Marked by Fire (Dragonkeepers Book 3)

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Marked by Fire (Dragonkeepers Book 3) Page 9

by Kimber White

  Xander was different. Since he’d found his own fated mate, his dragon had grown even stronger. His cheeks flushed with a healthy glow as he straightened his tie. Gideon sat beside him. He looked tired. He and Grace had come back from Knoydart with their new baby, Amelia. She was perfect, beautiful. A marvel.

  Loch stared at me. He seemed most in tune to my moods lately. It was the same for me with him. Only I knew about his late night flights across the ocean. He was testing himself. One day, he feared his shift would be his last and he’d lose control for good.

  Kian sat alone at the end of the table. He barely talked anymore. He looked haggard, his hair long, unkempt. He spent most of his time in the tunnels underground. We all expected he’d be the first to turn feral. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. There was hope for him. There had to be. Before Gemma, I’d started to lose it for myself. Now, I knew better. Kian had a mate out there, somewhere. So did Loch. I just hoped they’d find them in time.

  Then there was me. I was still keeping secrets from my brothers. I knew I should take Gideon and Xander aside. There was no risk that either of them would make a play for Gemma. Still, my protective nature won out. There was still time.

  “I’ve made a contact within the coven,” I said. “And they’re on edge. We close on the land in two days.”

  “And they’re going to try to stop you before that happens,” Gideon said. “Just like Avelina predicted.”

  “Then, they’ll see the kind of power they’re up against,” Loch said, his anger rising. He was usually so even-keeled. His outburst startled me. I expected that from Kian. Now, he just brooded, barely verbal.

  “Are you sure you should handle this alone?” Xander asked.

  “It’s what Avelina wants,” I said, my tone snapping more than I knew was necessary. Xander caught my eye, never missing a trick.

  “Well, okay then,” he said. “But you know to call for backup. This affects all of us. Either we have another enemy out there, or it goes no further than the wolf pack that stole that dragonstone.”

  Gideon let out a grunt. The wolf pack in question was his wife’s family. Their marriage and Amelia’s birth had sealed a truce between us. Still, it would be a long time before any of us could truly trust wolf shifters.

  “We’re done here, then,” I said, anxious to get airborne and back to Durness. Xander and Gideon ran through a few other mundane updates about our family holdings. I sat patiently, quietly, but my foot tapped against the floor. When Xander adjourned the meeting, he passed a look to Gideon and asked me to stay. My brothers obliged, leaving the two of us alone.

  “What’s going on?” Xander said. “You’re bouncing off the walls. What’s really going on in Durness?”

  “Why does anything have to be going on?” It was dangerous not to tell him. But, it felt dangerous to tell him. There was no escaping the fact that Gemma Hayes was a fire mage. She belonged to the most powerful coven in history. Circean witches were not our friends.

  “Because I know you. And I know what this is. You forget, it wasn’t too long ago that I went through it myself. This someone...this member of the coven. It’s a woman, isn’t it?”

  I dropped my head. I knew coming here was a mistake. One look and Xander had me figured out. “Xander…”

  He came to me, putting a firm hand on my shoulder. Xander’s eyes flashed with understanding. His dragon was there, just below the surface. “Are you sure about her?”

  I swallowed hard. My heart thundered inside my chest. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t lie to my brother, not even to protect Gemma. But, I felt no judgment in Xander’s eyes. He was right. He understood.

  “She’s mine,” I said. “I thought I was maybe dreaming it or wishing too hard when I met her. But then when we...when she…”

  Xander smiled. “Good lord, Finn. You mean you’re’ve been with her?”

  That protective fire raged. Xander saw it in my eyes. He took his hand off me and stepped back.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful. I’m happy for you. Truly. But...a Circean witch? You’re really, really sure?”

  I smiled. “Are you going to stand there and tell me you had any doubts when it came to Shae? And she’s human.”

  Xander raised a brow. “Fair point. But, Avelina’s going to lose her shit. You can’t tell her. Not yet. Not until after you seal the deal with the coven. What’s her name?”

