Nine Rules of Engagement (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 9)

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Nine Rules of Engagement (Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 9) Page 8

by Jeannette Winters

  Sucking in her breath, Vickie shrieked, “I knew it! Tell me everything.”

  Gia couldn’t believe how dramatic Vickie was being over one kiss. One amazing kiss. “We were lying down on the blanket—”

  “Here? Like on your bed?”

  “Vickie, will you be quiet long enough for me to tell you? I told you, we went for a walk on the beach.”

  “Yes. Walking is vertical. Lying is horizontal. So skip the boring parts and get to the damn kiss already.”

  “It was nice. We were lying down star gazing. There was a shooting star and then he kissed me.” It really had been very romantic. Like something she’d have read in a book or watched on TV.

  “Like a brief peck or a, you know, kiss? The kind that makes your toes curl and your body tingle.”

  “Vickie, you read too many of those spicy books,” Gia blurted out. But there was definitely a tingle. If that policeman had arrived a few minutes later, who knows what he would’ve walked into. She wasn’t a reckless person, but with Roger, she found herself more of a . . . risk taker. She wasn’t ready to admit to herself, never mind to Vickie, that she was beginning to like Roger. I just wish he was easier to get to know. Was time going to change that or was that just who he was? Private or secretive?

  “Are you listening to me?”

  “Of course I am.” Gia tried to guess what Vickie may have said. Nothing. Damn it. “You said my hair is done, and we just have to wait for the color to set.”

  “You’re right, but that’s not what I said at all.”

  Gia turned around to face Vickie. Her arms were crossed as Gia asked, “What did you say again?”

  “I said someone’s knocking on your door.” Shaking her head, Vickie added, “Don’t worry, I’ll get it.”

  Gia didn’t get much company, but lately the postman had been putting her mail in the incorrect slot and her neighbor had been kind enough to deliver it. “This isn’t Maplesville. Be sure to look through the peephole and ask who it is first.”

  Vickie looked through the hole, but said nothing. And when she opened the door, Gia’s jaw dropped. She wanted to run into her room and hide, but it was too late.

  “Hello, Mr. Handsome. Gia didn’t tell me you were coming today.”

  Roger cocked a brow, giving Vickie the once over before he looked in Gia’s direction. Then his expression really changed. “She wasn’t expecting me.”

  Obviously. Gia hadn’t looked in a mirror and didn’t need to. She knew what she looked like. Her hair was plastered to her head with foils folded in it. Surely she wasn’t the first woman he’d seen having her hair done. Trying not to look as though she wanted to crawl under a rock, she asked, “Did you need something?”

  “I thought I’d take you out for a late lunch. But I can see you’re preoccupied.”

  Vickie didn’t give Gia a chance to speak. “If you want to sit and wait, I can have her ready in thirty minutes.”

  “Vickie, Mr. Patrick surely has better things to do than sit around until my hair is done,” Gia stated.

  Vickie boldly asked, “Do you?”

  Gia rolled her eyes. I really need new friends.

  Roger pulled up a seat across from her and said, “I’m free. My name is Roger by the way. And you are?”

  “Vickie, Gia’s best friend. Sorry about the Mr. Handsome. The way she described you, when you two first met, well that helped me come up with that nickname. By the way, I knew she had called it right when I saw you from the window.”

  The look in his eyes said he was enjoying this way too much. How she looked right now was no longer her greatest concern. How much would Vickie embarrass her in the next thirty minutes?

  “Roger, I can meet you someplace when I’m finished here,” Gia offered, really hoping to put some distance between those two.

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?” he challenged.

  Duh. “Not at all. I was just thinking that”—Think Gia—“the smell of these chemicals might give you a headache.” That was so freaking lame. There was nothing she could do other than ask him to leave, which would be extremely rude. So she had to suck it up and hope she could steer the conversation away from her.

  “I’m sure it’s safe, otherwise your friend wouldn’t have put it on your head.”

