Deck the Halls

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Deck the Halls Page 8

by Cynthia Eden

  Right then, she knew exactly what she wanted for the holidays. Not just sex. Not fleeting pleasure. Him. Always.

  Too bad she couldn’t have what she wanted.


  Jonas followed her home. Kept her taillights in sight at all times. Kept her in his mind.

  They hadn’t been able to find her ex. Jonas had gone with the cops to Charles Crenshaw’s house, but he hadn’t been there. According to a neighbor, Charles had left town yesterday. An annual trip back to see his parents at Christmas.

  So the guy could have trashed the office Friday night, then—calm as you please—driven to Cincinnati to visit his family.

  But Jonas didn’t like the whole situation, and until he got a better handle on just what the hell was happening, he planned to stay close to Christie. Not that staying close was any kind of hardship for him.

  She pulled into her driveway and the garage door began to open. He followed her, aware that the routine seemed way too comfortable and easy. Like I’m coming home.

  Bullshit, of course. Her place wasn’t his home. Not even close. His home was the barren apartment over on Bentley. The place that hadn’t even sported a Christmas tree until around noon. He’d picked the thing up during lunch. He’d been worried Christie would come to his place and, well, hell, the woman loved Christmas. He’d needed the tree for her.

  He climbed out of his car and locked the vehicle. Christie waited for him by the doorway. A warm smile teased her lips. The same smile she’d given him when he’d arrived at her parents’ place. The smile that made him feel like he’d taken a punch in the gut.

  For that sweet curve of her lips, he’d gladly take a hit any day of the week.

  He hurried to her, aware of the grind of the garage door as it lurched back down. His gloved fingers slid down her cheek. Her dress was driving him crazy. He was pretty sure that had been her plan all along.

  Christie laughed lightly and turned away. She unlocked the door and walked inside—

  Then she froze. The lights in the den and kitchen blazed cheerfully, but Christie wasn’t moving.

  “Christie?” He reached for her.

  “I turned that light off when I left.” Her hand pointed to the kitchen.

  Shit. He pushed her behind him. “Get in your car. Pull onto the street. Lock the car’s doors and stay there.” He took a step forward.

  Christie grabbed his hand. “What are you doing?”

  He had his phone out. “Calling for backup.” And checking the place out. He threw her a hard stare. “Go, Christie. Now.” He didn’t want her around any danger.

  Her delicate jaw tightened. “Be careful, Jonas.”

  “Always, baby.”

  She slipped outside, and he got ready to hunt.

  Chapter Ten

  Her house hadn’t been trashed. As far as Christie had been able to tell in those brief moments before she fled, nothing had been taken. Just like nothing had been taken from her office. But Christie knew someone had been inside her place. She always turned the kitchen light off when she left. Always.

  Someone had been inside and that person had turned it back on.

  But she could tell by the way the uniforms on the scene were eyeing her that they didn’t necessarily believe her story.

  When Jonas came back to her side, she straightened away from her car. Christie hugged her coat tightly to her body as she asked, “Do you think it’s Charles? Is he really trying to—”

  “Charles is in Cincinnati.”

  A shiver slid over her. “Since when?”

  “At least since nine a.m. I got a trooper who owes me a favor up there to check in on your ex. I didn’t think you wanted me to mention it at the party with all those people there, but…” Jonas shook his head. “Crenshaw’s not our guy.”

  So someone else wanted to scare her? Why?

  “I want you to come home with me tonight.” His voice was gruff. “Let the uniforms keep searching here.”

  “Do you think they’ll find anything?” Someone had broken into my house. The goose bumps on her arms weren’t just from the cold. Fear had lodged inside her.

  His jaw hardened. “Doubt it.”

  “Someone was here, Jonas.” She wasn’t crazy. She was more than a little obsessive compulsive, and she always turned out that kitchen light when she left.

  “I believe you. That’s why I want you with me. Until I find out what’s happening, I want to make absolutely certain you’re safe.”

