Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1)

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Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1) Page 3

by Brenna Harlow

  I keep walking. In the distance hangs a sign with PHARMACY written in bold letters. A grin spreads across my features as I step over a bundle of towels. Medicine is hard to come by, and if I can find even a single bottle of Tylenol... Well, then I'll be doing better than I was yesterday.

  Scuttling shadows catch my eye, and I whip my flashlight down to the ground as brown rodents scurry. I slap my hand over my mouth as a scream threatens to slip through my fingers. Fuck! I close my eyes and count to ten, trying to regain composure. It's only a few mice. I shine the light again, and their beady little eyes watch me as they scamper over a nest of cardboard shavings and threads of yarn.

  I shudder, then carefully step over the mess. Rats. I can't do rats.

  Just forget about them. The pharmacy is right there.

  I dispel all thoughts but one from my mind. Finding supplies. Two of the aisles have been knocked over, and opened boxes of Tylenol and allergy medicine litter the floor. I scramble around the shelves and crouch as I grab bottles off the rack and give them a shake.

  Someone was definitely here when shit hit the fan. A lot of items have already been pillaged. I pick up a bottle of caffeine pills, listening to the sweet rattle of capsules as they move inside. Yes. Caffeine will keep me sharper for longer, so I don't miss any cues of danger lurking nearby.

  I find a bottle of sleeping pills next, and then hit the Holy Grail when I discover a full, unopened box of tampons. I shove all of the items in my backpack and move on.

  Now that I know there are rats in here, every tiny scratch or squeak puts me on high alert. Where there are rats, there could be disease.

  I've never been in this store, not until now, but the layout of the shop is familiar. It doesn't take me long to find the camping section, and this particular part of the store is the barest of all. When the looters came, they knew what they were looking for.

  My flashlight flickers as I sweep the aisle. I slap it against the palm of my hand, and the light stabilizes. I really need more batteries. I blow out a breath and pull on the straps of my now heavy bag. Once I reach the end of the aisle, my light catches on plastic near the bottom shelf. I bend down and snatch it into my hands, holding it directly under the light.

  Jackpot. A twelve pack of candlesticks.

  All that's left to find are the batteries. I need as many packs of AA as I can acquire. If my luck holds true, they'll be near the front of the store. I shove the candles into my stuffed pack and turn around, heading back through the maze of shelves.

  Batteries. Batteries. Batteries. Ah ha! I find one lone pack on the shelf, but it's mega size, and twelve batteries will last me awhile. I slip it into the side pocket of my bag because the main compartment is already stuffed so full, the zipper is straining.

  And... now I'm done. I've collected everything I need. I shift from foot to foot, shining my light over the large building. There's so much space, and it's so open. A chill creeps down my spine, and I rub my sweaty palms down the top of my pants leg. It doesn't feel safe.

  Maybe I can seek refuge in the bathroom for the night. Surely it's better than looking over my shoulder for eight hours or more.

  I step over debris as I make my way to the front of the store, spotting the bathroom sign as it hangs over a set of double doors. I approach with timid steps, my heart hammering.

  I knock on the door once. "Hello?" I don't expect an answer, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  Moments pass in silence, and I push the door open, cringing as the hinges creak. The darkness inside is like a giant void, and I throw the light of my flashlight over the room. It looks untouched by time, and the tiles glisten as the light passes over. No windows, no feet under the stall doors. It’s safe enough.

  I close and lock the door behind me.

  I toss my bag onto the floor and dig inside for the candles and lighter. Once a candle is lit, I set it down into the deep basin of the sink. Instantly, the room is cast in a warm amber glow, and the sinister bathroom seems a bit more inviting.

  I step into a stall and relieve myself. Once finished, I collapse against the tile wall. All of the stamina I was holding on to fades away, replaced by exhaustion.

  If I could get through the night, it would only be a few hours of walking in the morning to get back home to the cave. Maybe before I leave, I can grab a new sleeping bag, or perhaps even a pillow.

