Corrupted Crimson

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Corrupted Crimson Page 24

by Patrick Laplante

  They immediately flew out of the Jade Bamboo Auction House, where relieved customers continued their business. Truthfully, they had no understanding of what had just happened. Their reaction stemmed from their survival instinct, something that only high-leveled cultivators would gain full control over.

  As they traveled through Central Square, the populace scattered in a mad panic. “Is there any way to restrain your aura?” Cha Ming asked.

  “Oh, I forgot again,” Zhou Bei said. He retracted his wild spiritual force, instantly calming everyone in the vicinity. “I always work in an isolated basement where I don’t have to worry about this. It’s so troublesome to keep myself in check, day in and day out.”

  Bewildered, Cha Ming led the way to the palace gates.

  A short while later, Cha Ming, Zhou Bei, and Prince Lei were waiting nervously outside the king’s chambers. Of the group, Zhou Bei seemed the most out of place. His clothes were ragged and torn in many places, making him look like he belonged on the street. But the three of them knew better—with a wave of his hand, he could easily cause the four of them to melt into unrecognizable pools of acid. In fact, the damage to his clothes was anything but ordinary. Cha Ming could sense that the man’s robe was a core treasure, which was the only reason it didn’t dissolve from the constant exposure to his skin.

  The two of them flinched when the man gently lifted his white hand to brush away the white and black hairs that obstructed his black eyes with red pupils. “Must we really wait so long? Can’t we just walk inside? I doubt even those unseen protectors could stop me.”

  “Senior Zhou, the king’s situation is no longer life threatening, so there is no need to resort to such extreme measures,” Cha Ming said diplomatically. “We are already so fortunate that senior rushed here as quickly as possible.”

  “A poison is best treated as quickly as possible,” Zhou Bei said softly. “Sometimes powerful poisons are only a cover for other nefarious means. It’s best to know the whole story sooner rather than later.”

  The door suddenly opened, revealing an anxious princess. “Is something the matter?” she said. “I expected you tomorrow night. And whom might this other guest be?”

  The prince stood up to respond. “Dear sister, this man is Zhou Bei, the esteemed poison master who has been searching for a cure to the qi-binding poison. He’s come all the way from Quicksilver City to see our father.”

  The princess bowed deeply. “Thank you so much for looking into this a second time. We’re eternally indebted to you.”

  “I’m only here to correct my previous failure,” Zhou Bei said softly. “Let us skip the pleasantries. I wish to see your father.”

  “Of course,” Princess Guo said. She led them to the king’s chambers, where the chief physician and two others were administering some nutritional supplements. Li Yin was standing off to the side.

  “These are?” Zhou Bei asked as he inspected the physicians from head to toe.

  “They are the royal physicians, who have been doing their utmost to keep my father alive,” Princess Guo said.

  “Please dismiss them,” Zhou Bei said. “I despise spirit doctors and can’t stand the sight of them.”

  “How dare you besmirch our occupation,” one of them started, only to be harshly cut off by the chief physician.

  “This humble one will leave the king in Elder Zhou’s care,” Dr. Dong said, nodding slightly to Zhou Bei. The dumbfounded doctors quickly filed out from the room.

  “It’s a wonder that Dr. Dong sought me out in the first place, given my dislike for his profession,” Zhou Bei whispered as he approached the king.

  “May I ask what happened?” Cha Ming said.

  “The usual,” Zhou Bei replied. “They called my work an abomination and sought out an injunction against me.” Just as he neared the king, an invisible pressure prevented him from advancing further. Zhou Bei rolled his eyes before saying, “Do you really want to do this? Here? In your king’s chambers?”

  The suppression lifted, and Zhou Bei placed a hand just above the king’s comatose body. “They eventually gave up. Seven of their senior members died suddenly without any traces of foul play. The incident made them distraught, so they choose to drop my matter and focus on restructuring.”

  Cha Ming shivered at the implications.

  “The poison has seeped into his bones,” Zhou Bei said. “This poison requires me to use my unique constitution to devour it. It will take twenty-four hours. Please ensure that I’m not disturbed during this time.”

