The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 44

by Annalee Adams

  Death after death, pain after pain. I realised that no matter which mortal life I lived, they all ended the same; unjust agony. What was the point? There was no happily ever after, no peace in the light. If I, the maker of many, God's own daughter, couldn’t live happily ever after, then what chance did the humans have? What chance did anyone have? I thought freewill would be a blessing, but we just ended up in the same old shit. It was perfectly pointless, and I couldn't keep going on through it anymore.

  I waited in the darkness, huddled, holding myself, my body trembling and hands clammy. But nothing came. The wait was as traumatic as the experience. Please make this stop. Every life I’ve ever lived, every body I’ve held, it all ended in misery, torment, and pain. Why did I keep pushing through, trying to better the world I created? They had freewill, the humans could choose what they wanted, but then why did they choose to fight, kill, and maim? Innocent bodies scattered throughout history showed how the darkness had seeped into their lives. Lilith had done wonders with her corruption, planting the seeds and watching them grow. My mortal realm was a chaotic disarray of disproportionate decomposition.

  She had taken Elvington, turned the humans into monsters and food for her newborns. I didn't have a chance at saving any of them. I didn't even know who I truly was anymore. Gabriel said I could bend the light, use it to manifest things; wings, for example. Then I could fly right on out of here, but where is here? Where has she put me? I had never even met my sister in this body, but already she hates me.

  And what about the twins? The last time I had seen them, they were healthy. They had to be there somewhere. I had to try and help them. Lucian would wake, I hoped, and come for me. But what if he couldn't wake up from a broken neck? What if it took him days, months even? Would the world still be there when he woke? Or would we all be a pile of ash, with no hope but total annihilation?

  Humanity had had a few thousand years to try out mortal life. I had to be thankful for that. If only I’d seen the darkness for what it was, if only I’d seen it spew into every soul out there. A little bit of light and a little bit of dark. The humans decided which path they followed. The problem was, those in charge had itchy fingers with the bright red buttons. It wouldn’t be long before they pressed down and BANG, the whole world would be uninhabitable. Maybe I could start again, create a new realm, a new world. But why should I? What had they done to show they were worthy? Hell, even I didn’t think I was worthy and I was meant to be the Queen of all things shiny. So if I couldn't make the cut, how would they?

  Then I couldn't ignore the fact that there were good people out there. Those that trod the path of the righteous, granted, they worshipped a false God. Daddy dearest was evil, after all. But maybe they were all evil, succumbed to the darkness. Maybe it was the atheists that were good; they had recognised the darkness before we did. Perhaps they were worth saving. How would I know? How could I make that decision? I couldn't exactly keep all their souls in Elysium. Jeez, that place was infinite, but what type of life was that to live? A happy ever after on repeat. Humans weren't stupid, they’d figure it out eventually. We would have celestial anarchy on our hands, rabid souls scratching for slim pickings. No, reincarnation was the best way forward. I’d have to recreate something. But then how did I do that? I couldn't even manifest a way out of here. Where the heck is here after all?

  “Oh, sister,” a voice screeched, giggling in the darkness.

  “Huh?” I murmured. The voice was freakish, a nightmare waiting to happen. Was it real or another mind game, ready to lure me into a false sense of security?

  “Oh, little sister...” the girlish tone resounded.

  “Lilith? Is that you?”

  “Call me Lili. You used to always call me Lili.”

  “Lili?” I said, trying to focus on something, anything.

  “Now, little Eve, have you finished playing with your memories?”

  “Playing? That wasn’t playing, that was torture.”

  She giggled. “Oh, you say the silliest of things.”

  “Where are you? Show yourself!” I shouted.

  “But Evie, open your eyes. You’ve been here the whole time.” She giggled.

  “What?” I said, squinting into the darkness.


  My eyes shot open. I sat in the centre of a cold, dank cell. It looked like somewhere in the base of her living castle. I gasped, edging backwards. A growl trembled through me from behind as I turned to see the gnashing teeth of a large, red hound. They were everywhere, circling me. Was this how it’d end? Dogs' dinner as I pleaded for mercy?

