The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset Page 36

by Chrissy J

  “Happy birthday baby” I said kissing Kendu to wake him up, he open his eyes and cracked a smile

  “Thanks Pretty girl” he said kissing me we was at his house Eddie had Lil man for the weekend, Fantasy was with us and I was off of school for two days, I cooked him breakfast and fed it to him in bed then I ran him a bath and bathe him

  “Shawty you don’t have to spoil me” he said rubbing my back while we was in the tub

  “Shhh…baby today is your day” I said kissing him we made love and got out

  “Your stomach getting in the way now” Ken joked helping me put on my shorts, I laughed slapping his head in a playful matter.

  “You know I love your body” he said kissing my belly the baby kicked

  “Alright little girl, you’re hurting mommy. Daddy doesn’t know how that feels” I said rubbing her Ken kissed my stomach again before I walked out the room to check on Fantasy. I picked her up changing her diaper and bringing her in the room with us before my mother came to get her. As soon as I walked in the room Fantasy was trying to get away from me and into Kendu arms, I sat on the bed putting Fanny in the middle of the bed.

  “Hello, thank you Paris. Hey daddy’s quarter back thank you Leek and Queenie. Y’all are in New York? Ok put Raya on the phone” he said into the phone, I tried putting my shocks on but he helped me I sat on the bed and turned on the TV to TLC so I can watch A Baby Story

  “River brought them up? Yea I’m going to come see them, whatever Raya grow the fuck up. Just have my son ready” he said hanging up I laid there looking at him

  “So what do you and Ha have plan for today?” I asked he turned to me with a smile on his face, before tickling Fantasy.

  “I don’t have anything plan with Ha, Today is yours and mine. So whatever you want to do we can do” he said looking at me with dem bed room eyes

  “You are so nasty, that’s how we got her in the oven. Aren’t you going to pick up King?” I asked

  “Yea I’m going to pick him up so he can stay here with us for the night, but I wasn’t talking about being nasty. I was talking about us going out to eat, so who’s got nasty thoughts going through their mind?” he asked laughing and laying between my legs and laying his head on my stomach. Fantasy followed him and the baby started moving around.

  “Whatever punk, we’ll see when you come back” I told him.

  Kendu left to go pick his son up and I stayed right in bed, until my mother came and got Fantasy. I was laying in the bed bored waiting until Ken came back, Hershey called to see what time I was bringing Ken to the hall I rented to throw Kendu a party it was big enough for his friends and family, I told Hershey we were going to be there by nine, I asked if aunt Tasha finished cooking. She informed me that everything was all done. She asked me what I was doing while making fat jokes about me, I told her I was just lying in the bed waiting for Ken to come back from picking King up, looking at my nails I told her I was going into Harlem to get my nails and feet done. She told me her and the crew was going to meet me there; we hung up I put on a blue sun dress and put my hair up in a messy bun then I sprayed some Chanel .5 and my Prada open toe sandals and was out the door. I drove to Harlem and stopped at Rita’s shop to see if it was crowded.

  “Look what the wind blew in, how’s my Princess?” Rita asked coming to me as I walked in the shop all eyes was on me

  “Hi Rita, I’m fine” I said hugging her then walking to the back with her

  “You know your sneaky ass father was over here the other day talking about his new granddaughter coming” she said

  “Yea he hype he got a grandson and three granddaughters, did you meet my sister?” I asked

  “Girl, did I? she look just like you, I use to do her and her mother hair in Brooklyn. I never knew she was Mel Kin. So what you getting done today?” she asked

  “Can you squeeze me in? I just need my nails and feet done.” I said she snapped her fingers and her home girl Ming came to us I walked upstairs where the nail salon was and sat down. I texted Hershey and told her I was in Rita’s shop, a hour into me getting my nails done Soraya walked in the shop with Brie and two other girls.

  “Look at my baby, where the hell y’all been? You know your aunt was worried.” Rita said hugging each of them.

