Zara's Surrender

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Zara's Surrender Page 4

by Delta James

  “No, please don’t. I’m sorry.”

  She hated the fact that he chuckled.

  “That’s better,” he crooned. “You settle down and behave yourself. Do you hear me?”

  “You bastard.”

  “Naughty girl,” he said and landed the last several swats with considerably more force. “Do you hear me, Zara?”

  “Yes, please stop.”

  He rested his hand on her painful behind. “Had enough?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, on the verge of tears.

  “Then you tell me you understand me and are going to behave.”

  “Fine. I will.”

  “Say it,” he ordered in no uncertain terms.

  “I hate you.”

  “I don’t care. Say it, or I’ll let you up off this bike, go sit on one of those hay bales, strip these sweats off you, and really lay into you.”

  “All right. I understand you, and I’ll behave…but I still hate you,” she said, tears starting to leak from her eyes and roll down her cheeks.

  He helped her up and used his handkerchief to wipe away the evidence of her distress.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  He smiled. “Don’t what? Spank you some more? Kiss you? Put you back in that bed naked and on your back to take care of this rampant need I’ve lit in both of us?”

  “Just don’t,” she said, trying to back away. “Please.”

  As expected, Noah drew her forward so she was flush up against him. He wasn’t exaggerating, the feel of his engorged cock pressing against his fly told her that he, too, was feeling the effect of his having spanked her.

  He captured her head in his hand with his thumb on one side of her face and the rest of his fingers splayed out over the other side of her face spanning the area from her jaw down her neck. He held her in place as he lowered his mouth to hers and took possession of it. It took every bit of strength and willpower not to surrender to him. The kiss was neither tentative nor brutal. It was subtle and sensual and spoke to her of his own need and strength. In order to try and break the reverie, she sank her teeth into his lower lip.

  Zara would have expected him to react violently, either crushing her body to his and demanding she yield or inflicting further pain on her punished backside. He did neither. He chuckled as he brought his hand up to force her jaws apart in order to make her to relinquish her hold.

  “Naughty girl. Next time you bite me as anything less than a passionate response, I’ll bite you back and,” he said, bringing his hand up to cup her breast and rub his thumb across her beaded nipple, “I’ll bite something a lot more tender than your lip.”

  Noah reached down and patted her backside, grinning when she winced.

  “You be a good girl and stay here while I cover the bike back up.”

  Zara watched, anchored to the spot where he had kissed her. She couldn’t seem to make her body move away from him. He ran his hand across the seat of the motorcycle.

  “I may never look at this thing again without picturing you lying across it as I spanked you. Your ass felt good under my hand,” he said silkily. “My guess is it will feel even better when there isn’t a pair of sweatpants covering it up…and better still when I’ve got ahold of it with you on your back and me between your legs.”

  He turned back to her and smiled.

  “You swine,” she hissed.

  He took her hand and started toward the cottage. He tried to draw her along with him. At least, thought Zara, her feet still offered token resistance as they remained seemingly rooted to the spot where she was standing.

  At her reluctance, he turned back and, in one easy maneuver, bent and hoisted her over his shoulder, swatting her bottom and eliciting a yelp from her.

  “You’d best start learning to obey me, Zara. The next time I have to spank you, you’ll be facedown over my knee getting your bare butt blistered. You understand me?” he asked, delivering another blow.

  When she said nothing, he struck her again. “When I ask you a question, you answer me. Am I making myself clear?”

  Zara bit her lip. She’d be damned if she was going to give in. Twice more, his hand connected with her already painful ass.

  “If I don’t get an answer from you right now, that next spanking is going to be right now in this barn over on that bale of hay.”

  “All right,” she cried. “I understand. I hope you understand I mean to take your behavior up with your employer.”

  Noah surprised her by laughing. “Can I be there when you do? Trust me, Ethan McDaniel is well aware of how to deal with a headstrong hellion when she won’t behave. I’m not sure you’re going to find a sympathetic audience there. But you go right ahead.”

