Malik the Bard: Legend of the Crystal Dragon

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Malik the Bard: Legend of the Crystal Dragon Page 33

by Scott Moore

  Malik lifted his boot out of the slurping mud and took a long step, pushing it right back into the mud. Malik’s legs had been one of the few parts of his body not burning before the walk, now they felt like hundred-pound weights attached to his hips. He looked back to see the others falling further and further behind him. Mollie was carrying egg on her shoulders. Khris was slipping and sliding on in the slick mud and Embre was just not meant for physical activity. Malik had no other solution and now it would be pointless to return to the water. There was no way to know if the monster had already found the abandoned raft.

  “Come on, not much further,” Malik yelled back, trying to encourage them.

  Malik waited, letting the others catch up, and taking the time to take a few deep breaths.

  “Where are we going?” Khris asked, coming to a stop next to Malik.

  Malik looked him over, seeing the mud caked mess he had become. Malik doubted that he looked much better.

  “Just a little further this way and we will find some dry land,” Malik said.

  Khris looked at him skeptically. “You don’t know that do you?” he asked.

  Malik did not, but there was no reason to announce it. “Just a little further,” he said, avoiding a real answer.

  Malik was wrong. It was a lot further than just a little ahead. He was more mud than human by the time his feet started hitting dry land. His boots weighed about ten pounds more apiece than when they had started their trek. His once brown pants were now black. Every inch of his skin was now as if he were a mud creature. He flicked his hands throwing mud onto the ground. He longed to wipe the mud from his mouth and eyes, but there would be no point.

  He turned, looking at the others and saw that they too were covered head to toe. Malik let out a laugh. “We are a sight,” he said.

  Mollie held out her arms. “That was horrible,” she added.

  Malik had to agree.

  “Where do we go now?” Khris asked, not ready to get in on the merriment.

  “Should we put Egg down?” Malik asked Mollie.

  Mollie looked to Egg who was perched on Mollie’s shoulder. Egg was not totally free from mud, but he was preening and most of his skin was still the right color. Although his black skin made it hard to really tell if he were dirty. Egg looked into Mollie’s eyes and leapt off her shoulder. When Egg hit the ground its arm shot up, pointing in a direction that could have been random, but it was about as much as Malik could come up with. Egg then glanced over his shoulder and pointed again toward the way he had selected. Malik knew that back there somewhere was still Egg’s mother. They had not been moving fast enough to lose her. Malik was surprised she had not caught up with them yet.

  “Best to keep moving then,” Malik said with some reluctance.

  Malik wished there had been somewhere to hide. A cave, a tree, or anything that they could gather their breath before they continued, but there was nothing here. The trees were still few and far between and they provided little to no shelter. Even if they wanted to climb the trees, they could not. The branches hung down like silk with no weight bearing branches available.

  “I wish I knew what we were looking for.” Malik sighed after about twenty minutes of nothing. He felt a little better knowing that the monster was no closer. He had not heard the roaring for quite some time now, but that did not mean they were totally in the clear. Egg still guided them in the same direction, but the landscape was not changing. Malik glanced at the moon, it was curling toward the horizon now and soon the sun would replace it in the sky.

  Malik knew that the sun rising did not mean much to them at this moment. The only thing it would change is the temperature and that would not be any favor to them.

  “I wish there were something, anything,” Malik said aloud.

  “We just have to keep moving,” Mollie sounded tired.

  Everyone had to be tired. Malik knew for sure he was on the verge of collapse if something did not change soon. The only one who seemed to have any energy left at all was Egg, who kept looking back over its shoulder to make sure the others were still following. Malik had to convince himself not to sit down several times. Eventually his legs just started moving on their own accord.

  “What is that?” Khris asked.

  Malik looked up, following Khris’ outstretched hand. Far off into the rising sun Malik could see a dark black blot. Malik squinted his eyes trying to see it better.

  “Probably just a tree,” Malik decided.

  Malik could not take his eyes off the blot as they walked forward.

