself to meet anyone else because I don’t want to get hurt like that again. There. I admitted it. She really hurt me. They really hurt me.”
“I know,” I said, trying to sound compassionate. “I’m so sorry.” I looked down as Devin fidgeted. “I don’t know if I could handle it if you got back with her. I—”
He cut me off and said, “I turned her down when she asked, remember? It’ll never happen,” he reassured me. “I want to beat Blake tomorrow. That’s all.” Before I could say more, he quickly embraced me. “Help me to win,” he whispered.
I sighed. “Okay. I’ll do my best.”
He gave me a squeeze. “I have to go shower. I won’t have time after dinner to get ready, and I’m sweaty. Gross.”
“I don’t think so.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” he said with a light laugh. He still didn’t let go, so I held on, too. “If we don’t sit together at dinner, then save me a place for the skits, and I’ll sit by you.”
I broke from his embrace to look at him. “Really?”
“Yeah. I’ve got to go before someone questions why I’m standing in the middle of camp holding you.”
“We’ll tell them because you love me,” I whispered.
In the late afternoon, Lauren and I were in the cabin, filling out our forms for prom king and queen—“prom” was the theme for our formal and last dance. We had to nominate two counselors for the prince and princess. Then we had to fill out the questionnaire, and two campers would be selected to be the king and queen.
“What do you use swabs for? Aren’t they used to clean out your ears?” Lauren asked.
“Well, they say it’s really dangerous to stick them inside your ears. You can rupture your eardrum,” I explained.
“Seriously? Okay, then I’m putting down that I use them to pick my nose. I’m sure that’s just as dangerous.”
“Hey, that’s good. What about this one? If you were an instrument, which one would you be? How about who cares? But what should I put?”
“I don’t know, but I’m definitely a fiddle because I got played,” Lauren said without missing a beat. She had such a good sense of humor. “Yeah. I’m putting that down, too.”
As soon as we were done with our questionnaires, we got ready with the rest of our cabin before dinner. The girls decided to put me in a fancy dress that one of the other campers brought with her. The dress was meant to make me look like a singer in a nightclub. It was very sexy and something I wouldn’t normally wear. I was warned not to get anything on it because the girl I’d borrowed it from wanted to wear it to the dance Saturday night.
Lauren did my makeup and hair, like always. I reminded her to keep my hair down because that’s how Devin liked it. She merely straightened it.
The final touch was to insert the push-up pads that another girl loaned me inside my bra. It made me look like I’d gone up a cup size and did wonders for my figure.
Once I saw myself in the mirror, I thought maybe Lauren was right—I was noticeable but really hadn’t given myself the credit before. Most of all, I looked forward to Devin’s reaction when he saw me. It was my last night being seventeen, so I’d planned to make the most of it.
We ended up sitting with our cabin of girls for dinner because Caroline thought that would be fun. All of us stood together and waited in the dinner line. My feet hurt a little in the heels I’d borrowed, but I told myself it was worth the pain. They made my legs look shapely.
Finally, we entered the dining hall and gathered our food trays, then followed each other to an open table. There was no sign of Devin yet, and I was so curious to know what he’d be wearing and if it would give anything away about his talent.
Ten minutes into eating, I got my answer when I saw Devin walk over to the beverage table. It surprised me to see him in sweatpants and a fitted, black pullover shirt. This gave me absolutely no indication of what he’d be doing. Maybe he hadn’t changed yet and planned to after dinner.
When it appeared Devin was lingering at the table, I picked up on the hint that he was waiting for me to come over. Grabbing my own glass, I scurried to stand next to him before he walked away.
Carefully, I slid in beside him, high heels and all. He side-glanced at me, and I saw a small smile of approval. He topped off my drink for me.
“If this is what you’re wearing for your skit, then you’re going to have all the guys after you.”
His comment made me blush. “Well, that’s just too bad for them because I’m taken.” I immediately regretted saying that. I was so caught up in the moment and loving his compliment that my flirting took over. “I am taken, right?”
Devin smiled and said, “By me.” Then he turned quickly to go back to his seat.
The rec hall was filling up quickly, and there was so much commotion. I needed to try to leave a spot next to me because Devin told me to. Lauren held her guitar beside her inside its case. At least there would be the distraction of the others in the skit while I sang, in case I did mess up.
The lights went out and only the front of the room was lit up as our stage. There was a curtain for people to get ready behind, then the acts were to come out in front of it and perform. When I looked around, I saw no sign of Devin.
The first act was announced and followed with much applause and whistling. Someone nudged me from behind, so I tried to scoot forward to allow more room, but my movement was limited in the tight dress. The thumping against me happened again, so I looked to see who was doing it. Devin was right behind me but stared straight ahead at the performers doing their act. He had his knees up, with his arms around them. I turned back around to face forward and smiled.
