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Leonard Page 8

by Nico Verwey

Chapter 8 - Being an Adult in Hell

  Silence fell in the room as Pastor Pieter prayed, “Lord I would like to thank you for the privilege to have known this beautiful child of yours. We now give her into Your hands and pray that Your angels carry her into Your loving arms. I pray now for John, Leonard and Liza, that you will wipe away their tears and that you, o God will comfort them in the days to come. We pray this in your son Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.”

  Pastor Pieter put his hand on John’s shoulder, “John I have no words, but if I can help you let me know.” John was holding on to Liza and Leonard with his body shaking with raw emotion ripping out of him screamed, “Please can everybody just leave! Get out of my house! NOW GET OUT!” Leonard started pushing and directing people out of the house as if they were sheep that did not have any clue on what he actually wanted.

  It took a good half an hour before the last of the people were gone. John looked at Leonard, “My boy now it is just us three. Your mom is gone, your grandma is gone and I don’t know anymore.” John left Liza and Leonard in Leonard’s room, “Sis you okay?” Liza looked at Leonard with fear in her eyes, “What’s going to happen with us Leonard? What if granddad also dies?” Leonard tried to look brave and all grownup, “Don’t worry sis, I will look after you, but Grandpa is not going anywhere and even if he also leaves, we will make a plan, I promise.”

  John walked into the room where Marie’s body was laying and sat down next to her. The sorrow washed over him and his tears ran down his face, etched with the lines of time, “My baby! I cannot believe you are gone! I cannot believe that I did not see what was happening. Leonard pleaded with us and we did not listen to him, why, why must I be so stubborn?” John must have sat there for a good few hours when he fell asleep with his head on Marie’s cold hand, “ John, o John?” he heard someone calling. He looked up and there before him, Marie, the love of his life, was standing, “Marie is that you?” “Yes John it’s me!” said the figure, with his eyes still adjusting from him sleeping, “This is all Leonard’s fault, he knew I was about to die. You must punish him for me my love! He is the one that killed me. You know the Bible does say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!”

  John could not believe his eyes, “Marie you are alive, but you must be dead. Why would you say this about Leonard? It was us that did not listen to him my baby, why should I punish him?” “John my love it is quite simple, Leonard knew about my sickness, how do you think he did? He must have made a deal with the Dark Angel he always talks about! If you love me John, you will kill, I mean punish him for me and if you don’t, you will never ever see me again because that will prove that you never loved me! You need to choose between my love and Leonard!”

  John could not believe his ears, but suddenly it clicked inside of him, “Oh so you are the deceiver that everybody is telling me about! My wife has passed on and I know she is in heaven. She would never request this from me! You tried your best demon, but I will not forsake my love for my wife or our love for Leonard.” “Damn!” hissed Lucifer, “Just can’t get anything past you can I? Marie has shown you how to see through my work, but I can tell you this old man, as I have promised Leonard and now you, I will break you and him and I will take everything away from both of you, even Liza your little girl!” John got angry, “You can try demon, but it will be one heck of a fight, that I can promise you!”

  John woke up with the anger still rushing through his veins. He kissed Marie one last time on her forehead and pulled the duvet over her face. John walked to the telephone and dialled Doctor Mustard, “Doctor Mustard? John here, you can send the hearse to take Marie to the mortuary. I will start the arrangements for her funeral tomorrow.” He walked back to the spare room to get some rest and walked into Liza’s room on his way there to say goodnight, there Leonard laid sleeping beside his little sister with Liza curled up in his arms. Leonard the big young man, protecting his little sister against the hurt of this world, made John smile and remember the times that Marie did this to Leonard and him.

  The next morning the phone rang, “Good morning Pastor Pieter, how can I help?” Pastor Pieter was surprised that John recognized his voice, “John, the church has decided that we would like to contribute to Marie’s funeral and as with Annette, you just need to pick the coffin and the rest we will do.” John smiled, “Pastor no need, Marie asked to be cremated with her ash scattered in the Knysna Lagoon on the anniversary of her death. If you can help me with the cremation arrangements and the memorial service I would appreciate that, thank you.”

  It was a hot Thursday afternoon when the memorial service was held. The new church, which was build over the last year, was inaugurated only two months back and now one of the people who worked her hands to the bone to make money to build the church was there to be buried. The church was full of Marie’s friends and even some of the people that Leonard and Marie helped in the hospital over the years came to say their goodbyes. The one after the other person stood up and told the meeting about how Marie helped, or inspired or gave them hope. How she sometimes gave them food and hid them from partners that wanted to hurt them. Finally it was time for the funeral letter to be read.

  Leonard stood up and walked to the front. His eyes were full of tears and his voice cracked like old wooden floors in the winter, “Marie Botha was my Grandma and the wife of my Grandpa John. She was our strength and our love. The one who protected us and loved us. She had no measure for loving someone, she just did, with all her mind, body and soul. She gave her everything to us and now she is with our heavenly Father. Grandpa asked me to write a poem for her and this is for my grandma in heaven and my grandpa still here on earth.

  I call it Marie’s Love....”

  The whole gathering stood as one man to acknowledge such a great woman, wife and friend as Leonard read his poem, “ Grandma, Your love saved me when everybody wanted to hurt me, your love kept me safe when everybody tried to brake me, Your love showed me the way when the darkness surrounded me. Your love broke the chains that threatened to bind me. Your love taught me how to love my mom when she hated me. Your love, grandma, now that you are gone, will guide me. I will live out this love you taught me so you can be proud of me.

