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Reckoning Page 13

by Fields, Sara

  My pussy clenched down hard, and a single drop of arousal dripped down my inner thigh.

  “Come with Daddy now, little girl,” he instructed, and I couldn’t help myself as I kissed him once more.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, and I smiled, feeling a slight blush come over my cheeks.

  I decided I really liked how hearing that made me feel.

  Chapter 8

  His fingers curled around my upper arm. His grip was gentle, but firm enough to send a message that I didn’t really have a choice about coming with him. It was comforting at the same time that it was nerve-racking. Instead of exiting out the front door, Dean led me through the winery. There was no one inside with us, so we walked along. Everyone who worked there had long since gone home after closing, which I was grateful for.

  Once we approached the back door, he released my arm and placed a guiding hand on my lower back instead. I swallowed a whimper at the feeling of his palm, imagining what it would soon feel like against my bare bottom. It was inevitable, but that didn’t make it any easier knowing that.

  Before we walked out, I paused.


  “Yes, little girl?”

  “Are you going to spank me tonight?” I asked. I couldn’t help it. I wanted to know.

  “Yes. Daddy is going to punish you tonight,” he answered, and my pussy clenched down so hard that a frightened squeak slipped from my lips. Instead of opening the door, he reached for me and pushed me against it roughly. His hand smoothed over my bottom and dipped lower, reaching underneath my dress. He forced his fingers between my legs, and I had to open them so that he didn’t hurt me.

  “You’re so wet for me, little girl,” he murmured, and I struggled to draw in air.

  I felt his touch between my soaked folds and his cock pressed up against my backside. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. All I could think about was his thick length pushing into me over and over again until I screamed.

  “Daddy,” I pleaded.

  “You want Daddy’s cock, don’t you, little girl?”

  “I… please…”

  I didn’t know what else to say. My tongue felt useless in my mouth. With just a few words, he’d devolved me into a wet mess of fiery need that refused to subside even though I desperately wanted it to.

  His fingers circled my clit slowly.

  “Do you think you deserve Daddy’s cock?”

  I shuddered hard in his arms.

  “Please, Daddy,” I begged, hoping he would take pity on me and fuck me senseless right here. I pressed backwards, trying to grind my pussy harder against his finger so that I could find the release I yearned for.

  “I know what you’re doing, little girl. You’re trying to use this beautiful body to tempt Daddy, but he knows you by now. You’re going to be punished tonight. You don’t have a say in that, but if you’re a very good girl, Daddy might just reward you after it’s over. If you’re a bad girl though, he’ll leave you tied to his bed as a very wet, very needy, and a very, very sorry little girl. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I whispered. His fingers were relentless, and my core grew tighter and tighter until I was sure I would burst from the fiery heat of my need alone.

  “Good. Now come hard on Daddy’s fingers. I want to feel your body shake against mine,” he demanded, and I was so wound up that I nearly fell apart right there with his command.

  The fear and the tension melted away in that moment. The only thing that mattered was his fingers between my thighs.

  Not the Fixer. Not the family. Not the Father. Nothing.

  It was me and Daddy now. The two of us together. No one else.

  My thighs started to quiver, and my hips rocked back and forth of their own accord. The whole thing felt sordidly wrong at the same time that it felt perfectly right.

  “That’s it, little girl. Come hard for Daddy,” he insisted, and my entire body trembled. I moaned quietly. I tried to keep silent, but as his fingers teased my clit even more firmly, it soon became impossible. Before long, I was forced to cover my own mouth for fear that someone might hear me. That didn’t slow him down either. Not even in the slightest.

  I couldn’t hold back.

  I missed him. I wanted him and now he was here with me.

  I shattered into a million pieces. My orgasm captured me in its clutches and refused to let me go. My screams echoed, only vaguely muted by my own hand. My core cramped down hard, and my inner walls fluttered, desperate to feel the iron-hard cock still pressed up against me. His body was cocooned around mine and I couldn’t help but bask in the warm sheltering feeling that surrounded me because of it. He was so big and strong.

  He was my safe place.

  My thighs trembled a bit harder and one wave of pleasure after another assaulted my senses. He didn’t let up or slow down, and I lost myself in the consuming depraved depths of my desire.

  “Oh, Daddy,” I pleaded.

  “Good girl,” he purred, and those words hurtled me even higher into the blissful clouds of blazing hot ecstasy. Swirling pleasure hurtled through me with wild abandon and when it finally started to ebb away, I was left breathless and panting. His fingers drew away from my pussy, but my clit never stopped throbbing and my thighs didn’t stop trembling.

  Hesitantly, I uncovered my lips and drew in one shaky breath after the next. My heart was pounding in my chest and almost as if he knew I needed his support, his arm wound around my waist and pulled me firmly against him.

  “Daddy,” I whimpered.

  “Shhh, little girl. Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s going to keep you safe,” he said firmly and for the first time, I really believed him.

  I closed my eyes.

