Connection (Temptation Series Standalones Book 2)

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Connection (Temptation Series Standalones Book 2) Page 19

by K. M. Golland

  “Yeah.” I slide my hand into the back pocket of his jeans and glance up at him. “He’s everything I never knew I wanted.”

  “Naww, I’m so happy for you both. You make an adorable couple.”

  “She loves me.” Will beams, eyeing me over the rim of his beer bottle as he tips his head back for another swig.

  My eyebrows nearly hit the roof, and I choke. “Wha—”

  “That’s what you said after we fucked in the kitchen.”

  I choke again, and Alexis covers her mouth with her hand, muffling her laugh.


  “Yeah, you did, Lib,” Carly adds. She leans over the pool table and takes a shot, sinking two balls.

  Will raises his beer. “Jaws!”

  Hoping to change the subject, I ask, “Why do you call her that?”

  “Because she’s a shark. You know, pool shark. Whooped Derek’s arse the night we met her.”

  “She did not.” Derek removes his leather jacket then takes the pool cue from Carls. “I let you win, baby.”

  Will coughs into his hand. “Bullshit.”

  “You think you can beat her, smartarse?”

  “No! She’s motherfucking Jaws.”

  Carly chomps her teeth together, and I laugh. The nickname suits her.

  “So what are you gonna play for us tonight?” Alexis asks as she makes her way over to where Bryce is propped on a barstool.

  He lifts her with ease onto his lap. “What do you want us to play?”


  Will groans.

  Bryce smirks. Damn!

  “If Alexis wants Fleetwood, then Fleetwood it is.”

  “Fine. But it’s ‘The Chain’ or nothing.”

  Alexis happy-claps.

  “How ‘bout you, sweetheart?” Will asks. “What do you want us to play?”

  “Oh.” I shake my head. “I don’t mind.”

  “Pick a song, preferably one with a wicked beat.”

  I shrug. “You choose. I don’t really know that many.”

  “Come on… ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday,’ ‘Seven Nation Army,’ ‘Map of the Problematique,’ ‘My Generation’—”

  “Ooh, yes! I like that one.”

  He kisses my head. “Done.”

  “And ‘In the Air Tonight’.”

  “No can do. I don’t have a gorilla suit.” Will swigs the last of his beer, his eyes mischievous.

  I rest the rim of my wine glass on my bottom lip and playfully glare at him. “How convenient for you.”

  Alexis slides off Bryce’s lap and says, “Be right back,” before scurrying out of the room. Perhaps she needs to pee. I’m not sure how far along in her pregnancy she is, but by the looks of her belly, I’d say she’s in the pee-every-other-minute trimester.

  “She got worms too?” Carly prompts.

  Derek laughs. “So what about you, baby, what do you want us to play?”

  She slams the cue tip into the white ball, sending it hurtling towards the black, the black landing in the corner pocket. “How ‘bout the Jaws theme song!”

  Will and I burst into laughter.

  Even Bryce throws his head back, amused. “That’ll be game over, mate,” he says, flicking through what looks like sheets of music.

  Derek raises his hands and rests them on his shaved head. “Fuck me.”

  Carly puts down the cue, saunters over to him, and slides her hands around his waist. “With pleasure.” She lifts the hem of his T-shirt and runs her hands up his back.

  I can’t help but smile at them, because Carly deserves what she’s found with Derek. They may have had a rocky start, but rocks form the base of most solid foundations. Without them, we’d just have sand, and most things sink into sand.

  I’m confident these two won’t sink.

  “You look happy, sweetheart,” Will murmurs.

  I divert my gaze to him and blink. “I am.”

  “Because you love me?”

  “Oh my God!” I wriggle out of his grip. “Can we just move past that already?”

  He chuckles. “Not gonna happen.”

  Before I can put up some lame form of defence, Alexis waddles back into the room. “Will, can I borrow you for a second?”

  He points to his chest then fires Bryce a shit-eating grin. “Sure.”

  Bryce narrows his gaze then shrugs and goes back to flicking through the sheet music.

  “Lib,” Carly says. “Rack ‘em up. You’re breaking.”