  She could be safe at her parents’ house. At Daniel’s. If she went with Jonas, she’d be getting a lot more than just safety. And that was exactly what she wanted. “Okay, but can I get some clothes first?”

  His gaze raked her, hot in the cold air. “I’ll take care of that for you.”

  She licked wind-dry lips. “What’s happening, Jonas?” She didn’t mean between them. The situation between them was way out of control. “Why is someone doing this to me?”

  He opened the car door and ushered her inside. “I’m going to find out, baby. I promise.”

  “This isn’t your case.” No dead bodies—thank God—so no need for him to be investigating. “Daniel might have called you in before, but you don’t have to keep working this.”

  “You’re involved.” His eyes glittered. “That means I’m involved, and I’m not backing off until I find out who is doing this to you.”

  Her hands tightened around the steering wheel. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” Things had spiraled out of control. “It’s all gotten so complicated.” Even as she said the words, Christie caught the narrowing of Jonas’s eyes.

  “Baby, sex is complicated.”

  With him, it was. Complicated and hot and wild, and it was also exactly what she needed right then to banish the cold that snaked through her.

  Someone broke in my house. Why?

  “Keep the vehicle running and stay warm.” He pointed to a cop standing near a patrol car and explained, “Harris over there will keep an eye on you until I get back.”

  She grabbed his hand. “You really think I need someone to watch me every minute?”

  His stare bored into her. “I need him there.” The faint lines around his eyes seemed deeper. “It takes someone real ballsy to walk right into your house. Whoever this dick is, he’s not getting close to you again.”

  This wasn’t the way her Christmas should have turned out. When she’d made her wish, she’d just wanted—

  He kissed her. She expected a hard, fierce kiss. Instead, Jonas gave her the gentlest whisper of his lips against hers. “You don’t need to worry. Whoever this guy is, he won’t hurt you. I’m the only one getting close to you.”

  Then he was gone.

  And she wanted him back. Close again. As close as she could get him.


  She’d never been to his apartment before. Christie wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but the relaxed feel of the place suited Jonas. She liked the overstuffed couch—a couch that faced the giant TV. The overflowing bookshelf wasn’t a surprise. She’d known Jonas loved to read.

  But she hadn’t expected the tree.

  A small Christmas tree stood in the corner of his den. It wilted a little and sagged to the right. Some gold garland—like the garland she’d seen at the police station—had been tossed around the tree. No presents were under the tree. No tree skirt. No, um, water that she could tell. It wasn’t an artificial tree, so it really needed some water.

  Jonas came up behind her. “It’s a piece of shit, isn’t it?”

  Despite the tension that had been riding her, Christie found herself laughing. “No, I think it’s gorgeous.” She’d always been a Charlie Brown tree fan. “But, Jonas…” She turned in his arms so that she could face him. “You might want to consider watering it. If you want the tree to live until Christmas, that is.”

  His cheeks stained a faint pink. “Figured I forgot something.” He shook his head. “I knew if I didn’t get a tree, you’d—”

; Whoa. Wait a minute. “When did you get the tree?”

  “Today.” He bent his head and his lips pressed against her neck.

  He was kissing her weak spot. She held onto his shoulders as her knees trembled. “Wh-why?”

  He licked her neck. A slow, sensual lick. “Because you love Christmas.”

  Well, yes. She did. Didn’t everyone?

  He eased away from her. One step back. “There wasn’t much for me to celebrate in the years after my parents died.” His voice was hard. Rough.

  No, there probably hadn’t been.

  “I bounced around in foster care until I hit eighteen. And then, hell, I met Daniel. Your brother invited me home every holiday, but I didn’t go with him.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because seeing other families hurt too much.” He glanced toward the tree. Winced. “There were only a few trees left on the lot. I swear, it didn’t look that bad earlier.”

  Seeing other families hurt too much. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “It just needs some water. The tree is gorgeous. Perfect.”

  But he shook his head. “It’s not like yours.”

