A Flight of Fancy (Scottish Island Escapes Book 6)

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A Flight of Fancy (Scottish Island Escapes Book 6) Page 4

by Margaret Amatt

  The weight lifted. Taylor lay prone, managing to raise her hand to her nose. Was it broken? Was anything broken? Could she move? Hundreds of questions and thoughts splashed through her mind, but she didn’t budge. Her vision rested on several pairs of shoes. Was she being arrested? Had they sent a hit squad to find her? Whatever was going on, it was easier to lie here, wishing the world would disappear.

  ‘Hey, are you ok?’ said a man’s voice.

  ‘I don’t know.’ Taylor stayed put. So what if it was cold and uncomfortable? Maybe they’d pick her up and bundle her into a squad car… or an ambulance. Would they take her back to rehab? Lock her in therapy for months on end? Send her to a commune? Maybe a nunnery?

  ‘Can you move at all?’ the man spoke again. He sounded concerned.

  ‘Possibly.’ With short, jerky movements, Taylor pushed her palm on the ground in a bid to get up. Was there anyone who could just hold her, kiss her better and tell her everything would be ok? Even her mom had never done that.

  ‘Is anything hurt?’

  ‘Everything,’ said Taylor, gingerly pushing herself into a sitting position and wincing with a short cry.

  ‘Jeez, I’m really sorry,’ said the man. ‘I thought you’d walked on. I heard someone shouting behind me and I turned round. Next thing I knew, I was lying on top of you. I’m so sorry.’

  So, not a pursuer then.

  ‘My wheel jammed, I stopped. I guess I shouldn’t have.’ She rubbed the side of her face. ‘It’s like the oldest piece of advice in the book, don’t stop at the bottom of an escalator.’ Taylor didn’t look at the man. She couldn’t. The embarrassment of the situation had started to kick in. What idiot would sit at the bottom of an escalator? People skirted around the edge of them. Quite right. Steer clear of this madwoman.

  ‘No need to stare, I’ve got this,’ said the man in a commanding tone, and the feet bustled away. ‘If you can move,’ he continued, ‘it might be a good idea to stand up. We’re causing a bit of a hazard. I don’t want to make it any worse.’

  ‘Yeah, I can move,’ said Taylor. The pains erupting all over were a welcome change to the constant throb in her head and her heart. Finally, she raised her gaze to the man kneeling beside her, and her eyes widened. Crap! Not just any man, but a man in a black uniform with a tie, badges and wings. I didn’t just trip up a passer-by, I tripped up an airline pilot. And, oh my god. Her jaw dropped and she stared into his clear sea-blue eyes. It couldn’t be. Really couldn’t be. Coincidences be damned! This was impossible. Hallucinations had been part and parcel of her life on the hard stuff, but she was clean and had been for a long time… This had to be real. She frowned. Was this the same guy she’d met on her twenty-first birthday? The one she’d felt a bizarre connection to until Skylar had spotted him ‘giving her too much attention’. It had earned her a night locked in her room while Skylar did all the cake cutting and celebrating. Skylar had convinced her parents Taylor was ‘out pretending to be me again’. But Taylor had escaped her room later, only to discover Skylar stuck to this guy’s lips. Now the same scenario was playing out with Alex.

  ‘Are you…?’ Taylor stopped. He’d never told her his name, but Skylar had crowed about her kiss with ‘Handsome Hansen’ for weeks, knowing full well Taylor had spoken to him before Skylar got her claws into him. Taylor had played nonchalant, but the twin bond had been strong enough for Skylar to read Taylor’s attraction, not to mention the way he’d been sitting with his hand on hers – and the way he’d looked into her eyes, kind of like he was doing now. Skylar had made it her mission to either separate them or steal him – as she always did.

  ‘Am I what?’ His brow furrowed but his stare pierced to her core.

  ‘Handsome Hansen?’ she mumbled.

  ‘Jesus Christ,’ he said, running his fingers through the blond waves atop his head. ‘Is it you? Skylar?’