  “But I’m worse than Derek.”

  “Hey!” He picks up a guitar and tunes it. “For the last time, I let her win.”

  “He’s so cute,” she says condescendingly.

  I trudge to the pool table, place my wine glass on a ledge, and chalk my cue. “You’ve been warned. I really do suck at pool.”

  “That’s because you suck at math.”

  “I do not suck at math. I’ll have you know I’m better than most of our faculty, especially Oliver.”

  “Speaking of Mr Bunt,” she says, wobbling her head like she always does when she says his name, “have you told him about Will yet?”

  “It’s none of his business.”

  “I know that. I just want to be there when you do it.”

  Rolling my eyes, I bend over and try to line the cue between my knuckles. “Why? What’s the big deal?”

  “What’s the big deal?” She rests her hands on the edge of the table. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?” I push the cue and hit nothing but air. “Argh! See? I suck. You may as well play with yourself.”

  She raises a seductive eyebrow. “I do.”

  Derek nods.

  “You know what I mean,” I say.

  “Libby, Libby, Libby.” Carly moves to my side, rearranges the position of the cue in my hand, then steps back. “Move your arm back nice and slow, then bring it forward just as slowly. When you’re as good as me, that’s when you can slam the shit out of it.”

  I do as I’m told and hit the white ball, but it doesn’t hit anything else.

  “You’re supposed to aim for the coloured balls, yeah?”

  I give her a deadpan look.

  “Math, remember? It’s all about angles.”

  “Since when are you any good at math?” I ask.

  “Since it was the only subject at school I ever enjoyed.”


  “Helped that the teacher was a fucking god!”

  Derek raises his eyebrow at her.

  She blows him a kiss. “Anyway, back to Mr Cunt.” Carly holds up her hand. “Sorry, I mean Bunt. Mr Bunt.”

  “What about him?”

  “He likes you, Lib. Little wanker has had a little stiffy for you for quite some time.”

  “You’re wrong. The guy’s a jerk. A decent teacher, yes, but a selfish jerk nonetheless. The only little stiffy he has is for himself.”

  She cackles. “Jerk or not, he likes you.”

  “Who likes you?” Will questions, his voice muffled.

  Carly and I turn toward the door to find Will in a full-length gorilla suit, Alexis behind him with a grin so wide I’m not sure where it starts and ends.

  “Dude,” Derek says.

  Bryce clutches his waist and lets out a belly laugh. “I fucking love you, honey.”

  “Libby wanted the gorilla suit, so I rang the entertainment department and, voila, they had one.”

  I bite my lip and finally burst into laughter when he gallops like a gorilla toward me, making oo-oo and aah-aah noises before engulfing and lifting me into his furry arms.

  “This is a once-off, Elizabeth, because I love you too.” He mashes his hairy, plastic face against mine then puts me down, sits behind the drums, and pounds his chest a few times.

  I cover my mouth with my hand and shake my head, astounded.

  “How the hell am I supposed to pick up the sticks?” he says, fumbling for a second before managing to somehow hold them and tap the snare.

ddiness tingles my fingertips, toes, and spine when Bryce strums the electric guitar and Derek starts singing about feeling something in the air tonight.

  “Oh my God!” I say, taking a seat on the sofa, clapping and giggling like the girls in my class.

  Alexis and Carly take a seat beside me, Carly wolf-whistling and Alexis sounding a “Whoooooo!”

  Despite the hilarity of an ape playing the drums, the guys are exceptionally talented, Derek’s voice as smooth as oil, and Bryce’s fingers faultless. But as good as they are, I’m not paying much attention to them, instead completely stunned as what Will just said to me finally sinks in.

  “He loves me too,” I blurt out quietly, but loud enough for Alexis and Carly to hear.

  “We know,” they say simultaneously.

  Carly squeezes my leg.

  I blink and find her shimmering, black-eyeliner-rimmed eyes. “Oh. Good.”

  “It’s more than good, sweets. It’s fucking excellent!”

  Bursting into laughter yet again, I focus back on Will, loving his jovial personality as he pretends to sniff his armpits and do stupid gorilla-type things like scratch his head between taps.