  My wife, friend and lover, Marie your love found me when I was lost. Your love showed me who I was and who I could become. You loved me even when I tried to break you and show you my will. Your love searched for me and our daughter even when we were nowhere to be found. Your love my wife was God given and never gave up. Your love was without expecting anything back. Your love showed me who God is. Your love can never die. I now say goodbye with these words, MY LOVE, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER TILL WE SEE ONE ANOTHER IN HEAVEN. Amen”

  The congregation started singing Psalm 23 as Marie’s coffin was taken out by the elders of the church and loaded into the hearse to be taken away. Pastor Pieter closed the service, “Dust to dust and ashes to ashes so commands the Word of God. Peace be upon you all and may Marie’s life be a beacon of hope in this dark world. Amen”

  John, Leonard and Liza went home and sat at the dinner table eating some Kentucky Fried Chicken when Sam knocked on the door, “Good evening John. Need to inform you that now that Marie has gone I have taken the liberty to go to court and apply for custody for my daughter Liza. I decided that I would deliver this court subpoena for an interview and chamber hearing myself. You need to be there next week Monday and if the court decides in my favour, Liza will be with me permanently! I told you we will see one another again old man!” John looked at Sam with anger and disgust, “You could not even wait for my wife’s body to go cold and you try this. It is fine with me! You want a fight, you can have it!” Sam grinned, “You old man don’t have the guts to make this a fight!”

  John slammed the door and went back into the kitchen when the doorbell rang again, “Leonard please go and look and if it is Sam again, tell him I got the message loud and clear!” Leonard walked to the door and found Judas, Sam’s second in command at the door, “Hi J
udas, grandpa says he got the message, so please leave!” Judas looked at Leonard with a frown, “No boss, I am not here for that. That man is bad! I am here to say I am sorry to hear of your Gogo that has died. Please tell your granddad I am so sorry my boss.” Leonard smiled, “Thanks Judas, will tell him. Judas one question though, you said you would come and get me for running, what happened?” Judas looked angry, “Sam told me if I do this my boss, he would turn my daughter into a whore. My daughter she does not want to listen to me and only see the money. I have tried so many times, my boss, to get her out, but now she also has the AIDS and Sam now hits her so much because she is sick a lot. If I say I am going to the police he says he will kill her and me. I don’t know anymore my boss, we have nowhere to hide!” The tears ran down Judas’s face as he told his story to Leonard. What made it worse was that Leonard knew Tendeka, Judas’s daughter well and helped her many a time to do her homework when she was still in school with him. Judas left for home and Leonard went back to the kitchen to finish his dinner. He could not sleep that night and the following week was like hell. His mind was racing on how he could put Sam straight or beat him at his own game.

  The Monday after the memorial service John left early for the court appearance. He put a plan together to give Sam joint custody with Liza then being able to move in with him, but with a few strict stipulations governed by the court. John stepped into the court room with Sam sitting at a table with the judge already in his seat. “Sorry your Honour for being late.” Judge le Roux looked up, “No sir you are not late. Seems the plaintive did not tell you the procedure. Let me inform you how I do things, I have already spoken to social services who has given me a full and sterling evaluation on your house. I have now spoken to the plaintive and have all his reasons why he wants custody. He will leave now and then you have the opportunity to put your case forward. If I can help it, there will be no court time and hopefully we can settle this as grownups. You understand?” John smiled, “Your Honour I understand and thank you for your time afforded to me on this matter.”

  “Okay Sam, you have put your case stated before me and after listening to John I will make a ruling that will be full and final with no appeals allowed. Do you sir, understand the procedure?” Sam nodded and left the building, “Okay John here is what I have. Your wife passed away last week and you are now left with the burden of two kids and a household. Sam has put it forward that your health is also suspect and that he would like to have full custody and have you declared incompetent. The other side of the coin so far is that social service has given you a five star rating and has given you a model of how an adoptive house should look like rating. This in itself makes Sam’s case extremely weak, so what is your side of the story?”

  “Your Honour, Our history goes back a long way. From him abusing my daughter and putting her on drugs to becoming a model father in the last 2 years. I have given him strict rules to adhere to and that keeps him in line. I have thought about this and have decided to make him an offer. If he accepts, we can finalize this case, if not sir, you will see us in your court again!” Judge le Roux looked at John and smiled, “Okay let’s hear the offer.” “Judge le Roux, I am prepared to go the route of shared custody with Liza having a choice to go and live with her dad. The only rules are that social services keep a strict eye on her and monitor her for violence and drugs. I believe Sam can be a good dad but he needs to know he is watched.”

  Judge le Roux looked at him, “Even with a history like you have told me about, you will let Liza go? I wonder if it is in her best interest.” John smiled, “Believe me sir, we have a good social services department around here and Sam will have his work cut out if they only do half of what me and my late wife had to do. I believe he will keep to the straight and narrow under those provisos. I believe Liza needs to know that she will be okay if I should pass on as well and this may just give her the stability she needs. Leonard will be going to the army next year and she will feel lost, so why not. Last proviso is that she needs to agree, otherwise it’s off.” Judge le Roux smiled, “Okay John let me think about it. I believe you may just be right. The time alone will also help you greave for your wife without the added pressure of looking after a young girl. You and Sam can be in my chambers tomorrow morning at nine for my ruling.”

  John left the chambers that morning feeling empty and so lonely. He wished that Marie was still with him to help and comfort him. He arrived home after the court interview with Leonard waiting for him, “Grandpa my matric results will be out just before Christmas! I can’t wait!” John looked at Leonard and smiled, “Leonard we need to talk as well. There may be a chance that Liza will go and stay with Sam. That is why I had to go to court this morning.” Leonard looked confused, “Why grandpa? Sam is evil! What will become of my little sister Liza?” John smiled, “I will still have custody my boy, but I think it may help her to calm down a little. Then I need to talk to you as well...” Leonard looked scared, “You also going to send me away grandpa?”

