One More Night

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One More Night Page 31

by Brenda Jackson

  Jacobe nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “All right, because we are about to get crazy tonight.” Isaiah slapped him on the back.

  “You’re getting crazy? Mr. Calm, Cool and Collected?”

  “Man, we just swept the finals. I’m getting crazy. This is a dream come true. I just hope we can do the same thing next year.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He meant it.

  As they were leaving the auditorium, they passed fans lucky enough to make it back to the locker rooms. They shook hands and took selfies on the way out. Right before the door, a woman and young kid were waiting. Jacobe’s heart tightened in his chest. Christy and Jake.

  “You can just ignore her,” Isaiah said.

  Jacobe shook his head. “I can ignore Christy, but not Jake.”

  He walked over to them. Christy’s smile was hesitant. Jake’s was big and excited. He’d grown so much since Jacobe had seen him last. The three-year-old toddler now a tall seven-year-old. Jacobe studied Jake from head to toe. Even though DNA tests didn’t lie, he couldn’t help himself. He looked for any sign that the kid was his. There were none. Jake looked exactly like Martin.

  Jake held out a basketball and a marker. “Hi, Mr. Jenkins. Can I have your autograph?”

  The “Mr. Jenkins” hit Jacobe in the chest with the force of a heavyweight blow. Jacobe looked at Christy. Her lips were pressed in a thin line. “He’s a big fan,” she said.

  Jacobe looked back at Jake. The kid didn’t know. Why didn’t he know? Even though Martin insisted Jacobe stay away after discovering Jake’s true paternity, there were dozens of pictures of him with Jacobe when he was a baby? He had to have seen them and asked his mom why was Jacobe in them. Unless Christy had gotten rid of the evidence. It would make sense. Hide the situation until Jake was old enough to understand.

  Jake was pulling the ball back. Jacobe snapped out of his thoughts and smiled. “Sure.” He took the ball and the pen. “What’s your name?” The words hurt. Pretending he hadn’t helped name him hurt.

  “Jake Livingston.” Martin’s last name.

  Jacobe was proud his hand didn’t jerk as he wrote his autograph. He hoped his smile was friendly as he handed the ball back to Jake. “Here you go, Jake. Thanks for the support.”

  Jake stared at the signature, then grinned up at Jacobe. “Thank you. My dad’s a basketball player. I hope to grow up and play just like he does.”

  Jacobe nodded. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching out and rubbing the back of Jake’s head. “Oh, yeah? You do that.”

  He glanced back at Christy. For the first time in years, she didn’t look at him as if they could just be friends again. “I’m sorry, Jacobe,” she said in a rough rush of words. She looked at Jake then back at Jacobe. Regret filled her eyes. “For everything.”

  He couldn’t say they were okay. Could never say they’d be friends, or that he’d forget the way she and Martin had betrayed him. He couldn’t continue to hold on to the anger or the hurt. “Apology accepted.”

  The encounter stayed on his mind as he drove to the Suite. None of the anger that typically consumed him when he thought about Christy and Jake filled him. He was ready to move on. He expected thoughts of Phoenix and future championships to fill his mind. It didn’t.

  His thoughts revolved around his friendship with Kevin, Isaiah, and Will. The pride of how their team had advanced to and swept the finals. He was considered an elite player here. The men on the team and Coach Simpson weren’t just his colleagues—they were his family.

  Then there was Danielle. She was here. That’s why he couldn’t be happier after the game. Danielle loved him, but she didn’t want to move to Phoenix. She’d made her own connections here. She cared about the people and the places. She’d gotten him to do the same. Why on earth would he leave her? He loved her.

  Why on earth had he sent her to Malawi without telling her?

  Because you’re a fool.

  Jacobe swerved his car into an illegal U-turn at the next stoplight. Instead of going to the Suite he drove toward his home and pulled out his cell phone to call the airport. He had a flight to book.

  * * *

  Danielle sat in the passenger seat of a rugged Jeep while Luke drove them down a bumpy road to the next village. They’d mostly provided water filtration systems, but today, they were actually installing a well.

  “I hear that the Gators won the finals,” Luke said from the driver’s seat.

  Danielle turned to glance at him. “I know. I used the satellite computer at the last stop to check.”

  She’d talked to Jacobe a few days ago after they’d won the first two games in the series, but it was a quick call and he’d been tired after playing. She’d suspected then that they would win the series. They’d been doing so well she couldn’t foresee how they couldn’t win. She’d expected him to call and tell her.

  “He didn’t call to tell you?”

  “I talked to him a few days ago.”

  “He doesn’t call you every night.”

  “So?” she asked, her voice sharp.

  Luke raised one of his hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by that. I just noticed, that’s all.”

  “Why would you notice something like that?”

  “I would have called you every day.”

  Danielle sighed and turned back to the window. “We’ve been there before, Luke. You didn’t call me every day.”

