Breaking Her Bully: The High School Bully Romance Box Set

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Breaking Her Bully: The High School Bully Romance Box Set Page 6

by Bella King

  “That’s low even for him. Gosh, you really must have struck a nerve. I bet you’ve been talking to him, huh?” She questioned.

  I sighed. “Yes, but that was briefly. It’s not like I was hanging out with him again.”

  Cora grabbed my shoulder. “I think you brought this on yourself, Georgia. The more you kick the hive, the more the bees will come out to sting you. Stop talking to him.”

  “It’s a little late to stop kicking. Now I have to kill the swarm,” I said, staring off into nowhere.

  Cora frowned. “You’re going to keep talking to him after this?”

  “Oh, I’m going to do a lot more than that, Cora. I’m going to ruin his fucking life,” I said, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline at the power of my words.

  “I know you’re angry, but maybe think about this for a little longer before you do anything drastic,” Cora cautioned.

  “Thought about it,” I said after a brief pause. “I still want to ruin him.”

  Cora laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t blame me when this blows up in your face. I’m not going to get involved.”

  “I don’t want you too,” I replied, patting her on her small shoulder. “This is between me and Apollo.”

  “I know,” Cora said, her face wrought with concern. “That’s what worries me.”

  Chapter 15

  Beware the woman with nothing left to lose.

  I flew through my exams with surprising ease despite my sordid lack of studying this past week. I would have disappointed my past self with how little I cared, but that may have saved me in the end. Not caring gave me less stress, and I blanked much less than I usually would.

  I ended up doing so well that I was almost convinced that not studying would be a more effective route to take next time instead of worrying myself over remembering every detail of what I had learned so far this year. Most of it wasn’t on the exams anyway.

  I wondered how Apollo had faired on the exams. He was never a good student, but now that he was back, he didn’t have much of a choice. He couldn’t keep playing on the football team if he failed exams.

  I wouldn’t need to be concerned about him for long. Instead of bursting into a flaming ball of hatred, I let the rage seethe and grow into a hot ember inside of me, slowly compressing into a cold, hard diamond of loathing. I would feel nothing for him when he fell, or at least, that was my plan.

  Fall break came upon us, giving me a chance to escape the hellhole that Winterlake Prep had become. Around every corner was a bitch ready to give me shit and warn me against touching her boyfriend, and equally so, a dumb jock requesting that I get on my knees for him. I even got side eyes from some of the teachers, not something I expected.

  I managed to survive the last few days without killing anyone, but I was tempted a few times. I hate snooty rich girls whose self-image is centered around how much worse everyone else around them is. They’ll do anything to be you down just for that ego boost. I wouldn’t let them.

  A had a girl approach me in the hallway, talking about how some women were just purer than others were, which, on principle, I found unsavory, never mind that it wasn’t even true in my case. I had held up my black nails and asked her if she wanted me to rip her face off with them, which honestly didn’t help my reputation one bit, but felt phenomenal to say. Sometimes blowing off some steam can keep the pot from boiling over.

  This bitch left pretty quick after my threat, but I could tell that the shocked look on her face was mixed with sticky satisfaction at the story she would have to gossip about the school slut. Things just kept getting better for me, it seemed.

  I didn’t worry too much about that, because all my focus was on formulating a plan to destroy Apollo’s reputation, hopefully reinstating my own in the process. I already knew what was most important for him, and the entire reason anyone even associated with him at school. Being captain of the football team had huge perks, but you could only be a captain if you played well.

  Dirty tricks danced in my devious skull as I walked home after the last day of school before break. I had time to think about them, so I let the evil grow, brewing into a bubbling stew of toxic waste. I would release the sludge on Apollo when the time was right.

  I didn’t give a fuck about a lot of things now. Thank you, Apollo. Through you, I have found more strength, if not a little recklessness, to go along with it.

  I bought a pack of cigarettes, smoking half the pack on the way home, walking right in through the front door reeking of burnt tobacco. The crazy thing was that my parents didn’t even notice. They were too busy arguing again, this time about the furniture crew that was coming tomorrow.