  “You mean you can cure him?” the princess asked.

  Zhou Bei didn’t reply. A purplish mist began leaving the king’s body and entering the poison master’s outstretched hands. Purplish lines began forming on the man’s skin where his veins ran. They quietly left him to his work as the king’s invisible guardians protected him.

  Li Yin and Princess Guo chose to stay in the king’s chambers and observe from a distance, leaving Cha Ming and Prince Lei to their own devices. Night soon fell. They had long since run out of things to speak of, so they began playing Angels and Devils. Everyone’s skill level was roughly on par. This was great news for Cha Ming, who had been getting trounced in the complex game ever since his rebirth.

  “It’s time I told you about the second reason for my visit,” Cha Ming said to Prince Lei. “Zhou Bei entrusted me with a device before we arrived. My job is to use the device to collect evidence.” He revealed a clear stone the size of a thumb. A single purple drop was suspended within the stone.

  “What does it do?” Prince Lei asked.

  “It detects faint traces of qi-binding venom,” Cha Ming explained. “It will glow bright and hot when within ten feet of a person or thing affected by the venom. The brighter the glow, the more contamination, and the greater the chances.” To demonstrate this, Cha Ming withdrew a small sample of qi-binding venom, which Zhou Bei could now produce on demand. “It isn’t affected by the venom’s qi-binding properties, as it operates according to the laws of karma.”

  “Wasn’t my father the only one affected?” Prince Lei asked.

  “Zhou Bei speculates that it is difficult to administer the venom to food or drink without being affected by miniscule amounts of airborne venom,” Cha Ming said. “Therefore trace amounts of the venom are an important clue to discovering the perpetrator. We need to bear in mind that whoever poisoned the king was greatly trusted, as he was able to bypass the keen senses of the king’s guardians. The only people whom I do not suspect are Li Yin, the three physicians, the princess, and the both of us. I inspected them within the chamber.” Cha Ming grinned. “Why don’t you take me for a tour of the palace?”

  “What an excellent idea,” Prince Lei said, catching on right away. “I haven’t gotten a chance to show you around. Why don’t we start in my wing of the palace?”

  It took them a quarter hour to reach the relatively remote wing. As they passed through the rooms, they also went out of their way to speak to any servants, eunuchs, or nobility they encountered. It wasn’t long before they completed their inspection and moved on to Princess Guo’s wing.

  In Princess Guo’s much more effeminate and well-decorated area of the palace, each room contained a unique artistic flair.

  “This room was renovated by the great painter Fang Yi. It was commissioned by my great grandfather,” the prince explained as they inspected the last hall. He looked around. “Could you please give us a more detailed introduction?” The staff in the room immediately fawned over them and explained everything they knew.

  The crystal shows no signs of qi-binding venom, Cha Ming told Prince Lei, who acknowledged his verdict. They patiently waited for the servants to finish their explanation before proceeding to the center of the palace, where the third prince took charge of introducing Cha Ming to the many persons within. Neither the people nor the rooms showed any response to the crystal.

  Their next stop was the harem. While they weren’t allowed within the premises, Cha Ming re
cruited a tiny friend for the mission. For the small promise of an all-you-can-eat buffet, Lei Jiang readily agreed to scout out the relatively small section. Cha Ming fastened the small stone to the two-inch mouse with a piece of cloth. Before long, he returned to them with a negative.

  “There are only three places left to see,” Prince Lei said. “The Crown Prince Palace, the Scholar Palace and the Military Palace.” While they were titled as palaces, they were, in fact, mere wings of the greater royal palace complex.

  “The military palace will be tricky,” Cha Ming said. “They wouldn’t take too kindly to a small demon beast roaming the premises.”

  “Then let’s hope we find the perpetrator in the other two palaces,” Prince Lei said as they walked toward the Crown Prince Palace.

  Cha Ming paid special attention as they wandered through it. According to Prince Lei, the decorations were plain and spartan due to his brother’s disciplined temperament. As soon as he became the crown prince, he had emptied it of the lavish decorations and even auctioned off some of them to fill the royal treasury.