  “A mistake I’ve learned from.”

  “Are you calling your girlfriend every night then? I haven’t paid attention to how often you get on the phone.” A true statement. She’d spent most of her time here talking to the Water for Kids people. Her time with Luke had been limited.

  “I’m not seeing anyone right now. If that’s what you’re asking.”

  “That’s not what I’m asking.”

  “That’s what it sounded like.”

  Danielle turned fully in her seat and narrowed her eyes on him. “Are you trying to make a point, Luke?”

  “Are you happy with him?” He glanced at her again. “Seriously?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Sounds like a no.”

  He sounded so sure her back went rigid. “Not only am I happy with him, I love him.”

  Luke’s head swung around and he stared at her wide eyed. The Jeep swerved to the right. He jerked it back in line with the train of vehicles in their party.

  “You love him?”

  “I do, and I think he feels the same.”

  Luke’s brows went up. “You think?”

  “Leave it alone.” She turned back to the window, her face hot with anger and embarrassment. She sounded stupid. I think he loves me.

  “Danielle, if he hasn’t said he loves you, then you don’t know for sure that’s how he feels. You could just be making this up in your head.”

  “I’m not.” She held up her hand to stop him from talking anymore. “Luke, we’re friends. If you want us to remain that way, then stop talking. Stay out of my personal life.”

  Luke didn’t say anything else for the remainder of the drive. Danielle stared out of the window, a multitude of thoughts swirling through her brain. They arrived at the next location thirty minutes later. She and Luke joined the rest of the group gathering around their guide’s Jeep at the front of the caravan. Their guide had gone into the main building of the small town to find out about lodging before they unpacked all of their items.

  The guide returned with a questioning look on his face. “They say someone from our group is already here.” His eyes scanned the group. “I counted us all and no one left early or got lost.”

  “Are they sure it’s someone from our group?” Luke asked.

  “That’s what the leader says. He said this guy came in yesterday and said he was with us.”

That sounds suspicious to me,” Luke said. “Our trip isn’t exactly a secret. It could be any wacko who knew we were coming here and is trying to get close to us.”

  “Apparently, the guy is out at the old well site now,” the guide said. “He went there this morning. The villagers have already begun working on the irrigation trenches and he volunteered to help.”

  “Let’s go see who this so-called volunteer is.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Danielle said.

  Luke looked at her with concern. “Danielle, I’d prefer if you stayed here. We don’t know anything about this guy. If he is crazy and things get rough, I’d rather you be away from any danger.”

  Danielle laughed. “I doubt a man who’s helping villagers dig a trench would be dangerous. You said yourself one or two other celebrities wanted to volunteer but couldn’t make it. Maybe it’s one of them.”

  Luke sighed. “Fine, but stay behind me.”

  Danielle rolled her eyes. “I’m not some damsel in distress. I’ll be fine.”

  “We’ll go with you two,” said one of the other football players from Luke’s team.

  Ten of them made their way to the old well site. If the volunteer was some crazy person, then they had nearly a ton of defensive linemen to answer to. The group of villagers digging the trench stopped as they noticed them approaching. They began talking excitedly and pointed to the people digging in the trenches. One man stood straight and cocked his head toward the villagers talking.

  Danielle’s breath caught in her throat. His back was turned, but she’d recognize that tall body and wide shoulders anywhere. When he turned to look at her, her heart danced. She grinned and took off running. Jacobe braced his arms on the side of the waist-deep trench and hauled himself out. He sprinted and reached her a few seconds later.

  Danielle flung herself into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m dirty, Danielle,” he said at the same time.

  He was dirty. Filthy, actually. Dust and grime clung to his handsome face. She guessed his T-shirt was supposed to be white but was, instead, a rust color that matched the dirt on his jeans. She recognized them as an expensive pair that had never been made to wear during manual labor. He smelled like sweat and dirt. Beneath that the delicious musk that was all him.

  “I don’t care that you’re dirty,” she said. “Why are you here?”

  “I’m digging a trench, woman. Can’t you see?” He used his head to nod toward the trench.

  “Don’t be stupid. You just won the finals. Aren’t you supposed to be going to Disneyland or working out the details of your transfer to Phoenix?”

  “That’s the thing—I’m not going to Phoenix.”

  Her heart jumped with excitement. “You aren’t?”

  “No. Jacksonville is home. The guys, coach, the city that I’m helping clean up—it’s where I belong. Everything I want is there.”


  His sexy grin made her body tingle all over. “Everything, including you. I should have said this before you left. I love you, Danielle. I shouldn’t have let you leave without telling you how I feel.”

  Danielle wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “I love you, too, Jacobe. Even if you were going to Phoenix I would have wanted to make this work. Don’t feel like you have to turn down the opportunity because of me.”