  I held it. Gemma was mine. Revealing anything more about her, even to Xander, didn’t feel right. Not yet. He held up his hand in surrender.

  “Never mind. Well, what does she say about all of this? Does she think the coven will perform the spell on the stone?”

  My eyes dropped to the floor. “’s…”

  Xander laughed. “Oh, boy. You haven’t told her. Finn, it’s not going to get easier by waiting. She knows you’re a...she knows what you are?”

  “Yes,” I said. “She found me. I was being careful. I swear it. But, she saw me shift.”

  “Didn’t you cloak?”

  “Of course I cloaked. That’s what I’m saying. She saw through it. And don’t ask what I know you’re thinking. No one else has seen me. Just her. My magic…”

  Xander’s smile made deep creases in the corners of his eyes. “Just her. Right. Your cloaking spell wouldn’t work on your fated mate. Well, congratulations. I mean that. But, you’re playing with literal fire. I really think you should let Gideon or me go back to Durness with you and try to broker this deal with the coven. You’re too close to it now.”

  “No!” I said, my dragon getting restless. “No. It has to be me. I made a promise to her. She trusts me. And you’re right. It’s time for me to tell her the real reason I came to Durness.”

  Xander shook his head. “It’s past time. Brother, you should have said something before you...uh...slept with her.”

  I glared at him. He took another step back, gesturing his surrender.

  “I have to go,” I said.

  “Yes, you do,” he said. “I’m surprised you’ve been able to keep your composure for as long as you have. In those early days with Shae, I couldn’t stand to be away from her for even a minute. And here you are on the other side of the country.”

  The urge to take flight nearly drove me to my knees. I would have burst straight through the windows if Xander hadn’t stepped forward to put a steadying hand on me.

  “The roof’s that way,” he said, pointing up. He laughed when I let out a growl.

  I said a quick goodbye, taking to the stairs, not trusting myself in the elevator. Loch was up there. He had something to say, but my urge to shift and get to Gemma’s side burned through me. I felt guilty for not explaining, but my brother must have sensed something in me. He stepped aside and merely waved goodbye.

  My dragon ripped forth. It felt so good to have the wind running over my body, stretching my wings. The skies were clear as the afternoon gave way to dusk. I covered the ground at record speed, heading west. The lake, mountains, farmland, it all whizzed by as I went supersonic. More than anything, I wanted to take Gemma with me. My flight would fuel her magic. I knew it in my heart.

  As I banked to the right and saw the distant shores of the ocean ahead of me, I tested the bounds of my power. I called to her.

  I need to see you. Can you get away?

  I closed my eyes, letting instinct take over. It was faint. Just a tickling in my belly. But, I felt her. Gemma’s scent reached me even from up here.

  Where are you?

  Coming to you. Go to the waterfall.

  I sensed some hesitation from her. Then, her pulse quickened. Like me, logic stood no chance against the growing passion we felt. The other night had just been a taste of what we could be to each other. But, I knew there were too many secrets between us. She had to know all of it. She had to know what she was. What I was. And why I was here. Damn him, Xander was right. He was always right.

  It took me no more than an hour t
o fly from Chicago to northern California. I could go even faster if I wanted. What a thrill it would be to take Gemma to my ancestral lands in Scotland. Instinct told me her magic would soar at the foot of the volcano of Knoydart.

  For now though, I would settle for Gemma’s ancestral lands and the magic they held.

  She was waiting for me, just like I knew she would. She stood just outside the circle of ash from the fire she made. She faced the waterfall, her hair blowing back as the wind I made reached her.

  Slowly, gently, I landed in front of her. Gemma’s eyes sparked as she took in my dragon. I reared my head back and let out a screech that only she could hear. I spread my wings wide as she came to me. She was tentative at first, marveling at the many colors of my scales. Then, she ran her fingers along the ridges of my wings.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered. “I never thought…”

  I couldn’t stand not holding her. Not kissing her. Instinct told her what to do. She stepped back, giving me room to shift. I came into myself. Then, Gemma came into my arms.

