The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 27

by Annalee Adams

  “I’d love for you to see it, Adam.”

  “I can see it now and hope to see the real beauty one day.”

  “So, what did I create this room for?”

  “This is what your humanity calls Heaven. We know it as Elysium. It’s where their souls rest until they are free of their past lives and are reborn into something new.”

  “It’s perfect. Much better than the ticket booth.”

  Adam laughed. “Indeed, that’s something else entirely.”

  “Why did you say my humanity, though, Adam?”

  “Why, because they’re your creations, Eve. You wanted a vast civilisation so Lilith wouldn’t feel lonely on the wasteland she was banished to.”

  “How could I have ever created them?”

  “With a lot of light from the rose, granted it took centuries to replenish it. But it was necessary and with a lot of thought, time, and patience, you perfected humanity. It seems giving them their own freewill has enabled them to choose which path they follow. The light from the rose or the darkness of the serpent, as they’re born neutral and capable of both.”

  “So, what do you do?”

  “Why, I run things, of course. Since father went into the darkness and I came of age, I sought to protect all we built here.”

  “Protect it from what?”

  “From father, and now Lilith. The serpent of darkness corrupted them both, they no longer contain the light.”

  “But what about me?”

  “You’re different. You absorbed the darkness when you were in a mortal shell. It didn’t find all of you in there, as your light was shaded. Like when the Angels fall to Earth, they hide their true selves.”

  “There is just so much to take in, too much to learn.”

  “It’ll all come back, Eve. Take one step at a time. You’re like a newborn again; you need to learn to walk before you run.” He smiled as we sat staring out at the beauty of Lake Meed.

  How was it possible to be known throughout history when all I could remember was Adam? I couldn't recall building the place, let alone the thought of travelling the worlds and fighting throughout the cosmos.

  “But why don’t I remember, if I was shaded?”

  “That I don’t know. The serpent may have attached itself to certain parts of you.” He paused. “Always remember who you really are. You’re stronger than the others, Eve, you always have been. You can beat this, your light can win over the darkness.” He said as I smiled. "It isn't all bad. It means you've forgotten the torment he caused, the pain of losing mother, and the loss of a banished sibling."


  "Yes. Because she was my twin, I can still feel her. I know when she smiles, feel sorrow when she cries. She will always be a part of me even though she succumbed to the darkness."

  "Have you seen her since she was banished?"

  "Only through glimpses in the pool of tears when she walks on Earth. When she’s in Enoch, she’s hidden. I've never found the place. She must have cloaked it well."

  "Where could it be, though?"

  "It must be somewhere in the cosmos. Do you remember your travels through the planetary systems?"

  "No, I'm sorry. I wish I did."

  "That's okay, I can take you back. You may remember one day. We have an infinite amount of time remember."

  "So, I'm immortal?"

  "Yes, if you want to class it in human terms. I would rather say you're Eternal. Your light can never be fully extinguished." He smiled. "No matter what body you hold, you will always be you. Your mind's library will hold every memory dear to you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "The library you saw, where you gained the memories of mother, father, Lilith and me. That’s the library that contains every part of every life you have ever lived."

  “Okay.” I nodded.

  "If the darkness has corrupted some of your memories, then you cannot trust what you read in there."

  "But how do I know what's real and what's not?"

  "The memories that have been changed will be surrounded by death and decay, there will be no ounce of your light left within them. You will know."

  "Can I see the future, too?"

  "Which future?"

  "The future on Earth. I have been told I will fight in a great battle, alongside a witch, a friend among the Darkwaters."

  "Ah, then you will. Witches have a knack of passing through the strings of time and seeing the past, present, and future of their own lifelines."

  "But I was by her side as Taylor, not as Eve."

  "Are you sure? As remember, the two are but the same."

  "No, I guess not. But she said she would fight beside me, so I presumed it would be my body, the one that I knew. Taylor's body."

  "Then who are we to stand in the way of destiny, little sister?" He offered his hand and pulled me upright.

  Clapping his hands, Lake Meed vanished, leaving a bare white room in its place. Gabriel and Michael appeared through the doorway. Michael seemed overly clumsy, tripping over the frame.

  "Michael," Adam asked, "Are you still suffering from being shaded?"

  He nodded.

  "What's that?" I asked.

  "It’s when our Angels come back from Earth. They suffer a sickness from the change back to their normal shell," he said. "As Earth walkers, they wear a human form. Only those that can view the supernatural see their true angelic side."

  "How long will Michael feel this way?" I asked.

  He shrugged. "It takes as long as it takes." Adam said as Michael grimaced.

  I smiled, placing my hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”

  Michael returned the smile.

  Gabriel smirked. "It would have gone by now if you'd have stuck to the job at hand. Do you want to tell her, or should I?"

  "Do I have to?" Michael asked.

  Adam nodded. "Perhaps it would be wise."

  “What?” I asked.

  "Okay." He frowned. "You were my job, Eve. I should have been watching you, but I lost you in London. When your light shone, it blinded my foresight. I lost track as you were taken away and sent to an institute. I feel like this is all my fault. You came into the darkness as I wasn't there to protect you."

