
Home > Romance > Cursed > Page 43
Cursed Page 43

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I do not think it will be a problem,” Stav protested hoarsely. “We can continue if you want me to heal the scratches on your other breast.”

  “I do but I don’t want to ruin your clothes. Here—I have an idea. What if we just pulled these down?”

  She was already tugging at the waistband of his sleep trousers as she spoke and before Stav could stop her, she had them down to his thighs and his hard shaft had sprung free.

  “Charlotte,” he growled. “I do not think this ‘idea’ of yours is a very good one.”

  “Why?” She blinked at him innocently. “This way your clothes won’t get ruined if I accidentally brush against you again.”

  “Don’t you think this is a lot more than ‘friendly?” Stav demanded, raising an eyebrow at her. Not that he didn’t enjoy the feeling of her lush body against his but this was stressing his self control to the limit.

  “Well, friendship is overrated,” Charlotte said, smiling a little. “But if it makes you feel better, I promise not to take off my panties.”


  “Please, Stav? Look, even though your trousers are down, it’s not like we’ll be rubbing against each other without clothes on. Let me show you.”

  Before he could stop her, Charlotte lowered herself down onto him again so that her open pussy lips cradled his hard shaft. Stav groaned at the erotic sight of her little cunt spreading open to receive him beneath the flimsy barrier of the transparent black panties.

  “See?” she panted. “We’re not really touching much at all and this way you can heal me without me making a mess of your clothes.”

  Stav knew he ought to say no—ought to push her off his lap and tell her to get out. Every minute he was getting closer to bonding her, to doing what he had sworn he would never do. And yet somehow, he couldn’t stop.

  I’ll just heal her other breast and then I’ll send her away, he promised himself. And that’s all—I’m just going to heal her. Nothing else!

  With this justification in mind, he pulled her forward with a low groan and sucked her other tight, sensitive peak into his mouth.

  Charlotte moaned and writhed against him, pressing down hard and rubbing up and down the length of his aching cock as he nursed her tight peak.

  “God, Stav,” she gasped, rolling her hips in a rhythm that made him half crazy with lust. “Feels so good when you heal me!”

  It felt good to Stav too, and not just because he was thrusting up against her, joining the forbidden dance she had started. He could also feel her pleasure more strongly than ever before. The sharp little sparks that started in her wet inner pussy and sensitive clit as he rubbed against her… the throbbing need at her channel as she ached to be filled…the tight way her pussy entrance contracted as just the head of his cock slipped briefly into her…

  Wait a minute!

  He drew back quickly, letting her nipple slip from between his lips. Looking down he realized that his shaft had somehow slipped inside the wet material of her panties. The broad head of his cock was spearing into her entrance, almost completely inside her. He started to pull out but Charlotte stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  “Wait!” She was panting, her eyes half-lidded with need.

  “What is it?” Stavros growled. “We should stop, Charlotte and you know it.”

  “But the scratches aren’t healing—not completely,” she pointed out. “And if you have healing compounds in your essence, don’t you have them in your, uh, other fluids too?”

  “What are you asking me?” he demanded. “If you’re asking me to bite you or you are wanting to bite me—” Gods, just the thought of sinking his fangs into her willing flesh while he filled her pussy below made him hard enough to fuck through a brick wall. But he knew he couldn’t do that.

  “No biting,” she said quickly. “I was just thinking…” She shifted slightly. “Look this is hard on my thighs. Do you mind if I readjust?”

  Before he could answer, she had settled more completely into him and the head and several inches of his cock had slipped into her tight little pussy. Stavros struggled not to groan at the erotic sight and the hot, wet feel of her inner cunt grasping him like a velvet glove.

  “Charlotte…” he said warningly. He knew he ought to pull away, to pull out…but it felt so good he couldn’t help himself. He had just enough self control left to keep from thrusting his entire cock deep in her tight little pussy but not enough to make himself pull out.