  A pillow would be nice.


  “Mother, how did you and Father meet?”

  I am a child of ten years, and my mother and father stand in the sitting room with my younger sister, Arlee. They both stare adoringly at each other, and I can never picture a time when they aren’t side by side. My mother straightens and takes two small steps forward, pulling me into her arms and charming me with her gleeful grin.

  I giggle as she swings me in her arms and places me on the floor beside my sister.

  Mother then pulls Father down, and we sit in a circle on the ground.

  “Your father and I met when our two tribes combined,” Mother says, a smile playing across her plump lips.

  “The Ine and Oft?” I ask excitedly.

  The scholars had taught us children about the tale of two tribes joining as one in search for the solution to our hunger. They hadn’t found such a solution yet, but they were still trying.

  “Yes,” Father says. His black hair hangs over his shoulders, framing the sharp outline of his jaw. He always looks so fierce, except when his eyes lock with Mother’s.

  “What happened when you met?” I ask.

  Mother and Father study each other as they share a smirk. I can almost see the mental conversation going back and forth, but I scrutinize it in silence as I wait for their response.

  “Well, we felt the Calling,” Mother says.

  “The Calling?” I ask.

  Mother twists a lock of her ginger hair and bites her lip. “The Mating Call. Have your mentors not taught you these things?”

  Me and Arlee both shake our heads.

  “Well, when two souls meet who are meant to come together, the Calling happens. It’s an indescribable urge. A hunger unlike any other. But blood will be the last thing on your mind.” Father flashes a smile at Mother, and her cheeks redden.

  “What will be on our minds?” Arlee asks.

  I push a pebble across the cobble floors with my foot, my eyes lowered to the ground. I had an idea about what the Calling was now, and I didn’t want to hear about my parents' coupling.

  “Each other, Arlee. And then your souls mingle, and you could never stand to be apart again,” my mother responds sweetly.

  “Now, off to bed with you. You’ll need your strength for the days to come.”

  The store is quiet inside, and Kora’s thoughts whisper soft nothings as she sleeps. I stand guard by the door, staying alert to anything that may threaten her safety.

  The wind bites at my cheeks, whipping my unruly hair around my face. Not for the first time, I think about what she might think of me if she were to see me here now. Would she be frightened of my features? Would she cower at the sight of my fangs?

  My life has been altered completely, all in a single day. Just one look at her and now, I can't seem to keep my thoughts straight. I thought I knew what had happened with this world. We came, we fed, and now, we are healing. But I find myself trying to assemble the missing pieces of the time when I was no more than a thoughtless monster, hellbent on destroying everything in my path.

  How did I get here? I remember being hungry and slipping. Edging closer to insanity by the day until my thoughts were no more. The rest is all reds and blacks, and none of the puzzle pieces fit.

  I roll my shoulders and silence my mind. It doesn't matter anymore. What's happened has happened, and now, I am here on this plane. My future is here, and whether I like it or not, I’m tied to the soft woman who hides inside this strange building.

  Her frightened face flashes through my memory, and I think that no matter who or what she is, I
will never be able to prevent the shudder of my heart when her beauty is before me.


  All thoughts of Kora are lost as the sound echoes in the woods across from the desolate lot.


  A mind, completely lost to the madness, approaches.

  Stay back. She is mine!

  My warning falls on deaf ears as the deranged dhampir stalks forward. I sniff the air, smelling dried blood and female musk. As she crosses through the path of the moonlight, her form becomes visible. Her shoulder length brown hair is matted, brimming with dried leaves. Her eyes are crimson red, wild with bloodthirst.

  Stop. This human will not be your next meal.

  I position myself in front of the woman, but her glazed eyes stare right through me as she slinks forward. She will not listen to my calls. My jaw tightens. I cannot risk my mate's life.

  The vampire tries to snake around me, but before she can pass, I grab her by the head with both hands.

  Shock and betrayal pass through her eyes as I twist with one fluid motion. The dhampir’s body drops to the ground as I yank her head from her shoulders with a gut-wrenching pop.

