A Flight of Fancy (Scottish Island Escapes Book 6)

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A Flight of Fancy (Scottish Island Escapes Book 6) Page 18

by Margaret Amatt

  Taylor shifted in her seat. She looked enough like her; Skylar just didn’t want to see it. ‘I do enough of your shitty stuff already.’

  ‘You have no idea how easy your life is,’ said Skylar.

  ‘Seriously? Anyway, I thought impersonating you was a criminal offence these days.’

  ‘Girls, don’t start,’ said their father.

  ‘Well, she doesn’t have a clue,’ said Skylar. ‘All she does is mess around on that iPad, lives on my money and gets the best of everything without having to do anything.’

  Taylor flashed her the daggers. ‘If I do nothing, then I’ll quit.’

  ‘Empty words,’ said Skylar. ‘You’re the leach twin. You can’t live without feeding off of me. And when things go wrong, you make up lie after lie.’

  ‘No… I don’t. You—’

  ‘That’s enough from both of you,’ said their father. ‘Now come on, Skylar, they’re waiting.’

  Two bodyguards flanked the outside doors of the limo as Skylar stepped out. Their father hopped across to the couch on the other side for a better view as she shook hands with the shelter owner.

  ‘Dad, I’m serious, I want to quit. I don’t want to do this anymore,’ said Taylor. ‘I’ll sign a disclaimer or whatever. I won’t impersonate Skylar, I swear.’

  ‘Look, honey.’ He barely took his eyes from the window. ‘I wish I could believe that. Trouble is, we can’t trust you. All these stories you’ve made up about your sister over the years, they’re not real. It’s all in your head. All of it. No one wanted to tell you and, even with the therapy, you don’t seem to have come any further forward. This all kicked off when you were fourteen and you missed getting the Girls get Gritty in the City part. I know it cut deep. After that, you were never the same.’

  ‘Dad, I told the truth about that. It’s not me making up the stories. I didn’t tell the producer I’d give up the part. It must have been Skylar dressed as me.’

  He gave her a sad smile and Taylor’s mouth fell open. He thought she was making it up, even now… Was she? Had she warped the memory in her favour? No. No. It was true!

  Her father’s focus returned to the window. Skylar was at the podium, smiling and gesticulating as she made her speech, looking like a Barbie doll version of Eva Peron.

  ‘You don’t believe me? The producer had already decided I could have that part. Skylar couldn’t stand it.’

  ‘Yeah, honey,’ her father replied. ‘We heard. But that’s not what happened. It was a long time ago. Let’s drop it. You’re a good girl and you’re good at these admin type things, so it all worked out for the best, didn’t it?’

  Taylor knew he didn’t require an answer. His gaze locked on Skylar and he smiled an indulgent smile, his white teeth sparkling and contrasting to his heavily tanned skin. Here was Taylor back in the cage, the padlock bigger than ever and the hope of escape non-existent.

  As she looked on from the limo window, her iPad pinged and she woke it to check the message. Her heart skipped a little when she saw Fenella’s picture. Even if it was just a new recipe she’d tried, or a photo of her dogs, it was like a little bit of gold dust to sprinkle on dull days.

  FENELLA: Hey! You won’t believe this. I’ve persuaded Magnus to come to LA. We’re all coming! I’ve always wanted to visit Hollywood and they’ve agreed to take me for my sixtieth! Magnus wasn’t keen, he thought it was a setup, and between you and me, it is a bit. As soon as I have concrete dates, I’ll let you know. I don’t want you to worry about it, but please meet us while we’re there.

  Taylor bit into her lower lip. She didn’t want Fenella wasting a once in a lifetime trip on her. No wonder Magnus was against a setup. What could she say that she hadn’t said already? Her crimes were unpardonable.

  Chapter 24


  Getting air miles wasn’t a problem. Getting annual leave only a little. But getting through to his mother that nothing she said would make him meet up with Taylor was impossible.

  Magnus’s connections helped him get the whole family on first class. As he took his seat, he gave a resigned huff at no one in particular, but the scene was all too familiar. His mum and dad in their booth together, checking out all the mod cons, Robyn and Carl getting comfy and making eyes at each other, and Livvi and Jakob settling little Polly with doting voices. Magnus crossed his ankles, checked his phone and twiddled his thumbs. He wouldn’t be the stick in the mud who spoiled his mum’s birthday treat, but he couldn’t help feeling he was missing out on so much. Watching these scenes for the next seven hours would be like watching a slow-motion film of his spleen being removed with a cheese knife.