  Behind them, a tall woman with golden hair and a long dress stepped forward. Around her neck she wore a pelt. Well, I thought it was a pelt, but by the way it moved and squealed, I was sure it used to be something else. The face had the eyes of a sad human, skin and fur mixed together around her neck.

  “Do you want to pet Jesus?” she asked as she stepped forward, past the hounds and held out her hand.


  Taking her hand seemed foolish. Shit. It was foolish. But if I didn’t, I doubted I’d be sitting and drinking iced tea on the balcony of what she called ‘Desamay’, her living castle. Outside, below us, thousands of creations battled to prove their loyalty to their leader. Being alive was a gift in Enoch; you had to fight for your survival. I couldn’t understand how anyone could last very long there.

  At the top of her castle, the desert landscape muttered. Wind swished past my ears as the whispers of forgotten souls pleaded for forgiveness. Piles of bones and ash lay as mountains. These were the forgotten experiments that just didn’t quite make it. How could someone this evil exist? And how could she live, looking like that? With her golden hair and angelic face. Did she always look this way? I think she did. She looked like the little girl from my memory in the woods that day, the day father banished mother.

  “Why am I here, Lilith?”

  “Lili, you call me Lili.”

  “Okay, Lili... why am I here?”

  “A little birdy told me,” she giggled. “You have Daddy’s dark friend inside of you. So do I.” she said, spilling iced tea everywhere. “Isn’t it fun?”

  My jaw dropped. Who was this woman? She was clearly one screw loose of an insane asylum. “What happened to you, Lili?”

  Her laughter stopped. Silence reigned. Jesus growled. “You, guard,” she said, pointing to one of the guards that stood by the doorway. “Clean up this mess. Little Evie is our guest, she doesn’t want to see this, does she now?”

  “Err... no ma'am.”

  “Ma'am? Do I look fifty to you? Does this body look like that of a fifty-year-old?”

  The guard was quaking in his boots. “No, no sorry ma'am... I mean...” Lili pulled out a dagger, jumped up, and started swiping at him. Blood spewed everywhere. A splattering landed in the glass of iced tea that shook in my hand, coating my shaking body with a splash of his half-blood. The other guard remained motionless next to his comrade’s body as it fell. Lili turned around, covered from head to toe in the blood of her minion. I sat trembling, silent, and cold. Lili looked down. “Oh, now look what he made me do!” She smirked, sucking her bloody finger. “Want some?” she offered.

  I couldn’t speak. I tried, but nothing came out. That had to have been the coldest killing I’d ever seen. If ever there was a definition of pure evil incarnate, Lili would be it. But she looked so pretty and nice, innocent and sweet. I remembered her that way. Not like she was, not covered in blood, murdering my friends and hunting me down. This version of Lili I didn’t know, and to be perfectly honest, she scared the shit out of me.

  Lili giggled. “Want to see something brilliant?” she asked.

  “I err...”

  “Yes, well, gee that’s superb.” She grinned. “Guard, bring EJ in.” She said, clapping hysterically and sitting back next to me. “You’re going to love what I’ve done!” She placed her bloody hand on my own. I flinched but kept
it there, trembling. A mutated beast trudged in, the stench of rotting flesh accompanied it. The thing was made from parts of a human, but this person was much taller, twice the size of any adult. Blond hair was stitched onto the mutated face, two faces ripped apart and knitted as one. Mottled skin bled around the stitches as a warped face sat sideways, looking at me. The issue wasn’t just the hideous creation, the issue was that it looked like the faces had been removed, laid flat, and machine pressed together. Whoever the two people were, they must have endured a horrifying mutation; bodies blended together, warped and twisted into one.

  The faces bore a traumatic look of sorrow. Their eyes reminded me of someone, two people I knew. It couldn’t be. I knew those kids, they were taken just before me. Two friends, with their brown eyes mourning the loss of their mortal life and embracing their sole purpose to maim, murder, and torture. The brute had been made from two people, two skins melded together to form the body of one individual. Those people were once my friends, once part of our lunchtime gang. Those teens were Emma and Jake; the twins I adored and the most innocent people I could ever have had the privilege to meet.