After another minute passed, I inched myself backward so Devin’s shoes were pressed into my back. Every so often, he moved them against me with a slight nudge. Subtly, I let my hand fall behind me and rest on the floor. Within seconds, his hand was on top of mine, with my back and his shoes concealing our physical interactions. His thumb rubbed my hand. How could I have doubted his feelings for me when he was risking everything to touch my hand then?
We let go abruptly to applaud a skit, then moved our hands to hold once more. It was hard to pay attention to the performances because I was thinking where else I wanted his hand on me. Then my thoughts drifted even further to ones of us in bed and what I wanted to do with him. I desired to have sex with him while at camp. He had to be good in bed, and I needed to know what he was like.
People were applauding around us, and I barely noticed. Devin leaned over me and whispered, “I’m up next. See you after.”
Suddenly, my heart began beating faster because the moment I’d been waiting for had arrived. Looking around, I saw some of the boys from Devin’s cabin walk with him behind the curtain. They were dressed similarly to Devin. One guy had his hair tucked up inside a beanie.
The host came back on stage and said, “Next up is ‘Like a Criminal.’”
A few of the girls screamed, which made me think they already knew what the act was. Very loud electronic dance music blasted through the speakers. Two of the guys from Devin’s cabin started dancing in an animated hip
-hop style. Then two more guys ran out from opposite ends of the room, did backflips over each other, then went to the floor and started spinning on their heads. They alternated between popping, breakdancing, and hip-hop.
A good minute into the song, there was a transition. Someone ran from the side of the room and did a flying spiral flip on his side over the two guys and landed on his feet. When he paused to face the audience, I realized it was Devin! He’d tucked his hair up inside a beanie hat like the others. The song transitioned and sped way up as all five guys started dancing simultaneously. And the crowd went nuts and broke into cheers. Devin fell to the floor and started doing all these crazy breakdancing moves, and the audience jumped to their feet. I stood up so I could see.
Next, the guys threw Devin up in the air, and he did another backflip, then dropped to the floor and spun on his head. Then they all stood up together and did some popping moves. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Devin. He was moving in an animated slow-motion way. If I hadn’t liked him before this, then I would have fallen in love with him after watching him dance. How did he keep this secret from me?
When it was over, they froze in position, and then the lights went out. The cheering was unanimous. The audience was going absolutely insane. Devin looked hot, and the performance was probably going to cause more of the girls to follow him around. It was certainly the best act of the night. Now I didn’t want to sing.
Intermission was called next. Devin’s act had been the perfect one to end on. Looking at the exit, I saw his group talking to all the girls who were going wild. I knew how they felt. Devin moved around the crowd of girls and slipped outside. So, I got up and followed. He was just up ahead and heading into the dining hall.
When I entered the dark building, I could see Devin drinking from a cup. He looked over and saw me. Immediately, I went to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Hey,” he said, trying to reach over me to set the cup down.
“I’m in awe of what you just did—truly amazed.”
“Dahlia…” he said barely above a whisper. The way he said it made it sound like he was uncomfortable with compliments.
“How? When did you learn to do that? You can’t just walk onto a stage and freaking do those things.”
“Oh.” He chuckled. “I liked a girl during my freshman year of high school. She was a dancer and talked me into taking a class with her so we could be together. My mom found a way to pay for it. Anyway, I never got very good—learned to spin on my head and do various flips. Some popping moves…”
“But what about the other guys you performed with?”
“They came to camp together last summer and already knew how to dance. I saw them practicing for skit night. And I was recruited for July’s skit night a year ago. This summer, I made sure they were in my cabin. And they wanted me to perform with them again tonight.”
I shook my head incredulously. “If only your daughter could see you now.”
Devin clutched my back and held me. “Thank you,” he said and kissed my cheek. “So, what are you going to do?” He let go so he could see my face.
“Nothing in comparison.”
“Aw, don’t say that. I want to see your talent.”
“But it’s not really a talent. I’m singing. I picked a song that means something to us.”
“Really?” He looked at my face, and I nodded. He smiled. “Then I can’t wait. Come on. Show me.”
Devin gently pulled me by my hand to the door so we could go back to the rec hall. I wasn’t sure what order we were performing in, but it was possible my group was next.
We sat back down where we’d been before. This time, Aaron had joined us. Devin was still seated behind me. As soon as the lights went back out, he put his hand on top of mine and held it again. I used my other hand to pat Aaron’s back.
Three more acts performed, and then the host announced a solo. “Give it up for the talented and beautiful Miss Marissa.”
My heartbeat quickened when I saw Marissa come out holding a guitar. She sat down on a stool that was set up for her. She’s going to sing, too?
Devin clutched my hand a little tighter, making me turn around to gauge his reaction. He mumbled, “What’s she doing?”
Marissa spoke into the mic. “Hi. I’ve loved this song for a very long time and want to share it with all of you. Feel free to join in and sing if you know the words. This song holds a special place in my heart. Enjoy.”
I scooted myself next to Devin so we could talk. “What’s she going to play?”