  I don’t know. I think she’s trying to kill me by embarrassment. No one but Vickie knew so much about her. That also meant Vickie knew Gia didn’t like her private life shared. Internally she crossed her fingers and tried having faith in her so-called best friend.

  Vickie began chattering about Maplesville and how boring it was there. “And that’s why I’m in Boston today. Well that and to work my magic on Gia.” She shot Gia a brilliant smile then turned her attention back to poor Roger, who seemed cornered. “Which brings me to a very important question. Any single friends or brothers?” Vickie asked.

  Roger shook his head. “Sorry, no.”

  “Figures. Gia had promised me pizza and beer after this. Guess I’ll have to do that solo.”

  “You could always join us,” Roger offered.

  No she can’t. Put a beer or two in Vickie and those lips would start flapping, then Gia was doomed for sure. Not only would Roger have a different opinion of her, he probably would call Brice and that once-in-a-lifetime job would be gone for good. Thankfully, Vickie didn’t like being a third wheel. Not that lunch was going to be a date.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not sure how I’d meet anyone with you there. You’re handsome and everything, but you look intimidating. The last thing I need is someone scaring a guy off before I even get a chance to open my mouth.”

  Gia snorted, and Vickie gave her a warning look. “Vickie, I think that was the buzzer.”

  Vickie checked one of the foils. “Oh, this is going to look so good. Come to the sink and let me wash it out. Roger, no peeking until it’s done.”

  “Vickie this isn’t a—”

  “Hush. I worked hard on this and want to see his face when he sees it for the first time.”

  Gia groaned, but there wasn’t anything she could say. She had to get this out of her hair now or risk it being damaged. She followed Vickie into the other room. Once the door was shut she whispered, “Remind me to kill you later.”

  “You should be thanking me. If it wasn’t for me, he might have left.”

  “And that would’ve been a bad thing?” Gia asked as Vickie washed out the bleach.

  “From where I was standing, yes. He obviously is into you, just in case you didn’t figure that out when he kissed you last night.”

  Even though the water was running, Gia didn’t want Roger overhearing them. “Vickie, let’s talk about this later.”

  “You mean after your date?”

  The only way she was going to get Vickie to stop was to agree. “Yes. Is the bleach all out?”

  “It is. Let’s get you blow-dried.”

  Gia had a lot of hair so it took another ten minutes. But when Vickie was done, Gia was impressed with how natural it looked. My old self. Even though she loved it, it would take some time to get used to again. Time wasn’t something she had.

  Roger was sitting alone in her living room looking at God knows what. She didn’t have anything inappropriate lying around. Those items were tucked away in her nightstand drawer. Hopefully, Roger was sitting on the couch, twiddling his thumbs. She knew she had taken one of those stupid “Are you compatible with your mate” tests in a magazine. Normally she left that sort of thing blank, but out of boredom and curiosity she’d filled it in. Roger may have been on her mind at the time. She had meant to toss it in the trash—mostly because she didn’t like the answer. What the hell did some yes or no test prove? Nothing.

  “If you want, I’ll entertain Mr. Handsome for you while you put on some makeup.”

  She wasn’t leaving those two alone for a second. Vickie would pump him for information or, worse, spill things about Gia she didn’t need him to know. Things like how she had been the dorky ner
d in school and the only reason she came out of her shell was having a friend like Vickie. Their differences complemented each other. She kept Vickie out of trouble, and Vickie showed her how to loosen up and have some fun. I just don’t need her planning the fun for me. Not with Roger at least. Things were going fine all on their own. They didn’t need nudging from a busybody.

  But Vickie was on her way out the bedroom door, and Gia was forced to follow. When they got back into the living room, Gia was shocked to find it vacant. He’d said he didn’t mind waiting. Then again, she had no idea why he would’ve wanted to. If she could’ve left, she would’ve.

  “Well this blows,” Vickie said as she collapsed on the couch. “All this work, and he’s not here to see it.”

  And that’s for the best. “Guess that means it’s you and me for pizza.”

