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Archaic Page 10

by Lexy Timms

  Then I lift the cat by its neck until its entire body is lifted off the ground.

  “Tell us what you know,” I say.

  But all the Cat does is whimper.

  “I know you knew we were coming. And if you make me spell it out for you, I’m sure there’s someone else who knows more.”

  “Hot head, look at this.”

  My eyes drop down to Penny as she holds up a ring.

  “Look at the insignia.”

  The grin across my face falls as I wrench the ring from Penny’s grasp.

  “Hey,” she says, pouting. “How come you get to have all the fun.”

  “You’ve got two seconds to tell me what you know about this insignia on your ring. Otherwise, you’re mincemeat,” I say with a growl.

  I squeeze my hand around the Cat’s neck further, prompting him to morph back into his human form.

  “I don’t know much. I don’t know much. It’s my father’s. I inherited it after he died.”

  “What did your father know?” I ask.

  “Please?” Penny asks.

  I furrow my brow at her pleading. Opossums don’t beg. They never beg. Begging isn’t in their DNA. Like wolves.

  Penny is acting strange, and I’m not sure Gus is the entire reason for it.

  “I can’t—breathe,” the cat says.

  “Let him go. You're going to kill him,” Penny says.

  “Not sure that’s a bad idea,” I say.

  “We won’t know anything if he’s dead,” she says, hissing.

  I snarl at her command and keep the man in my grasp. No one is giving me orders any longer. I am the alpha of this mangy pack of misfits. And Clarissa is under my protection. I promised her answers, and because of that promise, she is in danger.

  We all are.

  And I will stop at nothing to make sure the mate she chose is avenged, and she is finally happy again.

  But even so, I loosen my grip a bit.

  Just so the man can breathe.

  “I don’t know anything about the ring, but I know who gave it to my father,” the cat says.

  “What’s your name?” Penny asks.

  “We don’t have time for idiotic questions. The name,” I say.

  “Merti. A very old cat. Out in Egypt. He made—frequent trips to see my father on the island.”

  “Do you know why?” I ask.

  “My father said the man was his best friend. That’s all I know. I swear.”

  “And you’re sure this man gave this ring to your father?” I ask.

  “Yes. Yes. Positive. It was a—birthday gift.”

  I drop the cat, and he lands on his feet before scurrying around for his clothes.

  “I need to borrow this,” I say.

  “No. You can’t take it. It’s the only thing I have left of my father.”

  “I can take a picture of it,” Penny says. “I’ve got my phone with me.”

  She takes her phone from her pocket and snaps a picture before handing the ring back to the cat. Another thing that goes against her nature. She’s a scrounger by nature. A species prone to taking things that are not theirs and claiming them as their own.

  She should’ve been okay with my taking the ring.

  I watch her carefully as she gives the ring back to the cowering cat.

  Such a disgrace to the supposed strength Toshi boasts about all the damn time.

  “Why did you run?” I ask.

  “What?” the cat asks, fear dripping from his voice.

  The smell is overwhelming, and I can feel my skin crawling with electricity.

  “When you saw us on the beach. Why did you run?” Penny asks. “If you didn’t know anything.”

  “He’s a Wolf on the prowl,” the cat says. “Why would I have not run?”

  I feel a grin cross my face as I toss my gaze down to Penny.

  “Sounds like a trip to Egypt is in order,” I say.

  “Better report back to your precious alpha before we go,” she says with a grin.

  I bristle at her comment as the cat gives me a weird look.

  “You’re not an alpha? You smell like an alpha,” the cat says.

  Every single part of me is crawling to break that cat’s neck. But I know Clarissa won’t be happy with me if I do. And my one single task is to make sure she gets back to the happiness she deserves.

  No matter what it takes of me.

  Chapter 15

  ~ Theo

  “S o, what did you guys find?” Clarissa asks. “Theo and I didn’t find much. Just a Cat with an empty threat before Theo broke his neck.”

