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Gage's Obsession

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by C. J. Snyder

  A Novel

  Gage’s Obsession

  C. J. Snyder


  Unlimited Kindle Edition

  Copyright © 2019 C. J. Snyder

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher constitutes unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. If you would like to use any material from this book (other than review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or deceased, places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Contemporary Romance

  Disclaimer: The material in this book may contain language that can be construed as offensive with some descriptive nudity and sexual scenes. Reader be advised. Purchase or possession of this book means the reader is agreeing they have read and understood the disclaimer and holds the author completely harmless of any wrong doing.

  All characters in this book are age consenting adults of 18 or older.

  C. J. Snyder

  List descending of other titles available w/ links


  A Novel

  Chapter 1



  Chapter 4


  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  The End

  Please check out my other titles:

  "Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.” - Roger Crawford

  Chapter 1


  New Orleans – Present Day

  Summer in Louisiana is unpleasant in general, I don’t know one person who loves it here during the months of June, July or August. It’s hot and the air is so thick with humidity that you struggle to breathe.

  This is also the best place for crawfish and even better when caught fresh. Inhaling the heavy air, I made my way towards the riverbed ahead. My mind racing with the thoughts of my birthday party, I hadn’t heard the loud swoosh of wings approaching from behind.

  Two loud resounding thuds jarred me out of my inner turmoil, as my buddy Kangee, shifted smoothly into human form behind me. Kangee is a Raven in animal form, in human form, he is a 6ft 4in Native American deriving from the Sioux Nation. Muscular in form, long straight full head of black hair and Abs that every woman he’s come across, flocks to.

  “Yo, Gage!” Kangee’s loud shout made my ever sensitive ears tick with annoyance.

  “Gage, come on’ man, give me the 411.” Looking over my shoulder at him with an eye roll, I picked up my pace towards the river. I had zero interest in talking about what I know he wants to talk about.

  My feet stomping on the riverbank with loud clunks, “The 411 is,” I huffed, kicking at stray twigs on the ground, “I’m turning 18 and the pack is insisting on a ceremony of my manhood.” Squishing the mud accumulated between my toes, it was always comforting to feel connected to what was

  Bending down to pick up a stick covered in as much mud as possible, I hurled it at Kangee. “THAT is my problem!” Kangee deftly dodges my stick attack like the agile bird he is, sprinted to catch up to me and fell into place beside me.

  Kangee ignored everything I had said. “Ceremony, in Wolf talk, is party – man.” His feet shuffling from side to side happily, like a small child excited over a new toy. “PARRRRTAAAAAAY!” He shouted.

  “Yah, party. Party where the entire Clan - all of them, all FIVE Clans. Spanning a good 500 people are going to be there with every eligible female they have. Watching my every fucking move, to see if I am going to find a mate, is that mate going to take me? Am I going to have to fight for her? It’s a lot of pressure, Kangee.” Irritation dripped from every word.

  The wind picked up slightly, with the cool breeze from the river offering the only respite from this heat, bringing with it the earthy smell of river water that sang to my soul on the most primal of levels. My skin prickled with pleasure as my inner wolf began to bring out more details. I could smell every small creature’s tracks, which incited a stomach rumble so loud it could probably be heard for miles.

  No matter what the fictional books said about us shifters, they always forgot the primal fact of what makes us who we are - two sides to every coin. My mother always told us to beware the inner wolf, especially when hungry.

  I am very freaking hungry…

  My eyes drifted to the riverbank in front of us, the urge to run rampant was intense with the tingling sensation felt through all of my extremities. I deftly sat down on the bank with all the grace afforded to my kind, to let my feet dangle into the water. An audible sigh of relief leaves my throat as my feet fully submerge into it’s coolness. Kangee sits next to me and does the same, with more of a cannonball splash instead of poise.

  “Oh, come on man, you act like women don’t adore you.” I rolled my eyes so hard, they almost popped out of my head, causing Kangee to elbow me hard in the side.

  “Yah, they love me alright. That’s why they avoid me in the halls; won’t look me in the eyes; Hell, man, I didn’t even score a Prom date.” Looking around at our surroundings. I sighed, watching the couple in their rental canoe pass 30 yards or so in front of us. “Even that dude can get a chick on a date, in a stupid ass canoe!”

  “Hopeless!” Kangee shouts, as the handful of river water blasts my nostrils. “Wake up, wolf boy – You are almost as tall as me, like what? Maybe 2 inches shorter? Women don’t avoid you because you’re ugly, they avoid you because you intimidate them.” Kangee reached for the water again.

  “Kangee,” I growled, blowing water from my nose, giving him an ‘if looks could kill’ glare, “Don’t do it - " My warning was too late as he had the bird like reflexes and splashed three more rapid handfuls at my face. “What the hell, Kangee?!”

  Fucking birds, everything is a damn joke with them.

  Growling to myself, I leaned forward with my hands on either side of my face. Water droplets slowly dripping down, blurring the reflection of myself in the water.

