The Perfect Love Storm

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The Perfect Love Storm Page 8

by Anna Black

  “Wow, a miracle is happening. Chase Storm may be turning over a new leaf. Just please, Madison, watch him and be careful. Don’t be a fool for nobody, not even Chase Storm. If he’s full of shit, he won’t be able to keep up this charade for long. I mean, I could tell you some stories about Chase, Madi. He’s a bad boy,” she warned.

  “No, I don’t want you to tarnish the image of the Chase I’m falling for, and I think I’m beautiful enough to have a man like Chase interested. I’ve gained a few pounds, yes, but I’ve never, ever, since I was old enough to date, been with a man that wasn’t easy on the eyes. What really kinda had me suspicious at first was the fact that he didn’t remember meeting me before, so back then, maybe he wasn’t interested, but I think he’s ready now.”

  “Okay, Madi, date Chase at your own risk. Don’t ever say that I didn’t warn you, though.”

  “I won’t, and I appreciate you for looking out for me. If he starts to act up, you know I’ll cut him loose.”

  Deena laughed. “I know that’s real. I don’t recall you ever being a fool for no man, ever.”

  “Nope, and I’m not going to start now. I’m okay with being by myself, so for now, I’m going to enjoy myself and see where it goes. If it goes nowhere, at least I’m having fun with him.”

  “True. The Storm men do know how to entertain, and they are romantic motherfuckers.”

  “I hope so. I need a little romance in my life. And some dick, I might add.”

  “Oh my God, the thought of you and Chase getting it in . . . I’d love to know if he is really as good as these women say he is, or if it’s all talk.”

  “Well, when I do find out, you know you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Oooooh, Madi. This is crazy. Chase, of all men.”

  “Yes, Chase. And I know there are rumors, but I don’t know this Chase you and my mother speak of.”

  “Well. Good luck with that. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay, love, bye now.” Madison hung up and went back to looking for something to wear. She needed to update her wardrobe. She grabbed her phone. Her mother had tons of clothes and was always in something sexy. Now that they were both the same size, she knew her mom would help her out until she could find time to shop.

  “Hello,” Martha sang. Madison sometimes envied the confidence and sexiness in her mother’s voice and sway of her hips. Martha Atkins was every man’s dream, rumor had it, but the only man that ever made her temper rise was her father. Madison hoped she’d be as confident one day and have a love of her own again as her mother did.

  “Hey, Mom, how are you?”

  “I’m fine, baby, how are you?”

  “I’m good. I need something to wear. Chase and I have a dinner date tonight, and I have nothing. Nothing cute, anyway.”

  “Chase, as in Chase Storm?” her mother questioned.

  “Yes, Mother, Chase Storm.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? You and he have another date? Unbelievable.”

  “Why is that, Mother?”

  “Chile, Chase Storm has bedded more women than Serta mattresses,” Martha said.

  Madison chuckled. “Mother, I’ve heard this from you, from Deena, the girls at the salon, and I get it. Chase was a playboy, a ladies’ man, but I don’t know that Chase. So, please, stop reminding me of who he used to be. We all have a past, okay, and Chase has treated me with respect. I’m having a good time with him.”

  “A good time, huh?”

  “Yes, Mother, a good time, and it has absolutely nothing to do with sex. We’ve just hung out. Chase never lied to me, and I believe him. He says he is looking for a mate now. He’s so sweet and gentleman-like when we’re together. Please give me some credit. Let me be the adult you raised me to be. If he is full of shit—” She stopped, wishing she could take it back. She had never said cuss words to her mother before. “My apologies, Mother. If he is no good, let me discover that on my own.”

  “Chile, please, you can cuss. And I know you have a good head on your shoulders. As much as I want to protect you, baby, you are a grown woman, and I can’t judge that young Storm. Maybe he has changed, and you are the right woman to tame him. I’ll keep my opinions to myself and let you do you. Come on over, and we’ll find something fabulous for you.”

  “Thanks, Mom, and thank you for supporting me in everything. I won’t be a fool for Chase or any man.”