  Taylor pressed her fingers to her throat. Wow. Even in this state, she resembled Skylar enough to fool him. He stared at her, his gaze roving across her face. Could he see in her eyes she was someone else? Not the woman he’d kissed? Taylor flushed. ‘You remember me?’ The words tumbled out and she savoured his growing smile. Now was the time to own up. I’m Taylor, the twin no one has heard of. She could remind him they’d met before. She’d wanted to tell him back then, but fear had blocked her brain, as it was doing now. Her chest burned when she remembered what Skylar was up to. Not only that, but all the things Skylar had done in the past. A conveyor belt of injustices at her sister’s hands rolled by, taunting her with opportunities missed – or snatched away. It was Skylar he’d ended up kissing, not her. And it had looked very much like he’d enjoyed it. She’d managed a brief chat, while her sister had got the kiss, and who knew what else. An idea caught fire and she couldn’t stamp it out.

  Skylar’s greatest fear was Taylor impersonating her and ruining her career. Taylor had sworn she wouldn’t. But what about her personal life? A delicious opportunity for revenge sat up, waiting to be knocked down the fairway, and Taylor was ready. Distant words a therapist had once said wafted around: You may feel like doing something but that doesn’t mean you have to act on it. But how could she not? This was too perfect.

  ‘I don’t think I’d have recognised you if you hadn’t called me that silly name, but Magnus will do. I don’t generally answer to “handsome”.’

  Taylor examined the floor and blinked.

  ‘You look so different,’ he continued. ‘But then…’

  ‘This is me incognito.’

  ‘Here.’ Magnus took her by the arm and helped her to her feet. A jolt of pleasure ran through her at his touch, like something she’d wanted forever, and it was finally hers. ‘I’m sorry I knocked you over, but what a coincidence. Let’s move out the way of this thing.’ He guided her away from the escalator towards a coffee bar, his hand grazing her back. ‘I’ll get you a coffee.’ He checked his watch. ‘I can’t hang about.’

  Taylor’s heart plummeted. Of course he couldn’t. What did she expect? Rekindling a love affair from five years ago wasn’t going to happen in a few seconds. It had been a fling and probably not something he wanted to repeat; Skylar was a maneater. She glanced over her shoulder, remembering what she’d been doing before the crash. Where was Liesel?

  ‘I, er…’ Taylor took a long, shuddering breath. ‘I can’t either. I’m in a rush.’

  ‘No bother, but are you sure you’re ok? I hope you’re not too badly bruised.’

  Her bones felt shaken but not irrevocably. Magnus bounced on his toes and smiled. Shit, he was good looking. He always had been. Now, he was a bit more rugged, and a lot more gorgeous. The black blazer set off his pale skin and fair hair. His tall, lean figure stood out in the crowd of passers-by. Taylor closed her mouth.

  ‘So…’ he said. ‘Do you think you’ll be ok?’

  ‘I think so.’ She peered around, and when she looked back, Magnus was frowning.

  ‘Where is everybody?’


  ‘You never travel alone, do you? When I worked for Courtney Hines, she didn’t go anywhere without an entourage. Where’s the bodyguard? The PA?’

  ‘Oh… This is private.’

  ‘Really? I didn’t think you did private. It’s not exactly my business, but are you in some kind of trouble?’

  ‘Yeah.’ Taylor pressed her lips together. ‘I am in a bit of trouble. In fact, please don’t say anything to anyone, but I’m kind of running away.’

  Magnus frowned and let out an uncertain laugh. ‘Running away? From what?’

  ‘You know how my life is. I need space. I’m taking a vacation.’

  ‘Here?’ He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

  ‘I’m scouting for a shoot. So… I need to get to the city centre, I guess.’

  ‘You guess? What happened to all your PAs?’

  ‘I’m travelling alone, and I need to make a move… in case people recognise me, you know?’ She wasn’t sure if Skylar was as big a name in Britain
but she was pretty sure her sister would expect everyone everywhere to recognise her.

  ‘Right.’ Magnus checked his watch. ‘I should get going, but I could give you a lift to the city centre if you like.’

  ‘Oh. Aren’t you flying?’

  ‘No, I’m done for the day. I’m heading home.’

  ‘Awesome, sure. I’d love a ride. I’ll come straight away.’ She followed Magnus outside into the pale late February sunshine. ‘Wow, it’s cold.’

  ‘Bracing.’ He grinned, and Taylor melted.

  Sheesh, what an easy gal I am. One grin and I turn to goo. ‘What’s the hurry if you’re heading home?’

