Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1)

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Wicked Gods: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 1) Page 26

by Michelle Hercules

  “Where do you think you’re going, Norm?” Drusilla asks, venom dripping from her voice.

  Cherise and Renata are both wearing the ugliest grins on their faces, and the small crowd lining the hallway is watching the entire scene with similar cruel expressions.

  “Take a wild guess,” I reply sarcastically.

  Drusilla’s expression twists into a scowl. “I don’t like your tone, filthy whore. It seems you haven’t learned your lesson yet.”

  Fuck. She’s going to make me do something horrible with her compulsion powers. My entire body is tense. I switch my attention to the security cameras mounted strategically high on the walls. Drusilla notices my stare and laughs.

  “If you’re waiting for the cavalry to arrive and save you, you can think again. I took extra precautions. Principal Fallon isn’t coming to save you. Kneel!”

  I reach for my dagger, pulling it out from my waistband just in time before Drusilla uses her gift on me. Her command is too strong, and I can’t fight the compulsion. My knees fold and I drop to the floor. Trapped like that, I push the dagger up my sleeve, keeping it hidden there.

  “Now, what should I have you do first?” She places her index finger against her lips and pretends to ponder.

  “Make her strip naked,” a guy says from my right. His comment is followed by whistles and shouts of agreement.

  Drusilla glares at him. “I’m not here to cater to your disgusting tastes.”

  “Dru, let me play with her for a little bit. Payback for getting me in trouble with Principal Fallon,” Cherise says.

  “You got there all on your own, stupid bitch,” I retort.

  Drusilla turns to me with ire shooting from her eyes. “Shut up, filthy Norm.” She snaps her fingers and my lips shut, as if they were sealed by her powers. I can’t speak, which means I can’t yell for help.

  Nice going, Daisy. Well, at least I still have my dagger and the ability to move my arms.

  “Fine,” Drusilla replies to her friend’s request.

  Cherise’s smirk blossoms into a wicked, chilling smile. She moves toward the nearest water fountain, and with a swishing movement of her arms, she creates a water spout and aims the jet toward me. All I’m able to do is widen my eyes before a sphere of water envelopes my head, cutting off my oxygen supply. Bubbles form in my vision as I slowly drown in front of all these people.

  I can hear the crowd laughing and cheering despite the water around my head distorting the sound. So this is how I’m going to go. Death by drowning on dry land.

  Suddenly, someone lets out an enraged battle cry. Toby comes running down the hallway and tackles Cherise to the ground before anyone can stop him. The water helmet breaks and I tumble forward, bracing my left hand against the wet floor as I gasp for air.

  “Get off me, asshole.” Cherise struggles under Toby’s weight.

  Drusilla whirls toward her friend, and the compulsion keeping me glued to the floor vanishes. I stagger back to my feet, pulling the dagger from its hiding spot. Cherise tried to kill me once. I’m not letting it happen again.

  Renata, the second minion, yanks Toby off her friend. He lets out a cry of pain. The girl’s hold on his arm is so viciously tight that his legs buckle. A second later, there’s the sound of bone snapping, and Toby cries out louder than before. The bitch just broke my friend’s arm.

  She drops a tear-streaked Toby to the ground as if he were a broken toy. The scene snaps the last bands of constraint I had left. Filled with rage, I charge, dagger poised to strike. Renata turns to me as my arm descends in an arc, aimed at her fucking dead heart. But before the pointy end connects with her, I’m hurled in the opposite direction by a force equal to a hurricane. I hit the metal lockers at the end of the hallway with a loud bang before dropping to the ground sans dagger. My head is throbbing from the impact, and my vision is fuzzy for a second.

  When my sight clears, I see that the Idol responsible for my unwanted flight was not a student but a teacher. With his arms raised, he walks toward me. I don’t know his name, but I’ve seen him before with Principal Fallon.

  Using his gift, he lifts me off the ground. “You’ve caused enough trouble, Norm. It’s time for you to say goodbye.”

  In the blink of an eye, he sends me flying out of the window. Shards of broken glass pierce my skin, but the pain doesn’t compare to when I hit the ground. Every single bone in my body seems to be broken, and the pain is so excruciating that I can’t even bring myself to scream.

  The bitter copper taste of blood fills my mouth.

  I hear someone call my name, but the loud buzzing in my ears makes it impossible to recognize the voice. Maybe I imagined it.

  Staring at the blue sky, I know the end is near when dark spots appear in my line of vision. I think about Rosie, how devastated she’ll be when she learns about my death. She’s the only regret I have in this miserable life, the only reason tears roll down my bloody face.

  I’m so sorry, Rosie.



  My kidnappers brought me to a small room with concrete walls on all sides. No windows, only one door. The bright lightbulb dangling from the ceiling is the only source of illumination. I’m strapped to a chair with my hands bound behind my back. I don’t know what kind of material they used to bind me, but I can’t break free, nor can I tap into my powers. Which begs the question: Who are these people?

