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Island of Last Resorts

Page 24

by Mary Ellis

  It was very late on Friday when the Price team and spouses returned to the marina on St Simons Island. Coastguard officers questioned each of them during the trip back and then several guardsmen drove those who wouldn’t fit into Eric’s SUV to John’s condo. Nate and his employees had been ordered to remain on the island for another twenty-four hours for more questioning by the Glynn County Police and the Sheriff’s Department, so no one wanted to chitchat when they walked through the door. Three couples retreated to their bedrooms to call their respective families, who doubtless had been worried about them. They would all sleep soundly for the first time in a long while. Kate and Eric volunteered to sleep in the living room since their ordeal had been less traumatic.

  Kate curled up in a corner of the sofa. ‘Why do you think Julian Frazier invited us and then kept us away all week?’

  As soon as the last bedroom door closed, Eric stretched out in the recliner. ‘Maybe he decided four couples was just one too many.’

  ‘I think when all the details come out, we’ll learn that Creery had been pulling the strings from the beginning. But that doesn’t explain why Creery kept us away. The Price team were very lucky,’ she added.

  ‘You’re not kidding, although Hunter probably hasn’t felt very lucky for the last five days.’ Eric ran a hand through his thick hair.

  They were both quiet for a few minutes while events on the island ran through their heads like a bad dream. As she and Eric had listened to their friends answer questions, they more or less pieced together what happened on the island. Any missing details could be filled in down the road. No one would be forgetting the past week anytime soon.

  ‘I suppose the Atlanta detective, the former assistant prosecutor and Hunter’s lawyer weren’t very lucky.’ Kate tucked the afghan around her legs. ‘Even though each had a hand in this by commission or omission, they didn’t deserve to die. Only Reuben Fallon and that reporter got their just comeuppance.’

  ‘Julian Frazier waited so long for justice to be served in his wife’s death.’ Eric locked gazes with her. ‘Me? I wouldn’t have waited so long if someone beat you to death.’

  A shiver ran up Kate’s spine from the mental image. ‘I never took you for a man capable of vengeance, Manfredi, and certainly not a plot for revenge.’

  Eric sauntered into the kitchen, then returned with two glasses of wine. ‘I could picture Hunter or Nate strangling someone if they found their wife dead; maybe even a mild-mannered man like Michael Preston. No one really knows what they’re capable of until faced with the situation.’

  Kate shivered for a second time. ‘As PIs weren’t committed to upholding the law, let’s hope you and I are never put to the test.’

  ‘About that, Miss Weller.’ Eric took another sip of wine and set down the glass. ‘Investigative work no longer seems as exciting and action-packed as it did in Pensacola.’

  Kate stared out the window where one streetlight cast a yellow pool of light. ‘Having second thoughts about putting Bella Trattoria fully in your sister’s hands?’

  ‘There are worse careers than being part-owner and head chef in one of Charleston’s finest restaurants.’ He laughed at his boastful but true description. ‘Usually the worst thing that happens to me is someone sends back their dinner.’

  ‘Or a bad review in Gourmet Magazine,’ she suggested.

  ‘Bite your tongue, woman.’ Eric clutched at his throat. ‘All kidding aside, I couldn’t work beside you like Michael does with Beth. I’m not afraid of walking into danger or even dying, but I couldn’t stand by and watch you risk your life.’

  ‘We’re not first responders; we’re seldom put in harm’s way.’ Kate finished her glass of wine.

  ‘I know that, but working alongside me would drive you crazy. I would hobble you with overprotectiveness.’ Eric offered a lopsided grin – the same smile that had won her heart. ‘I’m better off in the kitchen dreaming up new pasta sauces, and picturing you doing nothing more dangerous than photographing cheating spouses or county workers sleeping on the job.’

  Kate fluffed up the pillows behind her head. ‘When I come home after a long stakeout at the Winn Dixie, will you have my glass of Chianti and plate of pasta Bolognese waiting?’

  ‘You bet I will. Maybe I’ll even throw in a foot rub.’ Eric closed his eyes for a few moments. ‘Were you pulling Izzy’s leg about the perfect week’s vacation?’

  The air in the room seemed to change, similar to how the air feels when a thunderstorm approaches. ‘You mean about spending it with your family in Charleston? No, I wasn’t joking. Sorry about the crack about your crazy family. At least none of them is in jail like mine.’