  John could see the fear in Leonard’s eyes, “No my boy you and me will be together forever! I wanted to arrange some interviews for you, but then I got the post this morning. In the post I found your call up instructions for your military service.” Leonard could not believe his ears, “Grandpa?” “Yes Leonard you need to be there in January next year. It may be a good thing to go, because your call up is for The Danie Throne Battle School here in Kimberley. This means that you will be close to me and when you get through your basics we can try and pull a few strings so you can live out.” Leonard was overjoyed, “Wow grandpa! Looks like somebody knew to keep me here.” as Leonard looked up with a smile.

  John went to court the next morning as Leonard and Liza was enjoying themselves in the kitchen, baking some cupcakes for their hospital rounds, “Leonard you two must pray for me! I will see you in a few hours time.” Leonard and Liza smiled, “Okay grandpa!” John arrived at the magistrate court and walked up to Judge le Roux’s chambers, “Hello old man! Did not think you would have the guts to be here!” John just smiled, “Sam you are childlike! You celebrate before you know you have won!” Judge le Roux opened the door, “Gents please come in. Okay, I will make this short but sweet. I have reviewed the submissions and Sam your record is not as clean as you would like to show me. On the other hand I have a man of integrity whose record shows that he is a man that can provide for the children...” Sam jumped up, “Judge have you not listened to one thing me and my lawyer told you?” Judge le Roux hit his hammer on his table, “Sit down Sam, before I change my ruling and find you in contempt of court! After consulting with John and hearing his offer, I have concluded that his offer may just be the best for you and Liza!”

  Sam looked at John, “What is your offer old man?” Judge le Roux looked at Sam with anger, “Now Sam if I have to call you to order one more time, so help me!” Sam looked at the judge, “I apologise Your Honour!” “Okay then, my judgement is as follows: Sam you are granted shared custody. You sir, will be under probation for the next three years with social services inspecting you as they wish. Any refusal for inspection or any issues raised by John and Liza will be returned to John. The last thing is that Liza has to agree out of her own free will, with social services present. As a last word of warning Sam, John has agreed to a lot, don’t mess this opportunity up or I will personally revoke all your parental rights!” Judge le Roux hit his hammer on his table and greeted the two men. Sam looked surprised and grinned, “John, John, John you are becoming soft! I got what I wanted.” John just smiled, “Yes you got it, but I did it because I thought it would be good for Liza. As the judge said, don’t mess it up or else!”

  “Don’t you worry old man! When do we tell Liza?” John smiled, “Sam this old dog still has some fight and influence left, just remember that. I will sit down with Liza tonight and tell her about the ruling and then only will I arrange for the meeting with social services in two days time. Then you can do what you want with my permission!”

bsp; John arrived home after a long morning in Sam’s presence, “Hey you guys, when are we going to the hospital? Heard a few people came in last night. Do you know about them Leonard?” Leonard came running out, “Yes grandpa, Commander Venter did not call me because of grandma, but my contact at the hospital phoned a few minutes ago to inform me. We have gone and baked cupcakes this morning for lunch, but this now can go to my people in the hospital. Look we have put sugar roses on the cupcakes, nice and sweet!”

  Leonard, Liza and John left for the hospital and arrived as per normal around three o’ clock that afternoon. The mood in the hospital was dark and it was as if all the good was suffocated due to Marie’s passing. Leonard could not wait to give the staff in his ward some cupcakes and see the new patients. The staff was glad to see him and laughed and hugged him and John, “Welcome back Leonard, we really missed you!” called Doctor Mustard.

  Leonard walked from ward to ward and sat down with each woman and child that was in their beds. He talked to them and handed out his rose cupcakes. He held the ones that cried and told them that they were safe. It was in the last room where Leonard met Jessica. The blond haired girl with the ice blue eyes that looked like an angel that fell from grace. This young girl was about two years his junior and Leonard lost his heart to her that day. Jessica was still in a stupor because of the tranquilizers to calm her after the trauma she suffered with her father beating her violently.

  Doctor Mustard walked up to Leonard, “Watch out boy, she is damaged goods! Been here a few times now and now her dad and mom has been arrested for abusing her. Don’t lose your heart my boy!” Leonard just smiled, “Doctor don’t worry I will not lose my heart. What is going to happen to her?” Doctor Mustard looked at him, “She will have to go to an orphanage or a family appointed by court to foster her. It is a shame we don’t have a house for kids and people like her.”

  It was as if lightning hit Leonard and in his mind he started with his life mission. Leonard left Jessica a cupcake and went home with grandpa. They arrived with Leonard unloading the fish and chips grandpa bought at the corner cafe. John took the plates out of the cupboard, “Liza, Leonard we need to talk. I want to tell you two about what happened in court today.” Liza started crying, “Grandpa what happen? Are they sending me away like they are going to do with that Jessica girl in hospital?”

  John smiled, “No my girl! What happened was that the judge agreed with me and that you will have a choice to live with me or your dad!” Liza’s eye started to sparkle, “You mean I can live with my dad? Yippee that is great news! Grandpa, what about you and Leonard?” “Well my baby, Leonard will be going to the army next year here in Kimberley and me, well I have to keep his work going in the hospital till he is back. Everything worked out well, don’t you think?” Liza was so overwhelmed by all the news that she lost her appetite, “Wow live with my dad. When do I move grandpa?” John felt a little agitated by Liza’s eagerness to move, “We have a meeting in two days time with social services and then my baby you are free to go!”