  Still chuckling and refusing to put her down, Noah walked to the cottage. He closed both the front door and the window in the bedroom before returning to the sitting room and dumping her unceremoniously onto the sofa.

  “Ouch,” she cried. “That hurts, you brute.”

  He leaned down and kissed her hard, invading her mouth with his tongue and laying claim to it as surely as he had her backside when he’d spanked her earlier.

  “Good. Now, you sit here and think about why you got spanked and why you don’t want to provoke me into giving you another spanking. I promise the next one will be a lot more painful, and I doubt I’ll forego the pleasure of resolving things between us afterward.”

  He went into the kitchen and began to put together lunch. Zara could not understand why she just sat there doing nothing.


  Noah watched her surreptitiously. He had no doubt her backside was burning. He wanted…no, scratch that, he needed her to learn to do what he told her. Their lives could depend on it. He had no doubt that she was as aroused as he was. It had taken a sheer act of will on his part not to lay her back in that bed and follow her down. Certainly, her response to the spanking and their first kiss had left no doubt in his mind that Zara was in need of being tamed by the right man. He had to hide a smile. He was just wondering when he’d decided that man was him.

  He returned to the couch with two plates heaped with fish, fresh sautéed vegetables, and quinoa. He offered her one. When she didn’t take it readily from him, he set it on the coffee table and sat next to her. She tried to scooch away from him.

  “No. You get your ass back over here and eat your lunch. You can tell Mac I spanked you if you want, but you are not going to tell him I didn’t feed you properly.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she said, not moving from where he had halted her trying to put physical distance between them.

  “I didn’t ask if you were hungry, I told you to eat your lunch. I also told you to get your ass back over here, and I meant both.”

  “No,” she said quietly.

  Noah took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to fight off his rising annoyance.

  “Zara, if I have to make you do every single thing I tell you to do, you may never be able to sit or fuck comfortably again. And if I get my lunch finished before you even start yours, I’ll put you over my knee and paddle you until you decide eating cold fish, veggies, and grains is better than getting spanked.”

  She reached for the plate. He swept his arm over her lap and pulled her back hard against him.

  “Eat your lunch, Zara.”

  “I know I’ve said it already, but I really do hate you.”

  He chuckled. “No, but you’d like to. And if you keep saying that to me, I’ll make you take it back before I let you come.”

  He wasn’t all that surprised when she shot up off the couch and threw her plate in his face. In fact, if he was being completely honest with himself, he wondered if he hadn’t been deliberately provoking an outburst from her. He really did want to get his hands on her naked ass, both to spank and to hold her still while he rutted between her thighs.

  He had no doubt that by the time they spoke with the team, Zara would be well on her way to deciding she would be far better off ensuring his desire to pleasure
her exceeded his need to discipline her.

  She stood staring down at him, her breath coming in shallow pants. Noah took his napkin and wiped his face. Carefully, he placed his own plate on the table in front of him and stood. He had to admire the fact she didn’t take a step back or even flinch. He had a good six-to-seven inches in height and a solid sixty pounds of muscle on her.

  “I ought to make you get down on your hands and knees and eat it off the floor. But humiliating women has never been my thing. However, I’m not above humbling one.”

  He grasped her luxurious dark mane in his fist. Zara tried to dislodge his hand, which only resulted in his strengthening his grip. Noah marched her into the bedroom. He reached for her, pulled her sports bra off her shoulders and rolled it down her torso. Stripping her of both it and her sweatpants to her knees, he sat on the bed and pulled her over his lap. Tilting her forward caused her feet to lift off the floor and allowed him to remove both items of clothing, leaving her completely naked. A fresh surge of arousal shot through him, and his cock pushed against the crotch of his jeans.

  “No,” she wailed, starting to truly struggle.