  Black curtains were the norm. Here and there, they spotted a servant, but for the most part there was much less hustle and bustle in what should have been the most magnificent of the royal residences.

  “Can I help you?” a voice asked as they approached the crown prince’s chambers. Zhou Jia, Prince Tian’s chief consort, approached them from a side hall where Prince Tian’s other wives resided.

  Prince Lei stepped up to greet her. “I was just taking Cha Ming for a tour of the palace. As I was just explaining, my brother has a spartan temperament, and he removed most of the gaudy decorations the palace had previously used to adorn the residence.”

  “Yes, the only luxury he left behind was in the crown prince’s harem,” Zhou Jia said pleasantly. “I can’t show you around, but I can definitely introduce you to the various rooms and gardens in the Crown Prince Palace.

  “Then we’ll thank you for your hospitality,” Prince Lei said.

  Cha Ming had anticipated that this would happen—they could only delay a more thorough inspection to another time. Perhaps Brother Jun would be able to make something happen. As expected, their inspection of the many rooms, halls, gardens, and its various inhabitants bore no fruit.

  “Sister dear, I see that we have guests in the palace,” a voice said. “They even brought Ancestor Bei to treat the king. With any luck, he’ll make a speedy recovery.” The black-robed Zhou Li approached their group from a small hallway off to the side.

  “Yes, with any luck, Royal Father will make a speedy recovery,” Zhou Jia said. She was clearly uncomfortable at her brother’s intrusion. “Should we go greet Ancestor Bei?”

  “Only if you want to be killed on sight,” Zhou Li said. “You should have paid more attention to our family history. By the way, didn’t you say you had something important to take care of around this time?”

  “Of course, brother,” Zhou Jia said, bowing to them and heading off.

  Zhou Li then walked up to them and smiled genially. “You all seem to be looking for something,” Zhou Li said. “Perhaps I can help you.”

  “You’re awfully brave, appearing before me after what you did,” Cha Ming said. He immediately summoned his Clear Sky Staff, whose weight increased to the point that cracks appeared on the marble floor.

  “No harm, no foul, my friend,” Zhou Li said. “I just wanted you to get acquainted with the Church of Justice. Besides, I even tipped you off about the Honey Badger Inn. It was all for the greater good. But, if you wish to attack me within the royal palace, be my guest.”

  Cha Ming could only grit his teeth and bear with the man’s annoying smile.

  “It’s the results that matter. Regardless of your feelings about me, I feel obligated to tell you that the crown prince is currently holding a special civil meeting. It will end in a tea time within the assembly hall, and many influential characters in our kingdom will be present.”

  “Many thanks for the information,” the third prince said. “I think we’ll pay them a visit.” He grabbed Cha Ming’s robe and pulled him toward the assembly hall with unusual haste.

  “Don’t be late,” Zhou Li called out as they walked away. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

  Chapter 22: Recovery

  “Why exactly are we listening to him again?” Cha Ming asked as they hurried down the marble hallway.

  “It occurred to me that this is the best way to inspect the high-ranking civil officials in the kingdom,” Prince Lei replied. “Anyone with any influence on the king, at least on civil matters, will be present. If we inspect everyone in the meeting, we can skip our inspection of the Scholar Palace.”

  Just what game is he playing? Cha Ming wondered. They soon reached the center of the palace, then headed north toward the assembly hall, where the royal court took place every day. The large doors to the hall were shut, and solemn-looking soldiers stood guard at the entrance. In a few breaths, the doors opened, and the many officials who had just been meeting poured out. They were all discussing the results of their meeting.

  Prince Lei quickly grabbed Cha Ming and brought him to the large group of officials, making a careful arc to include as many of them as possible in the crystal’s ten-foot range.

  “Teacher! Teacher!” Prince Lei yelled as he brought him to one of the older men, interrupting their discussion.

  “What can I do for you today, Prince Lei?” Hao Bodong asked. The two other men he had been speaking with stood off to the side, impatiently awaiting the end of this rude interruption.