  Liza could not wait for the meeting that Thursday. The social services worker came past and Liza agreed on the terms of her move to Sam. John arranged a small little barbeque that evening as a token of peace between him and Sam for the future. Leonard decided to discuss the plan he thought of in the hospital when he heard about Jessica’s predicament.

  “Sam can I talk to you?” asked Leonard. “What about Leonard?” answered Sam still celebrating his victory. “Well actually I want to make you a deal!” Sam was intrigued to hear the offer, “Deal? Whatever for?” Leonard smiled, “Well I would like to buy one of your blocks of flats and turn it into a temporary home for the ladies and children we help in hospital as a sort of safe house. I have about three hundred thousand rand from insurance money that was left by my mom and grandma. What do you think about my offer?” Sam ever the business man smiled, “Well Leonard we can talk. One of those buildings is worth about one million rand. I make you a deal though; you put down the three hundred thousand rand and pay for the upkeep. When you are working you and me boy can work out a payment plan for the rest.” Leonard was very excited, “Just remember Leonard, your grandpa needs to sign with you. You are not legal yet.” “I know Sam. Draw up the papers I will have him sign by end of this week.”

  Sam could not believe his luck. The week just got better and he knew he had plans, big plans for Leonard and his house full of fresh new girls. Leonard could not wait to arrange a meeting for the planned board of trustees for his new home for battered woman and children. The meeting was confirmed for that Saturday evening with Leonard inviting all of the future trustees to a barbeque to celebrate his matric results that would be out that Friday.

  Leonard passed his matric with an average C symbol. To him that was a victory and it gave him confidence for his future. That Saturday evening, the future directors of his future venture arrived one by one, first Doctor Mustard with Jessica, then Judge le Roux and Pastor Pieter with Commander Venter, then his adopted mom Jillian and grandpa with, last but not least, Sam’s second in command Judas. Leonard was prepared with a full presentation and counter arguments for their possible questions. Ladies and Gents before we go and barbeque I would like to talk to you about a proposal I have. I know I am young, but please listen to my plan before you ask questions or reject my idea.”

  Leonard started off, “Okay well I had an idea and I need your help. If you agree you will become trustees/ directors in my venture. I have discussed this with Sam and that is why Judas is here and would become Sam’s representative if we can agree on this. Well, my idea is to buy Grandpa John’s house and turn it into a care facility for abused people. The house will be known as the Marie Botha Frail Care Centre. Doctor Mustard that is where you come in, as soon as the people are stable enough to move and can operate by themselves they come her as a safe haven. You can visit them here and give them medically what they need.

  The second part is to bay a block of flats with 12 furnished flats available for them to move into till their spouses are in jail and they are safe. The midway house will be called the Annette Botha House of Safety, after my mom who was also abused in her life by many. We then help these woman and children in that time to get settled on their own. The money I need to pay is a million rand to Sam for the flats.

  Grandpa you and I need to talk about your house. Obviously the rest of the money will need to be paid but the deal is I put down what I have and just do the upkeep when I then have the money later on in my life I then only pay down the rest. Grandpa you and me will then move to the flat at the back and Aunt Jillian, I would love it if you became the house mother at the flats for me. Pastor Pieter you and the church can then help with counselling and after they moved out to their own house again provide the necessary support and after care. Judas you and me will work together and even your daughter when she is ready can come and move in to help at the flats. Judge le Roux your role would be as legal advisor to us if you have the time and will to be part of this dream. What do you think about this plan?”

  A dumb silence hung in the room for the maturity of this young man and his plan, “Leonard! I will not let you spend your money on this stupid venture!” said John, “You are too young and your life is before you!” Leonard smiled, “Grandpa this is what I chose to do with my life a long time ago and it involves the people I care about. My studies I will do part time through UNISA and for the rest, when my military service days are done, I am going for an apprenticeship at De Beers Diamond Mine. My surprise to you grandpa is that they accepted me as an apprentice engineering assistant. All you need to do is co-sign and the job is mine after my military service. ”

  John looked at this young proud boy, “Wow my boy you really thought about this! I am so proud of you!” They all looked at one another and smiled, “Okay it’s a deal Leonard! But you need to understand that you will be the main worker here and if we see a problem we will have voting rights so we can stop stupid decisions, okay?” Le
onard with his face shining with victory smiled, “The plan is for you to sign a document instating you as directors with voting power and with Liza moving out, we can start with Jessica and help her!” They all laughed, “Think someone has lost his heart people!” said Commander Venter.

  Jessica could not believe the generosity of this young man. Her heart felt all warm and fuzzy and she could feel this funny warm glow all over her face. Dr Mustard laughed, “How beautiful, Jessica is blushing!” Judas could not believe this plan that could help his daughter as well, without him even asking for help from Leonard. This gesture from Leonard to Judas was a God sent answer to Judas’s prayers and would lay the foundation of their friendship for years to come.

  John and Leonard left for Sam’s attorneys early that Monday morning, “Welcome John and Leonard! Glad to see you and be of service to you.” said Sam all smug. John looked at Sam, “Hope you don’t have any tricks up your sleeve!” Sam had this look in his eyes that showed his satisfaction with John now begging him for help, “Come now John, tricks? Leonard asked for help and I promised Annette that I would help him when I can and now I can. After all, he is Liza’s brother.” John looked at Sam with a frown of disbelief and scanned through the paperwork as he always did and signed the contract. Leonard took the contract, “Well this is where my dream starts! Thank you Sam for the help!” Leonard signed the contract and handed over the transfer slip for three hundred thousand rand to Sam, “Thank you Leonard! It has been a pleasure working with you!”