  “Ready?” Alexis prompts.

  Bracing myself for the infamous drum solo, we ready our hands and air drum the beat along with him, Will slamming the drums in quick succession, his entire body bouncing with the beat.

  I squeal and stomp my feat, laughing uncontrollably. It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen.

  The song winds down, and I don’t know what comes over me, but I pretty much charge him, wrapping my arms around his neck and knocking him from his stool, both of us crashing to the ground with me on top of him.

  “I take it you like the suit,” he says, voice muffled by his mask.

  “Yes, you dork.”

  “It’s fuckin’ itchy.” He throws the mask off. “And I can’t fuckin’ breathe.”

  Placing my hands on either side of his face, I lean forward and kiss him, soft but firm before pulling back.

  Will pounds his chest again then grabs my hips. “Come on, let’s go make some gorilla babies.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  My eyes grow wide the same time his do.

  “Shit, sweetheart.” He sits up, me astride him, and holds me tight. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say—”

  “It’s okay.” I trail my fingertips down the side of his face, following his hairline, the sorrow and remorse in his eyes more painful than his words. “It’s an easy thing to say, right?”

  He buries his head in my chest. “Yes, but it’s still shitful.”

  “Hey! Trust me, it won’t be the last time you say it either. Believe it or not, my mum and sister still slip up.”

  “What did he say wrong?” Alexis whispers loud enough for me to hear.

  I look over at her. “I can’t have children.”

  “Oh!” She touches her belly. “I’m… I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you, but apologies aren’t necessary.” I stand up and brush myself off. “I’ve known for a long time.”

  Holding out my hands to help Will up, which in hindsight is ridiculous, given his size compared to mine, I grin when he takes them anyway and unfurls like… well… like a giant gorilla.

  “I need to get this thing off and see to my woman.”

  I scoff. “I’m not your woman.”

  “You are.” He reaches behind his neck, turning in a circle, frustrated when he can’t reach the zip.

  “Come here, let me help you.”

  “Nah, leave him in it. It’s an improvement.”

  Will picks up the mask and launches it at Derek. “Chuck that on, then we’ll have improvement.”

  I laugh. “Is it always like this with you guys?”

  “Yes,” Alexis and Carly say, both unperturbed.

  I’m glad; I kinda like it. I’ve never had a group of friends with partners before, and the playful—mind you, somewhat insulting at times—interaction is rather lovely.

  Will steps out of the suit and threads his arms over mine from behind, hugging me tight. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

  Turning in his arms to face him, I skate my fingertips over his inked arm and whisper back, “I know.”

  He leans down and pecks my lips. Soft. Quick. Sensual. The tenderness almost buckles my knees and takes my breath away.

  “Right,” I pant, “I’m glad we sorted that out.” Patting his chest, I push back a little and turn to Alexis. “Thank you for finding the suit.”

  She waggles her eyebrows at Will. “Anytime.”

  “No, not ‘anytime’ One time.”

  I shrug. “I don’t know… I think it should become a part of your act.”

  Will’s answer is a flat “No!”

  “Actually,” Derek says, looking at the mask in his hand. “I think you might be on to something.”

  Bryce smirks.

  “Sweetheart, what are you doing to me?”

  I laugh. “I’m kidding. You don’t need it. You’re all really great without the gimmick. I loved it.”

  “It’s a great song,” Bryce says.

  “Agreed.” Will nibbles my earlobe. “One of the best drum fills of all time.”

  I squirm at the ticklish feathering of his lips. “What’s a drum fill?”

  “It’s a short passage, a riff, which is used to ‘fill’ the transition between parts of a song. Like a guitar solo.”


  “I’ll show you.” Will lets me go, sits behind the drums again, and nods toward Bryce, saying “‘Wipeout’” before drumming a beat. Bryce joins in with the guitar, and I instantly recognise the infamous beach song.

  After a few more seconds, Will holds the snare still and says, “Another good fill is in ‘Africa’ by Toto.” He plays that too, and again, I recognise it, which is interesting given I’ve never paid much attention to drumbeats before. I’ve never had reason to. Now, though, I’m enjoying relating to something he is so passionate about.

