Gambling With The Billionaire (Gems 0f Love Book 2)

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Gambling With The Billionaire (Gems 0f Love Book 2) Page 5

by Agnes Canestri

  Ryan scratched his head.

  What just happened? Why on earth did Bianca bid on him? And with such a large sum? Could she even afford that kind of payment? Judging from the state of her car, she most definitely couldn’t.

  She got to the stage and held up her hand to him. “Shall we?”

  Ryan put his palm in hers and jumped down. He wiped his hand on his trousers, but it didn’t erase the vibration from Bianca’s touch.

  When they settled back at their table, the blonde in the red dress raised her glass toward them. “Bianca, love, enjoy your prize. He’s quite something.”

  Bianca’s cheeks became crimson as she muttered, “Thanks, Scarlett. It’s all for a good cause, right?”

  Scarlett chuckled and winked. “Sure, sure. That’s why I bid on him, too.”

  Ryan eyed Bianca as she arranged her napkin in front of her. It was the second time she had ironed it flat with her palm. What was she thinking about? Did she regret bidding on him?

  Ryan cleared his throat. “That’s quite a surprising turn of events. I wasn’t aware you wanted to contribute to the ball with your personal finances.”

  Bianca raised her eyes. “I didn’t plan on it either. The bids got out of hand a little.”

  So it was as he’d suspected. Money was a problem for Bianca. Then why did she even offer this much for him?

  His pulse picked up. Could it be because she wanted to spend time with him?

  No, that was a stupid idea. She probably had a more rational explanation for her action than a spontaneous desire to drop four grand to see Ryan prepare dinner for her.

  He brushed his thumb on her hand still clutching the edge of the napkin. “If you have trouble paying out the offer, I can help you with that. I’m glad you bought me instead of someone else.”

  Bianca flinched and her eyes widened.

  Oops, that came out all wrong. It implied something different than Ryan intended. Heat singed the back of his neck. He swallowed hard. “I mean, it’ll be easier to do these services, given that I already know you.”

  Bianca’s face relaxed. “Ah, I see. Yes, I thought so, too. After all, the main reason you’re in Rocky Harbor is to finalize the acquisition of The Sapphire.”

  Ryan’s stomach churned. The restaurant, of course. Bianca’d outbid the others, so that they’d have more time to discuss business. Not because she liked his company. A bitter taste spread in his mouth. “Exactly, my point.”

  “Don’t worry about the money.” Bianca lifted her glass and took a sip. “I don’t stretch longer than my blanket reaches. But about the services you’ve offered…”

  Her gaze sought Ryan’s, and when their eyes met, a faint smile played along her lower lip.

  “What about them?” Ryan’s palms itched and he rubbed them on his thighs.

  Bianca blinked twice before answering. “I decided to release you from your duties. You don’t have to do anything for me, except one thing.”

  What did Bianca have in mind? “I’m all ears.”

  “You need to tell Stefano you’d like to sign the papers with him on Tuesday instead of tomorrow.”

  Ryan leaned forward. “And what will I be doing in Rocky Harbor till Tuesday if I’m not bound to serve you?”

  Bianca licked her lower lip, and her pupils dilated slightly. “It’s up to you. But if I were you, I’d immerse myself in the town’s life, so you can fully factor the wellbeing of its inhabitants into your business decision.”

  Ryan nodded. So that was Bianca’s plan. She’d spent her money so that Ryan would be obligated to stick around. She wanted him to get feelings for Rocky Harbor and its inhabitants.

  “I know what you’re doing.” He squinted at her. “But you should be aware that I never make my decisions based on emotions.”

  Except this morning.

  Ryan straightened his back. No, that was a mistake he wasn’t going to repeat. Even if he stayed in town, he’d use his time to improve his original business idea and see how it could best fit into the town’s infrastructure.

  Bianca tilted her head. “I wouldn’t expect anything else of a man of your reputation.” There was a teasing edge to her voice, just like this morning at the railway stop.

  Ryan’s chest grew warmer. Before his mind could put a stop on his tongue, he blurted, “I’ll follow your advice under one condition.”

  Bianca’s mouth formed a small circle. “Yes?”

