Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1)

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Blood at Dusk: A Dark Vampire Paranormal Romance Novel (The SoulBlood Series Book 1) Page 6

by Brenna Harlow

  Minutes pass and she stills, her chest rising and falling. I listen to her thoughts as they turn murky, and soon, she is in a dreamless sleep.

  It is a strange feeling, living vicariously through her mind. I have never slept, nor have I dreamed. Knowing what I do now, I realize I've been misled. Dhampirs are not the most powerful species. In fact, humans have much to offer. Or they did, before we demolished them.

  I stand as quietly as I can. The fire has burned down now, but I stamp it down slightly just to be sure it won't spread to her bed as she sleeps. I travel down her tunnel reluctantly, but I know that when she awakens, she'll be more at ease if I'm gone. I won't abandon her, not really, but being out of sight will help.

  When I reach the rough wooden door, I pull the glass light catcher out of my pocket, the one I found twinkling in the cabin window. Perhaps it's useless to her, but to me, it's symbolic of who Kora is. She is the light in these dark days, the one who will guide me through. I stroke my thumb over the smooth glass, and then hang its chain over one of the rough rocks, right in front of the door.

  I exit as quietly as I entered.


  When I wake up, my heart isn't hammering. I didn't have night terrors, or dream about Cece. No matter how much I hate to admit it, I know it's because the vampire is watching over me. I don't have to worry about someone ripping open my cave door and storming in to steal my life away. And that feels... nice.

  I pull the covers back from my face. It's cold, and getting colder by the day. My breath fogs in the air as I stretch my arms over my head, letting out a big yawn. My eyes drift over the room, expecting to find Aldeon watching for me, but he's gone.

  Light shines from the tunnel, creeping in from the cracks in my pallet door. I push all of my blankets away and stand, ignoring the protest in my joints. Taking a few steps toward the middle of the room, where the fire is now burned to ash, I survey my home. Something is different.

  Color. Vibrant reds and blues twinkle against the far wall, swaying slightly. I follow the reflection to the tunnel, searching for whatever's splashing waves of pigment over my cave walls.

  I find Aldeon’s gift, swaying in the draft that seeps in through the cracks in the door. My fingers reach up to caress its surface. I would never admit how beautiful it is in front of him.

  This vampire has brought me more gifts in two days than I'd ever received from any one person. Well, maybe not my mother. Christmas always was the best with her around.

  I turn back to the cave, leaving the sun catcher up to do its job. The bright colors are just what I need to brighten this dreary ass cavern.

  I make my way to a box in the corner of the room, which holds the few items of clothing I have. I’m cold. Really cold. Chilled to the bone. I wouldn't turn down a fire right about now.

  Okay, maybe taunting the vampire back into my cave is not the smartest decision right now.

  Rifling through the box, I haul out a thermal shirt. It's stained with blood from the beginning of the chaos and filled with holes, but it's cold and I'm desperate, so I pull it over my head.

  I turn back around, and sneak a glance into the tunnel. Hm. Aldeon still hasn't returned.

  What are you doing? Do you want him back?

  I grumble at my inner self, and respond with a snappy, Well, it's better than talking to you all day.

  What if another vampire found him? What if they think he's a traitor for trying to help me? Dammit. I shouldn't care. I really shouldn't.

  I hunt for my pistol. It's below the mass of blankets on my bed, shoved in the corner. Probably not the safest place to be kept, but I feel better when it's close at night. Once the slick metal is in my hands, I feel better about my stupid, dumb decision. Only slightly.

  I pause in front of the tunnel door and place my hand over my heart. Its beat can be felt through my layered shirts. I exhale slowly before pushing the door aside. My eyes take a minute to adjust to the bright sunlight, but then I'm basked in visual pleasantries. Frosted grass, large boulders, and evergreen trees. It would be beautiful if I didn't know about the things that hunt this land.

  "Aldeon?" My voice is carried away by a sudden gust of wind, and I hug my arms tight to my chest. A shiver causes me to quake.

  Snapping twigs cause me to incline my head upward, and I watch as Aldeon falls from the top of a massive tree. I cringe as he nears the ground, but he lands on his feet. His lips turn upward as he sees the shock on my face. Two fangs peek out from under his lip.

