How Bad Girls Learn (The Institute: Bad Girls Book 4)

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How Bad Girls Learn (The Institute: Bad Girls Book 4) Page 9

by Emily Tilton

  Then, to her surprise, he did smile. Georgia felt her eyes go wide even as the happiness balloon inside her inflated more fully. With his eyes still on hers, he sank to one knee and said, “Let’s get you into your birthday suit, sweetheart, for your inspection. Daddy’s cock is so hard, looking at you. He needs to fuck you right away.”

  Georgia felt her lips part and she heard a little cry of mingled need and shame come from deep in her chest. She didn’t know how something could be so wrong and so hot at the same time, but Master Sergeant David Heath clearly had some instinct in that direction that let him speak, seemingly, right to her pussy.

  It called from her a response that felt just as lewd, as if she were a little girl who should get a spanking for hearing and saying such things.

  “Really, Daddy?” she asked softly. “Are you really going to fuck your naughty little girl?” It sounded to her own ears both like a good-girl plea and like a bad-girl challenge, the two opposites somehow mingled into one.

  David’s response came in the form of a wordless growl as he bent to draw her boots and then her socks off. His hands reached further up, then, and Georgia gave a little cry as he grasped the fabric of pants and panties and pulled them swiftly down and off.

  Naked, now. Just the way he spanked me, before—but so different. The feeling of having David’s big hands undress her seemed to change everything.

  He stood up, his hands at his belt buckle now. The sight of him unfastening it made Georgia whimper, as if he might whip her with his belt, the way daddies did when their little girls broke the rules. Maybe her daddy would do that someday, but not right now, she could tell by the way his powerful hands instantly started to pull down his pants, with his Army green briefs inside them.

  Then she whimpered again, at the sight of his long, hard cock standing up from the midst of the dark tangle of hair around it, so different from Georgia’s compulsory little-girl bareness. She had snuck glances back at it, when David had fucked her after her spankings, but she felt as if she saw her daddy in his own birthday suit for the first time, now, as he stood over her.

  She watched his hands move downward to her legs, as if in a trance of submissive arousal. Her whole body shuddered as he took her knees into his enormous hands.

  “Time for your inspection, SRD Jones,” he said softly, not in a master sergeant voice but in a daddy one, so that SRD Jones came out as a gently teasing way to talk about his naughty little girl, his sweetheart, his Georgia.

  She bit her lower lip and gave a sob of need and love unlike any sound she thought she had ever made. She nodded quickly.

  “Lie back, now,” David said. “Show daddy your cute little pussy and your sweet young bottom.”

  How does he know how to do that? Georgia wondered as she felt herself clench down there at the sound of his lewd words. A whine escaped her lips as she obeyed her sergeant daddy and lay back onto his bed, her hands in little fists at her sides.

  His hands lifted her knees and spread them. He pushed them back almost to her breasts, and she gave a sob at the feeling of being opened that way. He took her hands and moved them to the backs of her knees, wordlessly teaching her how to show him everything he wanted to see. Georgia obeyed the silent command, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she tried to do as her daddy wanted, pulling her thighs apart so widely she could feel the warm air moving on the cringing inner lips of her pussy and even on her puckered bottom-hole.

  For a moment she kept her eyes closed as her cheeks got very hot, and then she couldn’t bear it and she had to open them. First she saw her new daddy looking down at the most private parts of her body. Then she saw his hand on his cock, pumping it gently as he inspected the places that belonged to him and to the soldiers under his command—but really to him and, Georgia thought, only to him. The lieutenant might be her commanding officer, and the men of the platoon might use her, too, but they would fuck Georgia because Master Sergeant David Heath had decided they should fuck his little girl.

  That thought, and the picture that accompanied it of what would happen later in the mess hall, brought a whimpering cry to her lips. She looked up from her daddy’s big, hard penis to his handsome face.

  “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart,” her daddy said. “Did you know that your daddy loves you?”

  Georgia’s eyes went very wide, and her lips parted. No sound came out at first, but then she whispered wonderingly, “I love you too, Daddy.”