  ‘My father would be if not for you.’

  Kate chose her next words carefully, knowing they were important. ‘I look forward to a week at Bella Trattoria. I like the food; I really like your family, and I’m a tad fond of you. Despite Beth’s noble training attempts, maybe I’m not cut out to be a private investigator either.’

  Eric rubbed his eyes. ‘You handled yourself well on Elysian Island. Nate was very proud of you. Right now we’re both tired, so this isn’t a good time to figure out the rest of our lives. Let’s get some sleep.’ Eric rubbed his eyes, set his keys and phone on the coffee table and leaned back.

  Kate stretched out on the sofa and pulled the afghan to her throat. Yet sleep refused to come, because each time she opened her eyes to check, Eric was watching her. And they couldn’t be any safer than in that condo.

  In the morning Eric went out for bagels and donuts, while everyone else slept in. Kate found his note when she was making the first pot of coffee.

  ‘Good morning, Nicki.’ Kate greeted the third person up. ‘Are you ready for coffee?’

  Instead of answering yea or nay, Nicki kissed both of Kate’s cheeks. ‘I don’t think I properly thanked you yet. If you hadn’t shown up when you did, Hunter would be dead. My daughter and I will be forever grateful to you.’

  Handing her a mug, Kate blushed to her hairline. ‘You’re welcome. How’s Hunter feeling?’

  ‘He’s still sleeping, but I think he’s back to normal. Last night he lectured his mother about giving Evangeline cupcakes right before bed.’ Nicki rolled her eyes. ‘Our daughter operates at full throttle without eating sugary sweets.’

  Michael and Beth emerged from their room as Eric walked in with two bags and a box. ‘What do we have here, Manfredi?’ Beth took the two bags from him.

  ‘Healthy multigrain bagels with low fat cream cheese in one bag,’ Eric said. ‘Buttery French croissants and Danish fruit pastries in the other.’

  Beth looked in a bag and handed it to Michael. ‘Here you go, Mr Decathlon.’ Then she gave the other bag to Nicki. ‘I knew you two love anything from Europe. As for me, if there aren’t greasy donuts in that box, I’m going to cry.’

  Eric handed her the box. ‘No tears for you today. Eat your fill. I bought two dozen.’

  Nate and Izzy showed up during the second pot of coffee. Nate headed straight for the donuts, while Izzy nibbled a blueberry Danish. Kate had just started their third pot of coffee when a tousled-haired Hunter appeared in the doorway.

  ‘Good morning,’ he drawled. ‘I hope I haven’t missed any mini-dramas.’

  Izzy sipped from her mug. ‘Only Nate and Beth fighting over the last chocolate-filled donut.’

  ‘Who won?’ Hunter asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

  ‘I did.’ Nate licked his fingertips. ‘I reminded Beth about what Michael said on the island … something about crazy people shouldn’t carry guns.’

  And so went their reunion breakfast – eating, drinking coffee, and poking fun at each other. It felt like any other Price employee gathering in many ways. Yet none of them would ever be the same again.

  Soon they cleaned John’s condo, left him a thank-you note with five hundred dollars’ worth of gift cards, and drove to the Glynn County Police Department in Brunswick. After each of them gave their statement to law enforcemen
t, they finally were released to go home – the Prices to Natchez, the Galens to New Orleans, and the Prestons up the coast to Savannah.

  And Kate and Eric took the long, scenic way back to Charleston to his family’s restaurant. Kate had been given two weeks off with pay and promised a fat bonus in her next paycheck. But she didn’t care much about the money. She’d finally found what she’d been looking for – someone to love who also loved her and an honest-to-goodness family. Who in the world needed more than that?

  Charleston, South Carolina

  Who would have thought a two-week vacation at a restaurant would be enjoyable? When Kate and Eric returned from their ‘retreat’ on St Simons Island, the Manfredis welcomed them home with open arms. With Eric back to work full time and Kate helping out for the next two weeks, his father and sister reduced their hours and Bernadette’s husband went back to his real job. Everyone was happy.

  Then one of the Manfredis spotted an opportunity. Maybe it was Alfonzo because he feared losing his son to the exciting life of a PI. Or maybe Irena was afraid her son would marry Kate and move to her hometown. But most likely, his sister realized they both could get the life they wanted.