  “I CALL IT EJ. IT’S fun, isn’t it?”

  I vomited.

  Lili clapped and jumped up in joy. “Look EJ, she likes you!” she said, dancing like a child to her favourite radio tune.

  Covered in sick, head down and hands clammy, I couldn’t see them, couldn’t look up. How could she? They were people. They were my friends, damn it! Where was her morality? Her ethical delight for humanity? Didn’t she give a shit anymore?

  “Guard, pick Evie up.” Feet stomped towards me as I sat limp in the chair. I was done. Do what you will. I could not face it anymore. There was no saving her, not now, not ever. “Come on Evie, look at EJ. You’ll hurt its feelings.” She laughed. “Make her look, guard,” she demanded.

  The guard held my face up and started to pry my eyes open with its sharpened claws. I screamed as my skin was shredded. “Get off me!” I screamed, pushing it back with full force. My skin ignited, blood streamed down my face. My lava core set alight and I blasted the guard backwards. He toppled back, up and over the balcony edge. Thud. Shit.

  My face bled. Lili was silent. Speechless. “It’s true!” She gleamed. “Daddy’s darkness is in you, too.” She cheered, grabbing EJ with her bloody hands and ordering it to dance with her.

  No. I was not the same as her. Not the same as father. “No!” I screamed. “I’m Taylor, Taylor Lane, I’m not Little Evie, nor will I ever be.” I screeched. “Now get back away from me and release all the humans.” I demanded. Back straight, lips pursed. “NOW.”

  Lili stopped dancing. EJ stood quiet.

  Darkness streamed out of her body. It took over the sunlight, the world cast in darkness. She rose from the balcony, tentacles of swarming dark matter enveloped her body. “YOU ARE NOT MY EVIE! YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION! THAT IS MY MAGIC YOU STOLE, MY DARKNESS! YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EVER USE IT AGAIN!” She boomed.

  I cowered.

  “EJ, TAKE HER TO THE DUNGEON.” She demanded, anger pulsating through her raised veins.

  EJ stomped over, picked me up, and held me over its shoulder as it carried me away from the mass of darkened light. Down the stairs, past Desamay's wall of eyes and into the dungeon. I was cast down in the dirt, thrown out like the trash of an unwanted experiment. Is that what would become of me? Would I be melded into the body of something else? Something vile, stench-ridden, and cruel? I’d rather die than live like that. Please don’t let me end like that.


  Morning arose as we pieced together some kind of battle plan. Nothing much, but anything was a bonus. I was hungry, drained, and scared for Taylor. I knew what Lilith was like, knew what she was capable of. I had to get to her, I needed to find her soon. It had been too long. I couldn't wait for Adam any more, we need to try immediately.

  “Luci, mate, I dunno what to do.” Joey said as we sat in the kitchen, watching the sun rise through the back window.

  “There has to be some way of getting through that portal. We need to get there before it disappears.” I said.

  “But how, man?”

  “Does Lilith know you’ve changed sides?”

  “Well, no, I don’t think so, but I don’t fancy walking over there on me tod.” he muttered.

  “What about with hostages?”

  “Oh, I’m liking your thinking, mate.”

  Joey and I walked into the sitting room with the dead guard rotting on the floor. The kid sat talking to the ginger teen that used to hang out with Taylor; Chase, I believed. I recognised Jodie and Meghan from chemistry. So, there was three mortals we had to protect, oh and a half; the kid. Looking around, Elisha stood with three of her cheerleaders, all covered in blood with ripped cheer skirts. Shit. I couldn't remember their names, but there were three more, so that was six and a half. Oh, and Nic’s bit on the side. He was mortal, a fucking strong one being a hunter and all, but still a mortal all the same. So that made seven and a half. Seven and a half mortals did not make much of a town. Looking at it, the supernatural now outnumbered the humans three to one. Well, if you counted Harland’s pack as supernatural rather than wannabe-supers. My lips creased as I thought.

  “Right, so it looks like the human population of Elvington has narrowed slightly to seven and a half, by my count.”