  Sam could not wait for the new meat to move into the block of flats. His plans were laid out to use the insecurity of the women and girls that would stay there and help them to get money even if it meant prostitution or running some of his merchandise.

  Jessica and Jillian moved into the block off flats that week with Leonard and John moving into the flat at the back of their property, opening up the frail care unit for Dr Mustard. The approvals from Northern Cape Social Services came within days after they applied for the permits and Judge le Roux helped them with the legal approval of licences required for these protective houses. Jessica loved her new adopted mom Jillian. For Jillian, she now had a new daughter that kept her busy with Leonard coming to visit them every night. “Leonard you need to go know, Jessica needs to study for her entrance exam at the beauty school in January!” Jillian would say this every night and every night the answer would be, “Aaaa mom! Just five minutes more!” Jessica and Leonard fell in love that summer and even though they both knew that Leonard had two years military service in his future, Leonard knew that his love would last.

  Leonard’s two houses were opened on the 1st of January 1988 officially with the mayor of Kimberley in attendance to cut the ribbons. Leonard only had two weeks to enjoy his new found joy and work when John had to take him to the military base just outside Kimberley. John, Jessica and Liza hugged Leonard, “Okay my boy, don’t worry about the houses. We will all look after it for you, okay.” Leonard looked a bit worried, “Okay grandpa! Any last advice before I go?” John smiled, “Nope, keep your head up, work hard and get your rank. Once you have that, the sleeping at home privilege we have planned will happen easier! Okay boy, enjoy the army now and remember it is the best two years of your life which you never would want over again!” Leonard hugged Jessica, “Love you my babe! See you in three months time!” Jessica folded her arms around him and kissed him with a warm smile, “Can’t wait my love! Will write to you every day! Love you!” Liza, Jessica and John hugged Leonard one last time before he walked to the military bases gates where he would serve his two years military service.

  Leonard could not believe all the people in the camp. Most of them arrived two days ago and had most of their clothes and admin completed. Leonard was put in a group of thirty boys, not much older than him and taken to their bungalow B4. The corporal looked at them and shouted, “Okay you pathetic pieces of army meat! Your ass is mine. I will be your mommy, daddy, brother, sister and friend. You are in B squadron and my name is Corporal Johnson. I will give you your paperwork in the next five minutes. You then have half an hour to finish it, then we go for your haircut. I see we have a few hippies here that need to see a razor as well as a hair cut!”

  One of Leonard’s group put up his hand, “Sir? Can I ask the barber to cut my hair nice into a style? I have a picture of it here.” Corporal Johnson walked up to him, “Sure you can and while you at it, ask him for a lollipop! Gents from now on you will call me Corporal Johnson and you will be private to me. You will do as I say! If I say fall, you do so, if I say shit, you do so. Now fill in your forms, see you in thirty minutes. You understand?” Everybody looked at him as if he was stupid, “Privates don’t test me on your first day! When I talk to you, you will answer me in one voice! You will say, YES CORPORAL JOHNSON! That clear?” The whole squid looked up and screamed, “Yes Corporal Johnson!”

  The 30 minutes passed in a flash, “Privates are you done?” Leonard looked up, “Yes Corporal!” Corporal Johnson walked up to him, “O we have a screamer here! What is your name and number private?” Leonard looked at Corporal Johnson, “My name is Leonard Botha, Corporal! My number is 85674591!” Corporal Johnson smiled, “You forgot private in front of your name, private! Drop and give me 30 push-ups!” Leonard could not understand the anger of this scrawny built little man, “Excuse me corporal, what did I do wrong?” Corporal Johnson exploded, “Private what don’t you understand? Now drop and give me 30 or I will do the same to your whole platoon!” Leonard dropped down and did the 30 push-ups. “Okay privates, you see what happens when you don’t listen! Now next time you listen or else! Okay now walk with me to the barber in a neat line. When he is finished butchering your hair we will go and get you kitted out. Tonight we will get through the final arrangements because you will be in basic training as of tomorrow. You understand me platoon?” the whole platoon answered, “Yes Corporal!”

  The platoon arrived at the barber, “Okay Private Botha, you first, seeing that you are a screamer!” Leonard walked in and sat on the chair. The barber did not even greet him and put a little 1, 2, 3 oil on the shaver. He switched it on and pushed it into his hair. Leonard could feel his hair fall to the floor and he knew that he was about to receive a 0 cut. It took the barber only four minutes to finish and as he walked out, he heard the barber laughing and the rest of his squad gasping, “Wow man that is short!”

  It took them about two hours to finish at the barber. The kitting out was over in a flash as Corporal Johnson took them through the stores as if he could not wait to get stuck into his squad. They arrived back in their bungalow and locked their clothes in their cupboards. “Okay privates, put on your overalls and army issued sneakers; put your bush hat on your head, because we are going to finish your medicals today. You have five minutes then you are outside!” The platoon wanted to complain but shouted out, “Yes Corporal!”

  The medicals were done to class them into the diffract health groups. Leonard’s group were all classed G1K1. You could see the pleasure in Corporal Johnson’s eyes, “O great! You are 100% fit physically and mentally! How lucky can I get!” as Corporal Johnson walked out, the squad could hear him laugh.

  They arrived at their bungalow around five o’ clock that afternoon, “Okay Gents, let’s do the arrangements for tomorrow, for your first three months your overalls and sneakers with your bush hat or combat hat will be your dress code. You will have inspection every morning and if one guy messes up, the platoon will feel the consequences. We will have fitness every morning and classroom training after ten in the morning. Breakfast is at six in the morning, lunch at twelve and dinner will be at six in the evenings. Inspection will be at 5h30 in the morning so be ready. The rest you need to listen to me and you will be fine! Understood!” “Yes Corporal we understand!”

