Fifteen Hundred Miles an Hour

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Fifteen Hundred Miles an Hour Page 2

by Charles Dixon



  "I tell you, Temple, that the thing can be done! From experimentswhich I have carefully made, and from information which I havelaboriously collected during the best part of a lifetime devoted toscientific research, I am in a position confidently to state that myproject is removed for ever from the realm of possibility, and isnow within measurable distance of becoming an accomplished fact. Myplans may seem complicated to you, but to me they are simple in theextreme. You, my dear fellow, are better able to deal with intricatefinancial questions, discounts, stocks, and bank rates, rather than thedelicate experiments of science. Believe me, I have here in this bookevery item of my scheme carefully worked out, every design outlinedto its simplest detail--all I want is the necessary capital for itsaccomplishment. My young friend, Harry Graham, here--let me introducehim to you, Temple--whose interest in astronomy I have long beenfostering, is willing and ready to superintend the mechanical portionof my undertaking. Our models have turned out satisfactory in everyway--all we want now is money. That, friend Temple, you half-promisedyears ago. May I count upon your assistance still?"

  "My dear Doctor, you may. If fifty thousand pounds, aye, or even ahundred thousand, will help you, I am willing to speculate to thatamount; and, what is more, the novelty of your undertaking has socaptivated me that I am anxious to form one of your party. Who knows,if your efforts are crowned with success, what grand financial harvestsmay be reaped!"

  "Then, Graham, there is nothing now to prevent us beginning to work inreal earnest. There is much for us to do; and I am sure we shall deemit an honour to have the financier of our undertaking in our company.Try another cigar, friends, and let Sandy bring us one more bottleof port, and then I will endeavour to give you a brief outline of myplans."

  "As you know," continued the Doctor, "I have long been an ardentsupporter of the theory of the plurality of worlds. I am a firmbeliever in the principle of Universal Law; and the theory that theseother worlds are the abode of living organisms is to me an almostdemonstrable fact. When I first began the study of this interestingquestion I soon came to the conclusion that the only planet with whichI dared hope to obtain any success must be one whose conditions were asnearly like those of our own world as possible. So far as I know, onlyone orb in the entire planetary system can with any degree of fairnessbe compared with Earth. That planet is Mars. In short, the beautifulplanet Mars is precisely similar in nearly every physical aspect to theEarth--it is, in fact, only a smaller edition of our own world.

  "But I am afraid I weary you, Temple, with all this scientific detail.I will not trouble you with more, but come to the practical side of myplans."

  "Doctor, your remarks interest me exceedingly. Pray, say all you thinkdesirable."

  "Well, then, Temple, the first difficulty I had to contend with wasthat of bridging the mighty distance between our Earth and this planet.My second task was the enormous journey itself, and the means ofobtaining air and sustenance during the progress. Both of these, aftermany experiments and many failures, have been overcome.

  "First, as to my means of conveyance. I have here a design for an aircarriage, propelled by electricity, capable of being steered in anydirection, and of attaining the stupendous speed of fifteen hundredmiles per hour. It can be made large enough to afford all necessaryaccommodation for at least six persons, and its attendant apparatusis capable of administering to their every requirement. Here is amodel of the machine. You will perceive that the material of which itis composed is no metal in common use, nor is its composition, andthe method of its manufacture, known to any mortal man but myself.It is remarkable for its extreme lightness, toughness, and power ofwithstanding heat. Wrought-iron melts at something like 4,500 degreesFahrenheit; my metal will stand a fiery ordeal three times as great.This is of the utmost importance, for our high rate of speed would soongenerate sufficient heat to melt any but the most enduring substance.Here, again, is the exact model of another apparatus for making andstoring electricity sufficient for at least two years, working athigh pressure. And herein perhaps is the greatest of my discoveries.The one grand problem which electricians have to solve before thisforce can be of any great advantage to mankind is the method ofgenerating it direct, without the aid of any other motive power. I havesolved that problem; and have succeeded by the aid of this curiousapparatus in producing electricity direct, not from coal, but frompetroleum. By this wonderful invention I am able to carry enough fuelfor our journey, compressed into a space that is practicable for allrequirements, and the alarming waste of energy that now troubles theelectrical engineer is saved. The labour of the world will now berevolutionised when I choose to make my discovery known; for the reignof steam, glorious and wonderful as it has been, will then be over.I can carry in my hand enough fuel to drive the biggest steamer thatploughs the ocean, once round the world.