  “Rita, I missed you too, I moved to Atlanta. I had another baby his name King he be three in August.” Soraya said sitting down at Rita station, I was upstairs watching everything and waiting for Hershey. Rita and Raya made small talk while I just sat up in the upper level watching everything, Raya then told Rita that she and Sincere was no longer together. Rita looked shocked then she asked what happen between them Raya explain that Sincere had gotten a girl around her age pregnant and that the girl was from Harlem.

  “What’s the girl name, I might know her. I know everybody in Harlem I could tell you if she a hoe or a gold digger.” Rita laughed

  “Her name is Diva, she around my age.” Raya said the look on Rita face looked like she was in shock.

  “So do you know the bitch that broke up my sister happy home?” Brie asked

  “Do I know her? Hell yea I know her, Brie don’t disrespect her. That’s my ex daughter, Diva” Rita yelled I stood up and looked down at her, Raya seen me and took her earrings off and I did the same thing. I didn’t care about Kendu snapping on me for smacking her disrespectful ass. She was just annoying and she did the most off the wall shit when it came to Ken and King.

  “RiRi where is Diva?” Hershey asked walking in the shop with Story and both of Kendu sisters. Brie and Raya looked at Hershey and she grilled them, I walked down stairs towards them Rita turned to me.

  “Princess you with Kendu?” she asked

  “Yea RiRi it’s a long story, I’ll call you later” I said hugging her

  “It’s a small fucking world; this bitch must be in a lot of shit. Raya, she Rita Ex daughter that’s crazy and both her and her friend fucking something that once belonged to us.” Brie said about to step to me, I wasn’t in the mood for an all-out brawl today I had my trustee .25 with me and I wasn’t scared to use it on one of those bitches

  “Yea we both fucking them, they don’t belong to y’all no more trick. They moved on to something better and greater.” Hershey said walking towards me, with a mug on her face.

  “Soraya, Brie y’all acting like little kids. My brothers moved on get over it.” Ja said she was more so the peace maker until you pissed her off and it was hell on earth, I hugged Rita once more and we walked out.

  “Don’t sleep bitch” Raya said to me when I walked passed her I smirked,

  “Never boo; my eyes are always open when it comes to hating ass bitches. Bye Rita Kisses” I said leaving them standing there.


  Sincere and his little girlfriend was really getting under my skin and the fact that she was carrying his baby was really killing me, but when Rita told me that Diva was like her stepdaughter that really put me on edge. I knew of Rita ex, he was the one that brought her the salon. I didn’t know what happen to them because I left New York after everything I been through with my daughter father, my first love Doo. That nigga had my heart and he tore it open and fucked me up. When I met Sincere in Applebee’s I didn’t know how to take him in, I kept fighting what I felt for him but he became one of my best friends and he was there for me when I needed him. When we took our friendship to the next level, I knew I was in love with him and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Then I did some crazy shit, I grabbed my daughter and Brie and we went to Atlanta. We cut ties with everybody for two months until Sincere caught up to our asses, Atlanta is where we still lived and ran the biggest drug business that Atlanta have ever seen. Nobody thought two females could make it in the game but Brie and I proved them all wrong. That’s when I met Knowledge and I swear I wasn’t trying to fall in love with his ass but he found a way to break me down, that’s when I had my son King. I had Knowledge thinking he was the father when I knew all along Sincere fa
thered King. It was a big mess, Knowledge ended up getting killed leaving me all alone and Sincere took my baby from me. Now to see Sin in love with another woman hurt my soul, even though we weren’t together since Sin found out about King being his and me keeping it away from him. I knew whatever me and Sin had was over the first time he slept with her. Me knowing Sin like I knew him, knew he was in his feelings over a chick when he wouldn’t want to touch me or he would try everything to be away from me. I knew I lost Sin to Diva.