  Leonard was introduced to military cooking that evening with the welcoming meal being Chicken ala King; this would later affectionately be called landmine chicken. It was not bad tasting, but the bones were end
less. That evening they all chose their beds and made up their beds for inspection the next morning. They woke up at three in the morning with Corporal Johnson throwing mud and steel buckets into the bungalow, “Wake up you lazy pieces of rotten army meat! Is this how you prepare for inspection! Get dressed, seems we need to go and talk a bit about this low class inspection you gave me!”

  Corporal Johnson took them out and made them run till it felt like their lungs would explode. They rolled up in the dusty street and it took them to their unfit limits in only a few minutes as Corporal Johnson told them what he wanted in his inspections, “Yes you thought it was nice in the army, hey! Now at twelve today you will stand inspection again. Your bed will be squared and your clothes ironed and hanging properly. The floor will shine like a mirror and if I find one speck of dust, there will be more of this! Our squadron commander will be with me for this inspection to meet and greet you and I don’t want to be ashamed, you understand me privates?” “Yes Corporal!” They all shouted in unison.

  Corporal Johnson came back at six that morning to take them to the dining hall, “Okay we have one guy whose bed is almost where I want it! Well done Private Botha. Look at this bed gents; it is flat like a table with sharp edges! Everything is squared and it looks very sharp. Your clothes in the cupboard should be like that as well. Maybe we have some hope here, looks like you learn quickly!”

  After breakfast Corporal Johnson took them for their Tetanise 1, Yellow Fever and B complex injection. Many of Leonard’s platoon came out of the sick bay with tears in their eyes. The rest of the morning was spent on the bungalow and at twelve o’ clock Corporal Johnson and their squadron commander Major Groenewald walked in, “Attention!” shouted Corporal Johnson. Major Groenewald walked through and smiled, “Corporal you may just have hit the jackpot with this group. Looks good for a first inspection. Privates, I need to let you understand that the next three months will be tough, but hang in there! Any problems, talk to Corporal Johnson and he will help!” as Major Groenewald walked out he recognized Leonard from the hospital where he helped his little sister after her husband nearly killed her, “O nice to see you Leonard. Corporal we have a celebrity here for his service. Look after him, he is worth his weight in gold! He helps in the hospital with the battered women and children and with that helped my sister as well. Leonard, any problems, talk to me personally, okay?” Leonard was a little embarrassed but smiled, “Yes Major Groenewald!”

  Leonard’s platoon was indeed treated like royalty during their basic training. The question always was, was it because of Leonard or because of their good grades and always winning the fitness tests weekly. With all the training going on, Leonard still tried to keep up with the letters to grandpa and Jessica. At mail time every evening he even had to drop for 20 push-ups when the letter was perfumed. Leonard came to the end of basic training unscathed, first in his class and got to put on his step outs for his first pass. Corporal Johnson walked in, “Okay gents you all have passed your basic training! You are now allowed to put on your company colours and shield. Wear it with pride and always remember our motto, ‘WE ARE THE BEST BECAUSE WE WORK HARDER THAN ANYBODY ELSE!’ Okay, we have identified the following people for further training for leadership. You will receive your white shoulder loops and you need to put them on now, the rest of you can leave. Okay the group I call out now stay, Steyn, Pretorius, Strydom, Petersen and Botha. You five made the evaluations for officer training. Your lieutenant for the next 6 months is Lieutenant Visser and your instructor will be Corporal Clayton. You will be back in camp a day before the other privates to move your equipment over to G Squadron. Okay guys go and enjoy your week at home!”

  Leonard walked out of the camp with his head held high and his step outs looking good, “Private Botha!” Leonard heard behind him. There Corporal Clayton stood, a short stubby man with the face of a pit-bull, “Hope you remember me, or should I say my dad! You got him locked up after he beat my good for nothing mom and sister! You better pray for mercy from God when you comeback, because from me you will get none!” Leonard stood to attention, “Corporal Clayton, this Private would like to advise you to bring it on!”

  Corporal Clayton nearly had a heart attack, but seeing Leonard’s family walking towards him, he smiled, “So I will do you piece of shit! Thank you for the invitation.” Leonard turned around and walked to Grandpa John and shook his hand, “Hey Grandpa I have done it, only six more months then I can be home permanently!” He turned to Jessica and grabbed her, “My babe I missed you so much!” He kissed Jessica with a passion that made her shiver. She felt his strong shoulders, chest and chiselled six pack. His hands were strong and he was built like a Greek god. “Okay you two we can talk at home. Let’s first go for lunch because Jillian is already waiting for us!”

  They walked into the Horse Shoe Hotel Restaurant, “Surprise!” Jillian organized a welcoming party for Leonard and all the ladies that lived in Leonard’s two houses of safety helped with the decoration. Leonard could not control his joy, “Wow you guys! Thank you for the welcome.” After the party they all left for home, while John gave Leonard feedback on the houses, “Well Leonard we have been very busy for the last few months. All your rooms are full at this moment and we have placed four ladies already in our work partnership program, we started with some big businesses. One or two of the ladies do seem to have found some or other work and are doing well. Even Sam helps out at the flats. He says it is to protect his investment, but I just can’t trust him!” Leonard laughed, “Yes grandpa he is a snake! We must keep an eye on him!”