  "But to return. This little attachment tells the exact rate of speedthe carriage is travelling. You will also perceive that my motors areon the principle of the paddle-wheel and the screw-propeller combined.The interior of my carriage is formed of a series of chambers one abovethe other. There is a laboratory, sleeping and living chambers, engineand apparatus room, and ample space for stores in the basement. Thedoor is situated near the top, and just above it I have placed, as yousee, a small balcony, for observations. My port-holes will be glazedwith glass of exceptional quality, made by myself, and every apartmentis lighted with electricity. The carriage is conical in form, thatshape being best adapted to a high rate of speed.

  "My next consideration was the supply of air. I think we shall findthat the whole planetary system is pervaded with an atmosphere sorare, in some parts of remotest space, as to remain undetected by anyinstrument yet known to science, but still of sufficient density tooffer resistance and lend support to our carriage and its propellers.My condensers are so formed that they will readily convert this etherinto air suited to man's requirements.

  "I had now but one more task to overcome--food and water. As regardsfood, I have here a little cake of animal and vegetable substanceswhich have undergone a certain chemical process, by means of which Ihave been able to compress enough food to support a human being forthree days into a space not quite two cubic inches in extent. In thisother tablet I have dealt with wheaten flour in a similar satisfactorymanner. Tea, sugar, and other luxuries I can reduce to the smallestproportions by a process of condensation and hydraulic pressure. Sothat I can stow away in the store-room of my carriage enough food tolast six persons for nearly three years--a more than ample supply, as Iintend shortly to demonstrate.

  "It has taken me nearly ten years to solve the problem of my watersupply. I have here a small electrical apparatus, by means of which Ihope to be able to distil water from ether. Should my experiment fail,I have invented a small lozenge of soda and other chemicals, which willallay thirst. I must also say that I have allowed sufficient space forscientific instruments, a stock of methylated spirits, a selection ofbooks, firearms, and ammunition: nor have I omitted clothes, cigars,tobacco, a few bottles of wine to be used on state occasions, and afair quantity of brandy and whiskey, so that you, Temple, shall notbe without your grog. A medicine chest, camera, and india-rubberboat are also included in my list of necessaries. I calculate thatmy air-carriage will be about forty feet in height, and nine feet inwidth. What I have disclosed is but a portion of my grand scheme,the one great work of my life, from which I hope to obtain the mostbrilliant scientific results.

  "The planet Mars will reach his perihelion, or nearest distance toour Earth, in October, 1877. He is then in an unusually favourableposition, and affords us a chance of visiting him, which will not occuragain in a lifetime. Now, I calculate that our rate of speed will befifteen hundred miles per hour, so that the thirty-four millions ofmiles we have to traverse will be accomplished in about two and a-halfyears' time. We must leave Earth, therefore, not later than the firstday of May, 1875. Our stay, of course, will depend on circumstan
ces,which no mortal man can foresee. We may, indeed, reach our destinationin much less time than I have anticipated.

  "I ought here to mention," continued the Doctor, "that my devotedservant, Sandy, has already expressed his desire and willingness toaccompany me on this long journey.

  "Now, Temple, and you too, Graham, I wish you to weigh carefully the_pros_ and _cons_ of this dangerous enterprize. We are about to embarkinto the solemn, boundless realms of space--to dash boldly away fromthe Earth, which fosters us, into mysterious regions of which we havenone but the scantiest knowledge. On the other hand," continued theDoctor, "there is grandeur in the thought of being able to leave thisworld of ours for a season, and to visit those orbs which shine soclearly in the midnight sky. If you, of your own free will, are readyand willing cheerfully to cast in your lot with mine, I shall be happyin your company."

  There was dead silence for several moments after the Doctor hadfinished speaking, during which the little timepiece on the mantelstruck the hour of midnight with almost painful clearness, when Grahamwas the first to speak.

  "Doctor, you know that, through all the experiments we have conductedtogether, my one aim has been, provided they were successful, toaccompany you."

  Temple spoke next.

  "The ties, my dear Doctor, that bind me to Earth and to life are small.Wifeless, childless, relationless, what have I to look forward to? Ifreely place at your disposal the sum I have already named, and atthe same time pledge myself to make your--shall I say OUR--journey asuccess."

  "I thank you, friends, for your kindness, and your profferedassistance, and accept the offer of your company with unqualifiedpleasure. It is now November. All our preparations must be made duringthe next six months, that is by the end of April. We must leave Earthno later than that date. I also suggest that all our preparations aremade as secretly as possible. Let the carriage be made in sections andparts; let all be brought here, bit by bit. My big barn will suit usfor a workshop. Idle curiosity must not be excited. And, as a personalfavour, I request that no hint of this journey be given to any mortalman."

  Doctor Hermann then filled up his glass, all present following hisexample, and together we toasted each other, and drank in wild ifsilent enthusiasm to the success of our awful voyage through space.


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