  “Soraya calm down, Diva is my baby and I’ll be damn if I see two people I love fight over a piece of dick. I know Diva wouldn’t break up your happy home if she knew you and Sin was together. She is not the type to do no shit like that she not a hoe and she not one of those bird ass bitches out here chasing another girl man. She just went through the same shit you are going through; her own friend was fucking her baby father so don’t be mad at her confront your man she young but she not dumb.” Rita told us I sat there listening to everything Rita said she never raised her voice to me so I knew she was pissed.

  “Rita it’s not that I’m mad at her, she probably didn’t know about me it’s the fact that she is carrying his baby that got me upset.” I said Rita put her arm around me and hugged me.

  “Again, talk to your man, he fucked her raw and he knew what the outcome would be.” She said, We left Rita shop and I drove to Ha crib.

  “Speak,” I picked up my phone

  “Raya, Diva is off limits. Why you always trying to start some shit? You need to grow up.” Sincere said into the other end of the phone. I let out a pissed off chuckle before speaking.

  “Your bitch called you and told you we bumped heads once again.” I yelled

  “My girl didn’t call me, she not young minded like you. My sister called and told me and you lucky Diva was cool today.” he laughed like he told the world’s funniest joke.

  I always knew he held some kind of hate for me over what happen between me and Knowledge.

  “Those bitches don’t want it with me, anyway I’m at your brother house if they want to see me they could.” I said hanging up on his ass.


  “This shit is getting out of hand, I’m going to end up killing this bitch.” I said to Story as I drove to my house, Hershey was driving behind me with Ja and Army.

  “Soraya need to calm her ass down, Sin need to put her in her place. I already told Street if she comes at you again I was going to handle her ass.” Story said lighting a blunt

  “Nah Story I don’t want you in the middle of our beef, you never had a problem with her.” I told her, she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

  “Bitch bye, you are my sister, my blood and I’m going to ride with you till the wheels fall off before I side with any other bitch.” she said

  “I love you Lil sis.” I said

  “I love you too big sis.” she said leaning in her seat and giving me a kiss on my cheek, we stopped at a red light on 145th and St Nick I had to do a double take it was Asia looking crazy, her hair was all over the place her clothes looked dirty and she looked like she lost ten pounds.

  Chapter 15

  Shit Ain’t right

  I made a U-turn and pulled up on her, something wouldn’t let me drive pass her.

  “Asia!!!” I called out to her she looked at the car then me, she turned to look around before looking back at my face.

  “Diva?” she asked I could see the hurt in her eyes, I got out the car and walked to her.

  “Asia what’s going on?” I asked my pride went out the window looking at the state she was in, I shook my head at the scene before me.

  “Diva I don’t want to fight, I’m hungry and I don’t have the energy.” she said her belly was poking out of her tight Baby Phat shirt

  “Asia I’m not here to fight with you, why you on this side looking like this? Your due next month. Why you not resting? look I know we never seen eye to eye but you are carrying my son Lil brother or sister so I care.” I said she looked at me and wiped her eyes the look in her eyes was a look of hurt and embarrassment.

  “Diva I’m sorry if I broke up your happy home, Eddie was selling me dreams. He was always telling me he was going to leave so I stayed with him, now he don’t want anything to do with me or my son, I don’t have nowhere to live my mother kicked me out when she found out I was pregnant. I was staying with Tammy and as soon as that shit happen on the visiting floor Eddie told her to put me out. I haven’t spoken to her in over two months, Diva I’ve been turning tricks just so I could eat. I have been wearing this for a whole week.” she cried I felt my eye’s getting watery, listening to everything she been through because Eddie wanted to be a total asshole.

  “Diva why are you talking to this bitch?” Hershey asked walking to us, she gave Asia a look of disgust.

  “Hershey not now, look at her. You don’t see anything wrong with this picture?” I asked she looked closer at Asia and shook her head with pity.

  “Damn Asia what happen to you?” she asked I gave her a look to shut the hell up, she shook her head before she went back to her car.