  "So, you were a shitty guardian Angel, then?" I asked as Adam and Gabriel sniggered.

  I sighed.

  "Yeah, I guess I was. But look how well you've done on your own!"

  "Err, yeah, thanks then." I paused "So, where were you?"

  "I thought your life ended in London and you were returned home, so..."

  "So, he went to Vegas and got three hookers pregnant." Gabriel said laughing.

  "Congratulations on fatherhood." I smiled "But I have one question..."

  Michael smiled relieved. "Anything."

  "Can you just clarify why my little brother had to endure so much torture when he was being murdered before my eyes by Lilith’s beast, all while you were busy getting laid?"

  The room fell silent.

  "I, erm. I have no excuse. I am so very sorry you experienced that."

  "What about Caleb? Aren't you sorry he suffered that way?"

  "Yes, that's what I meant."

  "Do you not consider humans worth your time to save? Or are they just slaves to your inhibitions?"

  "I, err..."

  Gabriel spoke up. "We do watch over the mortals, just as you asked us to. But we cannot interfere in the darkness, for if it corrupts us, it will seep into the celestial temple and decimate the peace every mortal soul has undertaken."

  "But you saved me."

  "No, they didn't, Eve. I did." Adam said. “When Michael returned, I searched for you. I feared father had banished you.”

  "But why? Why not save Caleb, too?"

  "I didn't know you had grown so close to the boy. If I had known, I would have."

  "Why did you let me kill everyone I ever loved, Adam?" I cried as my lips felt wet with tears.

  "I didn't, Eve. You didn't."

; "What do you mean?"

  "They're all alive. When you froze time they were trapped, but as you took your own life time unfroze and they breathed once again." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

  I couldn't help it, I pulled him close and cried in his arms. I hadn't killed them, frozen the world, and caused Armageddon. They lived. They could move on and love once again. Wiping my tears, I smiled. That was reason enough to smile once again.

  "It’s okay, Eve, we can keep them safe. I can send one of the Angels down to watch them."

  "No, I doubt they'd need it."

  Adam looked puzzled.

  “You do know what they are, don’t you?”

  "No, I haven't been watching them. After we lost you in London we thought father had banished you. I thought..." He frowned. "I thought I'd lost you."

  "I'm sorry," Michael said.

  "It couldn't be helped, Michael." He said and then to me. "So who are they?"

  I smiled at fond memories of Lucian holding me in his bare arms, kissing my neck as he cradled my soul, protecting me forever more. He is mine as I am his.

  "The Darkwaters were my second family there. They're Lilith’s Disciples." I said, noting his fearful expression. "You may see them as the monsters in the night, but I see them as beautiful creatures worthy of love and light. They took me in, protected me from evil, kept me safe from Lilith’s grasp, and loved me when I had no-one else left.”

  Adam stood in silence. Taking my hand, he brought it to his heart.

  “If they have won your heart, then they’ve won mine,” he smiled. “They were there for you when I couldn’t be and I’m eternally grateful for that. I hope to meet them one day.”

  “I hope so too, Adam.”

  “But from what I’ve been told, Lilith knows your alive. Her Beast would have informed her the day your light came to life. It must be pure luck you’ve survived as long as you did.”

  “Pure luck and a lot of love from the Darkwaters.”

  “Indeed.” He smiled.

  “So why did the Angels fall that day? The day you saved me?”

  “For protection. I needed to make sure you were safe. But also, to remove Lilith’s creatures from the area. There were many working alongside the Beast. It appears Lilith has begun to create a formidable army.”

  “That’s worrying!”

  “It is. I believe it has something to do with father’s disappearance. Perhaps she plans to come home and destroy our light once and for all.”

  “But why? Isn’t it father she’s angry with?”

  “She’s angry with us all.”

  “But what did we do?”

  “I think its what we didn’t do, that’s the problem. We were young, you were barely able to fend for yourself. I needed to protect you and I thought Lilith could handle herself. I was wrong.” Adam said.

  “I feel bad for her.”

  “Don’t,” Gabriel piped in. “You were only small and didn’t really know your sister. She was your father's shadow, always by his side.”

  “It’s true,” Adam said. “You and Gabriel were very close when you were young, he saw everything as we did, and was there to save you when I couldn’t.”

  Gabriel smiled. “I’ve missed you, Eve.”

  I smiled. I could only remember feeling safe with Gabriel. Somehow I knew he was someone I could trust.

  “There is something else you have to see, Eve,” Adam said, “come with me.”

  Taking my hand, he pulled me along as we ran from the room of desire, hope, and loyal dreams and entered Charmaine’s library. We ran through and down the corridor of white washed pristine walls into a vast cavern of crystallised luminescence. In amidst the tranquillity, the room had been built from impeccable shards of divine perfection. The light cascading from the walls blissfully travelled to the centre, to an enchanting celestial light that gave birth to a magnificent crystallised rose. The stem was exquisite with what looked like the petals weeping tears that froze midway down, giving birth to its thorns.

  “I always enjoy showing you this the most. Every time you’re reborn, every time you see it, your expression is wondrous. It’s one of my most perfect moments.”