  “Well, that Tony had you stuck on foolish for a second or two.”

  “Keyword, Mother, had. I know I was wrong, Ma. That was the biggest mistake of my life, and I’ll never do anything so irresponsible again. You were right. I’ll share anything on this earth but a man. I have no excuse for that affair, and that’s not the woman I am, and I knew better, and I’ve repented, and I’ve forgiven myself, so I can’t do anything now but move on, right?”


  “I’m on my way.”

  Later that night when Madison arrived at Chase’s place, she was wowed by the beautiful home before her. She knew the Storms lived well, but she hadn’t expected Chase’s place to be so grand since he was a bachelor and a so-called ladies’ man. She expected something quaint and cozy, not a home large enough for a family. When she parked and got out, he came out to greet her.

  “You made it. Was it hard to find?”

  “No, my handy GPS got me here fairly quickly. Your house is lovely. I didn’t expect it to be this huge.”

  “Well, that wasn’t my plan either, but being a Storm, we build big, and my family builds with plans for a family.”

  “I see.”

  She admired the landscaping, pavers, and fountain that decorated the front of his home and lawn before following him inside, excited to see what was on the other side of the entryway. At first glance, it was as lovely inside as it was outside. Shocked to see the décor of neutral tones, artistic accents, and soft textures, she admired the inside as much as she did the outside. Not a bachelor’s pad at all. It looked as if a Mrs. Storm dwelled there too.

  “This is interesting. Lovely. Not what I expected, baby. I mean, your taste is impeccable.”

  “Well, my mother and sisters-in-law are responsible for everything inside. I just said ‘Do what y’all do,’ and I liked it. I’ve only added a couple of masculine touches, but not much. My office space is all me, though. They didn’t have any say or input on it.”

  “Let me guess, naked posters of women.”

  He laughed. “Although that’s a good idea, I didn’t dare go that route. Let me show you.”

  She followed him down a hall, and he pointed out the bathroom and the guest rooms, and then finally his office. Madison was surprised to see a Dallas Cowboy theme. He had every trinket and accessory known to man to show his team pride.

  “Wow, Dallas, huh? I’m a Texans’ girl.”

  “What? You can’t be. I mean, this relationship just ain’t gon’ work unless you convert,” he said, moving close to her. She smelled the mint on his breath and wanted to kiss him.

  “So, that’s it? Just because the Cowgirls are not my team, you don’t want to see me anymore? I’m crushed,” she faked a sigh, holding her chest.

  He kissed her, giving her what she wanted. “Well, this one time, I’ll make an exception, but you better be a fan. If not, I don’t think my heart can take it.”

  She ran a finger down his chest and smiled. “Now, that I am.”

  With another soft kiss, he said, “I knew you had other great qualities.”

  “Yes, I have a few,” she joked. He stole another kiss.

  This time, she let him part her lips and dance with her tongue. The kiss was sensual, and she enjoyed it.

  “I’ve been anxiously waiting to do that,” he said, ending the kiss and giving her a couple of pecks.

  “Me too.”

  “So, are you hungry?”

  Not for food, she thought, but she nodded. “Yes, I’m starving.”

  “Come on.” He took her by the hand and led her out to the patio. A m
an was cooking on the grill.

  “You have a cook?”

  “No, I hired him for tonight. I wanted you over, and since I normally eat out or at my parents’ or Lance’s, I hired someone.”

  “That was thoughtful. I mean, it smells divine.”

  “Deena told me about your allergy to shellfish, so he’s grilling steak, chicken, and veggies, and we got some steamed rice, so whichever you’d like.”

  “I wanna try everything. It smells so good.”

  “As you wish.”

  The cook served them while they drank aged wine. Madison found herself feeling like a new woman. Chase was tugging on her heartstrings. Her husband had been a great man, and she loved him, but they hadn’t had a romantic beginning, not like the beginning she was having with Chase. She and Dre had met in college and were friends first. He hadn’t been able to afford to wine and dine her.

  “Dinner was fabulous,” she said after the server cleared her plate. She had eaten a bit too much, but it was too good not to clean her plate.