  With my golden blonde hair with just a touch of bad boy brown that is kept short along the sides with a touch of length at the top, deep honey colored eyes when I am in Human form and more of an orange in Wolf. Plus, all the cardio that being a wolf has involved has given me a lean, cut body. So, I can see his point.

  Watching the river move down the bend, I can hear him talking but I am not paying full attention. I’m watching the water as if it’s going to have an answer and solve all my problems.

  The ceremony that all male Wolf clan members have to go through at the age of 18, is in two days and all five of the clan’s members are already starting to show up at the house most of them are elders, spanning from the ages of 80 to 105, Which is actually midlife for a shifter. We can survive up to 150 Human years That’s a long time to be alone in this world.

  Some clan members have already introduced me to their daughters, granddaughters, nieces, grandnieces. Every one of them beautiful, most with long flowing hair and eyes so brown a man could get lost in them. Bodies tight from the extreme cardio from running through the wilderness. Regrettably, every one of them not what I’m looking for in a mate. I need more than just a show piece. I need a woman who is going to challenge me in every sense of the word.

sp; If it wasn’t already stressful enough, if we followed the old laws, it would have been decided for me. An arranged marriage to a woman and clan of their choosing and on top of that, a wedding bed shared by eyes of elders, so to make sure it’s consummated.

  “Dude, you didn’t hear a word I just said these past,” stopping to check his smart watch like the irritating sarcastic bastard he is, “15 minutes, did you?”

  “No, I was so deep in thought, I didn’t hear anything at all, not even the water rustling or the slight wind that is blowing through the trees.”

  Chuckling as he stood up, “Absolutely man, had to get your attention some how, I got to take off, literally, but I am invited to the party, right?” His eyes widening in excitement and shuffling his feet in anticipation like a kid in a candy store just waiting for permission to get what he wants.

  Standing up along side of him, he is only a couple inches taller than me, we shake hands by grabbing each other’s forearms in a tight grasp and slightly nodding to each other. My best friend since childhood.

  “Of course, you’re invited, It wouldn’t be a party without you, man,” scoffing lightly, brushing my pants with my hands. "I’ll catch you at school in a bit, thank god it’s just about over with.”

  Kangee shook his head in agreement as he gracefully transforms into a huge black raven, his wing span is huge, spanning at least a foot on both sides of his winged body. He gracefully takes off into the air and then he dive bombs my head while giving a shrill shriek, I swear he loves to mess with me.

  Walking back over to the riverbed, I scan it briefly for crawfish since that was my reason for heading this way to begin with. Not seeing anything, even with my enhanced eyesight that is worth my time, I begin my walk home.

  Staying in human form, even though it’s a slower commute, gives me the full mental clarity to continue my depressed thoughts without my primal side distracting me. Knowing Kangee he would be lurking close by ready to prank me. When we were children, before I had my wolf side mostly controlled, Kangee always thought it was hilarious to throw a raw piece of meat to make my wolf side go crazy at the worst times.

  It takes me a few moments before I am strolling along Canal street, I enjoy people watching. All the tourists as they ohh and ahh over the historic places, the knick knack stores as I made my way to Bourbon Street. The sounds of sweet jazz music hit my ears a mile ago, but it is most soothing for me. Closing my eyes, I took a few steps away with plans to continue my journey when I feel a small train body slammed me.

  “Ouch! I was walking here!” Instinct has me throwing out my arms for balance right onto the shoulders of the most beautiful petite red head, with the biggest apple green eyes staring widely at me. She had the slightest little pout in her naturally red lips and I feel my body sizzle with reaction in all the right places.

  “Damn it! I’m sorry!” Her voice is small, shy even as her hands go to remove mine from her shoulders and I instantly feel a jolt of electricity pass between her skin and my own. My nostrils flare at the contact and I can immediately tell she’s human, no animal scent, just lavender and vanilla of her perfume.

  I bet you taste as sweet as you smell.

  She must have felt that spark of voltage since she quickly pulled away from me with the same wide green eyes and then looks down at her feet. Putting some distance between us, I am fully able to take her all in from her fiery red hair all the way down to her very sensible sneakers

  Compared to my height, she was tiny, maybe only 5’4 but definitely no taller than 5’5 perfect size to tuck her head under my chin while hugging. Extreme ruby red hair that falls in waves around her shoulders and came to lay just above the roundness of her perfect firm breasts. She has eyes so green, they look like brightly shining emeralds.

  Shaking myself out of my mental assessment of her, “It’s fine, where are you headed in such a hurry?” Crossing my arms over my chest to stop from reaching out and touching her again.

  Watching her pouty little mouth as she answered, “I’m rather late for an appointment at the high school,” she shrugged slightly and half assed lifts up her cross over body bag, with a slight smile that nearly melted me on the hard Louisiana pavement, “The new kid.”