  Leonard and his family arrived home while he took his bag to his room Jessica walked in and hugged him from behind, “My warrior, I missed you so much!” Leonard turned around and looked in her eyes, “Babe you okay? You are smiling, but your eyes tell me your heart is in pain. You okay?” Jessica stepped into Leonard and tilted her head up towards his mouth, “I just missed you my baby, now please kiss me!” Leonard kissed her softly on her forehead then on each eye and then pulled her into his strong arms. Their lips touched and as if electricity sparked between them, their lips tingled and the warmth of their breath was inviting and full of promise. Leonard gave Jessica a long hard kiss when Jillian walked in, “Hey you two I am going to the shops, you need anything?” Jessica and Leonard blushed, “No mom!” “Okay will be gone for a few minutes, now don’t do anything I would not approve off!”

  The week went past in a flash as Jessica and Leonard could not get enough of one another. All the free time between fixing up the buildings, visiting the hospital and talking to their friends were spent talking and just loving one another. It was time for Leonard to go back to camp, “Jessica, I love you my babe! Just six months more and I am home every night. Study hard in beauty school, okay.” Jessica looked at Leonard, “Yes baby will do. Look after yourself and remember I love you!” John took Leonard back to camp, “Okay my boy, now the test starts! Looks like that Corporal Clayton is waiting for you! Always remember, when your mind gives up, your body can still go much further! Mind over matter my boy!” Leonard hugged John, “Thank you for the advice grandpa. Look after Jessica and yourself, see you in six months time.”

  Leonard walked to the gates and smiled as he saw Corporal Clayton, “Aaaaaa Candidate Officer Botha! I have been waiting for you! We can start tomorrow, welcome to hell boy!” Leonard just smiled and walked on. The squadron induction was complete by twelve o’ clock when they were introduced to Captain Pretorius, squadron commander and Sergeant Major Laurence. Corporal Clayton walked into their bungalow, “Okay gents, you are no longer a private you are now called a CO or Candidate Office. The rules are the same, but I will call you CO. You are the elite of this base and I will sift the weak from the strong. Don’t give me reason to pack your bags because I am looking for an excuse! Okay tomorrow we start your training, so we will wake up at about six and then have breakfast at seven in the officer’s mess. We will then complete your paperwork and then start your classes. If you get un
der 80% for a test, you will be dropped with immediate effect! Understood CO’s?” The bungalow answered back, “Yes Corporal Clayton!”

  Leonard should have seen through this nice facade, but they thought they have arrived and now would be treated as officers. Well they got that thought right, they arrived in hell! The next morning at three o’ clock, they were woken up with shouting and beds being overturned. Leonard got a kick in his back with Corporal Clayton shouting, “You are in hell now, Rose Angel, I am bringing it on as you invited me! The whole squadron was dressed and ready within five minutes and they were taken to the flats of Armageddon. The parade ground was so called because that was the place where more blood was spilled during training than in any war they would come in. They were issued with a marble and had to run and fall with it. The squadron was introduced to their new sense of brotherhood and pain. At the end of session Sergeant Major Laurence walked up to the squadron, “Okay gents! You have just been inducted into G Squadron. Look around you, the guys standing next to you will become your brother! If he hurts, you will hurt! You will be proud of this squadron and protect your brother at all costs! You understand me CO’s?” The whole squadron answered, “Yes Sergeant Major!”

  “Okay CO’s fall into your platoons and go and clean up! You will have a full inspection tomorrow morning and if you fail that inspection, today will look like a picnic!” Corporal Clayton walked up to Leonard, “and you will not last two weeks here, I will see to that!” That afternoon they had to go for their Tetanise 2 and Yellow Fever injections again which gave them time to prepare for their inspection. Their floors looked shiny and their beds where squared up the next morning. Corporal Clayton walked in to come and check before Commander Pretorius and Sergeant Major Laurence walked in. He walked up to Leonard’s bed, “Looking sharp CO! I can’t have that.” as he took a bottle of water and sprayed it on Leonard’s clothes hanging in his cupboard. The water relaxed the creases and Leonard’s inspection looked like the dogs breakfast. Commander Pretorius walked past with his white glove, “CO Botha, your inspection looks like crap! Corporal you know what to do with a slacker like this, take him and show him respect!”

  Corporal Clayton could not wait and marched the whole bungalow to the parade ground, “Okay CO’s, now look carefully what happens to someone I hate! If you don’t want to be there then you better perform! Corporal Clayton drilled Leonard at double time for about 45 minutes till it was time for breakfast and after that another hour till the classes started. Leonard was tired and beaten down. That evening before dinner everybody assemble for dinner and he would be called out and chased around with his marble till there was only five minutes left before the kitchen would close. By then Leonard was not hungry and just left for his bungalow. The other CO’s hated him because he would cause them to lose inspection due to Corporal Clayton’s interference and he even got a blanket party one night where he was beaten so bad that he had to be taken to the medical station.

  There Leonard met Paul van Wyk, a medic and the cook at the kitchen, George van der Westhuizen, “You look bad Leonard, what happened?” Leonard told them the story and as always these two boys offered him help as they did for anybody in his position, “Hey we have heard about you and that Corporal Clayton character. If you come past our bungalow in the evenings you can come and eat there. If we tell you not to eat, rather skip the meal because we sometimes do things to the food, to let’s say, get even with the people calling us gay and queer!” Leonard just smiled as Paul cleaned him up.