  “Shit.” Harland said.

  “That’s if I count you Lycans as supernaturals.”

  “Fuck off, mate.” Harland said, punching my shoulder. “Anyway, why are you so calm?”

  “Taylor is the most powerful person, or well, being that I’ve ever met.”

  “Yeah, but she doesn’t know how to control it.”

  “No. But I have faith that if she believes in herself and stays strong in that place, she will be fine. She’s stronger than Lilith, you know.”

  “Really, do you think?”

  “Yeah, she embodies both the dark and the light. Twice the power.”

  “Anyway, why do you care about how many mortals there are left?”

  “Because if we can save one of her creations, Eve's creations, then we can never lose.”

  “I vote we save my girls.” Elisha said as she walked over.

  “Err... do we get a say in this?” Chase asked from the background.

  “No,” Elisha said, creasing her brow.

  “How about we try to save them all,” Lawrence said as he stood up from his old chair, cane in hand. “I have called Eliza for help.”

  “That’s good, we will need all the help we can get. Especially now that a portal has opened up right here in Elvington.”

  “Make that two!” Harland said.

  “Huh?” I asked

  “Taylor's kitchen, the route to Hell is still sat in her kitchen.”


  “Okay, two portals to close. But only after we’ve gotten Taylor back and as many survivors as we can.”

  Everyone nodded, we had a plan. It wasn’t a strategic one, it was a slap-dashed hope at best, and I was petrified. It was hard enough keeping my lip from quivering as I spoke, but the last thing they needed was me having a breakdown. How was that going to help Taylor? Fuck. She had to be alright. She had to survive this. We had an eternity planned together.

  “Gabriel said Adam's coming, too. Those damn Angels will give us a fighting chance. After all, it's his little sister. He’ll do anything to save her.”

  “But would he murder his own twin sister to save his little sister?”

  “I don’t know. I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “Come on, Joey. You ready, mate?”

  “Yeah, Luci, all ready.”

  “Whose coming?” Elisha walked over, Chase followed. I’m not sure how he could help, but still. Nic kissed Jayden and headed across the room towards us. Jayden gripped his hand and followed him. Harland and the pack tagged at the back.

  Pearce shook his head. “I can’t mate, Jessie...” he said, mot
ioning her still body. “I need to be here if she wakes.”

  “I understand.” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Okay, ready?” I asked, looking at the crew. They nodded, and we headed out.

  It should have been easy, it should have been a walk in the park. We were the Disciples, the fastest, most lethal creatures ever made. Nothing could beat us. We sped over to where the portal remained open. Not a beast was in sight, just a bloody ice Demon holding a dozen heads as trophies. He was vicious, I could give him that. Right then I was glad for Julian’s icy nature.

  “Where have you all been?” he asked as we approached.

  “Fuck mate, you left ought for us?” Joey asked, then laughed.

  “Looks like we just go in.” I said, heading over to the shimmering gateway.

  “WAIT!” Lawrence yelled from a mile away. I only just heard it, no-one else did. They all ran forward as I stood motionless, silent and afraid. Shit. What had he seen?

  I yelled “STOP” but I wasn’t quick enough. Elisha was at the front with Nic and Chase. Jayden was at the back, beside me, crossbow held upright and ready to aim. Julian stormed ahead, a shallow sheet of ice surrounded him. Harland and the pack drew in next, shifting into Lycans, ready and growling for blood.

  Behind me, the kid ran towards us, his legs pitter-pattering across the open field. “Get back, kid!” I yelled. He didn’t hear me, he kept on running. Why was he here? He’s going to get himself bloody killed!

  In-front of me and out of the mist, through the portal came an enormous creation. Two people merged as one, heads stitched together, bodies entwined. It was twice the size and double the strength. It picked Chase up, looked him in the eye, and turned him upside down, ripping his legs apart as his whole body divided like a torn sheet of paper before it ignited and turned to ash. The scream was blood-curdling, pure terror written on the boy’s face. His ginger hair gleamed even more red in the summer sun as his blood poured to the ground, coating it with its rich lifeforce.


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