  Lying through my teeth, I give her my heart dropping half smile that normally melts females, “Ah, well, I’m actually headed there myself.” I was headed in the opposite direction towards my already crowded house, but now I was fully interested in escorting her over to her new Alma mater, McDonogh Prep, eyes darting to the emblem on her t-shirt.

  She lets out a small snort, “Doesn’t look like you were headed there,” she looks at me with narrowed eyes.. Feeling my fur rustle in agitation, great, here we go again with a woman who wants nothing to do with me..

  Uncrossing my arms and shoving my hands deep into my pocket of my jeans. “You caught me; I was actually headed home for a bit. School doesn’t start for another 2 hours.” Feeling nervous in her presence, I take my hands out of my pockets and then placed them back in again. I can’t help but to keep my eyes on her, but the struggle to not reach out and touch her, is real.

  The sound of a cell phone ringer starts screaming from somewhere inside her bag. An irritated huff escapes her lips. Frantically searching for her phone until she pulled it out and then with a slight eye roll, swiped the screen to answer the call.

  “Hi Dad, yes I’m ok,” the irritation in her voice is tangible “No, I’m not lost,” her voice is getting higher with every answer. “Yes I want to be successful and I know this meeting is important,” another pause accompanied by a few long sighs. “I’ll be there in the next 10-15 minutes,” those emerald green eyes go wide and her head goes from side to side as to give me a sign to remain quiet. I uh, ran into a friend.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh, “No, Dad I do not need you to pick me up, I can finish the walk there.” She ended the call in a huff and tosses her phone back into her bag.

  Looking at her with puppy dog eyes, I find her irritation adorable and I realize how much trouble I am in. Clans are supposed to marry and mate within one another. On top of that rule, humans were a big no-no and we were not supposed to have anything to do with them other than a quick fuck for fun. They also cannot know that we even exist.

  Not going to lie, I’ve had my share of high class women, cheerleaders, band geeks and choir girls. But, there was something different about her.

  Tugging at the strap of her bag, moving her weight from one leg to the other and between talking, biting on her lower lip like someone who was nervous to speak at large crowd of people. That was very distracting.

  What I wouldn’t do to put that lip between my own teeth..

  “I’m sorry about that, he is not only protective but a stickler for being on time for appointments.” Motioning to her cellphone within her bag.

  Staring hard at her like I’ve never seen human female before, she waves her tiny perfect hand in front of my face to get my attention. “Hello, um, I’m sorry – I didn’t catch your name. I’m Presley.” She sticks her hand out to shake mine in the normal human greeting.

  Presley. A name that will be forever burned into my memory. I realized that it’s been a good 40 seconds since she’s introduced herself and I awkwardly extend my hand to grasp her’s..

  “Gage.” I manage to bluster out, voice cracking like a boy going through puberty. As soon as our skin touched one another, a surge of electric so strong that you could probably see the arc went between our hands. Her eyes widen again in surprise and she quickly disengages her hand from mine and shoves it into her jean pocket.

  She starts to stumble over words, “Well, Gage, as interesting as this has been; I need to really get to that meeting or my Dad is going to have a coronary.” She provides me a half smile and starts walking away from me, not giving me a chance to say anything else.

  The girl just walked away from me with her hips swaying in those tight jeans, and my dumb ass just stood there like a statue, hand still extended and bre
athing labored like I just got done running a sprint.

  Taking a deep breath, I will my legs to start working and start walking towards home again.

  Right now, I need to know more about Presley, she is exotic to me, forbidden. I felt that electricity between us and I am damn sure she did too. That alone makes me want to find out what it could be between us, it draws me to her like a stupid moth to a flame. I’m going to get burned, I just know it, but I don’t care.

  My thoughts consumed with everything Presley, I hadn’t realized I had been walking on autopilot the entire way home, with a raging hard on tucked into my jeans.

  As I stepped up to the door of the house, I could hear the entire family in there. Breakfast is being served; bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles, orange juice and the sweet smell of coffee. Due to a higher metabolism, we wolves eat way more than the normal human. I stepped into the kitchen, trying to not let the door slam behind me and am greeted by my parents.Thankfully, they and my grandparents, are the only ones here now.

  Mom is standing at the sink. She is a whole 5’2”, brown hair with a touch of gray that streaks through it. Don’t you dare mention it though, she will literally bite your head clean off your shoulders. She weighs about 120 pounds soaking wet and has the golden brown eyes that match mine.

  “Hey sweetie, what would you like to eat?” Her pleasant motherly voice inferred that if I declined breakfast, she’d have my hind end. Leaning over, I give her a small peck on her cheek.

  “A little of everything, Mom. Thank you.” I gave her another peck, before pulling a chair from our small dine in kitchen area.

  Dad is at the table as I sit down. He is bigger, broader. Standing about 6’3” and weighs about 220lbs of solid muscle. This is why is he is the Alpha of our Clan. No one has the kahuna’s to challenge him.

  “Hey killer,” a nickname Dad gave me years ago, “How was your run this morning?”


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