  “It was, and I’m happy you enjoyed it. Let’s go inside.”

  She got up, and he took her by her hand. Her heart was thumping out of her chest. She was too attracted to him. She knew it was date number three, but her pussy had no way of deciphering that. She wanted him to try her, to initiate their sexual dance. She wanted him to take her.

  She took a seat and watched him go for the remote. Admiring his tight ass in his linen pants, she unconsciously licked her lips. Her eyes followed his every move, and when he turned around, her eyes landed on his shaft. She quickly turned her head. He laughed.

  “What’s funny?”

  “You,” he said.

  Pretending to be innocent, she said. “What?”

  “You were checking me out.”

  “I was not.”

  “You were,” he countered.

  “No, I wasn’t,” she denied.

  “You were, and if you’d like, I can let you see what’s underneath my clothes.”

  Her eyes got wide. “I’m good,” she lied. She wanted him to strip down to nothing. She wanted to see him as naked as the day he was born.

  He pulled the string on his pants with a naughty smile. She swallowed hard. “That won’t be necessary, but this is your house. You are free to walk around naked if you want.” The words came out in a rush, and she quickly took a big gulp of her wine. Her temperature was rising. She wanted him to take it all off, but she didn’t want him to know she wanted him to.

  “Why don’t you come and take off my clothes for me?”

  She smiled. “Ummm, you do know the cook is still here, right?” she reminded him. She took another sip of her wine and watched him fold like a chair.

  “Oh, I did forget that minor detail.” He came over to sit with her. “Well, until we are alone, we are going to listen to some good old R&B and sip more wine, and I’m going to give you a foot rub.”

  “Aaaw, snap,” she said, sliding her back against the corner of his sectional. She placed her feet into his lap. “You do foot rubs? Now, I’m down for that.”

  “I do, so relax.”

  “And I haven’t had one in ages, not by a man, of course, so I’m game.”

  “By who, then?”

  “The salon. I get my feet done, and they do a little massage, but it’s not the same.”

  “I see. Let me make your feet feel good, Madison.”

  With that, she relaxed and welcomed Chase’s massage.

  Chapter Twelve

  Chase slowly rubbed Madison’s feet and watched her. Her eyes were closed, and he could hear her moaning softly. He wondered if that was how she’d sound if he were massaging her love box with his shaft, or if it would be louder, more intense, more sensual. He wanted to massage her in other places. He wanted to rub his hands over her huge mounds and twist her nipples. He had been with size two, fours, and sixes, and he was so curious to know what it would feel like to nestle between her thick-ass thighs. He fantasized about putting his face between them.

  He imagined she’d taste as sweet as her mouth when he kissed her, and that she’d be as passionate in the bedroom as she was when she sang to him. He was now fully open to this new and different relationship. Never had he allowed himself to like a woman, enjoy a woman, or even really talk to one. Hell, if she talked too much, that usually turned him completely off. It was always casual and strictly physical for Chase. He never even entertained sharing feelings or emotions with anyone. He’d meet a woman and say something fresh or naughty to see how she’d respond.

  The ones he could fuck on a dime would find whatever clever, nasty thing he said to be amusing. The ones that required work usually called him an asshole when he’d approach her with his bedroom chat. The ones who were offended would be too much work. The ones who returned an even freakier response usually had his dick in their mouths or deep inside of them within a couple of hours. They’d have several drinks first, and they’d have him at their place, or he’d take them to a hotel or one of their properties. Either way, no one—not a single one—made it to his home.

  “Mr. Storm,” the cook, said interrupting his thoughts.

  “Yes, Cedric?”

  “I’m done, so I’ll be leaving.”

  “Thanks for everything. My lady and I enjoyed the meal.” He had just said his lady. Is that out of line? he wondered. He looked over at Madison, and when a smile plastered on her face, he knew it was safe to call her that.

  “I’m glad. And I enjoyed cooking for you and your lovely lady. I will show myself out. Please keep me in mind for your next romantic dinner.”

  “I will,” Chase said. He watched the man leave and then turned back to Madison. “So, babe, would you like a refill?”