  I feel pride ignite in my chest at the grin Clarissa tosses my way.

  “Sebastian and I were more fruitful. We found a terrified cat with a ring on his finger from his father. Wanna take a look?”

  Penny asks.

  I watch as Penny pulls out her phone while Sebastian stares at us. I know he senses something has changed. And I know I can’t do anything to cover it up. Clarissa has smelled different ever since our encounter, and I know Sebastian smells it.

  “Wait, that was on his ring?” Clarissa asks.

  Her voice rips me from my trance, and I look down at the picture.

  “That’s the crest,” I say. “The one you drew for us.”

  “It is. He didn’t know much about it. Said it was a gift to his father from a Cat in Egypt named Merti,” Penny says.

  “Why didn’t you simply take the ring?” Toshi asks.

  “What?” Penny asks.

  “The ring. Why take a picture of it when you could have brought the ring?”

  “It’s a good point,” I say, my eyes turning to Penny. “That’s kind of what you do.”

  “I’m not a thief. I’m a scavenger. There’s a difference,” she says.

  “It would’ve been better if you brought the ring with you,” Toshi said.

  “Your fleas biting you a little too hard today?” Penny asks.

  Toshi’s eyes harden on her as I prepare to interject myself. The last thing we all need is a squabble between us. We have all been on our respective journeys, and we are all here for Clarissa. The topic needs to stay on that. On finding this underground clan of warriors and taking them down.

  “Toshi, what did you find?” Clarissa asks.

  We all watch him look around before he lowers his voice.

  “It wasn’t what I found. We didn’t find anything in Thailand. Not a whiff of one single primal. But Hiro and I did stop to get some drinks after our journey, and there was something he said that caught me off-guard.”

  “What did he say?” I ask.

  “He said ‘You are a good one. Not like the others, but their end is coming.’”

  “The hell does that mean?” Sebastian growls.

  “What were you two talking about?” I ask.

  “We weren’t. I was ordering us drinks,” Toshi says.

  “So you found nothing, got drunk, and come back to us with another prophecy from the old man,” Sebastian says.

  “What did he mean by ‘their end is coming’?” Clarissa asks.

  “Who’s ‘they’?”

  “I don’t know,” Toshi says, shrugging. “He had to go to the bathroom after that.”

  “So you didn’t even bother to ask him? Or follow him? Or corner him until he told you?” Sebastian asks with a growl.

  “We don’t operate the way Wolves do. We don’t garner our information via methods of intimidation.”

  “Seeing as you betrayed us once, I find it curious you’re not the least bit concerned about your friend’s words.”

  “Enough,” Clarissa says. “It sounds like our only lead is Egypt.

  Penny, you said the cat’s name was Merti?”

  “Yes,” she says. “Merti from Egypt.”

  “Then that’s where we need to go next.”

  “Good. Theo can stay behind this time,” Sebastian says.

  “Why would I need to do that?” I ask.

  “Because Egypt�
�s hot. You’ll make us all miserable.”

  “Clarissa needs me. I’m coming along with you guys.”

  “She doesn’t need you. Though she sure as hell reeks like you do.”

  “Excuse me?” Clarissa asks. “Did you just say I stink?”

  “Of Theo, yes. What really happened in Norway? Did you guys actually find a Cat? Or did you find yourselves in a hotel room after you got too hot?”

  “First of all, Norway is blanketed in snow right now,” I say.

  “And secondly, what happens between Clarissa and me is none of your concern.”

  “None of my concern?” he says with a growl. “I’ve got a bond and a promise that say otherwise.”

  “What bond? You’re doing what we’re all doing right now,” I say.

  “Protecting Clarissa and figuring out how in the world this group of warriors is connected to Kyle’s death.”

  “She reeks of Bear. After I licked her wounds closed and fought against every animal instinct within me to make sure she had what she wanted. A choice. Did you give her that choice?”

  “She always has a choice,” I say. “I would never take advantage of Clarissa in that fashion.”