  Blood, tantalizing and lustrous, drips from her neck. I place her head near her body, wishing more than anything to burn her as tradition calls, but knowing I can never leave Kora unprotected as I do so. I back away, bumping into the glass door that shields my female from the threats of this world.

  My hands close into fists at my side. I need to be on high alert. If this dhampir could sniff out my mate, then others could be on their way to take her from me.

  And I can never allow that to happen.


  Sweat drips from my cheek as I awaken, and I sit straight up from the hard tile flooring. I'm... still alive. My skin feels tight as my lips stretch upward into a smile. I stand and stretch my muscles, and determination solidifies in my mind.

  I'm not going to die today.

  A low light filters into the bathroom from the crack underneath the door. I'm not sure how long I slept, so I grab my bag off of the ground and shoulder it before creeping out of the bathroom. If I'm going to make it home before dark, I need to leave now.

  The massive windows that seemed so sinister last night are welcoming as they cast filtered light over the store. My fingertips leave trails in the dust that layer the metal shelving as I pass.

  Crusty towels, fingerprint covered glass cups, cute miniature figurines that someone used to collect once upon a time. I pause when I get to the clothing department and glance down at my own worn attire. Seconds pass before I make up my mind and strip.

  In a perfect world, I’d be able to shower and wash my hair before putting on fresh clothes, but I’m not going to complain. At least I don't have to wear old underwear anymore. I pluck a fresh bra from one of the hangers to my right and slip it on. A pack of panties hang from the other side of the rack, and I rip it open, slipping those on too. I need something comfortable yet practical, and I no longer have the luxury of being fashionable.

  A blue knitted turtleneck catches my eye from another rack, and I reach for it. The material is soft and warm, and, for a moment, recognition flashes in my mind. My quilt. It reminds me of the quilt my mother made for me when I was a teenager, the one I slept with every night until everything changed.

  I pull the shirt over my head and search the room for pants. A pair of high waisted denim jeans catch my eye, and I stroke the rough fabric as I pass by. They're beautiful, but useless. Too restrictive, and no way in Hell could I run for long distances while wearing them.

  As I near a floor length mirror, I pause. The person gazing back at me is not who I remember. Thin cheeks and hollow eyes stare back at me, replacing my previously rounded face. My ribs poke out, covering my tight pale torso. I turn away. There's no time to dwell on shit I can't control. And this? I can't control any of it.

  I find a shelf lined with folded fleece leggings and slip on two pairs, layering them. I haven't forgotten how cold it was getting outside. Now that I'm dressed, I feel refreshed and ready to face the day. After I tug my bag back over my shoulders, I make my way out of the clothing department, toward the front entrance. A white puff straight ahead stops me dead in my tracks.

  A... pillow?

  It's a miracle. I rush forward and crouch, brushing my hand over the downy fabric. It falls and lifts again as my palm presses against its surface, serving as a reminder from a time when life was more simple. I grab the pillow from the floor and pat the dust away before tucking it between my back and backpack.

  The double doors that lead outside loom ahead like the vortex to Hell. This would be the hardest part. I’m about to step back into the dangerous outdoors. Only a glass paned doorway stands in my path.

  I press my palms to the glass and observe. The sun is low in the sky, casting an orange ray of light over the evergreen trees that make up the dense forest from across the street. One of them could be hiding there, listening. My heart leaps to my throat, and I swallow thickly.

  Time is running out. I could stay here another night, or I can try to make it back to the cave before dark. The metal squeals, cutting into the silence as I push the doors open. Were they so loud last night?

  I pause, waiting. Nothing moves but my chest as I draw shallow breaths. My fight or flight is initiating. I have to get out of here. I take one step forward, and then another, until I'm steadily weaving my way through the cars of the parking lot. It's only a few miles to the cave. I can make it. I can run the whole way-

  A high-pitched sound cuts into the air, and the hair on my arms stand to attention.

