The Celestial Rose BoxSet

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The Celestial Rose BoxSet Page 66

by Annalee Adams

  “NOOOO!” I screamed, causing a ripple in the vision before me. It must have disturbed Eve as she stopped, looked down to the young girl on the floor, and yelled for them to run, find cover. It was too little too late as my crew battled the army that kept coming, kept rambling forward. Bloodthirsty beings with a desire to tear the flesh off the face of their enemies. Gabriel had swooped in and pulled Eve free, and I was grateful for that. It looked like they could make it as they ran to an abandoned hospital before them.

  Looking down, my knuckles were white and, gripping the marble sides, I sighed. Relief overcame me. They were safe for now, but for how long?

  Time passed as I gathered a select group of the finest fighters and most capable of our kind. I mounted my cherished steed, Allentous, ready to descend onto Earth, be their saviours, and hold off the destroyed that sought our loved ones in an infernal battle that marked the End of Days. Once ready, the fifteen of us marched to the gates, gave the order to open them, and began to descend on the world below.

  “WAIT!” The stumpy fellow yelled from behind us. Allentous halted, reversed, and met the breathless creature before me. “The pool!” he bellowed, gasping for breath. “She’s gone!” he cried, ushering me forth.

  “What? Where is she?”

  “They escaped, sire, they made it to her former home.”

  I took a deep breath. That was good, right? “Is she okay?”

  “Yes, well, no.”

  “Which one? Yes or no?”

  “Both, its natural what’s happening.”

  “What? What’s happening?”

  “Her human form is in labour, her water’s broke.”

  “WHAT!” I yelled. “Guards, quick, we must descend. She cannot have her babies on Earth, it isn’t safe.”

  “No, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Lilith’s army has risen. Blane is on his way.”

  “No!” I yelled before suddenly pausing. “Who’s Blane?”

  “The fire demon, the first born.”


  “Pardon, sire?”

  “Sorry, but that called for it.” I galloped forth. Allentous flapped her angelic wings as we took flight and descended to Elvington once again.


  Opening my eyes to the turmoil of Hell is not how one would wish to spend their Sunday afternoon. I’d blacked out, been abducted, and had awoke on a stone slab gutted and left for dead. My mother was hanging on a reverse crucifix, drained of all her blood, and my husband-to-be was lying unconscious on the floor with the Reaper's Blades dangling over his lifeline. It was a tragic set of abysmal circumstances but considering half of my intestines were on the floor, I’d say there wasn’t anything I could do about it. However, it appeared that my estranged, psychotic sister was finishing off her manual operation; sewing my womb shut with a needle and thread. She’d already ravaged my womb, stolen my newborn twins, and gifted my son to our father, the almighty God himself. But he wasn’t like the God in the bible, all rosy and full of life. My God was death on legs, swarmed by the plagues of a thousand locusts, captured by the shrieks of his soulless laughter. He was evil, demonic and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. The problem was he still held my son, my baby boy, the veil of night caressed his tiny soul and called it forth, offering a life of power and control. My boy wasn’t even a day old when he turned, when my father let the darkness take him. His first breath of life was taken in the corrupt cataclysm of Hell. What chance did he have really?

  Agony cursed me as I wept the tears of a mother torn from her children and a fiancé made to watch her beloved grasp to what was left of his immortal life. He’d been beaten, knocked down, and sliced open. If he wasn’t an immortal, he would have been dead already. Tightness crushed my chest as my mother’s blood drained over her hanging body and down into the fiery pits of Hell below. I’d always thought my father’s corrupt soul would ease when he laid his eyes on her. But no, nothing phased him. It was as though he was never there in the first place. He’d given in, held up his hands, and let the pain take him away. His light absorbed into the darkness and cast out into the night sky. What could I do now? I had failed more than once, lost the fight and the will to live. Was there anything that could help us now?

  My only hope was that Lilith’s fondness of Lucian would mean his ultimate survival. If he could wake, take the chance and live again, then he could save my dying baby girl that lay screaming on his bloody chest. Someone had to survive, this couldn’t be it. The darkness couldn’t completely take over, the balance of nature would never allow it. Adam had said the guardians of the watchtowers would awake in times of need, replenishing the balance throughout the universe. Surely it was time. Without a doubt, the scales had tipped to favour the true demonic nature of the serpent of darkness. I hoped their awakening wasn’t too late.