  “It’s seamless,” she said. “I’ve seen other shifters. Wolves. Bears. Their shifts can be violent, bone-cracking things. But’s like music. It’s so smooth.”

  “I’m not like other shifters,” I smiled.

  I loved her. The knowledge slammed into me. I wanted to tell her but knew it was far too soon. I wanted to share so much more with her. Powerful need took over.

  I hadn’t planned for this. Not now. Not here. But, as Gemma ran her hand over my shoulder, tracing the outline of my muscles, desire gripped me. She responded on instinct, pulling up the flowing dress she wore.

  It would be quick. The danger of being caught was real. I couldn’t cloak her unless I shifted.

  “Hurry,” she whispered. “I need you. Oh, God. So much!”

  I needed her too. Once again, her magic swirled, making sparks of lightning shoot across the ground. She controlled them this time. There was no danger of wildfire.

  Still naked from my shift, this was so easy. So right. She was ripe for me as I slid inside of her, still standing. Gemma brought her leg up, hooking it over my hip. From this angle, I could take her so deeply.

  She came almost instantly, throwing her head back. Out here in the woods, she could scream out her pleasure. I couldn’t hold back. I poured myself into her, loving the green fire that swirled around her.

  She was mine and I was hers. And now there could be no more secrets between us.

  Later, we watched the stars come out. Gemma peeled out of her clothes and leaned against me. It was natural, comfortable. I took my time exploring her body. We sat in silence but pure intimacy.

  “The Five challenged me,” Gemma finally said. My spine stiffened. I turned her in my arms until she faced me.

  “Did they hurt you?” I fought to keep my voice even.

  “No! Oh, God, no. But Finn, they knew. Someone saw me the other day, starting that fire. If you hadn’t been here, maybe I would have…”

  “I was here,” I said. “And you and I both know you wouldn’t have even called your magic like that if it weren’t for the shock of seeing me. We were both to blame for that. And we handled it together.”

  She tore a hand through her hair. “Everything is just mixed up. Something’s different. I feel like I’m lying to the people who care about me most. My family. But, I’m so scared about what happens if they find out about you.”

  My jaw tightened. It was now or never. “Gemma, I’ve been lying too. To my family. About you.”

  “This isn’t supposed to happen, is it?” she said. “You and I. Witches and dragons.”

  “We aren’t witches and dragons. We’re Finn and Gemma. And I think you already know the truth.”

  She pulled herself away from me. Tears glistened in her eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m losing it. I mean, I really am. You’ve seen it. You know what I mean. And’re here. And we...I… I passed the challenge. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Ever since we...uh...were together...your did something to me. You have to tell me what it was. I have to understand.”


  She was on the edge. “The truth. It has to be the truth. Are you doing it? Or is this me?”


  “I’m serious!” She nearly screamed it. “Is this my power or yours?”

  I smiled. “Gemma, I think if you search your heart you’ll find the answer to that.”

  “No! Not that. Don’t evade. Tell me the truth. What is this? Is it real?”

  I reached for her. I locked eyes with her. “It’s real. It’s the most real thing I’ve ever experienced. And I don’t have all the answers. It’s not like there’s a ton of precedent for what we are. But, this isn’t me. Your powers are yours. But...I think both of our powers are connected to each other. Don’t you understand? Isn’t it obvious?”

  “No!” Tears spilled down her cheeks. God, she was terrified.

  “Gemma, you’re my fated mate. You know about shifters. You know what that means. I think maybe it’s possible that you’ve been having so much trouble with your magic lately, because, well, we belong to each other.”

  Her mouth dropped. The fear seemed to leave her, but I can’t say it was acceptance that filled her expression.

  “I have to go.”

  I sighed. “Gemma, you have to face this. We can face it together. There’s more I have to tell you. I asked you to trust me once. I still need you to. But, for the rest of it, we have to go back to Mrs. Harris’s house. There’s something I need to show you.”