  “Really? Because it smells like you fucked her during the most vulnerable moment of her life!”

  Sebastian lunges at me, and I dodge his angry grasp. I charge out the door as he pounces on my back, his nails digging in. I roll onto him, getting a grip on his hair before rolling forward. I toss him from my back and stand. I can feel the bear rising up

  within me. I poise myself between the barn and Sebastian, ready to strike him down should he make a fatal move toward anyone.

  But something bounds over my head and drops in between the two of us.

  Standing there, her chest panting and her fangs bared, is Clarissa. There’s hair on her hands and claws protruding from her fingernails. Anger is seeping from her. Searing the hairs up my nose as I breathe in. Her head whips over to me, the fire in her eyes unmistakable.

  Then she pans her gaze over to Sebastian and turns her back to me.

  “Back off,” Clarissa says.

  “He took advantage of you. I won’t stand for it,” Sebastian says.

  “It was a mutual decision between us,” she says.

  “You just lost Kyle,” Sebastian says.

  “And it was a moment of weakness I allowed myself to cave to.”

  I take great pains to erase the hurt trying to rise upon my face.

  That was the agreement. That our mating went no further than the blanket underneath the stars. But something inside of me was hoping I could change her mind.

  I still hold onto hope that I can change her mind.

  I watch as Clarissa settles down, her body changing back into its human form. It’s beautiful to watch. Astounding to behold. Every day, I find something new about her. Something new about this life she is discovering on this journey. Why can’t Sebastian enjoy that journey? Why does he always have to posture and start a fight? Clarissa hates it. I can smell the anger on her every time he does it. And yet, for some reason, he thinks that’s what he needs to do to win her affections.

  It won’t work.

  Not with a woman like Clarissa.

  “Go inside,” Clarissa says.

  “Not with him,” Sebastian says.

  “She said get inside, Seb,” Toshi says.

  “Don’t call me that.”


  “Can I kill him?”


  I grin at the last one as Sebastian lets out a growl.

  I turn to take Toshi in. I can feel his grin spreading across his features. He’s lounging on the railing of the stairs, his leg crossed over the other. Bouncing his foot to a rhythmic beat only he can hear.

  “I’m in love with Clarissa, but you don’t see me arguing with her over her choice,” Toshi says. “Because it’s her choice.”

  I furrow my brow at him as he slides off the railing. His feet don’t make a sound as they land on the grass outside of the barn.

  I watch as he makes his way back inside, and I can feel Clarissa eyeing the back of my head.

  I turn around and see the heartache in her eyes as she looks after Toshi.

  “You’re right,” I say.

  That pulls her from her trance and her eyes lock with mine.

  Eyes that will always make my heart pump faster in my chest.

  “What do you mean?” Clarissa asks.

  “I can’t go to Egypt. It’s too hot. There won’t be enough water to keep me hydrated, and I’ll make everyone miserable.”

  “You won’t make me miserable,” she says.

  Sebastian rolls his eyes before he breezes past both of us.

  “I’ll go make the arrangements,” he says.

  “And I’ll be waiting for you when you get back,” I say.

  But the sentiment meant to bring Clarissa comfort only floods her face with more pain. But I already know why. Memories of Kyle.

  Her slaughtered mate. Who would tell her the same thing whenever we went rushing off into danger. Tears well in her eyes, and I can’t stand it. It’s like a dagger to my heart. I reach out for her, and she lets me pull her in, and I feel her tears staining the fabric of my shirt.

  “It’s okay,” I say as I rub her back. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

  And still, I can feel Sebastian’s eyes on us.

  Chapter 16

  ~ Toshi

  Ifiddle with the present in my pocket I had picked up for Clarissa in Thailand as she sits across the aisle from me.