  The air lashes around me, bringing the stench of death with it, invoking a plethora of unpleasant memories. There shouldn't be anyone out here. Ever so slowly, I turn to face the disturbance.

  His skin is pale and clings to the angles of his face, defining hollow cheeks. The vampire’s mouth is agape, sharp incisors snapping at the air. His red eyes are trained on me. This is it. I'm going to die. I yank my bag across my shoulders, tugging the zipper. He stalks forward slowly, like he knows no matter what I do, I won't win. If I could just get my gun, maybe I could scare him away, but the zipper won’t budge, no matter how hard I pull.

  I'm too late. He moves faster than I could run as I whimper, tugging the zipper harder. Fuck! Oh no. Not yet. I'm not ready to die.

  The vampire jerks and spasms, his limbs twisting in unnatural movements. He reaches his hands out to me, only an arm’s length away, and I squeeze my eyes shut tight.

  Please, let it be painless.

  I hear a thump and a roar. Am I dead? That was fast.

  I open my eyes just an inch, and then wide when I see what's happening. A man has tackled the vampire. What the... He's straddling the creature with crimson eyes as it writhes on the ground, clawing it's fingers into the pavement. The man places his hands around the vampire’s neck and squeezes, so tight that the vampire’s red eyes bulge. I close my eyes tight. No. No. This can't be happening.

  How can one man take down a vampire? A vampire that moves faster than any human, one who could snap a neck between two fingers?

  He’s one of them. My eyes widen as I back away from the fight. His black hair hangs loose around his shoulders, concealing his features. His fingers squeeze the fallen vampire’s neck so tightly that the milky white skin is compressing. A crack sounds, followed by a wet slush. His head rolls away from his body and I squeeze my eyes closed.

  What an interesting way to die. Two vampires fighting to the death over me. I suppose I'm the last chicken in the village.

  For the second time today, I realize this is the end. There's no way to escape him. I can run, but he'll follow, and he'll catch me within seconds. I could fight, shoot him, but bullets are useless against their kind.

  I can only watch as the second vampire rises to his feet. His long onyx hair blows away from his face, unveiling his features. I expect to see ruby red eyes, but his are a black void with flakes o
f crimson sprinkled throughout. His cheekbones are high and defined, and he looks more well fed than the dead vampire.

  My legs tremble as his gaze centers on me, and I wait, too frightened to move. He takes two steps forward and crouches. His face is so close, his heated breath warms my cheeks. His dark eyes command attention, pulling me in like a deer trapped in headlights.

  I hope you choke on me and die, I think. My chest heaves as dread floods my body.

  Fuck him. Fuck all of them. They took my family, the people I loved. They turned my life upside down and it never righted itself again. Tears spring to my eyes, but I won't let them fall. I'll go with dignity.

  A slight frown pulls at the vampire’s lips, and he offers me his hand.

  Wait. What?

  I stare down at those pale fingers, and his perfectly manicured nails. Why is this one so... clean? And why is he offering me his hand? I should be dead already.

  "I mean you no harm," he says.


  My stomach falls as I watch Kora shivering with fear. The dead dhampir’s body is only inches away, so I move in front of him. I don't want her to be frightened by the bloodshed.

  When I crouch near her trembling form, her eyes close in on mine. They're blue, like the sky above. Deep, intelligent. I want to reach out to stroke her skin to see if it's as soft as it looks, but I remain distant.

  I hope you choke on me and die. Her thoughts are loud, directed at me. My heart sinks.

  I hold out my hand to offer her a lift up. Her eyes narrow as she stares at my outstretched palm.

  When she doesn't take it, I sigh. "I mean you no harm."

  She scampers back another foot. I don’t follow, knowing any movement would only terrify her further. How can I remedy this?

  I had no plans to show myself. My only thoughts were to protect her from afar, atone for my sins, and make sure she lived a long life. Now, those dreams had soured. Maybe if I had paid more attention, this wouldn't have happened.


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