  It wasn’t even hard to call him Daddy anymore. It felt natural and I couldn’t put a finger on when that had happened, but it really didn’t matter.

  “Why me? Why do you care if I live or die? Why do I deserve a man like you?” I murmured. I don’t know why I even asked that. I felt raw and open and so utterly exposed that the words just flew out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  Without pause, he turned me and pressed my back up against the wall. There was no roughness in the movement. His body framed mine with gentleness and it caught me off guard, but more important, it made me listen.

  “Do you really not know, little girl?” he asked, and I shook my head. I peered up into those soulful blue eyes with confusion.

  “I… No, Daddy,” I whispered.

  He cupped my chin with both hands and traced his thumbs along my cheekbones.

  “I love you, little girl. Twice you’ve run from me and twice I’ve let you go. I’m not going to allow you to run from me a third time. I’m not going to allow you to run ever again,” he said, his words fierce.

  My mouth went dry, and my heart pulsed heavy in my chest.

  I’d fought this every step of the way. I’d told myself over and over again that Dean and I were never meant to be. I’d insisted that I hadn’t had feelings for him so many times that I almost believed it, but he’d been the only man that I’d regretted having to leave. I’d imagined a life with him more times than I could count even though I shouldn’t.

  This was wrong. I’d been forbidden to fall for anyone long ago.

  But here he was. He’d found me and he wasn’t about to let me go.

  I’d been lying to myself for so long. I wanted those eyes to look at me like that for the rest of my life.

  I wanted him to know I felt it too.

  “I love you too, Daddy,” I answered.

  His lips descended to mine, capturing me in a sweet kiss that left my head reeling. His fingers curled around my scalp, pulling me even closer to him and firmly demanding I give into every second of that kiss.

  “I meant every last word of that vow, little girl,” he finally murmured when he pulled away. “In time, you will believe that.”

  I blushed and chewed my lip, pressing my forehead against the hard surface of his chest.r />
  He took my hand in his and opened the door. I stepped out on shaky legs, blinking as the light of the sun outside blinded me a little. There was a blacked-out Range Rover waiting for us. Dean opened the back door for me and helped me climb in. He followed and quickly shut the door behind us.

  As soon as he sat beside me, I took the beanie into my fingers and pulled it off of his head. Rather forcefully, I ran my fingers through his hair, and he looked at me quizzically.

  “It’s all wrong. You’re not a hipster. I kind of hate it,” I scoffed.

  “No? Not your thing?” he smirked. “I thought I looked pretty great.”

  His eyes were playful and my nerves for what was to happen tonight faded away just a little bit.

  “Definitely not,” I replied, unable to stop myself from giggling as he pulled up the plaid flannel hoodie and I shook my head.

  “You sure? Why not, bro?”

  “Absolutely not,” I smirked.

  “You always take my breath away when you smile,” he said, and his compliment threw me off guard. My face heated almost immediately, and his smile grew even bigger.

  “You could never hide that from me, little girl.” I cocked my head in confusion.

  “Hide what?”

  “Whenever I give you a compliment that you don’t expect, you blush so very prettily for me,” he explained, and I could have sworn it made me flush even more.

  I needed to change the subject before the throbbing in my pussy swept over the rest of me. If things kept going like this, I would beg him to fuck me right here.

  “Why go this way? Wouldn’t it just have been easier to leave through the front door?”

  “Leaving this way is safer,” he clarified. “There are no cameras in the back of the building, and I was careful to guide you through the building so that you weren’t seen. To the Fixer, it will be as though you disappeared without a trace. Right now, she probably thinks you’re safely with Salvador, tasting wine and enjoying his company in the privacy of his ostentatious study.”

  “She’s probably back in the hotel suite, waiting for me to return. But she may not expect me to come back tonight,” I added.

  “You said her name was Janet. Did she ever give you a last name?”

  “No,” I answered.

  “That’s fine. I’ll be able to capture her face through the multitude of cameras I’ve installed in that hotel,” he replied.

  “You’ve installed?”

  He already knew what hotel I was staying at. That shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did.

  “I’ve known where you were since you stepped into my hotel, little girl. It was simply a matter of time until you were alone so that I could take you back,” he answered.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  “I started running her face through my facial recognition software a few days ago once I realized that she was with you. I didn’t like that she never left your side. I especially didn’t like the way she was looking at you like you were something beneath her,” he scowled. “Now that I have a first name, it will speed up the process a great deal.”

  “Is that how you found me?” I asked.

  “I have access to a great many resources, little girl. I modified the facial recognition software that I wrote myself and called in a great many favors to lift the restrictions that had limited me before. It was simply a matter of time until I found you again.”

  His fingers curled around mine. I thought I had known this man, but I didn’t. There was so much more to him than I could have ever guessed. I reached for him, wanting to feel my hands against him. My fingertips brushed against the collar of his shirt, just playing with the hair on his chest and that comforted me.

  “Who are you?” I asked. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know the real him.