  Was he really going to suggest this? It was a terrible idea.

  But why? Bianca knew the restaurant’s finances in and out. She was more of a conversation partner when it came to future profits than Stefano, the owner.

  Ryan ignored the pounding in his throat and said, “You won me in the auction. It’d be an offense to all my other bidders if you just left me alone for the next three days. I’ll stay in town, but only if you keep me company.”

  Bianca folded her arms in front of her chest. “Company, how?”

  Ryan stifled a chuckle. Did Bianca think he was requesting special favors from her?

  At the thought, his blood rushed quicker through his veins, so he promptly directed his ideas back to the present. “Just hang out with me. I need to learn as much as possible about The Sapphire’s finances. As you might’ve guessed, your future plans don’t exactly collide with mine. But if you want me to keep an open mind and listen to your strategic vision, I’m ready to do it during these three days.”

  Bianca scratched her chin. “Fine. I’ll speak with Stefano. He can fill in for me on those days.”

  Ryan wasn’t sure why, but all the molecules in his body began dancing. Was he excited because he was going to spend the upcoming days with Bianca? These were reactions that no other woman, including Jenna, had ever awakened in him.

  Ryan pressed his left hand on his neck. He had to stop revisiting his feelings about Jenna in Bianca’s presence. Jenna was exactly what he needed. Beautiful, ambitious, and she didn’t require his constant presence or too much emotional caring from him. Only his support. Financially and professionally.

  For a second, the realization left him puzzled. He had never quite spelled it out like this. Maybe it meant that his relationship was as dry and pointless as Helga and his father thought?

  Ryan’s eyes drifted over to Bianca’s dark curls. Her hair looked so soft as it framed her delicate neckline. Ryan’s chest expanded and his breathing became deeper. “I just—”

  A male baritone interrupted them.

  “Bi’, lovely, I wasn’t aware you were going to run errands tonight.”

  Ryan turned to find the saxophonist standing behind him.

  The man grinned at them and brushed his hand through his hair. Ryan narrowed his eyes. Were those highlights in the guy’s bangs? Ugh. His smile looks as fake as his hairdo.

  The man held out his hand to Ryan. “Hi, I’m Jake. It’s my band that you had the pleasure of listening to. I’m glad we met. I’d love to discuss how we can be of service to you once you sell this place to a new owner.”

  Chapter 11

  Bianca’s jaw tightened. What could Jake want? It was untypical for him to leave his band during the breaks. Did it bother him that she had won Ryan in the auction? Her stomach got warmer at the thought. The fact that Jake had dumped her still stung.

  Jake held out his hand to Ryan. “Hi, I’m Jake. I’m glad we met. I’d love to discuss how we can be of service to you once you sell this place to a new owner.”

  Bianca’s mouth popped open and she grabbed the sides of her chair.

  Shoot me now. What. A. Jerk. Jake wasn’t interested in her spending time with another man. His only concern was getting into Ryan’s favors.

  Ryan cocked his head to the side. “Nice to meet you, Jake. I’m Ryan. As much as I appreciate you coming forward like this, I’d first prefer to finalize the details of the acquisition with Bianca and Stefano. The future of The Sapphire isn’t decided yet. So it’d be a bit rushed to discuss your band’s contract. Don’t you think?”

  Bianca’s heart leaped. Ryan’d brushed off Jake’s comment so elegantly. He’d made clear that Jake wasn’t to overstep Stefano. Or Bianca.

  Her glance bounced between Ryan’s short dark hair and Jake’s blondish bangs. She used to admire Jake’s nonconformity and creative style, but now, compared to Ryan’s somber but self-assured demeanor, Jake’s behavior seemed forced and pompous.

  Bianca bit her lip. Great heavens. What inappropriate thoughts. She mustn’t think of Ryan in any way other than as her business opponent. Otherwise the events of the upcoming three days would escape from her control.

  Her stomach hardened. Didn’t they already? She’d committed to burn through her savings to spend time with Ryan. The four thousand dollars were proof that her rational mind wasn’t working properly. How was she to scrape together that much?