  Eric loved to cook, but like Bernadette, he didn’t want to work ten hours a day, six days a week. Eric usually spent his mornings working out, running along the battery, or meeting friends for breakfast. With Kate in town, they could see Charleston’s historic sites or head to the beach in the morning, then arrive at Bella with enough time to check the wine inventory and prep for dinner. Eric didn’t mind staying late to catch up on paperwork.

  Bernadette, however, got all the exercise she needed at the restaurant. So she would come in early, cook for Bella’s busy lunch crowd, and leave before Danielle got home from school. Aunt Estelle baked the breads and desserts every morning; Nonni continued to make the pasta noodles, and Alfonzo prepared each sauce from scratch. As the evening head chef, Eric grilled the meats and seafood, sautéed the mushrooms and vegetables, and prepared the lasagnas, stuffed manicottis and raviolis to order. Kate began her career as a salad girl and worked her way up to pasta once she learned the difference between tender, firm and al dente. Although at times the kitchen seemed like chaos, everyone pitched in and helped. With three chefs, there were plenty of disagreements, but no one stayed mad long. And no one was happier than Kate. The Manfredis were a family who loved each other, and she would soon be one of them.

  After the last dinner reservation had been served, the Manfredis usually sat down and ate together. Sometimes Bernadette and her family joined them, sometimes not. During Kate’s two-week vacation, she and Eric often dined alone in the courtyard. On one warm night under the stars, eating food prepared by their own hands, Kate thought life couldn’t get any better. Then Eric popped the question she’d been anticipating … and had been terrified of for so long. But Kate wasn’t terrified anymore and, without a moment’s hesitation, she said yes. That night, after a second glass of wine, she and Eric decided on a dinner party to announce their news.

  Now Kate wasn’t sure that was a good idea. Telling her friends and co-workers about their engagement was one thing, but announcing she was leaving PI work was quite another. Who throws a resignation party? Most likely, only Michael and Beth would show up since Savannah was only ninety minutes away. They couldn’t expect the Galens or the Prices to hop on a plane so soon after their harrowing getaway, especially since Hunter and Izzy had careers and both couples had small children. But once again, Kate was wrong. Izzy and Nicki called to say they were coming as long as kids were welcome. Of course, they were. Little Nathan and Evangeline would provide diversion while Beth pulled her hair out.

  On the morning of the dinner party, Kate sipped her first cup of coffee on Eric’s balcony and pictured Bella Trattoria coming to life. Kate loved that restaurant; she loved Charleston and, most of all, she loved Eric Manfredi. Becoming part of his family after so many years on the run felt like heaven.

  ‘We have time for a jog or to hit the pool before heading to Bella.’ Eric ruffled his fingers through her hair as he sat down beside her. ‘Don’t worry. Everything is prepared for the pasta Bolognese, the orecchiette, and the veal tortellini. We’ll start with an antipasti platter and finish with Estelle’s famous tiramisu.’

  Kate shook her head. ‘It’s not the food I’m concerned about. These people invested a lot of time and energy in training me.’

  ‘And you just saved their lives,’ spoke the voice of reason.

  ‘But I’ve never had this many friends.’

  ‘Who would drop pals with a place they can eat and drink for free?’

  ‘I can’t imagine not seeing the Prices or the Galens again. They live so far away.’ Kate dropped her chin to her chest.

  ‘Hey, whenever my family gets on our last nerve, we’ll take a road trip to New Orleans or Natchez. Turnaround is fair play.’

  Kate pondered the logic of a very handsome man. ‘Heck with running; let’s go straight to the pool. We’ve got tonight handled.’

  That evening, with the table set with Irena’s best crystal and china and Bocelli on the sound system, Kate and Eric stood at the door of Bella’s private dining room ready to greet their guests, who not surprisingly arrived promptly at six o’clock.

  ‘Hey, guys! OK if I put these over there?’ Without explaining what these were, Nate marched past them and set two wrapped boxes on the bar.

  ‘Thanks for letting us bring the ruggies.’ Izzy buzzed Kate’s cheek with a kiss. ‘I made sure Nathan Jr took a long nap this afternoon.’

  ‘Good evening, Kate, Eric,’ Hunter greeted, holding his daughter in one arm. ‘Very brave of you to include the under-twelve set. Consider yourself forewarned.’ He set down Evangeline who immediately bolted toward Nathan.