Devin was shaking his head and looked worried. She started to strum, and the look on his face showed he recognized it. “‘My Sharona.’”
“Does it mean something?” I searched his face.
“Yeah…” He swallowed. “It was my song for her.”
Of course, this news upset me since I, too, was planning to sing a song for Devin. She’d beaten me to the punch. To make things worse, the crowd loved it. Campers around us joined in and sang the chorus with her.
Someone tugged at my arm, and I saw it was a girl from my cabin. She whispered that we were up next. The look Devin gave me said he was worried about me and how I was taking Marissa’s song. All I could do was stand up and join my cabin.
“What’s wrong? Is it Marissa’s singing?” Lauren asked once we were behind the curtain and could whisper.
All I could do was nod because I felt stunned and cheated out of my surprise for Devin. Marissa had sung well, too.
The crowd clapped when Marissa reached the end of her song. She then exited behind the curtain and passed by me.
“Good luck. I’m sure he’ll like your song, too,” she said with a wide smile.
Then it occurred to me that Caroline must have told her about our skit. She must have known what I was singing and made sure she sang before I did. She was pure evil.
Our number was announced, and the curtain opened. If Devin could see my face, he would know I was very upset.
The skit was going along as rehearsed. When it was our turn to perform, Lauren picked up her guitar and was ready to play. Marissa was standing off to the side in full view, and I couldn’t concentrate. Then I did the unthinkable. Lauren strummed the few chords she was able to play, but I didn’t sing. I froze in place while she continued playing without me. The other girls from our cabin were doing their parts and kept the momentum of the act going, so no one noticed. It just looked odd that I was standing next to a person playing guitar in a fancy dress, but I wasn’t doing anything. If Devin even knew what song it was, I would’ve been surprised.
When it was finally over, I was free to go. I knew Devin had accused me of leaving whenever things hadn’t gone my way. But this was awful and really, really hadn’t gone my way.
As fast as I could, I walked to the exit and ran from the rec hall and toward the craft cabin. Without thinking, I went inside, ripped the shoes off my feet, threw them onto the floor, and fell across the bunk face down. I’d blown singing my song for Devin. The whole night was ruined. Stupid Marissa.
Only a minute later, the door opened, then shut, and I heard the lock click. Instantly, someone crossed the wooden floor and sat next to me on the bunk.
“Dahlia,” Devin said, “roll over, please. Look at me.”
I did what he asked and rolled over and looked up at him.
“I hate her so much,” I said.
“Shh. We had a deal. I wanted to hear your song for me.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t do it after her.” I sniffled. “Sorry I ran off.”
Devin sighed. He was quiet for a minute but fidgeted a little on the bed. “Can I hear it?”
I looked at him. “It’s too late. The skit’s over.”
“No, it isn’t. You could sing it now.”
“Here?” I glanced around the room and back at him.
“Yes. Please. For me?” He smiled warmly.
“But I don’t have the guitar to accompany me.”
; “You don’t need it. Sing for me,” he coaxed.
He laid down on the bed with me so we could lie facing each other. How could I turn him down? All I wanted to do was please him. At least it was dark, and he couldn’t see me clearly.
Closing my eyes, I started to sing the song I’d memorized for him. My voice wasn’t perfect, and parts sounded raspy, but I managed to sing it for him. His hand had moved to my hip and held there while I was singing. When I’d gotten to the final chorus, he softly sang with me. He had a really nice voice. This guy, apart from getting a girl pregnant in high school, was absolutely perfect.
When I was done, Devin let out a deep sigh. “Thank you. It means a lot to me you chose that song. I’ll always remember this.”
He nuzzled with me for a few minutes without speaking. It was soothing to be against him with his arms wrapped around me. Only three days left and this would come to an end.
“I really liked what you did tonight. I wish I could see it again,” I said, breaking the silence.
“Maybe I’ll do a special performance for your birthday.”
I sighed. Something else from him was on my mind for a birthday present.
A few minutes passed, then Devin sat up. “We really have to go, or it’ll look suspicious with both of us gone.”
“I know.” But I didn’t want to leave.
Tonight, the guys serenaded us again. Immediately, I went onto the front porch to see who was there. Searching around, I finally spotted Devin standing near a pine tree, more looking on than participating. A giddy smile took over my face, and all I wanted to do was run over and throw my arms around him.
Then I saw Devin discreetly back away from the group. It looked like he was heading into the forest. When the songs ended, the hugs started. Girls were surrounding the guys and hugging them. But I darted off in the direction I’d seen Devin go. He was standing a few trees away, and I practically ran into his arms.
He caught me. “It’s midnight. Happy birthday,” he whispered. “What do you want for your birthday?”
Immediately, my heart began pounding like some wild beast trying to punch its way out of my chest. I could hear the drumming in my ears. Still, I forced myself to tell Devin my request. “I want you.” I heard him swallow.
Edge of Eighteen: A Slow Burn Summer Camp Love Story Page 23