Island of Last Resorts

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Island of Last Resorts Page 20

by Mary Ellis

  ‘Thank you, Captain. Whenever you’re ready, Captain, Mr Nguyen will release your lines. Miss Weller, let me climb down first so I can offer my hand.’

  Having grown up near the Gulf of Mexico, Kate probably had more familiarity with boats than someone from Atlanta. Nevertheless, she took his hand midway down the ladder.

  As soon as Nguyen was aboard and Burke disappeared into the pilothouse, Frazier turned to face her. ‘What have you told Captain Burke, Miss Weller?’

  ‘Nothing about Jonah Creery. Only that you wished to check on your uncle. And I’d like you to call me Kate.’

  ‘I am grateful for your discretion, and please call me Alex.’ His smile revealed perfectly straight teeth.

  With the Slippery Eel under way, Kate and Frazier took seats in the stern, while Baker and Nguyen went up to the bow, presumably to keep an eye on Captain Burke.

  ‘Do you have some sort of a plan, Kate?’

  ‘I want you and your security force to disembark as soon as we dock. I will remain on board, hidden.’

  Frazier nodded. ‘My uncle’s butler, Compton, usually welcomes new guests. Most likely he won’t today, since I’m arriving unannounced.’

  ‘If no one shows up to meet the Slippery Eel, can you still find the house?’ Kate asked.

  ‘I’ve been here a few times for corporate parties, but usually I imbibe on the way over and don’t pay much attention. But I remember a path through the woods that leads to the mansion. How will you find it?’

  Kate unfolded her crude map. ‘Captain Burke drew me this map of the island and, on the other side, a layout of the house.’ She handed him the map for his inspection.

  ‘This is how I remember it too.’ Alexander handed back the drawing. ‘Once I reach the house, I plan to look for Uncle Julian …’ Alex let his statement hang in the air, waiting for her response.

  ‘I plan to enter his mansion unseen,’ Kate said. ‘After that, I’m hoping for a brilliant insight.’

  ‘I wish you luck. Now, tell me where your partner went in such a big hurry.’

  As the yacht bounced over the waves, Kate studied the handsome, thirty-five-ish corporate mogul. ‘I suppose I have no choice but to trust you.’

  ‘You should – you’re the one who called me.’

  ‘Only because your family’s mess has jeopardized my friends’ lives, not to mention ruined a perfectly affordable company retreat.’

  Alex’s grin was slow in coming. ‘Let’s sort out the details later. Regardless of what my uncle has done, I mean nobody any harm. So tell me where Mr Manfredi went.’

  Kate dug her phone from her pocket, tapped the screen a few times, and handed him the phone.

  Alexander’s grin vanished. ‘Exactly who is dead on Elysian?’

  ‘I’m not sure, but so far they’re not my co-workers. It could be the people your uncle holds responsible for his wife’s death.’

  ‘Has Uncle Julian lost his mind?’

  ‘That remains to be seen. As for right now, we’re almost at the island. I’ll slip down below and hide, while you remain in view like nothing is amiss.’

  ‘While traveling with two bodyguards?’ Alex sounded like his cool composure was rapidly slipping away.

  ‘If anybody asks about Baker and Nguyen, say someone phoned in a threat to your office. So you’re playing it safe for a few days.’

  ‘That sounds good.’ Alexander stood and smoothed the wrinkles from his suit. ‘Will you be all right?’

  ‘I’m a trained professional. The only things I fear are very large spiders,’ Kate lied as she ducked down into the stern.

  Although well appointed, with teak furniture and expensive bedding, the sleeping quarters had only a few tightly sealed portholes. Kate couldn’t hear the conversation between Alexander and his bodyguards, or with Captain Burke, and she couldn’t see much beyond a small, circular scope. But from what she could gather, no one came down to meet the Slippery Eel.

  Kate waited a few extra minutes after she could no longer see anyone or hear anything. Then she crept quietly from her hiding spot and stepped onto the aft deck.

  ‘What do you want me to do, Miss Weller?’ whispered Captain Burke.

  Ridiculously, she’d forgotten about the captain in her haste to exit. ‘I thought you got off with Alexander Frazier,’ she whispered back.

  ‘He told me to remain on the yacht. If he doesn’t come back or send word within the hour, I am to head to the mainland and contact the coastguard.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Kate said after a short consideration. ‘No sign of the butler?’

