Run With the Hunted: A Charles Bukowski Reader

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Run With the Hunted: A Charles Bukowski Reader Page 25

by Charles Bukowski


  There were some more questions of the same order. The boys were only good for one beer apiece. Joe took care of the other four. They left in 45 minutes. But the one without the beard said, just as they left, “We’ll be back.”

  Joe sat down to the machine again with a new drink. He couldn’t type. He got up and walked to the phone. He dialed. And waited. She was there. She answered.

  “Listen,” said Joe, “let me get out of here. Let me come down there and lay up.”

  “You mean you want to stay tonight?”



  “Yes, again.”

  “All right.”

  Joe walked around the corner of the porch and right down the driveway. She lived three or four courts down. He knocked. Lu let him in. The lights were out. She just had on panties and led him to the bed.

  “God,” he moaned.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, it’s all unexplainable in a way or almost unexplainable.”

  “Just take off your clothes and come to bed.”

  Joe did. He crawled in. He didn’t know at first if it would work again. So many nights in a row. But her body was there and it was a young body. And the lips were open and real. Joe floated in. It was good being in the dark. He worked her over good. He even got down there again and tongued that cunt. Then as he mounted, after four or five strokes he heard a voice …

  “Mayer … I’m looking for a Joe Mayer …”

  He heard his landlord’s voice. His landlord was drunk.

  “Well, if he ain’t in that front apartment, you check this one back here. He’s either in one or the other.”

  Joe got in four or five more strokes before the knocking began at the door. Joe slid out and, naked, went to the door. He opened a side window.


  “Hey, Joe! Hi, Joe, what you doin’, Joe?”


  “Well, how about some beer, Joe?”

  “No,” said Joe. He slammed the side window and walked back to the bed, got in.

  “Who was it?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t recognize the face.”

  “Kiss me, Joe. Just don’t lay there.”

  He kissed her as the Southern California moon came through the Southern California curtains. He was Joe Mayer. Freelance writer.

  He had it made.


  the happy life of the tired

  neatly in tune with

  the song of a fish

  I stand in the kitchen

  halfway to madness

  dreaming of Hemingway’s


  it’s muggy, like they say,

  I can’t breathe,

  have crapped and

  read the sports pages,

  opened the refrigerator

  looked at a piece of purple


  tossed it back


  the place to find the center

  is at the edge

  that pounding in the sky

  is just a water pipe


  terrible things inch in the

  walls; cancer flowers grow

  on the porch; my white cat has

  one eye torn

  away and there are only 7 days

  of racing left in the

  summer meet.

  the dancer never arrived from the

  Club Normandy

  and Jimmy didn’t bring the


  but there’s a postcard from


  and a throwaway from Food King:

  10 free vacations to Hawaii,

  all I got to do is

  fill out the form.

  but I don’t want to go to


  I want the hooker with the pelican eyes

  brass belly-button


  ivory heart.

  I take out the piece of purple


  drop it into the


  then the phone rings.

  I fall to one knee and roll under the

  table. I remain there

  until it


  then I get up and

  turn on the


  no wonder Hemingway was a

  drunk, Spain be damned,

  I can’t stand it


  it’s so


  the poetry reading

  at high noon

  at a small college near the beach


  the sweat running down my arms

  a spot of sweat on the table

  I flatten it with my finger

  blood money blood money

  my god they must think I love this like the others

  but it’s for bread and beer and rent

  blood money

  I’m tense lousy feel bad

  poor people I’m failing I’m failing

  a woman gets up

  walks out

  slams the door

  a dirty poem

  somebody told me not to read dirty poems


  it’s too late.

  my eyes can’t see some lines

  I read it


  desperate trembling


  they can’t hear my voice

  and I say,

  I quit, that’s it, I’m


  and later in my room

  there’s scotch and beer:

  the blood of a coward.

  this then

  will be my destiny:

  scrabbling for pennies in dark tiny halls

  reading poems I have long since become tired


  and I used to think

  that men who drove buses

  or cleaned out latrines

  or murdered men in alleys were


  short order

  I took my girlfriend to your last poetry reading,

  she said.

  yes, yes? I asked.

  she’s young and pretty, she said.

  and? I asked.

  she hated your


  then she stretched out on the couch

  and pulled off her


  I don’t have very good legs,

  she said.

  all right, I thought, I don’t have very good

  poetry; she doesn’t have very good


  scramble two.