  “That’s because I spent two days decorating mine, and I forced Daniel to help me.” Next year, you can help. She held those words back. Barely.

  There wouldn’t be a next year. The wish she’d made had time limits. We only have a little time left. She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “When I worked undercover, I didn’t have days off for the holidays.” His voice seemed to rumble against her. “I didn’t want my Christmas to be free.”

  But this year was different. He wasn’t in Narcotics any longer. “Jonas, why’d you transfer out?”

  Silence. Then, he finally replied, voice still too rough, “Because I realized there were things I did want. Things I wanted more than the job.”

  What do you want? The question trembled on her lips. The bolder, braver Christie would ask. But that woman wasn’t there at the moment. Too much had happened tonight. Doubts surrounded her. Fears. “I hope you get everything you want,” she said instead and meant it. Jonas deserved to be happy.

  “So do I.” He was staring down at her.

  She couldn’t read his expression. She wished that she could.

  His mouth took hers. The kiss was hard. Deep. Hot. Body-meltingly-good and—

  His head lifted as he growled, “I hope I get everything…because I’m damn well realizing how much I need you.”

  Wait—what had he just said? “Jonas—”

  He was already kissing her again. His clever tongue thrust into her mouth. His hands pushed the coat off her shoulders, and it hit the floor.

  The man knew how to kiss. How to drive her wild. When their mouths met, she ignited. Desire blasted through her body and she just wanted more and more.

  “Did you wear this to drive me crazy?” Jonas demanded as his hands slid over the dress. His touch lingered around her hips.

  It took a moment for his words to register. Then…She managed a nod. Yes, yes, her intent had been to make him crazy.

  “It worked.” He lifted her up, carried her, and put her down on the table near the wall. “I wanted you from the second I saw you tonight. You were nervous, scared, and I wanted to keep you safe—and I just wanted you.” His hand pushed under her skirt. “Oh, hell, garters? Are you seriously wearing garters right now?”

  They’d been so sexy in the store, and she’d never worn them before. They’d looked great on the mannequin. Kinda naughty and fun. So she’d splurged for the hot garters and thigh highs.

  “We’re not making it to the bedroom, not for the first time.” His blazing eyes held hers. “I’m fucking starving for you.”

  When had a man ever told her that? When had a man ever looked at her with such need?

  No other man. Just Jonas.

  “I don’t need the bedroom.” She let her hands trail down his chest. Thanks to the table, she was at the perfect height to touch and tease. And, really, it was her turn to play. She caught the buckle of his belt and unhooked the leather. He’d already ditched his jacket and gloves. Time for the rest to go.

  He sucked in a sharp breath when she unsnapped his pants and eased down the zipper.


  Her exploring fingers stilled. He was telling her to stop? Her jaw almost dropped.

  But he yanked a condom out of his wallet and slapped the foil packet on the table. Ah, yes, that was her man. Always prepared.

  She reached for his cock. Already up, thick, and bobbing toward her. She hadn’t gotten the chance to stroke him before. Hadn’t been able to explore all of him because he’d been so busy touching and kissing all of her.

  Now she had her chance. Christie squeezed his length, stroked his cock from base to tip and enjoyed the way he hissed out her name. He was warm, strong, and she knew he’d feel so good inside her.

  She pumped him, over and over. Stroked carefully. Tightened her hold. Loved the way he tensed even more and—

  He caught her wrist. Held her in a fierce grip. “Told you…” Need thickened his voice. “Can’t wait.”

  Ah, but she was having so much fun. “You haven’t seen my underwear yet.” She kissed the hard line of his jaw even as her hand broke free of his grip so that she could continue working his cock. “Do you think I’m wearing your gift?”

  She felt the shudder that worked through him. In the next breath, he shoved up her dress. The material hiked at her waist. Revealed the silk of her emerald panties.

  His hands moved to her spread legs. Jonas’s callused fingertips carefully slid under the garters. Rose up. Caressed her so tenderly. But the need that roared through her wasn’t tender or soft. It felt savage. “Jonas!”