  He stalks forward with a lopsided grin on his face. I can't stop myself from feeling warm on the inside, despite the chill in the air.

  "You look lovely this morning." His dark hair falls over his shoulder as he inclines his head to gaze down at me.

  I tug at my dirty thermal. "Erm, thanks."

  "Are you cold?" He lifts his hand, as if to touch me, but then pulls away.

  I nod my head. "Yeah, a little."

  "Come, let's go back inside." He gestures to the opening of my cave, a worried frown now overtaking his features.

  Well, I can't very well tell him no. It's cold out. Even the clouds are turning an ugly gray, covering parts of the sun.

  Without saying another word, I walk back into the comforts of my cave. I hear the pallet door slide closed as he follows after me.

  "What were you doing out there?" I know it isn't my business, but last night, he told me he wouldn't leave. I may have cursed the dude before I fell asleep for those words, but they made for a good night's rest.

  "I was keeping watch over the woods. It's very quiet today." He doesn't elaborate. Instead, he moves his hair behind his shoulders and drops to a crouch on the floor. There's still a bundle of wood from last night's fire, and he begins to stack the sticks.

  "Here, let me help this time." I fish out my lighter from my pocket and squat beside him. I'm so close, I can feel the heat radiating from his body. I had always thought vampires would be cold, considering the legends and their pale skin, but that wasn't the case. Last night, when I touched Aldeon's hand for the first time, it was hot. Scorching. If I were to lay in bed with him at night, I'd sweat my ass off.

  A deep blush reddens my cheek. Thinking about cuddling with Aldeon is not where I want my mind to go right now. I peek over my shoulder and find him smirking, and then my whole chest is on fire. Dammit. He can read your mind, remember?

  "Did you want to use your lighter?" Aldeon asks, cocking his head to the side.

  "Oh, yeah. Here, let me just get a piece of paper." I turn away from him. I've gotta get my shit together. He's a vampire, and I'm his prey. We aren't equals, and I need to stop letting that fact slip my mind before it gets me killed. Or worse.

  I grab the book Aldeon gave me and open it up, wincing. I don't want to waste a good book, but the title page won't be missed. I cringe as I tear out the page, and then bundle the paper into a stick. I crouch back down and flick the lighter, catching the paper aflame. Once it's lit, I shove it under the wood until the fire spreads.

  Aldeon watches me as it burns brighter, stroking his chin.


  "I think we should travel back to the big building. You need warm clothing, and blankets. More of the mush food, too. You have your strength right now, which is better than waiting until you are too weak to travel. And I will be your personal protection. I can help you carry back your spoils."

  Is he serious? Go back already? I just got back from trekking miles to get to that damned store. I have enough food to last me for a few days, too.

  But... he’s right. The weather has taken a sharp turn, plunging into freezing temperatures.

  I nod my head. "Tomorrow," I say, as I reach behind me and pull out a can of carrots. If I was going to get more food, I might as well eat my fill today.


  When I was a child, my mother told me that the day I found my mate would be the greatest of all, but that is not true. Each new day with her is better than the last. She’s exposing herself to me, tr
usting. Today, she is showing me her metal fire spitter.

  When she takes the gun back into her hands, she frowns and bites her lower lip. "I guess this isn't really useful, but I feel better when I hold it."

  I rub the back of my neck. "I don't like that you hold it so much. It will not hurt me, but if one of the metal pellets were to pierce your flesh, it could be fatal." My eyes slide back to the gun, and I place my palm out. "May I hold it again? I would feel better if it were in my hands.”

  Kora snorts. "I think I know how to hold my own gun. I haven't shot myself yet. Plus, the safety is on." She points down to a switch on the handle of the weapon.

  "What would happen to you if you were shot?"

  She shrugs. "I guess I'd die. Even if it was a simple graze, I don't have the proper medicine to clean my wounds. So, let's just hope that never happens."

  My heart thumps inside my chest. I hold my palm out again. "Let me hold the weapon."

  Kora narrows her eyes at me. "What if I said no?"