  A Man

  George was lying in his trailer, flat on his back, watching a small portable T.V. His dinner dishes were undone, his breakfast dishes were undone, he needed a shave, and ash from his rolled cigarette dropped onto his undershirt. Some of the ash was still burning. Sometimes the burning ash missed the undershirt and hit his skin, then he cursed, brushing it away.

  There was a knock on the trailer door. He got slowly to his feet and answered the door. It was Constance. She had a fifth of unopened whiskey in a bag.

  “George, I left that son of a bitch, I couldn’t stand that son of a bitch anymore.”

  “Sit down.”

  George opened the fifth, got two glasses, filled each a third with whiskey, two thirds with water. He sat down on the bed with Constance. She took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it. She was drunk and her hands trembled.

  “I took his damn money too. I took his damn money and split while he was at work. You don’t know how I’ve suffered with that son of a bitch.”

  “Lemme have a smoke,” said George.

  She handed it to him and as she leaned near, George put his arm around her, pulled her over and kissed her.

  “You son of a bitch,” she said, “I missed you.”

  “I missed those good legs of yours, Connie. I�
��ve really missed those good legs.”

  “You still like ’em?”

  “I get hot just looking.”

  “I never could make it with a college guy,” said Connie. “They’re too soft, they’re milktoast. And he kept his house clean. George, it was like having a maid. He did it all. The place was spotless. You could eat beef stew right out of the crapper. He was antiseptic, that’s what he was.”

  “Drink up. You’ll feel better.”

  “And he couldn’t make love.”

  “You mean he couldn’t get it up?”

  “Oh, he got it up. He got it up all the time. But he didn’t know how to make a woman happy, you know. He didn’t know what to do. All that money, all that education—he was useless.”

  “I wish I had a college education.”

  “You don’t need one. You’ve got everything you need, George.”

  “I’m just a flunky. All the shit jobs.”

  “I said you’ve got everything you need, George. You know how to make a woman happy.”


  “Yes. And you know what else? His mother came around! His mother! Two or three times a week. And she’d sit there looking at me, pretending to like me but all the time treating me like I was a whore. Like I was a big bad whore stealing her son away from her! Her precious Walter! Christ! What a mess!”

  “Drink up, Connie.”

  George was finished. He waited for Connie to empty her glass, then took it, refilled both glasses.

  “He claimed he loved me. And I’d say, ‘Look at my pussy, Walter!’ And he wouldn’t look at my pussy. He said, ‘I don’t want to look at that thing.’ That thing! That’s what he called it! You’re not afraid of my pussy, are you, George?”

  “It’s never bit me yet.”

  “But you’ve bit it, you’ve nibbled on it, haven’t you, George?”

  “I suppose I have.”

  “And you’ve licked it, sucked it?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “You know damn well, George, what you’ve done.”

  “How much money did you get?”

  “Six hundred dollars.”

  “I don’t like people who rob other people, Connie.”

  “That’s why you’re a fucking dishwasher. You’re honest. But he’s such an ass, George. And he can afford the money, and I’ve earned it … him and his mother and his love, his mother-love, his clean little washbowls and toilets and disposal bags and new cars and breath chasers and after-shave lotions and his little hard-ons and his precious love-making. All for himself, you understand, all for himself! You know what a woman wants, George …”

  “Thanks for the whiskey, Connie. Lemme have another cigarette.”

  George filled them up again. “I’ve missed your legs, Connie. I’ve really missed those legs. I like the way you wear those high heels. They drive me crazy. These modern women don’t know what they’re missing. The high heel shapes the calf, the thigh, the ass; it puts rhythm into the walk. It really turns me on!”

  “You talk like a poet, George. Sometimes you do talk like that. You are one hell of a dishwasher.”

  “You know what I’d really like to do?”


  “I’d like to whip you with my belt on the legs, the ass, the thighs. I’d like to make you quiver and cry and then when you’re quivering and crying I’d slam it into you in pure love.”

  “I don’t want that, George. You’ve never talked that way before. You’ve always done right with me.”

  “Pull your dress up higher.”


  “Pull your dress up higher, I want to see more of your legs.”

  “You do like my legs, don’t you, George?”

  “Let the light shine on them!”

  Constance hiked her dress.

  “God Christ shit,” said George.

  “You like my legs?”

  “I love your legs!”

  Then George reached across the bed and slapped Constance hard across the face. Her cigarette flipped out of her mouth.

  “What’d you do that for?”

  “You fucked Walter! You fucked Walter!”

  “So what the hell?”

  “So pull your dress higher!”


  “Do what I say!”

  George slapped her again, harder. Constance hiked her skirt.