  “And ‘Be Somebody’ by Kings of Leon,” he adds. “Fucking great beats.”

  Alexis practically moans. “I lovvve Kings.”

  “We know,” Derek says.

  She moans again and locks eyes with Bryce. “That night when I saw them live at the Tel V Awards….”

  “Honey.” He clicks his neck from side to side, voice low, almost predatory.

  She sucks in a breath and shakes her head, as if to compose herself.

  “So they were that good?” I ask, eyes wide.

  She doesn’t look at me, instead keeping her eyes fixed on Bryce. “They were. But he”—she gestures toward him—“was much better.” She plays with her bottom lip. “Best night of my life.”

  “And mine,” he says.

  The room grows silent as they both take each other in. I’ve heard it said many times that two people can create electricity, and I’ve always thought that saying to be stupid. But oh my God, sparks are flying between these two. I’m almost tempted to duck in fear of being electrocuted.

  “I think they’re going to fuck,” Carly says.

  “I think we are too.” Alexis teases Bryce with a smile, and he growls.

  “Right.” Will taps his sticks together. “How ‘bout a bit of Grohl and Nirvana? ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit.’ Haven’t played that one in a while.”

  Derek and Bryce both strum their guitars after Will counts them in, and they play the Nirvana song. Now I’ve never been one of those girls to go gaga over rock stars; I’ve always found them sweaty and gross. But Will, behind a drum set? Someone hold my beer, wine, whatever the hell I’m drinking.

  Biting my thumbnail, warmth spreads across my body, settling at my core as I take in the way his muscles tense with every hit, tap, and smash, his pecs firm while the rest of his body bounces to his beat.

  Sweat forms on his brow, concentration etching his face as he loses himself in the song, and there’s absolutely nothing gross about it. Quite the opposite—erotic and incredibly sexy.r />
  “They’re incredibly sexy when they play, aren’t they?” Alexis nudges, eyes on Bryce.

  Shit! Did I say that bit out loud?

  I exhale. “So it’s not just me then?”

  “No!” Carly and Alexis both say. They give each other a knowing look then glance at me and smile, and I’m beginning to understand what that look means.

  “I’m screwed.”

  Carly laughs. “Why?”

  “Because if he keeps this up, this sexy, sweaty, fuckable rock god stuff, that’s all we’ll be doing… screwing.”

  Alexis stands up and gathers our empty wine glasses. “Welcome to my life.”

  “And mine.” Carly stands and helps her. “You know, we should have our own band name, like how the wives and girlfriends of footballers are called WAGs.”

  “How ‘bout the Burnt Burgers?” Alexis suggests.

  What an awful name.

  “Yes!” Carly laughs. “Perfect!”

  “How is that perfect?” I ask.

  She clutches her waist. “Trust me, it is.”

  “So would my fellow Burnt Burgers like another glass of wine?” Alexis jiggles while holding up the empty flutes.

  “Is that even a question?” Carly replies.

  I shrug. “Sure, why not.”

  We continue to drink and fawn over the guys as they play Alexis her Fleetwood, some Kings, followed by Muse, and finishing with “My Generation”. I’ve never had so much silly fun, dancing around, singing along, drinking, and trying to play pool, to the point of not wanting to leave. Ever!

  “M-m-mummm myyyyy generation,” I sing, twirling around.

  “Someone’s having fun.” Will slides his hand across the small of my back and tugs me to him.

  I stop twirling and look around the room for the fun person. “Who?”

  “Annnd a bit too much to drink.” He chuckles and takes my wine glass from my hand.

  “Hey!” I pout. “I have nnnot.”

  “Sweetheart”—he tips the glass upside down—“it’s empty. And the song is finished.”

  Snapping my head from left to right, I realise he’s correct just as the room starts spinning. “Wheeeeee!” I giggle. “Who moved the ground?” I look down at our feet, trying to find the culprit.

  Carly laughs. “I’ve never seen her this drunk. It’s excellent!”


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