  ‘Because I’ve got a trip to make. I’m picking some things up on the way.’ They reached the staff parking area and Magnus zapped open a flashy silver sports car.

  ‘Will my case fit in that? Does it even have a trunk?’

  ‘It’s deceptively big,’ said Magnus. ‘You get in, and I’ll sort your case… Eh, other side, unless you want to drive.’

  ‘Oh, hell.’ Taylor pivoted and made her way to the left side of the car. Inside, she ran her fingertips over the plush cream leather seats. Skylar would love this. She wouldn’t wait two seconds. He’d get in the car and she’d start the make-out session; if they even made it back to his apartment, she’d already have screwed him at least twice. Stopping to find out if he was still single wouldn’t even cross her mind if he was willing.

  Taylor didn’t know where to start. She’d only had the nerve to go with guys when she was stoned and those days were condemned to her deepest, darkest past. Communicating with guys online was enough for now. Alex was the latest. She’d dared cross the line and agreed to meet and look at how that had played out. The trunk slammed.

  They were aiming for the city centre, but what then? Should she attempt to get to Skylar’s hotel or go somewhere on her own? She’d given Liesel the slip, and she was free, but not alone.

  Chapter 6


  If this wasn’t surreal, Magnus didn’t know what was. Skylar Rousse was in his car. He climbed into the driver’s seat and caught her smiling at him. He returned it before reversing out and racing towards the motorway. Could anything top that weirdest of weird moments all those years ago when he’d kissed her? Anything other than her being here right now?

  After leaving Courtney’s employ, Magnus hadn’t kept in touch with the celebrity world. Skylar’s movies weren’t exactly his thing, too much glitter, lip gloss and girl talk. But he remembered hearing at least once that Skylar had gone into rehab. Was this the result? He glanced at her as they whizzed down the slip road. She’d let go completely. Since when did she travel alone? Have her hair anything less than salon perfect? Not wear heels? Leave her room without make-up? It was a miracle he’d recognised her. Even now, the struggle was real.

  ‘So… You’re going on a trip,’ she said. ‘Does that mean you’re coming back to the airport after?’

  ‘No, a road trip. I’m going back home. My brother’s getting married.’

  ‘Oh, wow. That’s neat. Are you a groomsman?’

  ‘Best man.’

  ‘Cool. And is it far away?’

  ‘Relatively speaking, no. But it’s quite a drive. It’s on an island in the Hebrides called Mull.’

  ‘An island? That sounds awesome.’

  ‘Yeah, it’s a beautiful place.’

  ‘Wow. I’ve never been anywhere like that. How long will it take you to get there?’

  ‘A few hours. At this time of year, the ferries don’t run late, so I should crack on. I don’t fancy a night in a hotel.’

  ‘It sounds idyllic. And are you going on your own?’

  ‘Yup, just me.’ The words turned him cold. Just me. The oldest and singlest of the three brothers. How would his mum take it? After what he’d stupidly told her during their last phone call, she would be severely disappointed – again.

  ‘I thought you’d be married by now.’

  ‘Ha, yeah.’ There it was, what everyone thought. ‘I’m not exactly the marrying type.’


  ‘No. You know what I’m like.’ The kind of guy who kisses random women in nightclubs.

  ‘People change.’

  They sure did, and the change in Skylar was the most astonishing thing he’d seen in a long time. Even her talk was so much more chilled. Where was the diva? Why hadn’t she screamed or had a tantrum when he’d bumped into her? Then he remembered when they’d first met. How she’d seemed quiet and sweet. A few hours later, she’d hit him like a steam train and he’d convinced himself she’d put on one hell of a show at being genuine that afternoon, but maybe not.

  ‘Where would you like me to drop you?’ he asked.

  ‘How about near your apartment? Are there hotels nearby?’

  ‘Quite a few.’ He whizzed into the outside lane, swooping past a line of trucks. ‘But wait... You haven’t booked a hotel?’

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘What’s got into you? Sorry, but this seems mad. Are you sure you’re ok?’ Had she escaped from an institution? Maybe she should still be in rehab.

  ‘Perfectly. I’m taking time away from the craziness of my life. And ok, I admit I’m not organised. I’m used to everything being done for me, but I can handle it.’ She pulled in a deep breath and rubbed her palm down her thigh.