  “What is it, Egg?” Mollie had stopped and bent down to the creature.

  Egg was frantically pointing off to the distance. Malik thought it looked afraid of something. Malik glanced back up at the black dot. It was bigger now. Malik looked back to Egg and saw its claws pointing off to where the black dot was. Then it clicked to Malik. The reason the dot looked strange and why it appeared to be getting larger was rather simple.

  “We need to run!” Malik said.

  Malik raced over to Mollie and pulled her to a standing position. Egg tried to scurry up her arm, but Malik caught him.

  “You ride with me,” Malik said.

  Egg did not look pleased, but he also did not fight back.

  “What is going on?” Embre and Khris both asked.

  Mollie was busy searching for what had scared Malik into his frenzy.

  “The black dot is not a tree!” Malik yelled, trying to get everyone into gear.

  Then it clicked with everyone else. The beast had stopped roaring. It was tracking them and had not bothered to alert them to how close it was. Now it was in sight and Malik figured if they could see it, then it may be able to see them.

  Everyone followed when Malik started to run. He could not remember which angle Egg had been taking them. He just tucked his head and ran. He kept watch to make sure no one fell behind. He did not move fast. His legs and the added weight of Egg made sure of that, but he still ran with all his strength.

  He was breathing heavy after only a few yards. Malik wondered what it would feel like to be ripped in half by the monster. He hoped it would be quick. He knew it would not be painless, but he hoped it would at least be quick. When he stumbled over the outstretched root of an old, long dead, tree he did not bother getting back up. The others whirled passed him, but all came to a skidding halt when they noticed he was not moving.

  “Get up!” Mollie yelled.

  Malik could not move. His body was revolting against him. His arms and legs were dead weight and his body was giving up.

  “Malik you have to get up,” Mollie was standing over him. Her face screamed panic, but Malik was just too tired to rise to her level.

  “Go on without me,” Malik said. He was drained. He wanted to mentally get up and run, somewhere in his thoughts. His body just refused to obey his commands.

  Mollie reached down and grabbed his limp arm. It was dead weight in her grip. “Malik, I am not going to leave you. If you refuse to go, I will stay with you,” Mollie said.

  Malik’s body had refused to move for him, but at Mollie’s words it woke up enough to wiggle.

  “Just run,” Malik pleaded with her.

  “I will sit right down,” Mollie threatened.

  Malik knew that she would. Mollie was not a liar. He pushed his fingers hard into the ground and pushed himself up. His body screamed in defiance, but it was moving again. With the momentum he rocked to a seated position. Then he allowed Mollie to hoist him to his feet. She put his arm around her and helped him walk.

  “Is something broken?” she asked.

  Malik did not think anything was broken. It all hurt, but it all still worked if he willed it hard enough. Embre came over and tucked under his other arm. Khris looked around nervously. Malik figured that Khris would have left him to die. He would have left Khris to die though too, so he could not judge him.

  They only made it a few more steps before Egg hopped off Malik. Malik had forgotten he wa
s even clinging to him. Egg scurried over to a small tree and stood beside it.

  “That won’t hide you,” Malik said.

  Mollie and Embre stopped moving. They were struggling under Malik’s weight, but he could do nothing more to help them. His lungs felt like they were going to explode, and his legs burned.

  “What are you doing, Egg?” Mollie asked.

  Egg pawed at the tree and waved them over. Mollie and Embre carried Malik with them and Khris followed. The tree was not special. It was just another long-branched tree, hanging down far enough to touch the ground with its branches. It would not provide enough coverage to hide them from the monster or anyone else bothering to look.

  Malik figured that Egg had resolved to die as well. Maybe now they would just leave him behind. But Egg pointed out over the flat land and Malik saw riders approaching. From one side the riders galloped toward them and from the other the monster ran for them. Malik figured they would meet each other around the same time. Then they could fight over who would kill them.

  “I know that horse,” Mollie said.