  Vickie smiled. “And beer. Oh, and you’re buying.”

  “Of course. Are you ready to go?”

  “You’re not going out with me looking like that. Go put on the finishing touches so I’ll feel like I have some serious competition out there,” Vickie said teasingly.

  Gia grabbed a pillow off the couch and threw it at Vickie before going back in her room. As she put on some mascara and lip gloss, Gia couldn’t help but wonder why Roger had really stopped by. Pulling out her cell she sent him a text. IS EVERYTHING OKAY?


  That was good news because she wanted to talk to him about the project. That didn’t mean she didn’t want him around for other reasons as well.

  When she returned to the living room, she said, “Mr. Han—Roger, is on his way back. He needed to step out for a few minutes.”

  “Good. I was starting to like the guy, and if he blew you off for lunch, that might have changed.”

  Gia laughed. “I have a feeling it would take more than that.”

  “Not where you’re concerned.”

  Vickie didn’t have a malicious bone in her body, but she did speak her mind. “Have you decided to join us?”

  “Heck no! There isn’t going to be anything juicy to hear if I’m sitting in the middle. And yes, that’s a hint. Step it up. Don’t you dare let that man get away cause you’re shy. If you like him, show him.” Vickie gave her a quick hug and said, “Remember show not tell. Your analytical mind can’t wrap itself around feelings.”

  “What exactly does that mean?”

  “That you will probably trip yourself up or become tongue-tied. If you like him, put your hand on his thigh on the drive. Or reach over and let your fingers brush his so he knows you want to hold hands. I can’t believe you’re thirty-one and I still need to tell you how to do this.”

  “I know how to please a man.” She wasn’t a virgin. Gia had dated in the past. They just hadn’t worked out. Mostly because she was focused on her career.

  “I’m talking about what comes before that. You know, flirting. Batting those beautiful eyelashes at him and things like that.”

  “Vickie, I appreciate you doing my hair and lending me clothes, but really, I can manage this relationship myself.”

  Vickie smiled. “Finally.”


  “You admitted it. You like the guy and called it a relationship. My work here is done.”

  Gia rolled her eyes and shook her head. So glad you’re not coming with us. As Vickie headed out the door, Gia asked, “Are you coming back later?”

  “Nope, but I’ll be waiting for your call.”

  I’m sure you will.

  Roger knew the ladies were occupied. Picking up the pizza and beer seemed the easiest thing to do. Of course he hadn’t expected to find Vickie leaving when he pulled up.

  “Perfect timing.”

  “Are you leaving?” Roger asked.

  “My work here is done. Besides, you don’t need me hanging around.”

  “Are you sure? I brought pizza and beer. Enough for all of us.” Not that he really wanted or needed her there, he just didn’t want Vickie to feel as though she wasn’t wanted. Whatever was going on between him and Gia was only a moment in time. She and Vickie had been friends for ages. Sometimes friends can be closer than family. A bond that shouldn’t be interfered with. That reminded him of Caydan and hating that he was working for Brice behind Caydan’s back. It was as stupid as being here at Gia’s apartment now. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “You look like you have a lot on your mind. Hopefully it’s Gia. Enjoy your lunch. I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again.” Vickie gave him a slight wave of the hand as she headed down the street.

  He stood there until she drove away in her baby blue Jetta. Even down the street, he could hear Vickie’s music blaring. Never would he have put those two together as friends. Yet somehow, they complemented each other. Gia probably is what keeps Vickie out of trouble.

  He grabbed the pizza and beer out of his Jeep and headed upstairs. He hoped Gia wasn’t going to be disappointed that they weren’t going out, but he was done with restaurants and crowds. He wanted a place they could talk freely.

  When she opened the door, he almost dropped the pizza box on the floor. When he saw her last her hair was covered in foils and wet with some type of cream. Seeing her as a blonde, it was like looking at a different woman.

  “What is this?” Gia asked as she grabbed the boxes of pizza from him.