  They’re Idols, that much I could tell. And their leader was a powerful one. Level fourteen or fifteen for sure. A fact that pisses me off even more. I could obliterate those assholes easily if it weren’t for these damn vines. I’ve never heard of anything on this Earth that could strip an Idol of their powers like this.

  I have no idea how long I’ve been held captive, but if the numbness in my hands and legs is any indication, definitely more than twenty-four hours. I had to piss in my pants since no one came to let me use the bathroom. They’ve only come in once to deliver water and a granola bar, which they fed me like I was a baby. The fucking snack made me think about Daisy, and the yearning hit me hard.

  Finally, the door opens and in comes the long-haired guy, the leader of this operation. He steps into the halo formed by the light, and I can see his face clearly now. The scruff on his jaw is gone. Sharp and intelligent silver eyes stare at me. He’s dressed in a three-piece suit instead of the all-black ensemble from before, and his long hair is in a ponytail.

  “How are you doing this morning, Bryce Kent?” he asks.

  “Fucking wonderful,” I spit back. “Who are you, and what do you want with me?”

  The guy begins to pace in front of me with his hands linked behind his back. “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On whether I believe you can be of assistance to our cause.”

  “And what cause is that?”

  He whirls around with a smirk on his lips. The light reflects on the metal pin on the lapel of his jacket. I see it then, the insignia of the Knights—a knight mounted on his horse, carrying a spear. I should’ve guessed sooner.

  I let out a derisive laugh. “You want me become a Knight? Do you know who I am?”

  The guy’s smile broadens. “Of course we know who you are, who your parents are. And most importantly, we know of your involvement with Daisy Rodale.”

  “Rodale? I thought her last name was Woods.”

  “Yes, she’s going by that name now.”

  What could the Knights possibly want with Daisy? I fear they don’t have the best intentions in regards to her, and that makes my chest incredibly heavy with worry. I strain against my bindings, ignoring the bite of the vines against my skin.

  “Struggling is futile. You’re only getting out of that chair when I decide it’s time.”

  “People will be looking for me.”

  “You’ve been gone for over forty-eight hours already and no one has noticed your absence.” The guy shrugs.

  Fuck. My idiotic brother and my roommates wouldn’t think much of my d
isappearance until I didn’t come to class.

  “But don’t worry, we don’t plan to keep you for much longer.”

  “I’m not going to join your group of traitors if that’s what you’re hoping to gain.”

  The man makes a tsking sound as he shakes his head. “We’re not offering membership, at least not right now. Let’s see how things go first.”

  “What things? What the fuck do you want from me?”

  Frustration is making my blood boil, and being trapped like a useless Norm isn’t helping my case.

  The Knight narrows his eyes and clamps his jaw shut. He doesn’t speak for several beats, no doubt only to torture me.

  “There were certain things that needed to be put in motion, and your presence would compromise those events,” he finally replies.

  “What events?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “You’ll find out soon enough. But you’d better hurry, kid, or your precious Norm will meet a fate she won’t be able to escape from.”

  He whirls around and exits the room, but he leaves the door wide open. A minute later, the bindings keeping me trapped slacken and then drop to the floor. I bolt out of my chair, but because I’ve been in the same position for so long, I can only stagger forward, unable to control my legs. I lean against the wall while tiny needles prickle my skin as the sensation returns, but I only rest for a couple of seconds before I leave my prison. I’m at the end of a hallway and there’s only one way to go, toward the streaming light.

  It leads to freedom. I find myself in the middle of a forest; the place I was held captive was a cabin. There’s no sign of the Knight or his accomplices, but my SUV is parked right out front. There’s a dent on the front bumper, but the damage seems minimal.

  I run toward it while the Knight’s final words to me keep replaying in my head. If Daisy’s in danger, I have to return to campus right away.

  Behind the steering wheel, I let out a relieved sigh when the engine roars to life. I put the pedal to the metal and drive off on the dirt road, ignoring the damage I’m doing to my car. My phone is where I left it, and by some miracle, it still has a little bit of battery life.

  I see all the missed calls from Rufio and Phoenix and panic. Shit. They were all from earlier this morning, between four and six. What the hell happened?

  I call Rufio back, and on the fourth ring, he answers.

  “Bryce, where the fuck were you? We’ve been calling nonstop.”

  “I can’t explain right now. What’s going on? Where’s Daisy?”

  There’s a long pause before my brother finally answers. “Shit, man. A lot’s happened. You picked the wrong weekend to disappear.”

  “Just answer the question already. Is Daisy all right?”

  “I don’t know. But listen, Bryce. You have to get back to school as soon as you can. Shit happened last Saturday, and Daisy isn’t safe.”