  ‘Hi, Katie. I hope you don’t mind, but I told the staff we needed a card table in the corner with nothing but plastic for these kiddos. A drop-cloth wouldn’t hurt either.’ Nicki carried a fancy bag and a large bow-tied box to the bar.

  Next in line were the Prestons. ‘Man, those Galens start giving orders the moment they arrive!’ Beth set her gifts on the floor and wrapped both arms around Kate.

  ‘What’s with the presents?’ Eric asked Michael. ‘It’s neither of our birthdays and a long time till Christmas.’

  Michael smirked over his wife’s head. ‘You know women. They like to make a fuss over everything. I think it’s Canadian Thanksgiving.’ Michael winked and wandered away.

  ‘What’s up, Beth?’ Kate demanded with hands on hips.

  ‘Nothing’s up. Izzy said we’re supposed to take hostess gifts to a dinner party. And I refuse to be outdone by those Galens.’ Beth picked up her packages and joined the others at the bar.

  Arching up on tiptoes, Kate hissed in Eric’s ear. ‘Did you spill the beans, Manfredi?’

  ‘Of course not. I told them this was a reunion of the Elysian survivors. That’s it.’ Eric held up his hands.

  ‘Stop whispering, you two,’ Nate ordered, ‘and open the champagne. Contrary to popular opinion, the Price team of private investigators are not as stupid as they look.’

  While Bella’s bartender opened one bottle, Nicki popped the top on another. ‘We know exactly what we’re celebrating tonight,’ she said over her shoulder.

  Once everyone’s flute was filled, Nate offered the first toast. ‘To Kate Weller who, despite her short tenure with us, will always be the agency’s favorite employee. Good luck with your new career.’

  ‘To Kate.’ Everyone lifted their glass and sipped.

  ‘Who will always have an open invitation to every retreat,’ Izzy added.

  ‘So much for my surprise announcement,’ Kate murmured as her friends lifted their glasses a second time.

  ‘Surprises are overrated.’ Nicki handed her a gift bag. ‘Open this present first.’

  Inside was a chef’s hat which read: Be nice or I’ll poison you, along with a full-length apron showing a woman with glass in hand and the
caption: I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.

  From Nate and Izzy, Kate received an eight-inch copper skillet, with a whisk and spatula. ‘That’s to cook breakfast for two,’ Izzy explained. ‘Best to start small.’

  Beth pushed her way to Kate’s side. ‘I wanted to buy you an Easy-Bake Oven, but Michael said Aunt Estelle handles the baking. So we thought you needed something of your own.’

  Kate shot a glance at Eric, then ripped off the paper. Inside was the cookbook, Fifty Favorite Southern Appetizers, which she pressed to her chest. ‘My own specialty at Bella? I can only dream.’

  ‘But now you’ll have to get to work on time,’ Michael teased. ‘Appetizers come first.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say.’ Hot tears stung Kate’s eyes. ‘Thanks everyone.’

  ‘Hey, did you ever find out why Creery kept you two away from Elysian?’ asked Michael.

  Eric chose to explain. ‘Yeah, my dad cleared that up once I showed him a photo of Jonah Creery. He said that guy used to come in every Thursday with a gorgeous younger blonde woman. She was unforgettable, so we knew it had to be Ariana Frazier. Creery probably thought I might remember them as a couple – he would have seen my name on the list of agents and their partners that Nate gave Frazier and realized who I was.’

  ‘OK, now is it time to eat?’ Beth playfully punched Kate’s arm.

  ‘Let me say it for both of us.’ Eric wrapped his arm around her. ‘Take your seats, fellow Elysian survivors. It’s time to get this dinner started.’

  And the meal couldn’t have been more perfect. While Nathan Jr and Evangeline enjoyed chicken fingers and spaghetti at their own table, the adults consumed a vast quantity of Alfonzo’s and Bernadette’s deliciously prepared cuisine. As Kate glanced around at her friends, she finally started to relax …

  Until Eric tapped his knife against his glass to command attention. ‘Kate and I have a second reason to celebrate tonight,’ he said when the room grew quiet. ‘I asked her to marry me and lo-and-behold, she said yes.’ As usual, the ensuing comments ran the gamut: Nicki stood and lifted her glass. ‘That gal knows a good deal when she sees one.’


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