  “There, that’s better.” She sighed contentedly and smiled at him, as if he wasn’t halfway buried in her spread cunt. “Anyway, as I was saying, maybe you could try healing me from the inside out.”

  Stavros raised eye eyebrow at her.

  “Are you asking me to do what I think you’re asking me to do?”

  “If you think I’m asking you to come inside me and heal me that way then yes, I am.” Charlotte gave him a naughty little grin. “C’mon, Stav—it’s not like you haven’t done it before. Remember splitting the pillar? God, you came inside me so hard. You really filled me up.”

  Her hot words and the even hotter memories they invoked made him want to turn her over on her back, spread her thighs, and thrust hard and long into her tight little pussy. But somehow he restrained himself.

  “I thought we were just supposed to be friends,” he growled. “Friends don’t usually fuck each other, Charlotte.”

  “No, but friends help each other and you’d be helping me—you’d be healing me,” she protested, wriggling her hips a little so that another inch or two of his shaft slid into her tight channel. If she thought he didn’t notice, she was wrong, Stav thought dryly. She was incredibly wet and hot wrapped around his aching shaft and yet he knew he shouldn’t do what she was asking.

  “Charlotte,” he said seriously. “If you’re trying to make me bond you to me…”

  “You already said you didn’t want to do that,” she said hastily. “And no biting, either. You made that very clear. Just healing—just a little healing sex between friends. There’s nothing wrong with that, right? In fact, I have an idea…”

  “Another idea?” Stav said dryly. “You’re full of them tonight.”

  “No, but I’m nearly full of you.” She gave him another naughty smile and pressed a little closer so that almost all of his cock was thrust into her tight, wet pussy. Stavros couldn’t hold back a groan at the intense sensation of having her squeeze him so intimately. And the pleasure he felt coming from her as he stretched her pussy open with his cock was incredible and addictive. So it was with considerable disappointment that he watched when she suddenly withdrew, letting his cock slide out of her pussy, his shaft shiny and coated with her juices.

  “What do you have in mind?” he asked though he really wanted to demand why she was stopping.

  “Just this.” Rising, she turned with her back to him and got on her hands and knees. He nearly groaned aloud at the sweet sight of her luscious full hips and ass framing her hot wet pussy lips. “Go on, Stavros,” she murmured, looking over her shoulder at him. “Take me from behind. That way when I’m down here and you’re up there, you can’t reach me to bite me—even if you wanted to. You can just fuck me and fill me with your cum and heal me. Would that be okay?”

  Hell no, it wouldn’t be okay. I shouldn’t even be considering it! he wanted to say. But her full hips were twitching seductively and as he watched, he could see her thighs spreading wider, showing him the slippery pink interior of her pussy. Looking down at his shaft, he could see he was still slippery with her honey. It was true what she said—they had done this before. It wasn’t like it was the first time.

  Except this time she’s asking me to actually fuck her. Not just put my shaft in her and fill her with my seed, but fuck her.

  The thought of being able to thrust into her again and again, to be close to her at least once more, even if only for a little while, was more than he could stand.

  “All right,” he said hoarsely. “But no biting and no b

  “Of course not.” Charlotte looked at him over her shoulder, all wide-eyed innocence. “It’s just one friend helping another.”

  Stav got to his knees behind her and grasped her hips. “Just one friend helping another,” he repeated. Thought Gods, he wished this was more! His fangs were throbbing, the beast buried deep inside him whispering that he had to take her, had to bond her to him no matter what. It’s a damn good thing those scratches were old and I didn’t taste any of her blood, he thought to himself. If I had—if I’d tasted just a little bit I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from bonding her to me, no matter how wrong it is. Not when she’s offering herself so freely.

  “C’mon, Stav—please!” She pressed back against him until the slippery pink of her inner pussy caressed the head of his cock. “Please,” she begged softly. “I need you in me now.”

  Again, he could deny her nothing. With a low groan, he grabbed her hips and pressed the head of his shaft to her entrance once more. With a long, slow thrust he entered her, sinking into her tight pussy all the way to his aching balls.