  “Just up to the panties!” shouted George. “I don’t quite want to see the panties!”

  “Christ, George, what’s gone wrong with you?”

  “You fucked Walter!”

  “George, I swear, you’ve gone crazy. I want to leave. Let me out of here, George!”

  “Don’t move or I’ll kill you!”

  “You’d kill me?”

  “I swear it!”

  George got up and poured himself a full glass of straight whiskey, drank it, and sat down next to Constance. He took his cigarette and held it against her wrist. She screamed. He held it there, firmly, then pulled it away.

  “I’m a man, baby, understand that?”

  “I know you’re a man, George.”

  “Here, look at my muscles!” George stood up and flexed both of his arms. “Beautiful, eh, baby? Look at that muscle! Feel it! Feel it!”

  Constance felt one of his arms. Then the other.

  “Yes, you have a beautiful body, George.”

  “I’m a man. I’m a dishwasher but I’m a man, a real man.”

  “I know it, George.”

  “I’m not like that milkshit you left.”

  “I know it.”

  “And I can sing too. You ought to hear my voice.”

  Constance sat there. George began to sing. He sang “Old Man River.” Then he sang “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen.” He sang “The St. Louis Blues.” He sang “God Bless America,” stopping several times and laughing. Then he sat down next to Constance. He said, “Connie, you have beautiful legs.” He asked for another cigarette. He smoked it, drank two more drinks, then put his head down on Connie’s legs, against the stockings, in her lap, and he said, “Connie, I guess I’m no good, I guess I’m crazy, I’m sorry I hit you, I’m sorry I burned you with that cigarette.”

  Constance sat there. She ran her fingers through George’s hair, stroking him, soothing him. Soon he was asleep. She waited a while longer. Then she lifted his head and placed it on the pillow, lifted his legs and straightened them out on the bed. She stood up, walked to the fifth, poured a good jolt of whiskey into her glass, added a touch of water and drank it down. She walked to the trailer door, pulled it open, stepped out, closed it. She walked through the backyard, opened the fence gate, walked up the alley under the one o’clock moon. The sky was clear of clouds. The same skyful of stars was up there. She got on the boulevard, and walked east and reached the entrance of The Blue Mirror. She walked in, looked around and there was Walter sitting alone and drunk at the end of the bar. She walked up and sat down next to him.

  “Missed me, baby?” she asked.

  Walter looked up. He recognized her. He didn’t answer. He looked at the bartender and the bartender walked toward them. They all knew each other.


  on going out to get the mail

  the droll noon

  where squadrons of worms creep up like


  to be raped by blackbirds.

  I go outside

  and all up and down the street

  the green armies shoot color

  like an everlasting 4th of July,

  and I too seem to swell inside,

  a kind of unknown bursting, a

  feeling, perhaps, that there isn’t any



  and I reach down into the box

  and there is

  nothing—not even a

  letter from the gas co. saying they will

  shut it off


  not even a short note from my

  bragging about her present


  my hand searches the mailbox in a kind of

  disbelief long after the mind has

  given up.

  there’s not even a dead fly

  down in there.

  I am a fool, I think, I should have known it

  works like this.

  I go inside as all the flowers leap to

  please me.

  anything? the woman


  nothing, I answer, what’s for



  god I got the sad blue blues,

  this woman sat there and she


  are you really Charles


  and I said

  forget that

  I do not feel good

  I’ve got the sad sads

  all I want to do is

  fuck you

  and she laughed

  she thought I was being


  and O I just looked up her long slim legs of heaven

  I saw her liver and her quivering intestine

  I saw Christ in there

  jumping to a folk-rock

  all the long lines of starvation within me


  and I walked over

  and grabbed her on the couch

  ripped her dress up around her face

  and I didn’t care

  rape or the end of the earth

  one more time

  to be there




  her panties were on the


  and my cock went in

  my cock my god my cock went in

  I was Charles


  Scream When You Burn

  Henry poured a drink and looked out the window at the hot and bare Hollywood street. Jesus Christ, it had been a long haul and he was still up against the wall. Death was next, death was always there. He’d made a dumb mistake and bought an underground newspaper and they were still idolizing Lenny Bruce. There was a photo of him, dead, right after the bad fix. All right, Lenny had been funny at times: “I can’t come!”—that bit had been a masterpiece but Lenny really hadn’t been all that good. Persecuted, all right, sure, physically and spiritually. Well, we all ended up dead, that was just mathematics. Nothing new. It was waiting around that was the problem. The phone rang. It was his girlfriend.


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