  Landing before Eve’s former home was easy, the hard part was accepting the fact that we were too late. The house was covered in bloodshed, masked by the bones of its former residents. Eve was gone, presumably taken by Blane to fulfil whatever heinous act Lilith had ordered him to do. Lucian’s blood stained the wooden floor, as did the waters of my sister’s womb. My mother had vanished and Charmeine was clinging onto life in the doorway, having nearly died for my families’ curse.

  “Adam!” she whispered, her breathing slow.

  “Charmeine, my sweet. What happened to you?” Her body had been beaten, black eyes sunk into her face. Purple tinges covered her delicate features and blade marks were cast over her skin.

  “I tried, Adam!” she cried, weeping into my arms.

  “I know you did. Here, let me help you.”

  “No, you can’t spare anymore of the light.”

  “I can spare all the light for you, Charmeine.” I said, my eyes sullen, cheeks sodden, and lips salted with the tears of my beloved as I kissed her sweetly.

  “Adam?” she questioned, taken aback by my affection.

  “I can’t lose you, Charmeine.” I laid my hands over her battered body, siphoning the light into her bit by bit, healing every ounce of pain and replenishing her soul to fight once again. She stretched out, lifted to sitting, and kissed me back.

  “What was that for?” I asked.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time, Adam.”

  I smiled. So had I.

  “I’m so sorry,” she exclaimed.

  “It’s okay,” I soothed. “Tell me, what happened?”

  And she told the tale of a saddened soul, ripped away from us by the reaper’s blade. “It cannot be.” I said, “How can they possess the weapon?”

  “Blane took it from me, Adam. I just wasn’t strong enough.”

  “He will be sorely missed.” I said, placing my hand on the fragments of ash that Michael’s death had left behind.

  “What happened to my family?” I asked. She grimaced. “Please, tell me, Charmeine!”

  “Blane handed her over to Lilith. She arrived here just before you did. They took your mother, Eve, and Lucian.”

  “Where? Where did they go? Enoch?”

  “No... I heard them say your father was awaiting their presence in Hell.”

  My head sank into my hands, my body felt weighted. That was it then. Father had them in Hell, of all places. How did we even get there? How did we save them?

  “How did they get away so fast?”

  “A portal.”

  “What, here?”

  “Yes, over there,” she said, pointing to the kitchen. “It sealed behind them, though.”

  “Damn it, Charmeine. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Sire,” a guard yelled, bursting through the door. “They’re coming!”

  “Quickly,” I shouted, pulling Charmeine out of the door and onto Allentous. “Let us rise to Elysium and put together a plan to journey to Hell.”


  Is this death? An immortal ending?

  Eyes clenched shu
t. Do I still exist? Muffled screams pierced my ears as I stretched out in my body, attempting to move. The flickering of candlelight warmed me as my eyes squinted open to see a mass of darkness swirling above me. What was it? Who was it?

  The cries of a kindred spirit screeched over me, the shuddering of withering life weighed on top of me. What was it? Something plopped down on my chest; it weighed next to nothing.

  With a dry mouth, I licked my lips, parched for the scent of blood that caressed the air. But whose blood? Where was I?

  Fear wept from the thing on top of me, a tiny something, a wriggling, crying, unhappy something. It couldn't be. I reached up, felt around as I tried to focus my blurred vision. I must have hit my head pretty hard. Was this my child? Its skin felt cold to the touch. Its muffled cries gurgled with the fluid left in its lungs.

  Pushing upwards, I saw her; a tiny, pale pink baby girl. Realisation hit. This was my baby girl. Her body was fragile, yet the way she kicked and screamed about, she had strength in her. She would hold her own, she'd make me proud.

  My brow creased. If this was my baby girl, then where was my other child? Where was my wife-to-be, my beloved, my Taylor Lane?

  Screams echoed around me. I gripped my child's body, rubbing her back with the palm of my hand, soothing her fearful cries.