  I grabbed a can of beer from the fridge right in front of them, cracking it open and taking a sip before walking upstairs to my room. I pulled a knife from the knife block and flipped it in my hand on the way out. Neither of my parents noticed. The world was mine, and nobody could stop me now.

  The window in my room was still broken, but I waved it off, content to fix it later. If Apollo tried to sneak through, I would just stab him with the kitchen knife I had brought up with me. I wasn’t above that. I wasn’t above anything. I was still sleeping in the bathroom, but I would keep an ear open for him.

  I slept well that night, ideas on how to ruin Apollo filling up my head and consuming my every thought as I drifted to sleep. The darkness overtook me as my thoughts grew more and more incoherent, finally shifting into a dream state.

  Chapter 16

  Sometimes, all you must do is walk right through the front door.

  With no alarm to wake me and no classes to attend, I slept until noon. I woke in total darkness, my cheek pressed against the cold tile floor. I could smell the faint scent of the apple floor cleaner that our cleaning woman used to mop my bathroom with.

  I peeled my cheek off the tile, a feather pillow tucked between my legs instead of under my head. I preferred it there when I slept in the bed, but on the bathroom floor, it was better for my neck for it to be where it belonged.

  I reached for the door handle, pulling it down and using my weight to push the door open. I crawled out on my hands and knees, then lifted myself to full standing height, letting out a groan. I was 19 but felt 80 after sleeping on the hard bathroom floor. Stretched my neck to the side, popping the joints in my spine.

  “Fucking hell,” I groaned, arching my back and popping a few more joints in my mid-spine.

  As my body woke up, I began to grow more aware of my surroundings. I heard unfamiliar voices from downstairs, muffled too much for me to make out the specific words. There were people over.

  It took me a second to realize that it was the furniture crew, moving pieces in and out of the house for the upcoming winter season. I would go out today and do some shopping, avoiding the strange men in the house.

  It had come to me as I fell asleep that I should improve my own image while I tore down Apollo’s. I dressed well, but I could always do better. I never found it terribly important to look like a model at all times, but some girls at Winterlake Prep but a lot of effort into their image. It was probably the only thing they had, so I grew a distaste to being so visual, but this time, I needed it to save myself from the ridicule I was receiving for being a supposed slut. They would have a hard time finding flaws in someone who looked perfectly put together. Like it or not, looks had a lot to do with how you are perceived in the public eye. To be great, you must also look great.

  Apollo had that down, looking perfect no matter what he did. That man could spend the night drinking beer and rolling in the dirt, and he would still look just as handsome. He had the face of a model and the body to match. Even I couldn’t argue otherwise.

  I guess my mother was right that I could stand to lose a few pounds, but I wasn’t going o do this for her. I would do it for myself. I knew how to lose weight quickly, but I had to be careful about it. If I was too weak, then I wouldn’t be able to think straight when I faced Apollo. I still had to eat.

had a week to transform myself into an equally sexy and classy woman, competing against other girls at school who made it their life purpose to look like a doll. It wouldn’t be easy, but it was imperative if I was to regain status after Apollo’s stunt.

  I turned back into the bathroom and stripped off my wrinkled clothes. I washed off my body and freshened up, taking my time as I continued last night’s thoughts on how to get back at Apollo. It had to be his football game that I attacked, but I still wasn’t sure what I would do to bring him down a notch. Whatever it was, it had to be brutal. I wasn’t taking it easy on him anymore.

  I took a long time in the shower, thinking of everything I could do. I felt an odd excitement that I felt had been missing in my life thus far. For the first time in a long time, I felt very much alive, and that should have worried me. I thought that I was excited because I finally got to be the petty one, tearing other people down to gain status. It was easy and felt good, which was why so many others took that route, but it wasn’t the real reason why I was so thrilled.