  ‘This is wonderful,’ said Fenella, beaming at him.

  ‘Are you glad not to be piloting?’ asked a flight attendant.

  ‘I’m not sure.’ Magnus ran his hand down his cheek.

  ‘Just relax and enjoy it,’ she said. ‘Would you like a drink?’

  ‘Not yet, thanks.’ Flying and drinking didn’t marry in his mind, even when he didn’t have to worry about communication breakdowns, the angle of the sun or suspicious fuel smells in the cockpit. But it might help him blank out.

  He flipped on the air-con and lay back in his seat. The plane filled around them, mostly with businesspeople on laptops. Magnus rolled his head away and gazed at the tiny window. Fenella had done her best to convince him this was all for her benefit and, yes, she’d always wanted to visit Hollywood, but he wasn’t a fool. His mum was still in touch with Taylor, though she didn’t let on much about what they talked about, and he guessed his mum lived in hope of some reconciliation. Maybe Taylor did too. Deluded as ever then. She’d scammed him and the worst part was she’d made him care. Forgive and forget? No chance.


  After a reasonably uneventful flight, a quick changeover and a smooth landing at LAX, they made their way to the apartment. They’d hired two cars and seemed to think Magnus the most likely to find the way, so he drove off first with Robyn and Carl in the backseat. Should he wear a cap and expect a tip? Livvi was driving the car behind with Jakob, Polly, Fenella and Per.

  ‘Does Mum know these cars have Satnav?’ said Magnus.

  ‘She likes to think we’re in the most capable hands,’ said Carl.

  ‘Thanks. I feel like a cab driver.’

  After almost two hours in nose to tail traffic, they reached the apartment. It had amazing views over the city. Fenella was in her element making sure everyone was happy, and Magnus cracked open a beer and sat by the window in the living area, ankles crossed, soaking in the scene. If this was all he had to do to make his mum’s birthday a success, so be it. But nervous tension crackled around him. He loved his mum and would trust her with his life… just not his love life. He couldn’t be sure even now she wasn’t cooking up some plan to get Taylor here.

  Livvi’s mother, Trix, joined them the following day. Her usual residence was in New York but she’d flown over to see her daughter and granddaughter. Although Polly was now eighteen months, Trix had only seen her once. Magnus grinned at the contrast between her and Fenella. He wouldn’t swap his mum for anyone and this woman was as un-mum-like as he could imagine. She was every cent the glamour queen and though she must be at least fifty, she looked twenty years younger and in the bloom of health with her glossy auburn hair and tanned skin. After she’d given him the once over, Magnus made himself scarce. His brother’s mother-in-law giving him the eye was verging on new levels of creepy.

  The apartment contained a small gym at the back and Magnus worked off his pent-up energy. When the door opened, he swallowed a moment of panic. He didn’t like the idea of Trix seeing him dressed in his gym shorts – he hadn’t bothered with a top.

  ‘There you are.’ Fenella slipped in the door and closed it quietly.

  ‘Mum. Seriously. What is it?’

  ‘Oh, don’t be silly. It’s not as if I haven’t seen you like that before. I need to tell you something and I want you to listen without going off on one.’ />
  Magnus folded his arms across his bare chest. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve set me up with Taylor. I wasn’t born yesterday.’

  Fenella cocked her head. ‘It does have something to do with Taylor, that’s why I want you to listen.’

  With a grunt, Magnus sat on the bench and lifted a dumbbell. ‘I made myself clear, Mum. I won’t change my mind.’

  ‘I still want you to listen. I have invitations for us to attend a red-carpet event at the Goldcrest Hotel. It’s in aid of a charity foundation set up by Taylor’s sister.’

  Magnus plonked the dumbbell on the floor. ‘You have to be kidding. You have no idea, do you?’

  ‘Yes, I do. And I’d like you to come too.’

  ‘So I can meet Taylor and do what? Talk about all the lies she told and drag it all up again?’

  Fenella sat down, her expression filled with concern. ‘I know this is difficult. Taylor got these tickets for me because I asked her to. She’s well aware you don’t want to see her and I don’t think she really wants to see you.’