  “I would, and I’d like for you to show me what you were going to show me before.”

  His dick jumped, and the corners of his mouth curled upward. “I will if you promise to show me yours too.”

  “Oh no, baby. This show is all about you. I want to see what you’re working with under those clothes.”

  “And I’m happy to show you, but I also want to see what you are working with under yours.” She put her head down and bit the corner of her lip. “Don’t tell me you’re shy? I know you’re not shy the way you were eyeing my dick down a few minutes ago, Miss Madison.”

  Madison looked up and smiled a sexy smile. “No, I’m not shy, Mr. Storm.” She stood and slowly unbuttoned the buttons on her denim dress. It had about five buttons up top, and the bottom hugged her hips and ample ass. She opened her top revealing a set of triple Ds held up in a lace green and black bra. It was sexy. Chase hadn’t known cute underwear came in that size. When she pushed her dress down from her waist to the floor, his dick stood at full attention. She wore matching green and black laced panties. She looked like a voluptuous queen. It was different for him, but not different in a bad way, he thought, putting the glass down on the coffee table. Her refill would have to wait.

  He grabbed her face and then pushed his tongue in her mouth, kissing her hungrily. He wanted to know what her pussy tasted like.

  He stopped and looked at her. “Can I taste you, baby? Let me taste all of you,” he panted. He was anxious and so excited to have her. She nodded. He took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom. . . . The first time any woman had been given that privilege. He pulled his covers back and tossed his throw pillows across the room.

  “Lay back, baby,” he whispered.

  When she did, he removed her panties. He pulled his V-neck over his head, removing the tee. Next were his pants and boxers. His dick was erect, and he heard Madison gasp at the sight of it.

  “Baby, I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be, so don’t worry.” He climbed into bed and positioned himself close to her side.

  He kissed her lips and then went for her breasts. He rubbed them through her bra, and she raised to her elbows and unhooked the hooks. It joined her panties on the floor. He got excited just looking at her large, dark nipp
les. They were solid as a rock, and he rubbed his lips over one before he opened his mouth to receive it.

  She moaned and rubbed his head as he twisted and massaged the other. He went back to her lips, stole a few more kisses, and then moved on to the other nipple. Hungrily, he licked and sucked, and she ooohed and aaahed, sounds of her sweet voice cheering him on. Anxious to taste her southern lips, he took his fingers and slid them down her center, stroking her clit.

  Now, her moans grew louder, and he couldn’t resist licking his fingers. Her scent and taste were of a woman who took care of herself. No foulness in her odor, clearance that you could eat it all night long if you wanted to. Even though she had arrived a few hours before, she still smelled of a fresh shower.

  “I wanna taste you,” he breathed in her ear.

  Her eyes widened. “Yaaaaaaas. Taste me, baby; stroke my clit with your tongue, baby,” she hissed.

  “Yes, baby,” he said stroking her clit vigorously with his fingers. He was in a zone and was lusting after Madison more than he’d ever craved a woman. He spoke his true feelings. “I’m feeling you, Madison,” he confessed, “and I just want to please you.” She nodded, giving him the go-ahead.

  He made his way down to her center; then he pulled her in close and softly kissed her lips. He teased her with the tip of his tongue and the sound she released drew him in, so he dove in. He licked, sucked, and teased her lips and bulb. He pushed her thighs back and pressed his tongue against her bulb, flicking it up and down.

  Madison trembled; her thighs shook. She lifted her bottom, feeding him her center, and he began to suck on her swollen clit, loving the sound of her moans. When she grabbed his head and called out his name, he knew she was there, but he continued to lick and suck until she cried for him to stop. He pulled back and watched the clear juice run out of her wet opening. The sight of it made his dick throb. He was solid and ready to feel the warmth of her walls around his shaft.

  He wanted in. He wanted to feel this sweet spot. He wanted to know what Madison’s flesh felt like. As badly as he wanted not to put on the plastic and just be skin to skin with this queen, he knew the rules. They were not married, and he still barely knew her. But he knew enough to know that he wanted her; he wanted her bad.


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