  The truth was, that wasn’t why I was excited. I was excited because this was a chance for me to grow closer to Apollo, letting my obsession with him flower into a crazed infatuation. Cora was always right. I should have listened to her. I shouldn’t have let myself get wrapped up in Apollo. It would only end with my legs wrapped around his waist as he pumped his hips and took my virginity from me.

  How was I to know?

  A strong knock nearly took my bedroom door off its hinges. That was probably my father. I wrapped my towel around my dripping wet body and rushed to the door, but when I opened it, my heart stopped.

  “Getting clean for me?” Apollo asked, stepping into my room and shoving me back.

  I stumbled backward and fell onto my bed, my towel coming undone and slipping off my breasts. Apollo closed the door behind him and locked it as I scrambled to cover myself.

  “How did you get in here?” I asked, my heart thundering beneath my ribcage.

  Apollo smirked, an evil glint in his green eyes. “I got a temp job with the furniture crew. Low pay, but the benefits are great,” he said, tasting my bare legs with his eyes.

  “Get out of my room and go move some furniture,” I replied, pulling my towel tighter around me.

  “But I’m not done with you,” Apollo said, taking a step closer. “I want you.”

  He had made sexual advances before, but something about his time was scaring me. He had this look in his eyes like he wouldn’t leave until he got what he wanted from me.

  “If you come closer, I’m going to scream,” I said, clutching my towel so tight that my knuckles were white.

  Apollo took another step closer, the cocky smirk never faltering for even a millisecond.

  “That’s far enough,” I said, my voice weak. “I’ll scream. I swear I will,” I said.

  “We both know that’s not true. Admit it, Georgia. You want me too,” Apollo said in a deep grumble, taking yet another step toward me. He was right on the edge of the bed, his muscular legs pressed against the mattress while I lay with my own legs partially open. The towel wasn’t covering much.

  “Take it off,” Apollo demanded.

  “No,” I said, but relaxed my grip.

  “Do I have to do everything myself?” He asked, lowering his hand to the bottom of my towel and taking it lightly between two fingers.

  “What are you doing?” I breathed, my eyes wide as he slowly lifted the bottom of the towel. I wasn’t wearing anything beneath it, and he would be able to see my pussy.

  “Just taking a look at what’s mine,” Apollo’s voice rumbled. “I can’t wait to get my cock wet inside of you.”

  This was so sudden that it caught me completely off guard. I was still waking up, not fully able to process what was going on. Now, I was being faced with the biggest choice of my life from a man who I should have hated with every bone in my body, but who was equally seductive in the way he bullied me.

  I clamped my legs together. “Enough,” I said, finally finding my voice.

  “Let me see your tits now,” Apollo said, pointing a finger at my chest.

  “Leave my room,” I countered.

  “The tits first. Then, I’ll leave,” Apollo said, crossing his arms and towering above me with an eyebrow raised and his face twisted in a triumphant smile.

  If he wasn’t so fucking sexy, I wouldn’t be doing this. I undid my towel, opening it up and showing Apollo the heavy breasts that rested on my chest. I was breathing heavily, unsure of what he would do. I doubted that he would leave after this, but I didn’t have a lot of options. I didn’t actually want to scream and bring attention to what was going on in my room. It would be embarrassing, and Apollo wasn’t trying to kill me or anything.

  “Nice. Your nipples are hard,” Apollo noted, nodding in satisfaction.

  “Is that enough for you?” I asked, glaring at him but keeping my towel open.

  “No,” Apollo answered. “I came to pump your tight pussy full of my cum.”

  “Well, you’re out of luck,” I said, coming to my senses and realizing that he wasn’t going to leave until I kicked him out. I clamped my towel back around my nude body and sat up. “Get out.”

  Apollo laughed. “Did that scare you? Don’t worry. I won’t be too rough with you. Just enough so that you know who’s in charge.”

  I stood up, my head barely reaching his chest while I stood touching him. I looked up at his face. He seemed calm, collected, and fully intending to have me on his terms. Sorry buddy, I don’t give it up that easily. “Get out,” I said, pushing him back with one hand.

