18. Experience, p. 111.
19. In interview with David Godman, at his website www.davidgodman.org/interviews/nis1.shtml
20. Prior, p. 68 and 73.
21. In interview with David Godman, at his website www.davidgodman.org/interviews/nis3.shtml
22. Wolter Keers, in the Introduction to his Dutch translation of the second part of I am That (called Zijn, p. 7).
* Shortened titles: Talks: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi; Gospel: Maharshi’s Gospel; Discourses: Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Shri Atmananda; Tattwa: Atmananda Tattwa Samhita; Rays: Rays of the Ultimate; Seeds: Seeds of Consciousness; Prior: Prior to Consciousness; Consciousness: Consciousness and the Absolute; Nectar: The Nectar of the Lord’s Feet; Medicine: The Ultimate Medicine; Experience: The Experience of Nothingness.
In general: italics in quotes are mine; PhR
1. Ramana Maharshi
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Three volumes in one. Compiled by Munagala Venkataramiah. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1955.
The Collected Works of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1959. The original edition of 1959 was edited by Arthur Osborne [Pagination is from 7th edition, 2001].
Maharshi’s Gospel. Compiled by Maurice Frydman. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1939 [Pagination is from 6th edition, 1957].
Day by Day with Bhagavan, by A. Devaraja Mudaliar. Combined volume. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1968.
Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes, by S.S. Cohen. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1952 [Pagination is from 4th edition, 1974].
Be As You Are. The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. Edited by David Godman. London: Arkana, 1985.
2. Atmananda (Krishna Menon)
Atma Darshan. At the Ultimate. Austin, TX: Advaita Publishers, 1989 [first Indian edition of English translation 1946].
Atma Nirvriti. Freedom and Felicity in the Self. Austin, TX: Advaita Publishers, 1989 [first Indian edition of English translation 1952].
Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Shri Atmananda. Taken by Nitya Tripta. Salisbury (UK): Non-Duality Press & Stillness Speaks, 2009. In three volumes [Discourses 1950-1959; first Indian edition 1963].
Atmananda Tattwa Samhita. Austin, TX: Advaita Publishers, 1991 [first Indian edition 1973].
Rays of the Ultimate, by M. P. Bhasi Nair. Santa Cruz, CA: SAT, 1990.
3. Nisargadatta Maharaj
I am That. Translated by Maurice Frydman. Bombay: Chetana, 1973 [Pagination is from edition of 1985].
Seeds of Consciousness. Edited by Jean Dunn. New York: Grove Press, 1982.
Prior to Consciousness. Edited by Jean Dunn. Durham, NC: Acorn Press, 1985.
Consciousness and the Absolute. Edited by Jean Dunn. Durham, NC: Acorn Press, 1994.
The Nectar of the Lord’s Feet. Edited by Robert Powell. Longmead, Shaftesbury (UK): Element Books, 1987. Present title: The Nectar of Immortality (Blue Dove Press). The Ultimate Medicine. Edited by Robert Powell. San Diego, CA: Blue Dove Press, 1994.
The Experience of Nothingness. Edited by Robert Powell. San Diego, CA: Blue Dove Press, 1996.
Gleanings from Nisargadatta. Edited by Mark West. Beyond Description Publishing, 2006.
Beyond Freedom. Edited by Maria Jory. Mumbai: Yogi Impressions Books, 2007.
I am Unborn. Edited by Pradeep Apte [the eternal state.org].
The Nisargadatta Gita. Condensed quotes on ‘I am’. Compiled and published by Pradeep Apte. 2008.
Nothing is Everything. The Quintessential Teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Translated and edited by Mohan Gaitonde. Mumbai: Zen Publications, 2014.
Meditations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Edited by Suresh Mehta. Mumbai: Yogi Impressions Books, 2014.
Table of Contents
Title Page
1. Ramana Maharshi
‘Enquiry’ is looking if something really exists
‘I’ is uninterruptedly the case
The ‘I’ doesn’t need to be replaced by some other ‘I’
Attention to Subject first
2. Atmananda (Krishna Menon)
‘I’ as such
The ‘I’-Principle is the only ultimate Reality
Think of your Guru only in the dualistic sphere
All activities are acts of worship to Me
You are always in your Real Nature
3. Nisargadatta Maharaj
‘I am’ is the greatest foe and the greatest friend
The touch of ‘I am’ is the first vibration
Worship this touch of ‘I am’
Knowingness and surrender
The dynamic aspect of Consciousness
The marriage of two qualities (sattva and rajas)
‘I’ is term for all levels
4. The Medicine (‘I am’ is a door)
The root of the mistake is the medicine
The pure, unmixed Beingness quality (Shuddha Sattva)
The knowing quality is what liberates
The ‘causal body’
Experience is the last Object
Short Biographies
1. Ramana Maharshi
2. Atmananda (Krishna Menon)
3. Nisargadatta Maharaj
I is a Door Page 8