  * * * * *

  Charlie gasped as she felt him bottom out inside her. God, it felt so good to have his thick cock stretching her to the limit again! Not that he wasn’t making her work for it. Why was he making it so hard? Clearly they belonged together and just as clearly they needed to be bonded. He’d wanted it badly back when they were at the resort together but now he seemed to feel like it would be wrong, just because of his medical condition.

  Speaking of which, was she pushing him too hard, she wondered a bit anxiously. But Stavros didn’t show any signs of slowing or fatigue and it wasn’t like she’d suggested a super acrobatic position. They should be all right—even when she got him to bond her to him.

  Because she definitely hadn’t given up on the idea. She’d spent some time with the other Kindred wives, as she thought of them, and had gotten a few tips and pointers, especially from Sophia who was bonded to Sylvan, another Blood Kindred. She intended to end this night bound to Stavros no matter what…even if she had to do it in a roundabout way.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, grasping her hips. Charlie nodded and moaned as he pulled all the way out of her and thrust back in again. And all her thoughts were washed away in the pure pleasure of feeling him inside her, of feeling his thick cock spread her inner walls over and over again as he fucked her.

  “God, Stav,” she moaned as she felt his fingers tighten on her hips. “Feels so good when you’re inside me…feels so good when you’re healing me…”

  “Feels good to me too,” he growled and then she felt those big hands and long fingers sliding up under her body to palm her ripe breasts. She moaned softly as he twisted her nipples, tugging them as he pounded into her, thrusting hard and long and deep to fill her completely.

  It felt so good, Charlie never wanted it to end. She just wanted to spread her thighs wider, tilt her pelvis up to him to let him getting deeper into her pussy, and open herself for his pounding thrusts until he filled her cunt full of his cum. But if they went on like this, he was going to come inside her in the wrong position and she couldn’t have that. This was just the starting point—the way she’d gotten him to agree to take her in the first place. It was time to switch things up.

  “Stav,” she gasped, looking over her shoulder. “Can you…could you stop a minuet?”

  She could tell the effort it took him but he was a true gentleman. With a low growl of frustration he ground to a halt and then pulled out of her slowly.

  “What is it?” He was breathing hard and his voice was deep and animalistic. Good, he was close to losing control, just as he had the one and only time he had bitten her and tasted her blood. If she could just push him a little further…

  “I’m sorry,” Charlie apologized, panting. “But this, uh, position is really hard on my thighs. Do you mind…could we switch back to the position we were in before?”

  “Sitting, you mean?” He sat back against the headboard and waited as Charlie straddled him once more and took his thick cock in her hand. Teasingly, she rubbed the broad, plum-shaped head up and down the length of her wet, open pussy, moaning slightly when it bumped over her sensitive little clit.

  “Just like this,” she whispered, nodding. “If you don’t mind letting me be on top.”

  “It’s my very great pleasure to have you riding me,” Stav assured her in a deep, growling voice. “Love to look down and see my shaft sliding into your wet pussy.”

  “Like this, you mean?” Biting her lip, Charlie slipped him lower, to the entrance of her body and they both watched as he slid home inside her once more. God, she could come just watching him thrust into her! From the look on the big Kindred’s face, he felt the same.

  “Gods,” he groaned. “You’re so tight, falinda.”

  His use of the sweet nickname gave her a little thrill. He was close…so close to taking her completely, to bonding her to him, she just knew it. If she could just push him…a little bit…harder.

  Charlie let herself sink all the way down on his shaft until he bottomed out inside her with the head of his cock kissing the entrance to her womb. Then she put her arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes.

  “I love you,” she whispered, meaning every word of it. “Love you so much, Stav.”

  “Gods, Charlie…” he groaned, drawing her close and beginning to thrust into her again. “I love you too though I know I shouldn’t. It isn’t right…isn’t fair but I cannot help myself.”