  ‘No sign of anyone at all. This is unlike Mr Frazier’s usual hospitality.’

  ‘I doubt anything is usual at the house. Besides, hopefully no one knows we’re here yet.’ Kate climbed up the gangway and surveyed her surroundings. As Burke had described, a thick growth of trees reached the rocks at water’s edge, but she saw the path that led to the house. ‘Remember, if someone asks, you brought no one to Elysian but Mr Frazier’s nephew and his bodyguards.’

  ‘I understand. Good luck, Miss Weller.’ Burke opened one of the deck’s storage compartments. ‘And don’t forget this.’ He handed her the ghastly spear gun. ‘I hope you don’t have to use it.’

  ‘You and me both.’ Kate slung the weapon over her shoulder and ran up the dock. As she’d seen on countless television shows, she bent from the waist to keep a low profile as she headed for the woods. When no one shot at her, she slowed her pace to a fast walk on the path.

  Low branches scratched her face, while tree roots hidden by leaves caused her to stumble twice, but Kate soon reached a rambling stone house surrounded by a landscaped lawn. French doors, wrought-iron balconies, and a flagstone courtyard shaded by a vine-covered pergola gave the mansion a romantic feel, not in keeping with four guests dead and trust no one.

  From behind a tree, Kate watched for movement at the windows or on the grounds. After seeing and hearing nothing, she bolted across the lawn and hid between the arborvitae and the house, then circled the house until she found the steps down to the cellar. Thick grape vines almost obscured the entrance but, as Captain Burke had promised, the door was unlocked and the knob turned easily. Kate entered the gloomy, dank basement with enough cobwebs for a scary movie set. Using her phone’s flashlight, she stepped carefully around crates of empty wine bottles, stacks of newspapers and unmarked cardboard boxes piled from floor to ceiling. Hopefully, the cook’s son never snuck a cigarette down here, because the whole place could quickly go up like a roman candle. A thin shaft of light guided her to a set of stairs, presumably leading to the kitchen.

  Taking each step as quietly as possible, Kate heard a woman humming as she neared the top. Unfortunately the top step gave off a loud squeak, giving away her location. The off-key humming abruptly ceased. But when the door opened, Kate was ready.

  ‘What the devil?’ the grey-haired woman asked. ‘Who are you?’

  Kate leveled her gun with the woman’s belly. ‘My name isn’t important, Mrs Norville. But if you want to see your son again, you’ll keep quiet and press no silent alarms.’

  ‘What silent alarm?’ Noticing the weapon, Norville took several steps back. ‘How do you know my name?’

  ‘I’ll ask the questions,’ Kate hissed under her breath. ‘Where is your son?’

  ‘Paul’s in his room, grounded, because he lost his gaming device somewhere on the island.’ Soup dripped from her spoon onto the floor tiles, while something sputtered on the stove.

  ‘Stir your pot. Then tell me where’s Alexander Frazier?’

  While she stirred, her face registered confusion. ‘You’re mistaken, young lady. Julian Frazier owns this island. His nephew lives in Atlanta where he runs the company.’

  ‘I know that,’ Kate snapped. ‘But he’s on his way.’

  ‘I haven’t heard the company helicopter.’

  Sighing with exasperation, Kate followed the cook across the kitchen. ‘If you’re playing games, lady, you’l
l be sorry. Where are Nate Price and the other members of his team?’

  Norville pondered while stirring the pot. ‘When I delivered breakfast this morning, Mrs Price and Mrs Galen were in the dining room with Mr Frazier and Jonah Creery. Mr Price and Mr Preston never came back to the house last night. I suppose they’ll be back today, hungrier than bears.’

  ‘What about Hunter Galen and Beth Preston?’

  ‘I don’t know where those two are.’

  Kate stuck her weapon in the holster and pointed at the table. ‘Time for you to sit down and explain what’s going on. And if you try anything, I’ll shoot you and then shoot your son. I know four people have already died on this island, so what’s two more?’

  Norville dropped heavily into the chair and started to whimper. ‘I’ll tell you what I know, but please don’t hurt us. Paul and I had nothing to do with those people’s deaths.’

  ‘I’ll believe that once I hear it from somebody else.’