  She had expected David to put his cock in her aching pussy right away, and she thought she could hardly bear not to have him there another second, but to her surprise he sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at her, and said, “Keep your legs where they are, sweetheart.”

  Georgia frowned in confusion, but a moment later she understood, because David leaned down, putting his elbow on the bed, and kissed her, his big, hard body lying next to her littler, softer one. She cried out into his mouth as she felt his hand between her widespread thighs, working her pussy so that she couldn’t keep still. Her hips thrust up into his hand as he caressed her more and more urgently.

  “Don’t come, SRD Jones,” he said, breaking the kiss. “That’s an order.”

  “Oh, God,” Georgia whispered. “Please, Daddy... please... please, Daddy...” She didn’t think she could hold off the aching, surging need between her legs. Her whole body shook as she tried to hold the pleasure back, and the idea that she mustn’t, or he would whip her, made the problem even worse.

  Suddenly the fingers on her pussy went away, and Georgia emitted a sob of frustration. Then she felt one of them, then two, then three, and finally—she thought—all five, up against the tiny ring of her anus. She cried out as they pressed firmly against the little opening, but not very far: David only wanted, she understood, to remind her how thoroughly this naughtiest part of her belonged to him.

  Then she thought she knew why, too. She felt her brow crease deeply, and she took her lower lip between her teeth as she looked into his eyes. His face seemed a little stern, but also very intent, as if he meant to assure himself that his SRD understood the training he meant to give her as her master sergeant.

  Georgia breathed in little puffs through her nose as the fingers pushed a bit further in, opening her the same way the plug had, though not quite as painfully.

  “You were going to tell the guerrillas how you got the plug put in here,” David said.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Georgia sobbed.

  The fingers pushed a little more and she whimpered at how her daddy taught her to be his good girl, his shameful way of enforcing the lesson he had decided she needed.

  “You feel guilty about that, don’t you, sweetheart?” he asked.

  Georgia’s bottom squirmed, somehow welcoming more of her daddy’s hand inside her smallest place. Her lips parted and a low, keening sound emerged from deep in her chest.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, finally.

  “You have no reason to feel guilty, Georgia,” he said softly, kissing her again and then drawing his head back to look into her eyes. “But if you do, I want you to know that when I fuck this little bottom-hole I’m going to reclaim it for myself and for your unit. Then, later, I’m going to share it with the whole platoon, and the whole platoon is going to reclaim you. Do you understand?”

  Georgia had closed her eyes very tightly as her daddy spoke, because while he told her about the reclaiming, he had moved his hand, turning it gently inside her poor little anus. With each small twist she had breathed a little more harshly, each gasp coming through parted lips.

  “Before I do that, though,” David said, “I want to fuck your adorable little pussy, and make you come, because what you really deserve is a medal for bravery.”

  His hand left her anus, and he laid it possessively on her bottom-cheeks. Georgia felt a mischievous smile break out on her face, to her surprise. She looked into her daddy’s eyes.

  “I’d rather have the orgasm, Daddy,” she said with a sudden giggle.

��Good,” David replied. “I think you’re going to get a Purple Heart anyway, since they whipped you.”

  He stood up, and he took Georgia’s hands away from her knees so that he could spread her open himself. Then, as she craned her neck to catch a glimpse of the naughty sight, he put the head of his cock where she needed it the most, and she felt him slide into the wickedly wet depths of her pussy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  At first David fucked his little girl gently, looking deep into her eyes. He tried to keep his hands from gripping her trim thighs too tightly, but the velvety pleasure his cock found in her pussy made for a struggle with the muscles in his hands. To spread her wide open this way, so that he could look down and see himself claim her in long, slow strokes of his hard shaft into her smooth pink pussy sent his mind reeling with erotic sensation.

  When he tightened his grasp, too, Georgia whimpered with submissive need in a way that suggested to David that she didn’t mind feeling the strength of her daddy’s hands. She looked up at him with a deeply furrowed brow, her lower lip between her teeth, and with each thrust of his cock the need for more seemed to grow in her blue eyes.