  “I thought it might be nice to stay in. Do you mind?” Roger asked, trying not to stare and failing miserably.

  Gia wrinkled her nose. “You don’t think it smells like a hair salon in here?”

  “Right now all I smell is lunch,” he said as he stepped into her kitchen. That wasn’t entirely true. Even her hair that normally smelled sweet, had a chemical odor. But the end result was . . . wow.

  “What do you have in the bag?”

  Roger smiled. “Since I struck out with wine last night, I thought beer might be better.”

  “You thought right. Vickie is an amazing stylist, but cleanup is not her strong suit. If you give me a few minutes, I’ll get this place in order.”

  She put the pizza on the counter, and he watched as she began clearing the table and throwing things in the trash. He normally wouldn’t go into someone’s refrigerator without asking, but his sole thought was to help her. Quickly putting the beer inside to stay cold, he started helping her.

  Gia stopped and said, “You don’t need to do this. Just sit and relax.”

  “That’s not my style. Besides, I don’t want the pizza getting cold.” He gave her a playful wink, and she handed him a paper towel and pointed to the kitchen table.

  Unfortunately, he was like Vickie when it came to cleaning. He was usually in hotels and didn’t need to worry about it, or home where he ate out most of the time. From what he could see, the only things out of place were somehow linked to having her hair done. Besides that, Gia seemed to like everything in order. That was in alignment with her career choice as well.

  Gia wasn’t her normal chatty self. It was as though when she set her mind to it, nothing stopped her. She is a woman on a mission. He knew better than to get in her way. In no time at all, everything was put away. When she turned her attention back to him, she was all smiles.

  “Now about that beer,” Gia said as she opened the fridge, took two out, and tossed him one. “Do you need a glass?”

  “Definitely not,” he replied, twisting off the cap. Gia had already set the table and pulled a pizza from the box. “I wasn’t sure what you like, so I got a meat lover and a veggie lover.”

  Gia walked over and put the second pizza on the table as well. “I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like. It’s one of my favorite foods. Guess I’m a cheap date.”

  Her eyes widened as though she wanted to take back her words. But it was too late; he heard her call it a date. Was that what these meetings were? Roger had been intentionally avoiding putting a label on them. That didn’t mean it wasn’t what they were. He replied, “Although I enjoye
d our date last night, this is nice too.”

  Roger noticed the slight curl of her lips. She didn’t want to acknowledge their changing relationship any more than he had. That was funny, because in his experience, women were always trying to put a label, or hell a ring, on a simple date or two. He’d mastered derailing all attempts. Yet here he was feeding into what he knew couldn’t be. It wasn’t just stupid, it was cruel too.

  But somehow with Gia things were easier, which in a way made things a hell of a lot more complicated. How the hell was he going to be able to walk away from her without being an asshole? Really how she viewed him wasn’t the most important thing. He wanted to know she would be okay. And why wouldn’t she? Once she was working at Henderson Towers, she was going to be so busy she wouldn’t have time to date anyway. The Hendersons demanded so much from their staff. At least that’s how it was when he’d first started his research on them a few years back. Caydan said they’d changed. Roger wanted to believe that since he was asking them to hire Gia. He had a feeling she could handle herself, but the Hendersons weren’t as easy to understand or deal with as most thought.

  But he wasn’t just going to up and walk out of her life. They had a connection of some sort and, even if they weren’t seeing each other, he was sure they’d stay in contact if only through text messages. That is if she wanted to.

  “I think New York holds the answers, and we go there to see what we can find out. Are you free tomorrow?” Gia asked.

  While he was pondering whatever this was developing between them, Gia must have been thinking about work.

  “I can be. What exactly do you think we’ll accomplish there that can’t be done from Boston?” It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go, but he had a feeling it wasn’t going to be a day trip.

  “I want to utilize their libraries. If I’m correct, there will be old census documents I might be able to use. But I can ask Vickie to go with me if you don’t want to.”


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