  Sebastian threw a fit making sure he was sitting beside her on the plane ride over. His protection for her and his love for her are becoming a deadly concoction. And the problem is he doesn’t seem to realize it. For all the pain Clarissa’s been in these past few weeks, the least we can all do is allow her to make her own choices. I knew the moment she walked in with Theo things had changed, and it didn’t take a scientific researcher to figure out what. And yes, it had hurt. More than I would ever admit to. But it didn’t change how I feel about Clarissa then, and it doesn't change my intentions with her now.

  Theo himself stated his agreement with her was to take it no further than Norway, which means Clarissa is still in search of a mate.

  At the very least, she is still open to the idea of one.

  Even temporarily.

  Every time I lean over to get her attention, Sebastian turns his head toward me. Like he has his mind trained onto mine. I can tell it’s wearing on Clarissa, and the last thing I want is to cause her any more discomfort. So I bide my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to give her the gift I found in Thailand.

  And when she gets up to go to the bathroom, I’m hot on her heels.

  “What is it, Toshi?” she asks.

  “I have something for you.”

  I look back and see Sebastian eyeing us, a nasty look on his face.

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s being bull-headed,” she says.

  “Wolves and Bulls do have a lot in common,” I say.

  “Dragons. Bulls. Bats. Is there any animal that doesn’t have a Primal race?” she asks.

  “Plenty. Beetles. Ants. Most spiders.”

  “Most spiders?” she asks.

  The look on her face is priceless. A mixture of curiosity and fear. I reach into my pocket and pull out the jade ring I’ve been holding for her. A ring that makes her gasp as I hold it out for her.

  “Toshi. It’s beautiful,” Clarissa says.

  “It’s jade,” I say. “And no, it’s not an engagement ring.”

  The two of us share a laugh as someone pushes past us to get to the restroom.

  “It’s a traditional stone for purity, but its meaning runs deeper,” I begin. “It has soothing and healing properties. The belief is jade purifies the energy around someone. I saw it in a shop in Thailand, and it reminded me of the pain you’re experiencing. And with all of the bickering going on between the two
behemoths, I figure a nice cleansing of the air around you might do you some good.”

  I watch Clarissa’s eyes water as she takes the ring from me. She slips it onto her right hand, watching as the lighting catches the colors of the stone. I can see the reflection of the ring in her eyes, and an overwhelming sense of thankfulness pours off her.

  It’s stifling in such close quarters.

  “Thank you,” Clarissa says breathlessly. “It’s—it’s beautiful, Toshi.”

  “A beautiful stone for a beautiful woman.”

  I crook my finger underneath her chin and bring her gaze to mine.

  She’s so lost and so angry, and so lonely. She might not be alone, but the loneliness in her eyes is prevalent. The best thing we can all do for her is figure out where in the world this trail ends and what we can do to put an end to its suffering.

  No matter the cost.

  I brush a tear away from her cheek as the guy from the restroom comes out. He shoves me into Clarissa, and we crash into the wall. I whip around, ready to pounce, but I feel Clarissa’s hand between my shoulder blades.

  Soothing me.

  Petting me.

  Calming me down.

  “T OSHI! DOWN TO THE left!”

  I pounce down the corridor, my legs carrying me as fast as I can fly. I can smell him. Merti and his pumping blood. I’d caught a whiff of it when I scratched his cheek, trying desperately to get him off Clarissa. It hadn’t taken us long to find him. A little

  bit of poking around and dropping his name flushed him out because of his sheer curiosity. We had chased him through the streets of Egypt and tracked him to a maze of abandoned tombs and crypts underneath the entire city.

  I feel myself cornering him.

  Nowhere to run.

  Nowhere to hide.

  Before I launch myself at him, Sebastian is over my head. His fangs bared and the hairs on his back bristling. I stand beside my Wolfish friend, two pawns in the fight against whatever this clan of murderers has planned for our population. I take a step closer to the cat, my eyes connecting with his as Sebastian lunges for him.

  “What do you know?” I ask.

  I turn back into my human form and stand there, naked and daunting.

  Merti’s hissing laugh turns into a human bellow as he morphs in front of our eyes.

  “I know nothing,” he says.


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