  Jake put a hand on Bianca’s shoulder. “I understand, Ryan. Luckily, I know Bianca has my band’s and my best interest at heart. Ain’t it true, Bi’?”

  Bianca recoiled from Jake’s touch. Was he really going to play this card with her?

  Ryan’s lips pressed into a line. “I see. Well, then there’s nothing you should be worried about, is there?” Ryan’s voice sounded colder than before.

  Jake smiled, but his cheeks moved asymmetrically. “Yeeaah, sure. Now, I need to get back to the band. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  When Jake was gone, Ryan picked up his glass. He emptied it in one sip.

  Bianca fidgeted with the strap of her dress. “As you can see, everybody is concerned with what the future might hold for our restaurant.”

  She regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth. It was clear Ryan didn’t care about Jake’s interests. And why should he?

  Ryan twirled the glass between his fingers. “Well, your friend is quite sure you’ll put in a good word for him. Are you two close?”

  Bianca’s heart skipped a beat. Why did Ryan care what kind of a relationship she was in with Jake? Ryan’s jaw was clenched and his eyes were fixed on the table. Could it be that Ryan was jealous of Jake? Bianca’s ribcage constricted at this possibility and her heart drummed. He did invite her to spend three days together even after she’d released him from his duties, didn’t he?

  No, this was impossible. Ryan didn’t see her as a woman. Only as a good source of information for his business strategy. Yes, he wanted her company, but only to make sure that he made a profitable decision. There were no feelings behind his actions. He said so himself.

  She shrugged. “We’ve known each other for a while. But there’s nothing between us, if that’s what you were getting at. I don’t mix work with emotions.”

  Fine, this statement wasn’t true, per se. She hadn’t always respected it in the past. But now she did. Also she needed Ryan to see her as a reliable collaborator, not as the loser with men that she was.

  Ryan slowly raised his chin, and his eyes met Bianca’s. “Good.”

  His gaze was so intense that the hairs on Bianca’s back stood up and her fingers trembled slightly. Oh, my. How could a simple syllable produce such an effect on her? And what did he mean by good? Good that she had nothing to do with Jake, or good that she didn’t mix work with emotions?

  Clarissa came to their table with their orders. “Here, you go. Two Pasta alla Norma. Enjoy your meal.”

  On her way back to the kitchen, the waitress wiggled her brows at Bianca, while pointing at Ryan’s back.

  Bianca rolled her eyes and blew a curl from her forehead. Why were all the women in this room under the impression that there could be only one reason to bid on Ryan? Bianca didn’t do it for his looks. Nor for his knee-melting smile. She did it to save her job and the restaurant.

  Ryan tasted the food. “Ah, this is awesome. I can’t believe I’ve never tasted this dish before. I thought I was a sort of connoisseur of Italian cuisine. Apparently, I was wrong.”

  He gave a smile to Bianca, one that was neither the polite kind nor the dazzling one. It was genuine, boyish excitement. Unfortunately, it made him look even more sexy than before.

  Bianca grabbed her glass and took a sip. Anything to keep her eyes away from his lips.

  A nagging feeling spread in the pit of her stomach. She tried to suppress it, but she couldn’t chase it out entirely. If she was honest with herself, she hadn’t bid on Ryan only to salvage The Sapphire. No. The thought that one of Rocky Harbor’s eligible bachelorettes would get the honor of spending three days with Ryan had been unbearable.

  “I’m glad you like it. And also, I hope you didn’t regret getting talked into the auction,” she said finally when she was sure her voice wasn’t going to tremble.

  Ryan squinted at her and shook his head. “I’m feeling more and more confident about how right my decision was.”

  Bianca gulped as she watched Ryan lift one of his eyebrows.

  Was there a double meaning to his words? Could he also feel a weird sparkle in the air surrounding them?

  She shifted forward on her seat. Her gut reactions to men were always wrong. She had a whole arsenal of examples to demonstrate her inability to fall for the right men. So the palpitations that filled her chest at the sight of Ryan’s dark gaze should be regarded as a true warning signal. This man was too handsome, too confident, and too rich. Way out of her league and probably dangerous for her.

  It would be safer to steer the conversation back where it belonged.