  ‘Right. So, why bother?’

  ‘In truth, it’s not for you, it’s for her.’

  ‘I don’t follow.’

  ‘I want to see her and check she’s ok. From her messages, I get a weird feeling. If you don’t want to come tonight, I’ll understand, but I’m going and I want to see her. I hoped, yes, that the two of you could at least be friends, but if not, I respect that.’

  Fenella stood up, walked over and placed a kiss on his forehead. ‘I only ever wanted you to be happy. Stay here, if you’d rather. Trix will be here looking after Polly, but I’m sure she won’t bother you.’

  After she’d left, Magnus knocked the punchbag for six.

  Was it her words? Or maybe the threat of being left with Trix? Whichever, that evening he showered and groomed himself to red-carpet perfection. With a little tweak of his cufflinks in the mirror, he gave himself a visual appraisal. Not bad. Good enough for whatever his mother had planned.

  Their cabbie dropped them off close to the grand entrance of the top-class hotel. Limousines and flashy vehicles lined the street closest to the door. Adjusting his heavily starched collar, Magnus climbed the white stone steps onto the red-carpeted entrance behind the others. Everything enraptured Fenella, and she pointed out cars, clothes and minute details on the ornate doorframes like she was guiding a class trip around a historic house.

  Two bouncers the size of bears flanked a woman in a stunning long purple dress with a perfect blonde up-do. She stretched out her arm and greeted Fenella with a dazzling smile. Outsized jewellery glittered on her ears and around her neck. More sparklers gleamed at her wrist and on her fingers. The slight creases on the back of her hand were the only giveaway the woman was older than she looked. With the botox, guessing her age was almost impossible, but Magnus recognised her as Skylar and Taylor’s mother.

  A bizarre collision of two worlds played out before him. Fenella wouldn’t know who she was shaking hands with, unless she recognised her from a film. Mrs Rousse still went by her acting name of Bianca Kain, but she’d never been A-list. As Magnus approached, he took Bianca’s hand, listened to her prepared speech and swiped a glass of champagne from a nearby flunky.

  Magnus moved into the main chamber, taking in the opulent surroundings, glittering chandeliers, and white-clothed tables decorated with floral centrepieces and crystal dishes. His reflection smirked at him from one of the enormous mirrors; he could pass for a single billionaire – though he didn’t quite have the bank balance.

  Fenella was still chirping excitedly about everything as they mingled in their group. Livvi looked most at home and spoke of similar events she’d been to, but Magnus was edgy. Too many awkward possibilities jostled ahead. He listened to the soft classical music in the background, and the laughter and chatter, while sampling the hors d’oeuvres from passing silver salvers on the arms of black-clad waiters.

  Close to an open window with chiffon curtains fluttering gently, a group of women chattered. Immaculately dressed in shapely black dresses, killer heels and gravity-defying hairstyles, they sipped from highball glasses and laughed.

  Magnus broke away from his party without anyone noticing and strolled towards the window.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, pulling out his most charming smile.

  ‘Hey,’ said one of them, eyeing him from top to toe.

  ‘It’s hot in here,’ he said, keeping up the smile. ‘You ladies have the best spot.’

  ‘We do,’ said the woman. ‘Do you wanna share?’

  ‘Can I? I could do with some air.’

  ‘Sure.’ They parted and let him move closer to the window. ‘Your accent is adorable. Where are you from?’ said one woman. Ice clinked against her glass as she sipped slowly.


  ‘Oh, my god,’ said another woman. ‘I have Scottish ancestors.’

  ‘Do you?’ said Magnus.

  ‘Yes. They came from the cutest little village called Dunkeld. I visited it last year, it’s gorgeous. Have you been there?’

  ‘No,’ said Magnus, ‘Tell me more.’ She didn’t need further invitation. None of them did. Under the cover of pleasant chat and as much champagne as he could drink, Magnus whiled away the minutes.

  ‘So, do you know Skylar Rousse?’ Magnus asked.

  ‘No, but we all work for a regeneration initiative downtown and this foundation marries well with what we’re doing.’

  ‘So, we’re hoping for some back scratching.’

  ‘I get it,’ said Magnus.

  ‘What about you? Do you know her?’