  Noah angled her so her upper body could rest on the mattress then pressed her down, trapping her legs between his. He grinned. He knew he shouldn’t be looking forward to what was about to happen, but he was. He couldn’t wait to feel her naked bottom bounce underneath his hand. What made it even more arousing was he knew she could feel it, too. Her nipples were hard as rocks, and the nectar from her pussy was leaking out to coat her labia and the very tops of her thighs. Noah had plans for how to handle that as well.

  “You settle down and take your spanking like a good girl, and maybe I’ll only spank you as hard as I did when you were bent over the motorbike.”

  “It will still hurt more, and we both know it,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He smiled. It seemed he’d been right about Damian and Zara’s relationship. Good. That meant he didn’t have to worry about scaring her and she knew what to expect. That was the last time he would think of Damian when he had Zara naked over his knee or in his arms.

  “True enough, but maybe this will put enough sting in your tail that you decide to behave.”

  Chapter 5

  Zara wasn’t fooled. Noah may have sounded in control, but both annoyance and lust rolled off him in waves threatening to engulf her in their power. She knew the spanking he’d inflicted earlier was nothing. Her sweatpants had provided her with a good bit of protection.

  Her two biggest fears were, one, that he would recognize he was not the only one in a state of exaggerated arousal, and two, that he wouldn’t. Zara also had some concern he might, as Damian had on more than one occasion, take his belt or a strap to her backside. God, she hated leather. It not only left welts that served as a vivid reminder for days that she’d been spanked but made it damn uncomfortable to sit or have sex. The worst part was anytime she’d ever been spanked it had left her wet and wanting. The spanking from Noah earlier had left her both.

  Without another word, Noah raised his hand and began to spank her. The first blow caught her a bit unaware, and she was unprepared for the level of pain his hand hitting the same spots he’d targeted earlier would cause.

  Zara had planned to endure whatever punishment he inflicted stoically and with no pleading. The second strike caused her to cry out, which seemed only to inflame him. He increased both the tempo and the strength of the swats being delivered. Had he not had her legs pinned between his own and the hand not spanking her used to keep her in position, she might have found some way to get free.

  Noah rained blow after blow over her bottom. Zara knew from previous spankings that when he was done, her poor backside would be red, swollen, and painful. She thrashed and struggled, but nothing seemed to faze him. Noah continued to spank her hard and thoroughly. When she thought she couldn’t take any more or feel any more pain, he moved to catch her sit spots and then down to the tops of her thighs, causing her to cry out.

  “You may as well give in and cry, Zara. This time I mean to get through to you.”

  “You can’t spank me,” she wailed.

  “I can, I am, and I will,” he said, punctuating each word with a hard swat to what was now a very painful backside.

  The man had hands of steel. He would never need a paddle or a hairbrush to ensure she felt the evidence of his displeasure for a day or two. The very idea that the thought of being with him even occurred to her, much less didn’t disgust or terrify her, was unsettling in the extreme.

  Zara would never be able to tell if it was the spanking or her own thoughts that finally broke through her wall of silent endurance of his treatment. She could feel Noah’s determination to break her to his will but was determined to emerge on the other side of this spanking with her pride and dignity intact.

  “Have it your way, Zara,” he said as he increased the strength behind the blows he was cascading all over her backside.

  “Noah, please!” she cried as at last the tears began to fall.

  “You will behave,” he said as he continued to lay into her.


  She wasn’t sure how long it took for her mind to register he had ceased spanking her and was now gently rubbing her backside. She sighed. Noah ran his hand between her legs, which seemed to open for his touch of their own accord. She moaned in pleasure. It had been a while since any man had stroked her there.

  “Good girl,” he soothed as he traced the wet outer lips of her vagina with his finger before penetrating her core with it.

  Zara shook her head—partially to say no, but also to try and clear away the sensual spell he seemed to be weaving around her. She squirmed on his lap and became acutely aware of being pressed against his cock as it throbbed beneath her.