  “I don’t want you to help yourself,” Charlie assured him, thrusting back, riding him. She loved it when he used her regular nickname too—it meant he was even closer to losing control. Now she just had to push him over. She thought of biting him but even though she knew that would probably do the trick, she had promised not to so that was out. Besides, what she really wanted was for him to bite her. So she’d had to think of a way to make that happen.

  On her left hand, she wore a special ring on the middle finger. A blooding ring, I think it’s called, Sophie had told her when she let Charlie borrow it. It’s for use when you’re…you know, making love. Kind of like saying—I can’t wait for you to bite me. It drives a Blood Kindred male wild so be careful—they can get a little crazy.

  I want him a little crazy, Charlie thought as she raised the ring to her own neck and flicked a tiny switch with her thumb. In response, a tiny but extremely sharp spike a little larger than a needle popped out. I want him so crazy he acts on instinct and takes me—bonds me to him the way I know he wants to. The way he needs to.

  With a sharp movement of her hand, she drew the sharp little spike across the sensitive skin at the side of her neck. There was a spark of pain which she knew Stavros felt because she heard the hiss of his indrawn breath. Then she withdrew her hand. The spike immediately disappeared back into the ring but that was all right—it had done its job. A thin trickle of blood was sliding down her neck.

  Charlie pushed her hair to one side and offered her throat to Stavros as he thrust within her.

  “Warrior,” she murmured. “I offer myself to you freely, blood, body, and soul. Take me.”

  “Gods, Charlie…you shouldn’t,” he groaned but she could tell by the growl in his voice that he couldn’t help himself—he was going to take her now whether he thought it was morally right or not. Take her and bond her to him forever…or for at least however long as they had.

  “Take me,” she whispered, pressing her wounded neck to his lips. “Bite me, Stavros. Bite me and fuck me and bond me.”

  With a low growl, he sank his long, needle-sharp fangs deep in her throat and thrust his cock to the hilt inside her at the same time.

  Charlie cried out, her back arching as the sharp pain gave way immediately to orgasmic pleasure. She could feel her pussy clenching tight around him as he fucked up into her, thrusting hard and deep, trying to get as close to the end of her channel as he could before he shot his seed. And it wouldn’t be lon
g now—after so much foreplay both of them were more than ready. She could already feel his thick shaft swelling even thicker inside her and the hot, rippling bulges as the first hot spurts of his cum traveled the length of his cock to bathe the mouth of her womb with his seed.

  But as the first hot gush filled her, she felt something else. She felt…was that Stav’s pleasure? The feeling of being held tight and snug someplace hot and wet… the delicious friction as he rubbed against her inner walls… the explosive release as he filled her with his essence and his seed at the same time…

  How can I feel his pleasure too? she wondered deliriously. How is that even possible?

  Then he bit deeper, injecting her with even more of his essence. A second round of multiple orgasms shot through her, making stars flash before her eyes and ridding her of all coherent thought as her pussy clenched around him.

  “God, yes,” she moaned, pressing closer. “Come inside me, Stav. Make me yours.”

  Mine! Always and forever mine! she heard him say even though his fangs were still buried in her neck, his mouth locked to her throat. Mine and I’ll never let you go, falinda!

  I don’t want you to let me go, you big stupid Kindred! I love you! she thought back deliriously. Then she pressed even closer and held on tight, opening herself completely to him, giving herself utterly to the man she loved.

  The pleasure seemed to go on forever but when it finally started to ebb, she noticed something—a strange itching between her shoulder blades. No, not her shoulder blades, she realized—the itching belonged to Stavros. But why could she feel it? And what was happening to him?

  * * * * *

  It took awhile to notice since he was preoccupied with both Charlotte’s pleasure and his own, but finally Stavros felt the horrible itching between his shoulder blades. The itching turned to a burning and then it began to spread from his back, to his neck and even his upper arms.

  He pulled away from Charlotte, letting his fangs leave her flesh though he never wanted to let her go.

  “What in the Seven Hells?” he growled, twisting his neck to try and see the problem.


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