  Kate didn’t like threatening a middle-aged cook and her son, who may indeed have nothing to do with the murders. But, on the other hand, the words trust nobody here kept running through her mind like a radio jingle.


  Elysian Island. Friday a.m.

  Despite his best intentions, Nate had slept for a few hours. Michael shook him awake just as the sun’s first rays pierced the thick canopy of trees.

  ‘Wake up, Ensley.’ He nudged the man’s side with the toe of his boot. ‘Time to straighten out the nightmare you created.’ Nate dragged the lawyer to his feet none too gently.

  Michael checked Paul’s gaming device and gave Nate the thumbs-up. ‘At some point last night, our message was delivered,’ he said while Ensley was distracted in the bushes.

  Nate took a sip of water and handed the bottle to Michael, who finished the last swallow.

  ‘Any left for me?’ Ensley asked.

  ‘Sorry, it was our last bottle. We’ll see that you get plenty to drink before you start talking.’ Michael pushed him in the direction of the path, once again visible in daylight.

  Nate took the lead, followed by Ensley, and then Michael, who eagerly shoved the attorney each time he dropped back. But the uneven terrain and swampy patches made the going slow. Judging by the position of the sun, Nate figured it was almost noon when they reached the landscaped gardens around the mansion.

  Panting and sweating, Ensley stepped from the woods, but Nate grabbed his arm. ‘Hold up there. We don’t want the guards to see us before Mr Frazier.’

  ‘Why not?’ Ensley gasped, trying to pull free. ‘I need water and I don’t care who sees me first.’

  ‘I suspect that those guards work for Jonah Creery and not Mr Frazier. We don’t want you ending up dead before you have a chance to tell your story.’

  Pale and weak, Ensley stopped struggling. ‘What do you suggest?’

  Nate watched the back of the house. ‘The guards will expect us to return the same way we left. So we’ll stay out of sight, circle around to the front, and make a break for the door. Let’s just hope the butler reaches the foyer before the guards.’

  Michael had to drag Ensley, not because he wouldn’t cooperate, but because he was weak from hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep.

  Nate counted to three, then the three men bolted from the woods and up the brick steps. While Michael held the last suspect upright, Nate pounded his fist on the solid wood panel.

  ‘What on earth?’ Alfred Compton demanded indignantly as he opened the door. ‘Why didn’t you men enter at the—’ When Compton recognized Ensley, he stopped short. ‘I never thought we’d see him again.’ The butler pointed at Ensley.

  ‘No time to explain, Compton. Where is Mr Frazier?’ Nate and Michael shoved past the butler, dragging Ensley with them.

  ‘He’s in the dining room with the ladies. When Mr Frazier found out Mrs Preston hadn’t received her intended meals, he insisted she be brought to him immediately.’

  Nate pressed on several spots on the paneling, trying to find the secret cupboard in the wall.

  ‘Your weapons are no longer there, Mr Price,’ intoned the butler. ‘Mr Creery moved them to an unknown location.’

  ‘Then we’re all going to the dining room, and you will go first and deal with any interference.’ Nate shoved Compton toward the main hall.

  He sniffed with indignation. ‘No need to push. I didn’t move your precious guns.’

  ‘Maybe not, but I still don’t know whose side you’re on.’

  As Michael half carried the lawyer, Nate prodded the butler through several hallways. Yet, the party of four encountered no one along the way. At the dining room, Compton lifted his hand to knock.

  ‘No, don’t,’ Nate warned. ‘Use your key to open the door.’

  Just as Compton turned the key, Nate and Michael threw their combined weight against the door, throwing the guard on the other side off-balance. The foursome surged into the room before anyone could react.

  ‘Mr Frazier, we followed your instructions!’ Nate shouted, pulling Kurt Ensley up beside him.

  Beth’s, Nicki’s, and Izzy’s eyes grew very round, while Frazier’s mouth dropped open.

  However, no one looked more surprised than Jonah Creery. ‘Yes, but you’re late, Mr Price.’ The assistant’s expression turned to one of pure hatred. ‘You had until sundown yesterday to return with the lawyer. Guards, take Mr Ensley and Mrs Preston back to the holding cell to await the police.’

  ‘Nothing doing, Jonah.’ Frazier rose shakily to his feet. ‘I want to hear what Fallon’s public defender has to say.’

  The guards looked from one to the other, confused.