  “Daddy...” she whispered. “Oh, Daddy... please...”

  He smiled to hear her call him that, the title he hadn’t known he had needed. It sent a thrill through his moving hips and seemed to make his cock even harder inside Georgia’s little slit as he fucked her. She gave a little sob as if she, too, could feel her daddy getting even bigger in her pussy.

  “Daddy? May I...”

  “What, sweetheart?” David asked. The idea that he had a little girl who asked permission to do things during sex made him thrust harder into her, now, drive his hips against her sweet little bottom and press his hardness very deep. Georgia cried out, and closed her eyes, her lips parting with the panting breaths of helpless arousal.

  David drew his penis out again, slowly, until only the head stayed inside his little girl. The crease in Georgia’s forehead grew, and she said, opening her eyes to look up at him, “May I please touch myself while you fuck me, Daddy? Please?”

  A smile broke out on David’s face. “Yes, Georgia. Permission granted. Show me how you like to do it.”

  She smiled up at him, but her cheeks had gone pink, too, and now her face seemed less certain. David moved his cock into her half an inch. Georgia made a little whining sound through her closed lips, a puppyish sound that seemed to beg for more.

  “Go ahead, sweetheart,” he said a little sternly. “You asked. Now show your daddy what a naughty girl does.”

  With a whimper from deep in her throat Georgia moved her hands, still looking up at him with a frown that seemed to show the tension in her heart and her pussy between bad girl and good girl. She put her right hand down between her legs and rubbed her rosy little clit. She put her left hand across her chest to pinch her tiny nipple.

  David drove his hardness deep inside her at the sight, so aroused by her needy self-pleasure that he couldn’t have stopped himself even if the enemy had decided to attack again at that moment. He took firm hold of his little girl’s knees and pushed them even further back, almost to her breasts, and he started to fuck her so hard that Georgia cried out with every thrust.

  “Oh, Daddy... oh... David... God... I’m...”

  She started to come, and she kept coming as he fucked her very hard, the shaft of his cock flashing in and out of her little pussy over and over. He held his own pleasure back, because of the kind of claiming he had planned, but he made sure Georgia came five times—those represented the orgasms he felt certain about, though he suspected she had climaxed even more than that—before he pulled his rigid penis from the adorable coral lips of her bare slit, glistening with her need.

  Again chewing on the inside of her cheek, Georgia looked up at him, her greedy pout showing that she could never get quite enough of her daddy’s hardness in her pussy.

  “Daddy’s going to claim your mouth, now, sweetheart,” he said, still holding her wide. “You keep playing with yourself. Daddy likes to watch you do it.”

  Georgia’s face showed confusion for a moment, as if she couldn’t figure out what David meant her to do, but he knew precisely how to get the pleasure he wanted: he kept his left hand on the back of her knee and put his right hand behind her back, turning her completely around as her eyes went wide at the sensation of manhandling.

  He put her head at the foot of his bed, hanging over so that he could enjoy her mouth the way he wanted. As Georgia seemed to understand what her daddy meant to do, she let out a little sob of mingled shame and need. Her fingers worked very fast on her nipples, moving from left to right, and on her clit, and she opened her mouth wide.

  David reached his hands out to take hold of Georgia’s knees again: he wanted her open in every way as he fucked her face this dominant way. At the feeling, she emitted a cry from deep in her chest. He watched her fingers go inside her pussy to find some of her private wetness and then to spread it up, over her clit.

  “Daddy’s going to use your mouth now, sweetheart,” he said gently. “You’re going to taste yourself on Daddy’s penis.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Georgia sobbed, her bottom clenching so sexily that David could wait no longer: he slowly entered her mouth with his cock until she had taken five of his nine inches, and then he began to move as gently as he could, at first, inside the soft recess of her lips.

  He looked down at the lewd sight of a master sergeant’s hard penis thrusting in and out of his SRD’s mouth, fucking her young face as she frantically pleasured herself. The sight of it and the idea of it brought him so close to orgasm just at the first few thrusts that he knew he wouldn’t last long: the third and final reclaiming would happen soon.