  He barely moved. “Make me,” he challenged.

  “I’m going to give you five seconds to get your ass out of my bedroom, or I’m going to scream for real this time,” I said, growing angry. My face was flushed, and even if my nipples were hard, I wasn’t horny for him. I was just surprised.

  “Go ahead,” Apollo said.

  I opened my mouth, fully intending on letting out a yelp loud enough to warn him to leave, but he caught my open mouth with his. I wasn’t expecting that, but then again, this whole morning was a rollercoaster of unexpected moves from Apollo. He wasn’t playing by the rules.

  His lips were urgent and passionate, his tongue pushing into my mouth to explore. I placed my hand against his broad chest, fighting the impulse to give in and let him take me on the bed behind me. It would feel so good, but I would regret it for the rest of my life.

  The backs of my knees dug into the wooden bed frame as Apollo pushed in further, wrapping his hands around me and sneaking them up my towel. My body was pinned against him hard enough to keep my towel up over my breasts, but my ass was all his.

  He took full advantage of that, squeezing my ass cheeks in his large hands and pouring liquid fire into my mouth with his kiss. I was overwhelmed, my skin prickling, and my nervous system going haywire. I was shaking when he finally took his lips off mine.

  “This is wrong,” I breathed.

  “I like to be wrong,” Apollo said, his eyes piercing into my soul. He used his hands to press me against his erection, rubbing it between my legs as he stared me down to submission.

  Once again, serotonin, dopamine, and a cocktail of other feel-good chemicals flooded my brain, making proper judgment impossible. He had me in a position of weakness. He knew that he couldn’t have me any other way, I was too strong-willed when I was in my right mind, but at times like this, I considered throwing it all out the window for a taste of the dark side.

  “You like that?” Apollo asked, continuing his slow grind against my body.

  I shook my head, but my body told a different story. I was moving with him, rotating my hips in a rhythmic fashion to match his pace.

  “I could make everything better for you at school. Nobody will disrespect you if you’re mine. They wouldn’t dare,” Apollo coaxed.

  His offer was a black pool of poison, simmering at just the right temperature for me to want to plunge in
to it and be consumed. It sounded too perfect, too easy, but I couldn’t find a flaw in this logic. He really could make this all go away if I gave in. Wasn’t that blackmail, though?

  I shivered as Apollo ran a finger down my back, hooking my towel with it and pulling it down so that my naked body was pressed against the heat of his. It felt amazing to be this close, but it was all a ploy to get me to submit to him. He had created a game that only he could win and placed me in the worse possible starting position. He wasn’t offering me a way out. He was pulling me deeper into a losing hand.

  I prayed that someone would knock on the door and snap me out of this seduction, but it was severely unlikely. Cora had been able to save me once before, and that was over a year ago at a party. This was different and way more intense.

  “You’re mine, sweetheart. You’ve always been mine,” Apollo whispered into my hear, causing the hairs on my arms to stand up straight.

  “I’m not anybody’s girl,” I countered, my voice finding more strength.

  “Kiss me,” Apollo ordered.

  “No,” I said, starting to come to my senses again.

  “Kiss me now, or the deal is off,” Apollo threatened.

  “I don’t like your stupid deal,” I said, raising a hand up and pushing against him. “Get off me.”

  Apollo smirked, leaning back as his eyes danced over my exposed body. “It will only get worse for you, Georgia. They’re going to eat you up at school.”

  “We’ll see about that,” I said, snatching my towel from the ground and covering myself back up so that Apollo couldn’t enjoy the sight of my nudity any longer. He had gotten enough joy from me. I wasn’t his toy to play with.

  “You’ll regret this,” Apollo warned.

  “No, Apollo, you will,” I said, growing heated. “Get the fuck out of my room and leave me alone.”

  “Fine,” Apollo said, shrugging and trying to hide his disappointment. “We’ll see what you say after fall break. When you’re on your knees, begging for me to take you, I might already have someone else.”


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