  The next morning was a full inspection and Corporal Clayton walked up to him with his water gun, “Time to get you of this CO course Botha!” Leonard walked in front of his clothes in his cupboard, “Now Corporal Clayton, I think I have taken just about enough from you! You touch my inspection again and that goes for any of your cronies in this bungalow and you and I will have a problem!” Corporal Clayton smiled as he shot some water into Leonard’s Clothes, “Try your luck CO!” Leonard felt the anger push up in him and knocked Corporal Clayton down with a right hook. Leonard did not see Commander Pretorius listening to the conversation at the bungalow window nor did he see Sergeant Major Laurence looking at the fight, he picked Corporal Clayton up and beat the snot out of him. One of Leonard’s buddies Jeff Hartman had to hold him back as the whole bungalow came to a shouting feast. As Corporal Clayton lay on the ground bleeding from his mouth and nose, Commander Pretorius instructed them to go to his office, “You two in my office now!”

  There Commander Pretorius heard the full story and what happened to Leonard in the last five months of training, how he got chased around at night and how his inspections got ruined by the corporal. How he got food from the cooks after hours because he just could not eat after some water bottle PT. Commander Pretorius called Corporal Clayton in after he heard all the evidence, “You can be glad I don’t send you to the Detention Barracks for this Corporal Clayton. You will be reassigned tomorrow, you can leave this squadron now! You are not welcome here! O and while me and Colonel Boerstra decide on you, Sergeant Major Laurence will give back to you what you were so kind to dispatch to CO Botha.”

  Leonards new Corporal was an old friend from basic training and he had a softer hand. His bungalow performed the best at tests and fitness just one week after he took over. The course time ran out and Leonard and his platoon had to go on their final route march. It would be held in the Drankensburg and they would have to walk the 125km in two days. The route was laid out on the borders of the Goldengate reserve and was known as an extremely challenging hike. They arrived that Friday afternoon with the sun shining and in high sprit. They put on their full kit and walked to the assembly point 10km out of the home base.

  The next morning they were informed that a storm system was heading their way and that it would bring extreme cold and rain. This hike would not only test their resolve but their leadership skills. They were given a map and three points they had to visit where at least three people of their troop had to sign. They were given a stretcher, a water can with three R5 rifles and a radio to take with them. If they clocked in before the deadline time, they would pass their last test, if not, they would fall out only five days before they would be awarded their lieutenant stars. Leonard called the troop together, “Okay boys this is our time now. We need to get our signatures and finish. The quicker we do it the better. One thing though, we all finish or we all fall. If you are not taken of medically, you finish with the troop, that a deal!” The whole troop put their hands in, “Let's go!”

  Leonard took the lead for the first 10kms to checkpoint one. The whole troop walked up and signed the register, “From now on gents this is our signature, everybody signs!” The next leader took over and by late Saturday afternoon Leonard and the boys arrived at checkpoint two where they where medically reviewed and given the green light to move on. They decided to walk up to the edge of Ribok Ridge and camp there for the night. That would leave them 55kms to home base and the finish. That evening they arrived at their overnight camp site with the wind blowing and rain falling down on their tired bodies. Everybody built themselves a little tent with their poncho rain covers and ground sail. Leonard was settling in when one of his sworn enemies, Olivier one of Corporal Clayton’s followers, looked into his little shelter, “Leonard please man, can you help me. I left my ground sail and poncho in Kimberley. I did not think it would come and rain, please man, I am wet and cold.” Leonard looked at him, “Okay Olivier, get your stuff in here. Just be quick because it is cold!” Olivier moved in and Leonard was pushed to the edge of his tent.

  The water came rushing into his sleeping bag and everything was wet, sleep was nowhere to be found because his legs cramped when he pulled them in not to get wet. Lucky for Leonard he had enough savvy to bring dry clothes with. The old ones he could ditch and lighten his load with everything else that had extra weight from the rain. Olivier woke up with his legs cramping up, “Aaaaaa my legs! Leonard I am walking down, I can finish this!” Leonard could not beli
eve his ears, “Say what? Listen to me Olivier; you back out now, we are all done! Even if I have to drag you through Generals-, Lieutenant- and Corporals peek myself, but you will finish with us! Get yourself some backbone man!”

  They left their overnight base after having some rat pack breakfast. Their pace was blistering with five of their troop walking and signing of their last check point at the top of Generals peek. Leonard’s troop started having problems with their feet and ankles as they walked down the steep mountain cliffs. Once or twice they were lucky with guys falling down and people catching them by their webbing before they slipped and fell down the cliffs. Eventually they reached the gravel road back to home base. At a stream they were greeted by Sergeant Major Laurence who gave out there evaluation forms to do their buddy rating.

  It was there where they decided to run their last 500m to the camp just to show off. They arrived in camp 3rd overall and first on their route. A nice barbeque was arranged and they all sat at the fire with their feet full of blisters and sores.

  A day before graduation, they were asked to assemble at the officer’s pub. If you received your blue card you could go in and get your Lieutenant stars, if not it meant you were thrown off. Leonard was last in line when Corporal Clayton came walking out, “CO Botha, I asked for this opportunity to first apologize for my actions. After thinking about it and seeing your determination, I went home and spoke to my mom. She told me the full story and not my dad’s version. I am pleased to give you your blue slip and am proud to salute my new lieutenant.”

  The next day they stood in their platoons on Armageddon parade ground and as they were called out one by one, their families stood and applauded them. Colonel Boerstra called out, “Leonard Botha! This young man finished top of his class and is therefore promoted to full Lieutenant and as part of his duties as of tomorrow, he is transferred to social services to continue his work to help the community of Kimberley.”

  Leonard walked out onto the podium where Colonel Boerstra put his rank on his shoulders, “Well done my boy, you got through incredible difficulties to make it!” Leonard stepped back and saluted Colonel Boerstra and turned around and saluted the families in attendance. “I now declare this class of 1988 graduated and ready for service!” as Cornel Boerstra saluted them, the squadron lifted their berets and threw it up in the sky.



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