  Malik looked up from his pity party and really looked at the riders. Sure enough, he knew the horse as well. There was no mistaking the tall beast. On its back, was the very man they were looking for, but trying not to be found by.

  “How did he find us?” Malik almost whispered.

  “Is that Sweet Tongue?” Khris asked.

  It was Sweet Tongue. It was the Tempre Warrior with a band of about seventeen mercenaries. Malik knew that Sweet Tongue would not need the mercenaries to kill them, but he had them.

  “We should keep running,” Embre said.

  Malik looked behind them. There was nothing beyond except more flat land. This tree was the lone piece of coverage they would find. Even then, it was pointless because a blind man could have spotted them in the morning sun.

  “I don’t think we will make it very far,” Malik said.

  “We did not think we would make it very far the other day either,” Khris started, “the day when we wound up at the old man’s house. That day we should have died twice, but we survived,” he said.

  Malik wished that everything ended that luckily, but he knew that life did not often give you that much luck twice.

  “You can run, I won’t stop you,” Malik said.

  He would not stop them either. He urged them to try. Maybe he could provide a distraction. If they could get to some sort of protection, then they had a shot to live. Malik could give his life for a good cause. Without his parents, his village, or Abrie he had very little left to live for anyhow.

  “I already told you, I am not leaving you,” Mollie chimed in.

  “I will stay too,” Embre said.

  Malik did not say anything. He did not want to die together. It may sound heroic in someone’s mind, but in all reality, it was horrifying and very unpleasant. Malik did not argue with them though. He did not want them to die, but selfishly he did not want to die alone either.

  Malik guided his attention from the monster to Sweet Tongue and back. He wondered who would meet them first. He also wondered if Sweet Tongue would see the other threat of the monster as a bigger priority. He doubted that the monster cared much who she killed first. Then Malik wondered who would be able to win. Would Sweet Tongue be able to kill the beast with his mercenaries? Or would the beast rip through them like a wolf to a flock of sheep. Malik found himself hoping that they would both end up killing each other. He decided that was his favorite of the possibilities. If they both died, then Malik and his friends could get out of here with their lives. Then they could go to this cave, find this relic, and bring it back to the old man; an old man who had never told them how to get the relic back to them even if they did get it.

  The monster arrived first. Mollie drew her sword from her back. She did not bother telling Malik to get his bow. She knew better than anyone by now that Malik would just freeze up anyhow.

  Mollie’s sword started to glow. She took up a sword pose and waited a few more heartbeats before the Monster jumped to within a few feet of her midsection. Mollie was just barely able to dodge the attack. Malik doubted that she would be able to do that too many more times.

  If she felt nearly as tired as he did, then she would not be able to swing that sword more than a few times. The brighter the sword grew; the harder Mollie was able to swing. It came to the point that Mollie was moving as if she were a fresh fighter. The fatigue of the last few days faded away from her body and she thought of nothing else but the fighting, it seemed.

  Malik did not say anything to distract her. Embre and Khris were still huddled around the tree. Even Egg, who was always by Mollie’s side, was hunching down by the tree behind them. Malik thought about lifting his bow. He could do the same thing Abrie had done for Mollie the first two times they had come across these monsters. He could fill the monster’s body with arrow and arrow and hope that Mollie could score another killing blow. Malik was not as good as Abrie though. He could not afford to over or under shoot and accidently hit Mollie instead. At least that is what he told himself. If he did not have to shoot, then there was no way for him to become a coward when the time came.

  Even Khris did not bother to encourage him this time. Malik was not sure why Khris had bothered saving the bow and arrows. They would have done just as well to stay in Bently’s cupboard.

  Mollie brought up her sword and swung at the monster, but it missed by a hair. The monster let out a gigantic roar and Mollie stumbled back. Malik had heard the creature’s roar before, several times. However, this one felt like something different. The roar shook Malik to his very foundation. He could still feel his bones clattering together a few seconds later. Mollie was already moving back on the attack. Her sword out in front of her, she swung it lazily. Malik knew she was trying to find her distance. But it seemed there was no perfect distance to keep the creature at bay. Mollie was about to swing again when the riders finally made their appearance.