  My jaw dropped, eyes wide, as I gulped at the sight before me.

  “They are the tears of humanity, Eve.” Adam said as his face glowed through the aura of light surrounding us.

  “It’s beyond words,” I said. There was no known language that could describe such purity. “It’s simply magnificent.”

  “Yes, it is, isn’t it? This is our soul, our light. We are as much a part of it as it is a part of us.” He paused “Do you remember how father and mother arrived here?”

  “No, well, not how they arrived. Only what mother told me about the darkness taking over their home world.”

  “Yes, the serpent grew and destroyed everything they knew. They lived on Elveador in Trinity Six.”


  “It’s in the sixth quadrant outside of our universe. I’ve never found the planet, as I can’t quite work out how it’s possible to have a sixth quadrant. Besides that, I doubt we would be welcome there anyway.”

  “Why not?”

  “Mother said their home was made of light. The planet was made from it, but the darkness found its way in. Father and mother escaped before they succumbed to its pain. They sacrificed their corporal existence by travelling through a vacuum in space and created Earth in the centre of a vast universe in which to live on. However, when the serpent of darkness followed them, they rose up and formed Eden with the celestial temple to protect their light.”

  “Why didn’t they live on Earth?”

  “Because it was the centre of the universe. The darkness could reach them there. They created the watchtowers to keep it at bay, meaning the universe has ended up a place of neutrality, surviving in both the light and darkness. To protect themselves they needed to create something outside of the universe, where they could remain in the light, away from the darkness.”

  “Do you think Elveador has any light left?”

  “It is highly unlikely. I believe mother and father only just escaped before it was too late.”

  “But where is father now?”

  “Because of the serpent's grasp, he fell towards the darkness and we believe he resides in Hell, living out his immortality in the coil of the snake’s abyss.”

  “But why haven’t you helped him, Adam? He sounds tormented. He’s still our father, after all.”

  “No one can reach him. He chose to live in its coil. After he murdered Lucifer, Lilith’s only son, we denounced his name.”

  “No wonder Lilith’s angry.”

  “Indeed, she blames us all for her loss.”

  “I wish I could have known father before he transformed.”

  “You did, as a baby. If you search your mind's library for the early editions, you’ll see how he used to play with you, teach you how to wield the light, and I can actually recall when you conjured your first rose.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “As a mere baby, you were a natural with the light. You could easily bend the crystals to your will. You created a beautiful crystallised rose which is what this is modelled on. Father finished it just before he was taken over. This rose represents the good in him, the good in you, and the good in all of life itself. It is the beauty of the light and a symbol we shall never forget.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  “All the time, but he isn’t there anymore. Not after he banished mother, when he sent her away, all remaining light left his side. Come, let’s sit,” he said, flourishing his hands and working the light around him to create two crystallised seats beside the enormous rose in the centre.

  As we sat, I gazed up at the rose. Its light swept through my soul, stirring the creativity within me. How could I have ever been so magical, so magnificent? There was a whole life I hardly remembered, countless lives I couldn’t recall. Had the darkness done this? Hidden the beauty of
the light from me? Suppressing the memories so I only saw the pessimistic sadness that was left?

  I couldn’t stay there, though. No matter how much I loved being back with Adam again, I couldn’t keep running. Father was out there and maybe he could be saved. Didn't we all deserve that chance? Either way, the serpent had to be stopped before it took on the watchtowers, bled into the universe, and decimated all life on Earth. If I was as powerful as Adam had made me out to be, then surely I could free Lilith from the darkness. With her help we could find mother and release father’s soul into the light. It sounded easy when it was put like that, but I knew it wouldn’t be. And not only that, but what about my life? Taylor's life? What about the Darkwaters and my Lucian? What would happen to the loved ones I’ve left on Earth while Lilith began to create her formidable army? Would they die, just as my innocent little brother Caleb did?

  Caleb. No amount of light could take away the hole he left in my heart. I ached for his forgiveness. I was his only sister and I left him to the Beast. He was eleven, so small, delicate and carefree. He didn’t deserve to be slaughtered, to die fighting the beast within him as it ate his body from the inside out. Nightmares like that should never be allowed to exist, and to him, they had. They’d destroyed him, and with his death, part of my light died too.

  "Where is Caleb, and my dad?" I asked.

  "Do you mean Taylor's family?"

  "They’re still my family, Adam."

  "Yes, of course. It's good you've gained attachments in that life. But that time has come to an end."

  "No, I'm sorry but I won't accept that. They are my family, too. I love them and need to know they're alright. Where are they?"

  “They are in transition right now. I’ve had Charmeine keep an eye on them.”


  “It’s the in-between, the place the souls go after their number comes up. It’s where they go to let go of their traumatic ending, so they can enter their room, their happy ending. They cannot enter until they have accepted their fate and moved forward.”

  “Why haven’t they moved on?”

  “Caleb is still quite traumatised, I’m sorry to say, whereas Taylor's dad is adamant he won’t let go until he knows both you and Caleb are safe.”

  “Can’t you tell him? Can’t I see them?”

  “You could, but I wouldn’t advise it just yet.”


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