  “This is Cha Ming, the formation master I spoke of previously,” Prince Lei said. “He’s recently advanced to a late-stage master, making his formations a hot commodity in the capital.”

  “Yes, I seem to recall that,” Hao Bodong said. “However, I was in the middle of an important discussion. If Your Highness could please excuse this old man…”

  Prince Lei flushed with embarrassment. “How short-sighted of me. I will accept my punishment when you have more time.”

  “As long as you understand your mistake,” Hao Bodong said with a gratified smile. He then turned to the two other ministers and completely ignored the two youngsters.

  Did we find any suspects among the ministers we covered? Prince Lei asked.

  We didn’t, Cha Ming said. Is there any way to bring us closer to the remaining ones? He understood that Prince Lei had already lost quite a bit of face to cover so many people at once.

  I have a way, Prince Lei said. He brought Cha Ming through the thick crowd of ministers as they made their way to the hall’s entrance. The crown prince was just exiting the hall. He was engaged in an intense discussion with a cultivator who wore a silver badge on his chest.

  “Second Brother, I’ve finally found you,” Prince Lei said as they approached.

  The crown prince frowned. “Whatever matter you have, could it not wait until we’re finished here? The official meeting has ended, but many important discussions will take place immediately after.”

  “I just thought I’d introduce Master Du to you, a genius formation master from Quicksilver,” Prince Lei said. “Perhaps he can lend you a hand in the future.”

  The crown prince’s face twitched, but he nonetheless gestured for Cha Ming to come over.

  A light tingling sensation appeared in Cha Ming’s hand as he approached the duo. The sensation grew stronger and stronger as the crystal in his hand heated. He cursed Zhou Bei for his inaccurate description. The man had told him the crystal would heat up in proximity of the poison, but he hadn’t mentioned that this heat could sear even his ridiculously strong skin.

  “Master Du, I’d like to introduce Master Tu to you,” Prince Tian said. “He’s a famous geomancer from Quicksilver who will soon become a grandmaster. It wasn’t cheap to bring him over. Now that he’s here, I plan on comprehensively reinforcing the city’s infrastructure.”

  Cha Ming’s supressed the urge to scream and smiled
as the stone continued to burn his rapidly regenerating flesh. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet Master Tu in person. I’ve seen many examples of your work in the city these past two days. Geomancer structures are known to last for long periods of time without suffering so much as a crack. It’s a pity that someone felt the need to sabotage your work.”

  Meanwhile, he sent a mental message to Prince Lei. Is there a way to pull your brother away for a few seconds?

  Master Tu winced at the comment. “I’ve never had anything so shameful happen to my work in the past. These structures can even stand up to blows from early-core-formation cultivators. Judging by the marks, they were damaged by some sort of powerful demon beast of the rodent variety.”

  Meanwhile, Prince Lei pulled an unhappy Prince Tian back into the audience hall. Cha Ming heaved a sigh of relief as the burning sensation left his hand. Having obtained the necessary confirmation, he stowed the detection crystal into his Clear Sky Space.

  “We all have bad days, Master Tu,” Cha Ming said. “Perhaps you could inspect the wreckage and gain some inspiration, propelling you to the grandmaster stage in one fell swoop.”

  “Many thanks for the best wishes,” Master Tu said. “I’ve been stuck at this bottleneck for fifty years, but this is the first time one of my structures has been breached so casually. Perhaps some self-reflection is in order.”


  The sound of Prince Lei getting backhanded by Prince Tian and crashing into a wall alerted all the nearby ministers.

  “Go back to your discussions!” Prince Tian yelled. He then picked up Prince Lei, who was now unconscious, and walked over to Cha Ming and Master Tu.

  “Master Du, would you please be some kind as to remove my unruly brother from this meeting area?” Prince Tian said, casually tossing Prince Lei’s unconscious body. Cha Ming caught him single-handed.

  “Not a problem, Your Highness,” Cha Ming said. “I’ll make sure he gets medical attention immediately.”


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