  With an uneasy grunt, my limbs pushed up and beyond. Sitting upright, I could see the darkness of a cavern through the flickering light of lanterns parading the stone walls. Shadows danced, swaying their irregular forms across the floor as the light filtered around me. My baby girl clung to my chest, quietened by the just of my whispering voice. Where was I?

  The last thing I remembered was Blane’s breath as he raised the Reaper’s blade above, ready to end my immortal life... then nothing. The world had gone black.

  Stretching my limbs, I could see the blurred shape of a screeching, psychotic Lilith. What was she doing up there? EJ was guarding her. Both had their backs to me. They stood before a stone slab, giggling profusely, a waterfall of blood pooled around the base as Lilith’s hands moved up and down. What was that she held?

  Muffled noises blended into one, fighting against each other to be heard and deciphered. My hearing was still at a loss. I must have really been knocked down hard.

  Looking around, the swirl of darkness had left the area. Who had that been? It couldn’t have been him, could it? If God was back, we were all screwed!

  Shit. I needed to get out of there. I couldn't leave my baby girl to his mercy, or lack thereof. It was my chance, now that he'd gone.

  My baby girl gurgled. Her soft eyes eased my own. Fear drifted out of me as I breathed in deep, exhaling my woes out to the world. The tendrils of green in her eyes cooled the darkness around me, eased the light as it soothed my solemn body. I felt relief, purity, and light. My baby girl was the epiphany of good; the celestial light reigned through her. It was the light, the warmth that I recognised from Taylor. Our child exuded perfection.

  Taylor... Where was she? I had to get up, needed to search for her, to save her and my other child. Cradling my girl, I rose up tall, swaying a little as I looked down. Everything was intact. I groaned as I stepped forward. Too much, too loud. EJ turned around. The weight of it made its movements slow and tedious but gave me enough time to whiz off at a rapid speed and make my grand escape.

  STOP. My mind yelled. The blood, the stone slab, Lilith... What was she doing?

  I could hear EJ trudging down the corridor after me. I had to go back, had to see. What if it was Taylor up there on the slab? What if it was my second child? I couldn't risk not checking.

  Rushing back, I left EJ in a cloud of dust. Entering the cavern, the light waned as the wind circled me, threatening to extinguish all light and plunge us into darkness.

  In the far corner, a figure hung upside down; bled dry, by the smell of it. Taylor?

  Speeding over, I held up her head. No. I sighed. It was her mother. She was barely alive, literally hanging in there. But nothing a mix of my blood wouldn't solve. Biting my wrist, I fed her, and she guzzled it down, choking as she swallowed.

  "Eve," she whispered, her tone breaking in pain. Her eyes darted over to the stone slab in the centre of the room.

  My heart sank, face drained, body heavy. She nodded. It couldn't be. My Taylor couldn't be the pool of blood on the sacrificial table. She couldn't be the rotting corpse I smelt as I awoke. What had they done to her?

  Without a second thought, I sped over to the slab, and knocked Lilith flying into the cavern wall. My poor girl, what have they done to you?

  Her body was gauged, intestines slipping through my fingers as I tried to put her back together.

  "Shit, Taylor." I winced at the agony she must be in. "Taylor, it's me." I whispered, kissing her forehead.

  She murmured, whimpering in pain. It was beyond evil, beyond darkness; it was cruelty at its purest form. Fists balled up as my body tensed. Hatred rushed through me and adrenaline surged as I gathered up her broken body. I fed her my blood to sustain her a while longer. She moaned as I tried to lift her, as I struggled to hold her broken body. I couldn't. How could I safely hold both my lover and my daughter?

  She couldn't walk. Her muscles had been slit open to get the babies out. This hadn’t been a hospital procedure; they'd done this here. Lilith had literally clawed her open and retrieved my children. But where was my other child?

  My lips tasted the salt from my sodden face, my heart shrivelled with the need to scream. What did I do? How could I save them all? Taylor was in agony, my baby girl was trapped in the lion’s den, my other child was missing, and Taylor's mother was hanging upside down on a crucifix. I was in a nest of wasps with no way out.