  I lean forward, and our faces are only inches apart. "Don't make me beg."

  Her breath catches in her throat, and her eyes trail down to my lips. I press them together tightly, and she sighs before placing the deadly metal in my hand.

  "Thank you."

  Her eyes stay on my lips for a moment longer, and then she pulls away. "Whatever."

  She just grabs the book before returning to my side.

  "It's gonna be a long day if we're just sitting here, staring into the fire. Do you read?"

  In Azure, reading was for Scholars. It was a thing done to extend knowledge, and to educate the children about the ways of the world. I can think of more interesting ways in which we could spend our time together, but if Kora wants to read, then so be it. I nod my head. "You can read it aloud."

  She tugs on the sleeve of my shirt. "Come on, let's go sit on the bed. My ass is falling asleep on this hard floor."

  I jump to my feet and join her on the downy bed. I inhale deeply as she settles in beside me. Her scent covers the fabrics underneath us, engulfing all other smells.

  "Okay, so, I guess this is a romance book. Can't really pick and choose with my limited selection, though." Kora laughs a little too loudly, and her cheeks redden.

  She clears her throat, and then begins to read. It’s not the mating manuscript I expect, but a tale about a human girl living her life. After the first page, I'm hooked.

  My head arches over her shoulder as she reads, following the words. When she gets to the passage about the female sighting an attractive male, she begins to stutter. Her cheeks redden, as she ends the chapter and closes the book.

  "That's enough reading for today."

  "But I want to know what happens next. Does Anne take Mark to her home and mate him? Does he profess his love before mounting her?" If these humans do not feel the Calling, then there must be another reason they couple. Is it simply attraction that pulls them together?

  Things are becoming more confusing by the moment. It is clear I have much to learn about human rites. Especially since Kora is my mate. If I want to claim her, then I need to know what makes her interested in copulation.

  "Um, no. That's not what happens at all. I'm sure they get to know each other first." Kora rolls her eyes and scoots away from me.

  "And once they get to know each other, then what?"

  "Then I guess they go on a date? I don't know. We'll have to keep reading. Just not right now. My head hurts."

  All thoughts of mating leave my mind at her words. I reach forward and touch the back of my hand to her head. "Are you injured?"

  Kora leans away from me. "No. It's just a headache. Typical thing for a human like me."

  My hand falls to my lap. "I see. Are you sure it’s okay?"

  Kora looks away, avoiding my eyes. I feel as if I've done something wrong, but I can't pinpoint what. "Yep, all good."

  "Very well." I stand and cross the room, settling near to the fire. We are low on wood, but I place the last few pieces of kindling on top anyway. I'll need to go and collect more soon so it doesn’t burn out tonight.

  "I'm going to sleep. We can leave in the morning," Kora says. She doesn't look at me as she bunches her covers up and pulls them over her body. Only the top of her head pokes out.

  "Good night," I whisper. She doesn't respond. She is mad, though I don't know why.

  Nevertheless, I must prepare myself for tomorrow's journey. I have to be on high alert. There will be others out there, hunting for my precious cargo. If I let my guard down, someone could steal her from me.

  With one last look at my mate, I turn and exit her cavern.


  The sun catcher glints in the morning light, shining rainbows across my cave. Aldeon sits in front of the fire, stoking the flames with a smooth bare branch.

  Nothing makes sense anymore. I pick at the skin on my fingers, staring down at unmanaged nails. Why wasn't this weird? Why was it so easy to be around him?

  I'm a moron. A complete fool. He's the enemy. His people killed my sister, my mother, everyone I’ve ever known. I peek up from behind my lashes, watching as he tucks a long strand of hair behind his ear. Lines crease his face, as if he's deep in thought, and his lips are pursed.

  I trace my fingers over the spot on my hand where we touched yesterday. Warmth seeps into my chest, almost as warm as his skin.

  I'm lonely. I've not spoken to another in months, not since Cece's death. He's swept me into his ironclad cage, and I've allowed it, because talking to a monster is better than talking to myself. I exhale, and Aldeon's eyes rise to meet mine.

  Why do his eyes call to me?