  His finger edged under the panties. Found her core. He thrust two fingers into her. Withdrew. Thrust…

  And stroked her clit.

  Oh, God.

  “Wet and tight.” He grabbed the condom with his left hand, even as his right kept caressing her. His fingers slid in and out. “So fucking good.”

  She grabbed the packet from him. Ripped it open. She rolled it down his length and enjoyed the way his dick jerked toward her.

  He positioned his cock against her. Christie’s hands flew out and pressed behind her, slapping down against the wood as she fought to brace herself when he pushed deep, so deep inside.

  Better than good.

  Her breath panted out.

  He started to thrust. Fast. Faster. The table shook beneath them. Trembled. No, was that her? The table? Oh, crap, they were going to break—

  Jonas pulled her up against him and lifted her completely off the table. Christie wrapped her legs around him. She held on for the roughest and hottest ride of her life.

  His mouth was on hers. His cock in her. She squirmed against Jonas, taking him even deeper. He held her fiercely with a steely grip at her waist. He took a few rough steps to the right, and her back rammed into the wall.

  They didn’t stop. Couldn’t.

  Deeper. Harder. Faster.

  The pleasure hit her. It swept through her whole body as her sex clenched around him, and Jonas was right there with her. His cock jerked inside her as he came, and his mouth tore from hers. Their eyes met, held, and she watched the green of his gaze seem to go blind with pleasure. Pleasure that vibrated through her body. So amazing. Nothing else has ever felt like this.

  When she could breathe, when the drumming of her heart wasn’t the only sound she heard anymore, Christie realized she was still up against the wall. Still pinned by Jonas. He held her so tightly. Over his shoulder, she could see the tree. Slumping a little more now, but…for me. He’d bought that little tree for her. To make her happy.

  She smiled and pressed a kiss to his shoulder.

  Jonas eased back and stared down at her. Not glazed with lust and pleasure anymore, his eyes saw her. Maybe too much of her.

  She tried to put on her confident front. “I don’t
think you ripped the panties that time.”

  One black brow rose. “Yeah, baby, I did.”

  Oh. She fought a smile. “Guess that means you owe me another present.”

  “Guess it means I do.” His hands tightened around her hips. He stepped away from the wall, but still held her close. Jonas was so strong. Sometimes, she forgot just how powerful he was. That strength is such a turn-on. His muscles rippled beneath her touch as he carried her down the hallway. They turned and entered his bedroom.

  She quickly took in the scene. Big bed. Dark blue comforter. Lots of room to stretch and play.

  He lowered her onto the bed. Her fingers caught his jaw and felt the rasp of the stubble there. “Make me forget again,” she whispered, knowing she was revealing a weakness, but with him, she didn’t care. She trusted Jonas. “The only thing I want to think about tonight is you.”

  What would happen when the holiday ended? Would he go back to his cases? She’d go back to—what? Not another lover. Not after him. Who’d compare?

  Not another accountant. Not another guy who fumbled around in the dark.

  She only wanted Jonas.

  I am so screwed.

  “Baby, for tonight, I’m all yours,” Jonas promised.

  That was the problem. She didn’t only want tonight. So how did she go about asking Santa for forever?

  Especially when forever was against the rules.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I heard about the trouble your lady had at Tate Toys,” Scotty said when he saw Jonas at the station the next day. “Hell of a time for something like this to happen.”

  It sure was. Jonas yanked out his chair. He didn’t want to be in the precinct today. He wanted to be with Christie. She’d headed back to Tate Toys to sort through the mess in her office with Daniel. Before she’d left, Jonas had asked her if she was okay…

  And that adorable chin of hers had jumped two inches into the air as she replied, “I can handle this.”

  Sure she could, but he still wanted to be there with her. “Looks like someone was in her house last night, too.”

  “What?” A line furrowed Scotty’s brow. “A vandal at work and a break-in at home? Man, that’s not good.”


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