  “This is because of me. I’ve been afraid to trust people and to make a home for myself after what Christy did. Not anymore. I’m ready to make a new home with you—if you’re ready to be mine forever.”

  She was so happy she could have exploded into a million pieces of stardust and it wouldn’t have been enough. “I’m already yours forever. Only yours.”


  The sound of the ocean, along with the gentle sway of the hammock, and Jacobe’s body curled up behind her, nearly lulled Danielle to sleep. Even being mostly naked except for the sheet wrapped around her, on a balcony in a villa in the French Riviera wasn’t enough to keep her eyes open. Moonlight created shadows around them, she was thoroughly sated, completely happy, and absolutely lazy.

  After leaving Malawi, Jacobe surprised her with a quick weekend in a villa along the French coastline. Tonight was their last night. She looked forward to getting back to work. Debra had kept her abreast of what was happening, and her parents were excited to see her. Well, maybe looking forward to wasn’t the right phrase. Didn’t dread was more suitable.

  Jacobe tightened his hold around her. “I told you there is a definite perk to a vacation where all you do is have sex.” His deep voice washed over her in the quiet night.

  She smiled and snuggled closer into his warmth. “I wish it could last longer.”

  “I thought you were ready to go home.”

  “I miss my parents, and my friends,” she said. “At the same time I never want to leave.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Why?”

  “Because I never want to forget how happy I am here with you.”

  “You won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Oh, really,” she said in a low, pleased voice. “How are you going to do that?”

  “By giving you something that will always remind you of tonight.”

  Danielle’s eyes opened. Curiosity bubbled up inside of her. “You got me a gift?”

  “Wait. I’ve got to get up.” He slid her out of his embrace and got out of the hammock.

  Danielle tightened the sheet around her chest and frowned. “Why? I liked laying here with you.”

  Jacobe grinned at her and wrapped the other sheet around his waist. “Just wait.”

  She let out a fake groan of annoyance. He went over to where his pants were folded over a chair. Danielle begrudgingly got up from her comfortable position to sit and let her legs hang off the side. Even though she wished he hadn’t moved, she did enjoy the view of his muscular body in nothing but a sheet and moonlight.

  Jacobe returned with a hand behind his back. He awkwardly lowered to one knee. The sheet around his waist hindered his movements. Danielle’s throat constricted, and her heart danced.

  “Danielle, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” He brought his hand from around his back and opened a small black box that held a beautiful diamond ring.

  Danielle sucked in a breath. Tears stung her eyes and happiness burst in her chest. “Yes!”

  Jacobe got up and came to her. He took her hand in his and stared into her eyes. “Are you sure? I mean, I know this may seem sudden, but I love you, Danielle. I don’t want anyone else, and I know I never will. I’ve wanted you since that first study session in college and nothing’s changed. After all these years, I only want you more.”

  Tears slid down Danielle’s face, but her smile couldn’t be suppressed. Jacobe slid the ring on her finger then wiped away her happy tears. “Are you sure?” she asked. “Really sure. I love you, too, Jacobe. There’s no one else for me, but you’re going to be on the road. You’re going to be giving up a lifestyle most men dream ab—”

  He kissed her softly. “I’m completely sure. I’ve lived that lifestyle. I don’t want do to that anymore. I want you with me at as many away games as you can make. There’s no other woman I need by my side. In fact—” He leaned down and got his cell phone off the table near the hammock. “Hold up your hand.”

  She did and he took a picture of her with her hand up. The flash temporarily blinded her. After several blinks she watched him do something on his phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “This.” He held up the phone so she could see the screen. Her jaw dropped. He’d posted the picture online, thankfully of just her hand—diamond ring shining—next to her smiling face, with the caption: She just made me the happiest man alive!!!

  Danielle laughed and snatched the phone from him. “I can’t believe you did that.�

  He cupped the side of her face in his hand. “Let the world know I’m officially off the market. I’ve hid from relationships for too long. I won’t hide this. I want everyone to know we’re together. That I’ll never leave you behind. That I love you.”

  Her heart filled with so much emotion, she couldn’t speak. Tears came again. Jacobe leaned forward and kissed them away. Instantly her body responded. The masculine strength of his body pressed against hers, and she eased back in the hammock. His cell phone buzzed in her hand.

  Danielle broke the kiss and looked at his phone. A text from Kevin popped up. Without her glasses, she squinted and read the message.

  You owe me a G!!

  “Why do you owe Kevin a thousand dollars?”

  Jacobe grinned and looked at the message on the screen. He took the phone from her, which was now chiming with tons of responses to the picture. He silenced it before tossing the phone to the side. “Kevin told me from the start I was going to fall in love with you. He bet me. I lost.”

  “I would say I’m sorry,” Danielle said grinning. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Don’t.” Jacobe pulled at her sheet until her body was naked beneath him. “That’s a bet I’m happy to lose.”

  * * *


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