  She could have run. I sensed her need to. But, Gemma straightened her back and gave me a nod. She might not have understood all of it yet, but for now, she would stay. I just prayed she wouldn’t hate me when I told her the rest.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Finn moved with purpose, taking powerful strides as he led me to the master bedroom of the boarding house. I still crackled with the energy of our coupling and the spell I cast in front of the Five. At the same time, I felt a bit of my control ebbing away.

  Fated mates. That’s what Finn had said. I had a hard time letting the words sink in. And yet, they felt true. The moment he uttered them, my whole being shifted. Yes! The word echoed in my mind. Yes. Finn was mine. He was made for me. Why else would his magic seem to fit so well inside of me?

  He took my hand and guided me to the bed. Desire simmered, but I knew we hadn’t come here for that. Soon though, if I wanted it. Except now, everything physical between us took on a different meaning. Did I want this? Did I want him? His eyes went dark as if to say, “not until you know everything.” A flutter of fear quickened my pulse.

  “Finn,” I said. “You’re starting to scare me.”

  Over Finn’s shoulder, the sky darkened. Clouds rolled in. The branches swayed on a tall oak tree just outside the window. I felt a snap of energy. There was lightning in the air.

  “Gemma,” he said, his voice so low I could barely hear him. “As much as you want to protect your kind and your coven lands, you know I have to do the same for my family. Two months ago, before I came here, it was simple. I had no doubt where my loyalties lie. It’s always just been my mother and my brothers against the world. I never thought it would be anything else. But you...that you exist...that you’re...that we’re…”

  Sweat broke out between my shoulder blades. My connection to Finn seemed to grow stronger by the minute. Whatever he had to say, I knew things wouldn’t be the same once he finished.

  “Just tell me,” I said. A door slammed shut somewhere deeper in the house, pulled by the rising wind.

  Finn came forward. He reached under the bed and pulled out a wooden box, setting it in his lap as sat beside me. My breath caught. There was magic swirling around it. Whatever was in that box felt like it had a pulse.

  He slowly opened it and took out a deep purple velvet sack with gold ties. He opened it, and a l
arge, cracked stone slipped out. For an instant, I thought I was looking at the largest opal I’d ever seen. Then, realization dawned on me. My jaw dropped. Instinct took over and I reached for the stone, running my fingers along its smooth surface.

  “Is that…”

  “Dragonstone,” Finn said. “Probably the largest source of it left in the world.”

  My mind buzzed. Dragonstone held the most powerful magic of any object on earth. Covens would kill to get their hands on it. I went rigid with understanding. By showing me this, Finn had quite literally put his life in my hands.

  “Is it yours?” I asked. Dragonstone was made from fossilized dragon’s egg. Was this the stone Finn himself had hatched from?

  “No,” he said. “My mother destroyed all of ours as soon as we were born. She figured it was safer that way. It was one thing for her to have to protect five newborn dragon shifters. But, having to find a way to hide that much dragonstone that could be used to kill us in the wrong hands?”

  “She was right,” I said. Still, an ancient craving brewed in me. So much dragonstone. Wasted. The power it held would have rendered its owner virtually invincible.

  “So why do you have this?” I asked.

  Finn turned to me and set the stone on the bed between us. “I told you mated dragons can live for thousands of years. But, unmated dragons…”

  “Mating sickness,” I said. “I know that can happen to some shifters. A sister coven of ours had dealings with a group of bears in northern Michigan who…”

  “Mating sickness among bear shifters is one thing. You can put down a feral bear. But, a feral dragon? Gemma, you have to understand.”

  Suddenly, I did. I’d felt Finn’s power. Fierce. Elemental. Unstoppable. If he or any other dragon ever lost control… I brought my hand to my gaping mouth.

  “You?” I asked, reaching for him.

  “It’s been easier...lately,” he smiled. “But my brothers. Loch and Kian. Especially Kian. They don’t have a lot of time.”


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