  “Come on Asia,” I said walking back to my Truck, she followed me and got inside the back. I called and told Hershey to take Army and Ja back to Ha crib. Me and Story drove to my house with Asia, when we got to the crib, Story showed Asia the guest room. I went up to my room and got clothes and pantie sets that still had the tags on them, I grabbed a new brush and comb and tooth brush, I walked downstairs to the guest room and laid everything on the bed while Asia was in the shower. I sat in my kitchen ordering two pizzas and some cheesy bread along with hot wings, I wasn’t that cold hearted that I would leave a chick I once called a friend in the streets when she needed help.

  “Yo Eddie is dead ass wrong for the way he is treating that girl.” Story said coming in the kitchen.

  “That nigga is treating her like that because I left his sorry ass.” I told her calling Major phone, some chick picked up on the third ring playing games on the phone once I put her ass in her place she laughed telling me it was Bria. I wasn’t in a playing mood so I asked her why was she answering Major phone, she told me Major was talking to Nana before she passed him the phone and I heard his sexy voice in my ear. I told him we have a problem he told me to elaborate on what was going on.

  “I found your sister on 145th, she said your mother kicked her out and she been turning tricks just for her to eat, Major she lost like ten pounds and she had on the same clothes for a whole week. I brought her back to the crib she don’t know I called you.” I told him

  “What the fuck is going on up there? Where that nigga Eddie at?” he asked he was livid

  “I don’t know, but just so you know I’m going to let her stay here in my crib. I don’t care about that bullshit beef we had, nobody should be going through this shit.” I said getting emotional.

  “Thanks boo, I know it took a lot for you to do that shit.” he said

  “It’s nothing she a part of the family she is carrying my son Lil brother.”

  “I’ll be up there tonight.” he said and we hung up. Asia came out the room when the food got there,

  “There’s the Asia I know.” I said looking at her, she had on a pair of sweat pants and a pink shirt with some flip flops and her hair was washed and in a ponytail,

  “Thanks Diva,” she said smiling. I told her she could stay in my house and all I ask for her to do is take care of her and the baby and to not let Eddie know where she was staying at. After making sure she was straight I left the crib and drove to Kendu crib, I gave Asia three hundred dollars and the keys to the house. I pulled up in front of Kendu house and seen a car parked next to his, I got out and used my key to walk in the house. I heard yelling and then I heard Raya voice. I walked in the living room, Raya seen me first then Ken turns around.

  “Hey Pretty girl,” he said walking to me

  “Hey baby, I’m going up stairs to lie down.” I told him kissing him Raya sucked her teeth.

; “My princess alright?” he asked rubbing my stomach

  “Yes, baby she alright I just had a long day, I’ll let you know what’s up once you finish handling your business.” I told him

  “Damn Sin, she good. You wasn’t like that with me.” Raya said jealously was laced in her voice and envy in her eyes.

  “That’s because I didn’t know you was pregnant with my son, don’t start that shit Raya.” he warned I left them in the living room and made my way up to the room, King was laid out on the bed I laid next to him and fell asleep.

  “Shawty auntie called and said if you don’t bring your ass she going to come get you.” Kendu said in my ear, I turned over and smiled he was dressed down in all Gucci from head to toe his braids was passed his shoulders and he had on his bling in his ear and his King chain, baby King was looking just like his daddy with the same thing on and his Gucci sneakers

  “Give me ten minutes and we can leave.” I said getting off the bed, I jumped in the shower washed up and came out. I put on my dark blue Dress with some open toe 6’ Gucci heels, I flat ironed my hair straight and put on my blue diamond studs.

  “Sit down Shawty,” Ken said I sat on the edge of the bed and he put an iced-out diamond ankle bracelet on me the ankle bracelet was full of white 10 ct diamonds that had our names with a heart.

  “Baby today is your birthday, why you giving me gifts? I see you branding me.” I said laughing and kissing him.


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