  She rubbed her hands together. “I’ve outlined to you what my hopes would be for The Sapphire if Stefano didn’t sell it. Would you mind telling me what your current plans are for this place? So that we’re on the same page?”

  Ryan’s eyes widened, and for a minute, Bianca doubted he was going to respond. His glance moved to the table, then to the stage, and finally back to her face. He nodded. “Very well. I guess it’s fair that we play with open cards. But—” He held up a hand. “You need to promise me you’ll keep an open mind for my proposal, just as you expect me to have for yours.”

  Bianca swallowed. This wasn’t going to be easy. Anything that risked putting her work in jeopardy was bound to upset her. But she had to try, otherwise she wouldn’t know what she was battling against. So she blinked and said, “Fine, tell me. I’ll listen, but I don’t promise that I won’t try to turn the tables on you. I don’t mean literally, of course. ”

  Ryan’s lips curled up. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less of you.”

  There it was, those Dean Martin crinkles in the corner of his eyes.

  Frank Sinatra’s “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” began to play in the background.

  Bianca’s heart throbbed in her throat, and she drew in a deep breath to calm herself. Suddenly, she wished it was already Tuesday evening. The next three days were going to be hell.

  Chapter 12

  “I’m sorry, Bi’, could you repeat that? How much money do you need to pay?”

  Ginny’s soprano filled the phone. Bianca switched to loudspeaker and hopped up on the bed.

  “You’ve heard it right, Ginny. I’m so screwed. Why did I bid four thousand bucks? I’ll burn through all my savings.”

  Bianca thought back to her last trip to Italy. Maybe she should’ve just spent Easter in Rocky Harbor. Then she’d have another thousand to juggle with.

  Ginny smacked her lips. “That sucks. But you’re lucky. I can help you out. I’ve just started working for Nicholas Peterson. He pays me an insane amount of money.”

  Bianca put on her stockings. At her cousin’s words, she paused midway. “You did what? How?”

  Nicholas Peterson was a world famous writer. And Ginny a teacher. How did these two come together?

  Ginny lowered her voice. “I can’t really speak now. I’m in his house. I’m living here.”

  Bianca stifled a cry. And here she thought her life was spinning out of control. Well, apparently so was her cousin’s. “Ginny, you can’t just leave me hanging like this. You need to spill the beans.”

  Ginny sighed. �
��Fine, but we’ll get back to your little financial bravado after that.”

  Bianca’s throat dried out. “Sure,” she mumbled.

  Ginny’d been like a real sister to her while they were growing up. It meant her cousin knew Bianca inside and out. Would Ginny realize there was more to Bianca’s atypical behavior at the auction than just her fear of losing her job?

  Ginny cleared her throat. “So I’m living in Nicholas Peterson’s mansion now, because I agreed to be his son’s nanny for a year.”

  Bianca’s brows rose. “I didn’t know he had a son.”

  “Yes, he does. He goes to Riversmith Pre-school & Elementary School,” Ginny answered.

  Wait, a minute. Riversmith, Riversmith…there was something about the name. Bianca was sure she’d heard it somewhere before. “Isn’t that the school that—”

  Ginny chuckled. “Yes, exactly. The one I applied to like dozens of times and they always refused me. So I’m trying a back door. I’m hoping that if I get the recommendation from Mr. Peterson, the school’s director might consider my application.”

  Bianca blew a curl from her face. “Wow, wicked. What’s he like?”

  There was a silence in the line.

  Bianca leaned closer to the phone. Okay, Ginny’s lack of words could only mean one thing. Her cousin was never short of words. Witty was Ginvera’s middle name. If a man made her speechless, it could only mean two things. Either Nick Peterson was incredibly hot or extremely terrifying. Based on pictures and the few articles Bianca had seen in the press about the celebrated writer, he was most probably both.

  “He is…” A scratching sounded on Ginny’s end of the phone. “You know, a writer.”

  A smile spread on Bianca’s face. She knew this tone. Ginny liked Mr. Peterson.

  But before she had the chance to press her cousin any further, Ginny said, “Enough talk about me, you called because you need my help. Tell me, why did you agree to pay a sum you can’t afford for a man you don’t even know?”


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