  ‘What do you think he’ll say, Julian?’ Spittle flew from Creery’s mouth as he spoke. ‘He would say anything to buy himself time. Ensley was the one who gave Fallon the heroin to keep him from talking. Then he killed the other three suspects for the same reason.’

  Released from Nate’s grip, Ensley staggered toward the water glasses on the table. He drank the contents of two and then wiped his mouth. ‘I didn’t kill anyone, not on this island and not eight years ago.’ The words tumbled out, raspy and garbled, as Ensley slumped into a chair. It sounded painful to talk. ‘But I did cover up for the person who did … you, Creery.’

  Izzy carried the pitcher of water to where Ensley sat. ‘Drink more. You’re dehydrated.’ She filled both glasses.

  ‘You were a lazy nobody when you graduated from law school, and you’re still backwater scum now.’ Creery moved closer and shook his fist at Ensley. ‘I won’t stand by while you tell lies to a dying man, a man who happens to be my best friend.’

  To the shock of everyone, including the guards, Creery pulled out a gun and shot Ensley squarely between the eyes.

  The former public defender – the final suspect in Frazier’s game – fell forward, dead before his head hit the table.

  Nate and Michael rushed toward Creery, but the guards quickly blocked their path.

  ‘I suggest you sit down with your wives, gentlemen, before the guards forget you’re the good guys.’ Creery’s sly grin reappeared.

  With automatic weapons aimed at them, Nate and Michael had no choice but to do as he said.

  ‘What have you done, Jonah? How will you explain this when law enforcement arrives?’ Frazier braced both palms on the table for support, as every bit of color drained from his face.

  Creery tucked his gun inside his sport coat. ‘I’ll worry about the police later. That thug systematically killed everyone who had been connected to your wife’s murder.’ He pointed to where Ensley was face down in a pool of blood, which grew larger by the moment. ‘Only Ensley and Jennifer Jacobs had access to Mack Fallon’s cell in county lockup. Someone paid Ensley to slip Fallon the drugs to keep from talking.’

  ‘And, thanks to you, we’ll never know who that someone was!’ Frazier had tried to shout, but he sounded like what he was – a very sick old man.

  ‘What difference does it make? The game is over,
my friend.’ Creery closed the distance between them and slipped his arm around Frazier’s shoulder. ‘Everyone connected to that horrible night is dead and nothing will bring your sweet wife back. Let’s concentrate on making each day you have left a tribute to Ariana’s memory. I’ll face whatever consequences I have coming down the road.’

  Surprisingly, Frazier released his grip on the table and clung to his old pal, allowing Creery to help him toward the door.

  Nate pushed to his feet. ‘Ensley said he covered up for you, Mr Creery.’

  Creery looked back over his shoulder. ‘Yes, I heard him, Mr Price. But, considering your wife and Mrs Preston were outdoors when every suspect died except for Detective Sanborn, wouldn’t you prefer that the police believe Ensley was the killer?’

  ‘We prefer that the truth comes out.’ Izzy rose to stand beside him.

  ‘Ah, Isabelle.’ Frazier continued his slow progress toward the door. ‘The truth died with Kurt Ensley.’

  ‘Actually, sir,’ Michael interjected, ‘that’s not completely true.’

  ‘Stop, Mr Preston,’ Creery said. ‘Hasn’t this man suffered enough? This ridiculous mystery game is finished. I’ll send for the yacht and have Mr Galen released immediately. Each member of the Price team will be generously compensated for their time and trouble.’

  ‘We didn’t come here for money or prizes,’ Nate said. ‘Ensley brought proof of the conspiracy with him. If you allow me, Mr Frazier, I will find it on his body.’

  Nicki, who had been staring at the corpse, stood up abruptly. ‘I need to use the restroom. I’m going to be sick.’

  Although Isabelle rushed to her side, Nicki didn’t get eight feet away when she created a second mess for Mrs Norville to clean up.

  ‘Good grief, Price,’ Creery exclaimed. ‘Haven’t these ladies been through enough? Let them wait in their rooms until the Slippery Eel arrives.’

  ‘Great idea,’ Nate agreed. ‘The guards can escort the ladies to their rooms while the men view the flash drive Fallon brought to the island.’

  ‘Wait just a minute. I’m a PI, not a lady!’ Beth let her indignation be heard.


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