  “Get Daddy’s cock nice and ready for your bottom, now, sweetheart,” David said, becoming a little stern. “You know what’s going to come next.”

  Georgia moaned around his rigid cock as it moved in and out of her lips. Her back arched and her hips bucked so strongly that he had to use a little of his arm strength to keep her in place. When she felt him control her that way, the moan became a soft cry that aroused David so much he had to pull out of her mouth. He let go of her knees, standing completely upright and looking down at her upside-down face from his full height.

  Her lips were still parted, and her fingers still played urgently with her clit and her nipples. He watched her chest rise and fall with her rapid breaths, saw that she had closed her eyes as if in shame at the naughty sight of her daddy’s cock and balls so close to her pretty little face.

  “Get on your tummy, SRD Jones,” David commanded, mingling the sergeant and the daddy now. “You may put your hands beneath you, and continue touching your breasts and your clit.”

  Georgia’s eyes opened, and though David had difficulty reading the expression on her inverted face he could see that she needed exactly what he meant to give her—this reclaiming, much more intimate than a mere toy could bestow, would return her to her unit exactly as a bad girl should be brought back.

  As she scrambled to obey his command, he got his pillow from the head of the bed, and he put it under her hips. With her face in the crisp white sheet that covered the thin mattress, Georgia did put her hands under her, the right beneath her hips and the left under her chest. She whimpered into the bed, and her hips bucked as if in anticipation of the ordeal to come.

  David got a tube of lube from his desk, and then got onto the bed himself. He straddled his little girl, a knee on each side of her flanks. Georgia cried out as she felt him assume this most dominant of positions—in David’s estimation anyway—keeping her fixed in place and ready for fucking however he pleased.

  He squeezed lube onto his fingers and felt his little girl squirm under him, heard her whimper as if at the shameful sound of the slick preparation emerging from its tube. When he put his hands down to spread her pert little bottom-cheeks wide, her body shuddered, and moved as if she meant to try to throw him from his bareback seat
. When she felt herself controlled under his bulk and strength, she sobbed with need. He saw her right arm tense and work, as her fingers rubbed frantically at her clit, and then her body shuddered into an unmistakable orgasm.

  With slick fingers he rubbed the lube where it needed to go, to make his little girl’s anus a tight but pleasurable place to fuck. Georgia moaned with each push of his middle fingers inside.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” David said softly. “Let Daddy get you ready.”

  “Oh, God... Daddy, please... please be...”

  “Daddy’s going to fuck you the way he wants, Georgia,” David said. “I think you know that.”

  He accompanied these degrading words with a deep invasion of her narrow ring. Georgia gave a scream of pleasure, and came again. David spread her creamy cheeks and put the head of his hard cock there, feeling her bottom clench with the orgasm. Then, when the climax subsided and her bottom relaxed, he pushed into the tiny, puckered hole.

  Georgia gave a low, drawn-out moan, and her bottom clenched again, but her daddy had his hardness inside her most private place now: the tension made her cry out, relax, and yield herself more fully. Nearly overcome with the pleasure of opening her and filling her that way, David drove his cock deeper, until his hairy lap came up against her adorable little bottom.

  Little sobs came from Georgia with every breath, now. “Daddy... Daddy... oh, Daddy,” she whispered in the strained voice that seemed to send an electric jolt of ecstasy to David’s cock every time he heard it. “Oh... fuck... Daddy... fuck...”

  He felt her come again as he began to thrust in and out of her tight little anus more and more rapidly.

  “So good, sweetheart. Such a good bottom. Such a good girl,” he murmured. “Daddy’s going to come so soon.”

  His words seemed to make her cry out, to make her buck against him as if to welcome him more deeply into her despite the discomfort of the ordeal. The orgasm came on like a freight train, then, and it seemed to go on and on, making him thrust his cock in further as the rest of his body went stiff with pleasure.


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