  Making a slight adjustment to his collar, Magnus nodded. ‘A little.’

  ‘Oh, wow, awesome. Are you an actor?’

  ‘No.’ He paused for a moment. ‘I used to be a pilot for Courtney Hines. Skylar moved in the same circles.’

  ‘Seriously? You’re a pilot?’

  ‘Yeah.’ He waited for the awe to die down, though his ego swelled under their wide eyes.

  ‘Did Courtney treat you like one of her family? I heard she’s very generous.’

  ‘Yeah, she was good to work for.’

  ‘Bet you’re glad it wasn’t Skylar you worked for. I’ve heard she’s dynamite and blows up at the slightest thing. I’m terrified of meeting her.’

  ‘She sure has a reputation,’ Magnus agreed.

  ‘Well, if you get a chance to talk to her, give her a push in this direction, will you?’

  ‘Yeah, sure, though getting close to her will be like storming the Bastille.’

  They laughed and Magnus excused himself as he saw Fenella drifting around. ‘Where have you been?’ she asked.

  ‘Mingling. Why?’

  ‘I had a message from Taylor.’

  Magnus turned away, clenching his jaw.

  ‘Stop that,’ said Fenella. ‘I’m worried about her. I’m not sure she’s here. She said she couldn’t make it. I tried to call her but she’s not picking up.’

  He rubbed his forehead, deliberately trying not to heed the worry in his mum’s voice. Wasn’t it more likely it was just another of Taylor’s stories? ‘Why trust her?’

  ‘Because I do.’ Fenella poked him. ‘Have a heart. Remember how you felt when you were together.’

  ‘I do, that’s the problem.’

  ‘Then remember, that’s how she feels too. She only lied about her name. Everything she said and did towards you was real. Now she’s rotting in a pit of misery.’

  ‘Cut the drama, Mum.’ But deep inside, he wanted to see Taylor. To know she was ok.

  ‘I mean it. At least do her the service of acknowledging she has feelings just as big as yours.’

  ‘Jesus, Mum,’ he muttered. ‘I bet she’s hurting, but how can I change that?’

  ‘By doing her the common decency of talking about it, rather than giving her the cold shoulder and demonising her because she wounded that great big ego of yours.’

  A gong rang and the sound stopped Fenella. Thank Christ.
The heat of her lecture was scalding him.

  Fenella checked her watch. ‘I think that’s the first keynote speech. I’m not sure if we’ll bother with it.’

  ‘I’ll go,’ said Magnus. ‘I promised the ladies over there I’d do something for them.’

  ‘Who?’ Fenella frowned at him. ‘Honestly, sometimes I don’t know where we got you from.’

  Magnus gave her a quick peck on the cheek. If he got an audience with Skylar, he would speak up on the women’s behalf, but something else stirred in him. Where was Taylor? He could understand her not wanting to see him but knowing she wasn’t here made the dull ache in his heart grow heavier.

  He joined the queue for the antechamber and after a few minutes, took his seat. His first glimpse of Skylar came as she marched onto the stage, head high, hair tumbling behind. She gave a wave and a big smile as people applauded. Magnus watched her sitting on a clinical white chair on the stage, her long glamorous legs crossed in front of her. As the speaker carried on, Skylar leaned forward, her cleavage showing as she nodded in agreement. Plastic beauty radiated from her heavily made-up face. How could he ever have mistaken Taylor for her? Even when Taylor had been dolled up, she was more natural. If only he’d had that much insight when he first met her. Even Skylar’s voice sounded fake. Maybe it was the microphone, but the words were harsh and brassy compared to the soft sounds of Taylor whispering in his ear or singing her heart out.

  He got to his feet before the applause was finished, ready for a quick exit. As he withdrew, he tried to keep an eye on Skylar but she was whisked off the stage at the back.

  More champagne flowed and Magnus found the group of women. He stuck with them until he spotted a huddle in the middle of the room. Two enormous men, looking totally out of place, stood menacingly with their arms folded, pushing in earpieces and speaking into walkie-talkies.

  ‘That’ll be Skylar.’ Magnus sipped his champagne, browsing the crowd.

  ‘Oh, jeez, we’re never gonna get close.’

  Magnus dropped his empty glass on a passing tray, swiped another, and tossed it back. ‘I’m going to try.’

  ‘You go.’


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