  How would I save her mother? I couldn't... I wouldn't be able to carry them all. I'd have to come back, find the place again, and save them. It was the only way. But Taylor had to come first. She wouldn't survive any longer. Her faint body was almost bled dry; it was a miracle she was still alive. And I couldn't leave my baby girl. I had to try and get them both out... now.

  Her expression made my heart ache. I wished I could take the pain away. Bulging eyes, gritted jaw, she was screaming inside. As her feet fell to the floor, she gasped; her strength was commendable. I steadied her upright, bones creaked as she bared weight on her wobbled legs. It was no use, I would have to drag her. With one arm holding her up, and one arm cradling my newborn, we fled, hot-tailed it out of there

  Leaving the cavern was not as difficult as I thought it would be. But leaving the vicinity was harder than I had ever thought possible. Where was this place? It wasn't Enoch, and no place on Earth was shrouded in such darkness. It must have been Hell.


  I'd heard of the Labyrinth of Lost Souls before, but never had I expected to be trapped within it. Slowing down, I had to get my bearings. I was sure I'd just came down this corridor. Each stone wall was ladled with candlelit lanterns. The ground was wet, cold, and damp, and there was a shrill of cool wind whispering through, comforted by the allure of fresh blood as Taylor's abdomen continued to leak.

  Her poor hands were covered; the stench of faeces mixed with dried blood made my stomach contents threaten expulsion. It wouldn't deter me though; I had to get us out of there. Tired from the sprint, adrenaline continued to surge. Walking as fast as a mortal marathon runner, I reached a crossroads. Which way was the right way?

  The giggles of Lilith’s callous disregard echoed over the labyrinth. She was hunting us; out for blood. It wouldn't take her long, either, considering the trail of regurgitated fluid behind us.

  "La La La La Lucian..." Lilith yelled. Her tone was high, her voice cackled, her anger apparent. She was gaining on us.

  Taylor gagged, her hands fell to her side. Her large bowel wrangled out, pooling on the floor. Her life was waning. I needed to get her out, she wouldn't last otherwise.

  "Put me down," she gurgled, fluid threatening to drown out her lungs. "Please." I did as she asked. Kneeling beside her w
ith our daughter in my arms, she reached out and caressed her face. "Go Lucian."


  "Save her..." she said, gasping for air.

  "I will, come on." I urged, leaning forward to help her stand up.

  Lilith’s voice ripped through us. "LUCIAN, where are you?" She was closer.

  "No, leave me," she uttered, her voice raspy.

  "What? No!"

  "Save her..." she urged, pushing me back with all her strength.

  "No, Taylor, I won't leave you here."

  "Come back for me, Lucian... Save her."

  Giggling rebounded from the walls. Lilith was just around the corner. Taylor was right; she couldn't walk any longer. I couldn't go as fast while holding her. But it was a chance, a chance I'd take. I couldn't leave her to Lilith’s insanity. Taylor leant forward, stroked our daughter’s face.

  "Please don't make me leave you, Taylor."

  "Come back for me," she said. "Please go," she begged. I nodded. She was right. "I love you.”

  I leant forward and kissed her forehead as she kissed our daughter goodbye. "I love you, too," I said. And with my heart filled with sorrow, my eyes streaming with tears, and my daughter crying for her mummy, we ran.


  The treacherous traitor took her! What a man, what a hero, what an idiotic man-child. A strengthening giggle came resounding from my mouth. Gulping back the catastrophic cackles, I stood up. Hot damn, that hurt. Ringer ding ding, my head was roaring.

  “EJ, turn off the bells... EJ!” Where the heck was it? My gallant, sloppy monster; it was always by my side. “EJ?” I yelled. Woah slow the world down. What was with all the spinning? I’d taken some powdered sweets in my time, but nothing to go up against the high I was feeling.

  Cackles corrupted my callous nature. Mmm, tasty. Ionised blood delicately swept over my lips. My head was screaming. “Ouch, damn. EJ, where are you?” You just wait until I get hold of that boy of mine. Little Luci was in for an over the knee spanking! He had really gone and done it this time.


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