  "It is because we are fated." Aldeon's fangs peek out from his lips as he speaks.

  "Stop." I raise one hand, palm up.

  He cocks his head to the side, brows raised. "Stop what?"

  "Stop reading my fucking mind!" My face heats as all of my confusion is funneled into another emotion, one that actually makes sense. I stand from my spot on the bed, propping my hands on my hips. "If I'm going anywhere with you, then you have to make some changes to your behavior."

  Aldeon rises to his feet. His eyes darken and his brows pull together, hardening his features. "My behavior? I have shown you nothing but kindness."

  I snort, looking away to the wall. Inside my chest, my heart thumps. "No, you haven't. Far from it actually."

  Aldeon passes by the fire in a blur, and suddenly, he's in front of me, gripping my jaw in a tender grasp. "Then how should I rectify those actions?"

  My throat moves against his wrist as I swallow. His hand sears my face, sending tingles down my body. "You need to stop reading my mind, it's an invasion of privacy."

  Aldeon drops his hand, but he doesn’t back away. His breath tickles my cheek. "Done."

  "And you can't drink my blood." I want to stroke his face, just to see if all those edges are really so rough. My hands flex into fists at my side.

  Aldeon's brows furrow together. He's hesitating. I step away, but he grabs my wrist. "Done."

  "Took you long enough." I swallow again, pushing away my fear. I can hear my heartbeat thumping through my ears. He releases my wrist, only to lift his hand to caress my cheek. I don't move an inch, fearing that if I do, I'll lose myself to his seduction.

  Aldeon's leans forward, his lips brushing my cheek. "It's a complicated matter."

  I clear my throat, stepping away. "We need to get going. It's almost noon already." I turn around, my face burning.

  My bag lies empty on the floor near my bed, and I scoop it up, stuffing items inside. Flashlight, pistol, one candle. The book sits on my bed, and after a second of deliberation, I throw it inside too.

  "Can you stomp out the fire?" I ask, still facing away.

  "I've already done so," he huffs. I zip my bag and turn toward him.

  "Is there a problem?" I fold my arms over my chest and watch as he leans against the far wall, scowling.

  "Not at all. I just never thought
you'd be so stubborn." His eyes trail from my face down to my legs, and then back up again.

  "What's that supposed to mean? You're the one who started stalking me." I take a step forward, crossing over the fading embers of our fire.

  A slow grin spreads across his face, reaching his eyes. He reaches out a hand to me and strokes my cheek again. I lean out of his grasp. "Though you are cute when you're mad," he says, ignoring my question.

  He thinks I'm cute? My thoughts whirl. Cute? I step past him, following the tunnel until I get to the door. I slide it aside and briskly cross the threshold, only to be met by the brutal wind. It cools my heated face.

  He doesn't want my blood. He wants to protect me. He thinks I'm cute. He's stalking me. The vampire, Aldeon, wants me to be his pet girlfriend.

  I don't hear his footsteps as he follows, but I know he is there. I pull my straps tighter and trudge forward, down the overgrown dirt trail.

  "I could hunt for you, feed you one of the small four legged beasts."

  My steps slow as we near the end of the path, and mud turns to pavement. Evergreen trees sway with the breeze. "No, thanks. I'm a vegetarian."

  "A vegetarian? You do not eat meat? What about the woman from the book? She ate a meal of burnt flesh." Aldeon's shoulder brushes mine.

  "Um, gross. She ate a steak, for one. And for two, not all people eat meat. Some stick to veggies." My eyes scan the dense forest on both sides of us as we walk. Even though he is here with me, my panic isn't subdued. I've been living in this nightmare for too long, and I know what's out there. Aldeon took out one of his own for me, but what if two of them come? Or three? He'll be outmatched, and I'll become dinner.

  "But why? The mush from your cans smell like rotted earth. Meat is more appetizing." I've heard arguments like this a hundred times. People at Uni would pick fun at my salad and protein bars. They laughed when I handed out PETA fliers in middle school.

  "I'm sure you don't understand, but I've always believed that killing was wrong. No matter the species." I harden my gaze, staring straight ahead.


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