  My stomach coils tightly. “Why aren’t you in school?”

  “Morpheus got really sick, and we had to bring him to his mother.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “We still don’t know. But don’t worry about Morpheus. Phoenix and I got this. You need to check on Daisy.”

  There’s desperation in Rufio’s voice, which means he’s not joking. He’s also extremely worried about a girl who, not too long ago, he was keen on destroying.

  The call gets caught off suddenly. The black screen tells me my phone just died. Great. Fucking great.

  I turn off the dirt road in the next second. Once I’m back on the main road, I get my bearings. This is the spot I got cut off by the Knights. That means I’m only ten minutes away from school. I press down on the gas pedal. I can make it back in five.

  The entire world outside becomes a blur. I pass cars on the road like a maniac. The dashboard tells me I’m already going as fast as my car allows, but it’s still not fast enough. Some terrible feeling has taken hold of me, a great sense of doom.

  Energy coils around my arms and hands, spreading over the steering wheel and then vanishing through the dashboard. The engine roars louder than before. The speed monitor shows the SUV is going faster than possible. Somehow, I’m giving more juice to the machine.

  The gate to Gifted Academy finally looms on the horizon. With a flick of my hand, I force it open. It’s either that or crash through it. I drive straight to the main building where classes are held. But before I reach the main doors, I catch someone flying out of the third-floor window on the north side.


  I press on the brakes and the car screeches to a halt. The smell of burnt rubber reaches my nose as I jump out of the car.

  “Daisy!” I yell.

  No, no, no. I’m too late.

  I run at breakneck speed and reach her only a few seconds after she crashed against solid ground. Her body is completely mangled. Her right leg is twisted at an odd angle, the bone exposed. Shards of glass have cut her arms, torso, legs, and face.

  I drop to my knees, afraid to touch her. “Daisy, talk to me.”

  “Bryce. It hurts… so… much.” She shudders and her eyelids partially close. “Make it stop,” she whispers in a tiny voice.

  My heart breaks, then shatters completely, and something strange happens to my eyes. They start to burn, and then moisture runs down my cheeks. I’m crying.

  I cup her cheek with care, afraid to hurt her more. “I’m sorry, Daisy. I should’ve stopped them.”

  She closes her eyes. Her breathing stops.

  “No! You can’t die!”

  Not knowing what else to do, I begin to pump her chest and breathe into her mouth. Desperation mingles with my powers. White-hot energy swirls inside of my core and then expands until it covers not only my body but hers. A ball of light envelopes us both. I didn’t consciously summon it, but I’m too busy to worry about it. I have to save Daisy.

  I hear a sharp intake of breath from her and then feel the touch of her hand on my arm. I pull back from her mouth and see that, even with all the brightness around us, her eyes are open. Not only that, the cuts on her faces have healed completely, leaving not even the faintest scar behind.

  My eyes run down the rest of her body. She’s healed. One hundred percent healed. I never knew I could do that.

  “Bryce? What happened?”

  Too overwhelmed to answer, I do the first thing that crosses my mind—I capture Daisy’s face in my hands and kiss her passionately without reservations, without ulterior motives. She told me to never touch her again, but to hell with that. She returns the kiss with just as much eagerness, increasing my hunger for her. She tastes like the sweetest nectar, like the force of life. My heart is beating as if it were a deranged machine, loud and chaotic.

  I pull her into my arms, cradling her body close to my chest. She’s so small and fragile, but she’s the strongest person I know. I can’t believe it took me this long to realize how important she was to me.

  I ease off the kiss to look into her eyes. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again, Daisy. I promise.”

  Her eyes shine brighter as they search for the truth in my gaze. After a moment, she cups my cheek and then brings her lips to mine again. I lose track of time as I savor her lips like I want to drown in her. It’s not until I hear voices in the background that I break the kiss and look over my shoulder.

  A small gathering of spectators has formed near us, and my mother is at the front of it. Our stares lock, and for a split second, I see the glint of satisfaction shining in her eyes. The knowledge doesn’t comfort me. On the contrary, it fills my soul with dread. Somehow, I did exactly what she wanted, and I don’t need Morpheus’s gift to know it won’t bode well for anyone close to me, especially Daisy.

  I hold Daisy tighter. I meant what I said to her. I won’t let anyone hurt her again, even if that person is my own mother.

  *** To Be Continued ***


  Also by Michelle Hercules

bsp; Ruthless Idols (Gifted Academy #2)

  Lost Horizon (Oz in Space #1)

  Magic Void (Oz in Space #2)

  Crossing Time

  Savage Dawn

  Red’s Alphas (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #1)

  Wolf’s Calling (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #2)

  Pack’s Queen (Wolves of Crimson Hollow #3)

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would become an author. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first novel, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.

  Michelle Hercules resides in The Netherlands with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Crimson Hollow series and the Oz in Space series.

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