  ‘Ok. How about I give you some hotel names near my apartment and you can look them up.’

  ‘Is it a good area?’

  ‘Yeah. It’s on the riverside.’

  ‘Sounds great.’

  ‘If I was feeling brave, I’d let you use my apartment. I won’t be there all week, but…’ He glanced at her. Damn, should have kept that thought to myself. He didn’t know her. They’d had a briefer than brief kiss and he’d occasionally bumped into her afterwards. But with her reputation, he couldn’t guess what she might do. His brows drew together. The girl sitting beside him didn’t seem to belong to that reputation. She was the gentle, sweet one he wanted to hug and let her know everything was fine.

  ‘You don’t think you can trust me?’

  ‘Something like that’

  ‘I don’t blame you; Skylar Rousse is possibly the most untrustworthy person alive.’

  Magnus let out a laugh and tapped the steering wheel. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh but—’

  ‘No, you don’t have to explain. I’m not in the least offended.’

  He narrowed his eyes. What was going on here? He wouldn’t be sticking around long enough to find out, despite the curiosity bubbling in his chest. ‘We’ll be there in five minutes. So, hotel-wise, there’s the Radisson RED and the Hilton Garden Inn. You could check them out.’

  ‘Ok, thanks.’

  Her stare was unnerving, but maybe she was as surprised as him to have run slap-bang into someone so unlikely. If he hadn’t been steering, he’d have looked back; she was calling to him without words. He sped across the Kingston Bridge and took the off-ramp onto the riverside, joining a queue of traffic. He used the time to reel off the names of more hotels close to his apartment, and Skylar put them into her phone. They passed the SEC Armadillo, and onward, he turned up a side street and zapped open the heavy gate to the parking area for his apartment. ‘I’ll get your case out.’

  ‘Could I have a look at your apartment?’

  Magnus chewed the inside of his lip, recalling how she’d jumped him on the balcony in LA. But that look. If she kept that up who knew what he might agree to.

  ‘It’s ok if you don’t want me to. I’m just nosey.’

  ‘You can, but I’m literally grabbing my cases and leaving.’

  She beamed and followed him into the lift. As he pushed the button, he caught her eye and inhaled sharply, compressing his lips like a stopper. Nothing could happen here. Surely she was savvy enough to work that out. But was he?

  With a ping, the lift stopped, and Magnus thumped the button. He turned right along the short, carpeted hallway to his apartment with Sk
ylar hot on his heels. The key clinked in the lock and he pushed open the door.

  ‘This place is so neat.’ Skylar browsed the open-plan living area on the ground floor of the duplex. Wall-to-wall windows provided a splendid view of the River Clyde and its bridges.

  ‘You think? It’s nothing like the places you’re used to.’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know.’ Her eyes roamed around, landing on the baby grand. ‘Can you play that?’

  ‘I can, but we don’t have time for a recital.’

  ‘Wow, I didn’t realise.’

  ‘We didn’t exactly talk before. And some things are best not discussed in the company of a world-famous movie star, especially one who’s featured in musicals.’

  Skylar laughed and shook her head. ‘Yeah, but it’s all fake. Don’t you know how much technology it takes to make Sky— my voice sound good?’

  ‘Really? If you say so. Now, I need to get changed.’

  He nipped up the open stairs to the mezzanine floor, through the kitchen dining area and into his room. Everything was laid out, ready to collect, put on and get out. He hadn’t expected to return with Skylar Rousse in tow. ‘This is nuts,’ he murmured as he pulled on a chunky knit sweater. After a quick check in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, he dashed back downstairs.

  The power of her stare slapped him as his feet hit the polished wood flooring. Everything about this muted down version of Skylar was appealing in the most inexplicable way. She quirked a grin at him, then the piano, and shook her head as if she didn’t believe he could play it.

  ‘Ok, here’s a quick one for you to remember me by.’ He flipped open the piano lid, slipped onto the stool, laced his fingers together and flexed them. Rising to a challenge was something he never shied away from. He placed his hands on the keys and struck a few chords.

  As the tune came together, Skylar laughed. ‘Seriously? Is that “Any Dream Will Do”?’


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