  Chapter 32

  Swords, Claws, and Arrows

  Malik waited for Sweet Tongue to send his men into the fray. If they charged, then Mollie could escape. Then maybe all of them could escape. There was no reason to stay around and fight the losing battle. Even if they did defeat the monster which was unlikely, they would fall right into the hands of Sweet Tongue. Their best bet was to count their loses and head for the hills.

  Malik looked around them again, trying to map out an escape route. There was nothing around but open land. Malik knew that the mountains were somewhere around here. They were like large looming giants looking down across the flat lands, but even as big as they were, Malik did not see them. If Sweet Tongue and his crew did win, then they would be on them in minutes. If the monster won, then it would be able to easily hunt them down. Eventually Malik and the others would need to stop for rest.

  Malik looked back to the fight. Mollie was slowing with each sloppy attempt at a thrust. The monster did not fear being cut by her blade. Malik watched as Egg bounced around the outside of the fighting circle. Egg had nothing on his mother. Even as scary as Egg may be to a human counterpart, it was a mini monster, and would not be able to fend off its mother.

  Malik glanced at Sweet Tongue who was not sending his men in. He looked amused by the fight before him. Sweet Tongue could have been a man at the theater watching a play. He did not look threatened or cowed by the monster, nor did he seem to care to help Mollie. Malik realized that it was probably in Sweet Tongue’s best interest to see if Mollie could kill the beast. If she did then he would be free to swoop them up with no expenses. If she failed, then there was one less problem for him once he was done killing the beast.

  Malik sighed. He had his bow on his arm, but knew it was useless from where he stood. He would just have to stand somewhere else then. Malik said nothing to the others and took off toward a piece of land opposite Sweet Tongue and his men. There Malik unhooked the bow from his shoulder. His hands shook with fear, but he was not aiming to kil
l. He was just going to get the men interested in the battle. He hooked an arrow to the string and took a deep breath. Then he pulled back, letting go, the arrow flew. It missed Sweet Tongue by a large span, but it did what Malik had wanted, it alerted Sweet Tongue that he could not sit back and wait. Malik loaded another arrow and shot again. This time it did take one of Sweet Tongue’s men in the shin. The man screamed out in shock and pain. Malik had been aiming for his belly, but he was just happy to hit anything at all.

  Sweet Tongue had not yet spotted Malik, but the land being flat and their being nothing to hide behind made sure it did not take him long. With a nod Sweet Tongue sent two men around the monster battle and toward Malik. Malik did the stupidest thing he had ever done then. He slung the bow over his shoulder and took off, at a jog, toward Mollie. Mollie was on her last legs and a few more swings would see her fodder for the monster. Malik stopped beside her and took out his bow. He shot again at Sweet Tongue. He willed Mollie to hold out just a little bit longer. All he needed was to lure Sweet Tongue’s men close enough for the monster to change its attention. Once they were pitted against one another, then he could take Mollie and start their escape.

  The arrow that Malik shot went clear over Sweet Tongue’s head, but Sweet Tongue knew better than to think they all would fail. Malik took another arrow, he only had a short few left, but he hoped Sweet Tongue could not see his supply.

  The two men Sweet Tongue had sent hesitated just out of the fight, but when Malik grazed the man sitting next to Sweet Tongue, he ordered them in. The horse hooves did draw the monster’s attention, but not for long. The monster’s claws ripped the horse’s throats, coating everything around Malik in blood. The riders both fell to the hard ground. They were slow to get to their feet, but when they did, they had swords brandished. Malik took a deep breath. His legs were shaking from both fear and exhaustion. He drew the bow again, having to will his arms to move, and then he shot one of his last three arrows. It missed by the length of a horse, but Sweet Tongue still sent in two more men. It was no longer a fun night at the theater. Now it was business time. Two more men followed from the rear, surrounding the beast, Mollie, and Malik.


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