  “Enough, Zara. Behave yourself,” he said with an edge of command in his voice.

  When she continued to wriggle and try to avoid his touch, he removed his finger and she breathed a sigh of relief, only to yelp when he swatted her bruised backside twice more.

  “I said enough.”

  He waited until she relaxed over his lap then he began to fondle her again. This time, he bypassed her pussy and found her clitoris. She knew he would correctly interpret her sharp intake of breath as acquiescence to his touch. He tugged and played with her swollen nub until the stirrings of her first climax began. Her body tingled throughout, and she breathed in shallow pants. Zara was quite certain he could read, and correctly interpret, the telltale signs of her impending orgasm.

  “Good girl. You come for me,” he encouraged her.

  “No,” she said, biting her lip to try and stave off coming at his command draped over his lap.

  “Yes. Come for me, sweetheart. We both know you’re going to. You keep fighting it, and I’ll go back to spanking. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” she cried in distress.

  “Then yield to me and come.”

  He intensified his playing with her clit, which became even more engorged as her wet response pooled at the entrance to her core. Zara couldn’t believe she was losing control this way. Her body was responding of its own accord. She cried out as he continued to caress her intimately, and she succumbed to the need to come as he had ordered. Instead of letting her be, after that, or allowing her to rise, he moved his hand back to her slit before inserting two fingers where he had once had a single digit. He scissored them then stroked the floor of her being with strong and sure movements.

  Zara could feel herself capitulating. Not only could she not regulate her own responses, but no longer had the will to do so.

  “Come again for me.”

  Zara closed her eyes and let it happen. She came quietly but urgently, rubbing her swollen nub against the rough texture of his denim-clad leg. Her pussy trembled and pulsed, telling them both she wanted and needed more. Her sheath clamped down on his fingers even though what she really wanted was to feel the creamy essence only his cock could provide.
He trailed his wet fingers up from her sheath until he reached the dark rosette between her butt cheeks. Gently, he slipped his finger into her there as well. She was surprised the tight ring of muscle didn’t offer more resistance to his intrusion, but instead yielded easily…perhaps even greedily.

  “No, please, Noah.”

  She thought the only way she might persuade him not to take her there was if she admitted she needed to feel him mount her and fuck her pussy into oblivion. He did not remove his finger immediately but continued to stroke her back channel. He was gentle, and the sensations he was causing were not totally unpleasant. What surprised her was that, even though not being directly pleasured, her pussy responded to his ministrations.

  “I’ve found using a woman’s bottom hole can greatly increase her ability to behave and to do as she’s told. Do you want me to stop?”

  “Yes. No. Please. I don’t know,” she said, her words catching as her shame at enjoying his touch in that forbidden place threatened to overwhelm her. Even Damian had never touched her there.

  “Would you rather get up on your knees on the bed and present your pussy to me to fuck?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, surrendering.

  She silently vowed to fight him another day. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to feel him inside her, plowing her from behind and pleasuring them both. All of her nerve endings were alight with desire. Everything intensified as her senses were open wide. Noah removed his finger and released her legs, and she remained in place. He took off his shirt and wiped his hand clean on it then tossed it into the corner of the small room.

  “That’s my good girl. You stay where I put you until I tell you otherwise.” He offered her his hand. “Up you get, and offer yourself to me.”

  In that moment, Zara had never hated or needed anyone more in her life. She climbed up on the bed and remained on her knees. Her hair fell forward, covering her face. The bed sprang back up when he stood. The sound of his zipper being lowered inflamed her already amplified state of arousal.

  Noah reached underneath her with both hands to heft the weight of her breasts, pinching her nipples, causing her to squeal. He then brought his strong hands up her sides. He placed one on the nape of her neck, urging her upper body down against the mattress. When he removed his hand and she tried to rise, he swatted her painful backside with his other hand then once more gently forced her upper torso down.


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