  “A long time ago, I worked for a special unit in the FBI focused on domestic crime. Through my work, I made a great number of connections that afforded me a great deal of power. I wrote programs that innovated the way we found and took down criminals and that also granted me a quite a bit of capital,” he began.

  How had I missed that? I swallowed my questions, wanting him to continue more than I wanted to ask them.

  “Your face popped up on a number of inquiries through our data mining systems. You were spotted with a number of wealthy men. Although you have no social media to speak of, your face still pops up all over the place in wedding pictures on the internet. It was trackable, at least temporarily. In order to learn more, we started following the financial accounts of the men you showed interest in and began to notice a pattern,” he explained.

  My blood ran cold.

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since well before you ever set your sights on me, little girl,” he answered. A tiny squeak escaped me.

  “I have no idea how I could have missed something like this,” I gasped. “I mean, you’re FBI. How could even the family’s connections have missed this? They’ve killed people for lesser mistakes.” I couldn’t hide the horror in my voice.

  “I used to be FBI,” he said, and I lifted my eyes to meet his.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “The task force I was a part of was working on exposing the ring of people around you that allowed you to do what you do. At first, we just watched you and were convinced that it was just you on your own. As you moved around the country, though, we soon realized that it was impossible to accomplish what you’ve done all by yourself. There were pictures that we tracked down of you in wedding dresses walking down the aisle that would disappear soon after they were taken. Every time you assumed a new identity, the paperwork trail was pristine. Whoever created those names for you created a life that went with it, not just a social security number and a driver’s license. It was astounding. It was a real operation that took a lot of planning and a lot of time,” he explained, and he said it like there was a part of him that was proud of me for it.

  I remained quiet. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

  “I volunteered to go undercover and see your process firsthand. On paper, you were a job. Once I met you in person though, you were something else entirely,” he said softly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “From the time I first laid eyes on you, little girl, I decided that you were mine,” he replied.

  “How could you say that when you knew what I was doing the whole time? When you knew I was nothing more than a criminal?”

  “I’ve studied you for a long time. You’re very good at what you do, little girl, but you’ve never been able to hide how you feel from me. When you stood at the altar, there was a certain sadness in your eyes that was unmistakable. The way your fingers clutched at me time and time again with an intensity you didn’t mean to reveal. The way you made love to me on our wedding night,” he continued. “I knew, little girl.”

  My mouth opened and closed in blatant shock. This wasn’t possible. I would have seen the signs. I know how to read people. I know how to gauge what their feeling from their body language alone.

  This man had outplayed me.

  I felt like I should have been angry, but I couldn’t bring myself to be. For some insane reason, his admission comforted me. It made me feel safer and even more secure than ever before.

  “You knew about the family the whole time,” I whispered.

  “I did.”

  “I didn’t run away from you to hurt you. I only ran the second time to keep the both of us safe. Once they realized that I’ve been compromised, they will come to kill us both. I wanted you to live even if I had to die. That’s all I wanted,” I exclaimed fearfully. I wanted him to understand. I was desperate for him to know that I hadn’t done it to hurt him. I’d only done it to save him because I loved him.

  “I know, little girl. Daddy isn’t upset with you,” he whispered, and he pulled my body flush against his. He surrounded me with those strong arms and words no longer carried any meaning. He said everything with the wa
y he held me, and his fingers clutched at me so tightly that it felt like he was almost afraid to let me go. Like he would refuse to let me go even if I pulled away.

  “You’re so strong, little girl, and that makes me so proud of you,” he whispered, and he pressed his lips to the back of my head with a soft kiss.

  And just like that, my heart melted into a puddle and every last wall I’d put up to protect myself from love crumbled away into dust. He’d broken his way inside me, and I knew from then on that I would never be the same.

  For a while, he just held me as the car drove along the roads of Lisbon, and I listened to the gentle beat of his heart against my ear. I closed my eyes and relished the safety of his arms surrounding me. I was lost in just the feeling of me and him for a long time and when the car finally pulled to a stop, I opened my eyes almost as if I were coming out of a fog.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “At my Lisbon house,” he answered.

  “How many houses do you have?”

  “Honestly, I stopped keeping count once I bought my tenth one,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Very cocky, Daddy,” I muttered, unable to stop myself from laughing a little at his admission.

  “Very sassy, little girl,” he chuckled darkly, and my pussy clenched down hard in response. His tone had dropped several decibels and at once, I knew it was no longer time for light conversation.

  “Did you forget what’s going to happen when we go inside?”

  A nervous cry fell from my lips. I hadn’t, but my nerves had faded at least for a little while.

  “No, Daddy,” I whimpered.

  I sat there next to him, feeling tense and scattered and uncertain and the moment his hands brushed gently against my shoulders, I felt settled once again.


  I felt like I could breathe when he touched me. It was as if his touch allowed me to be myself for the very first time in my life and that was something so incredibly wonderful that I embraced it with all of my heart.

  “Everything is going to be okay. Daddy will take care of you no matter what,” he said in my ear, his voice unwavering. “You know that, don’t you, little girl?”


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