Zara's Surrender

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Zara's Surrender Page 16

by Delta James

  “We aren’t friends, Fariq, and your flunky, Christian Reid, has put a contract out on me.”

  “A most unfortunate turn of events. I figure I may well have overestimated Christian’s ability to handle things. You should know he is becoming unraveled.”

  “And I could do what about that?”

  “You could arrange to bring me the information. I’m quite curious as to see what’s on it before I destroy it.”

  “I don’t have it. It’s with the team at Wild Mustang.”

  “The thumb drive, yes, but the threat there will be eliminated shortly. You, on the other hand, I suspect could get what I want off Thom Lynden’s computer, which is not back in Mesa. Bring the laptop to me, and I will ensure your safety as I have done in the past.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then your Mr. Taylor will become my primary target for retaliation. This is not a negotiation, Zara, it is a simple exchange…the laptop for Taylor’s life.”

  “He’s a hard man to kill,” she said, trying to keep the fear out of her voice.

  “But I am a man of unlimited means and abilities. The laptop for Taylor’s life.”

  “When and where?”

  “I knew I could count on you to be reasonable, Zara. Take the laptop and find a boat. Use a burner phone and text me its number. I will send you the rendezvous coordinates. We have a deal?”

  “You give me little choice. But once you have the information destroyed, you’ll leave all of us in peace?”

  “If you drop the story, the contract on your life will be rescinded, and all will be as it was before.”

  “I have a window of opportunity now. I’ll text you within the next two hours.”

  Zara hung up the phone, grabbed Thom’s laptop, shoving it into the messenger bag he used to transport it as well as the gun underneath the coffee table. She jotted down a quick note for Noah and went out to the sports car Thom had rented. She smiled…the keys were in the ignition.


  Noah and Thom were adding additional sensors along the eastern perimeter when they heard the sound of a powerful engine.

  “You have the keys to the car, right?” said Noah.

  “Well, no. I didn’t figure anyone was going to steal the damn car.”

  “No one but Zara. Shit!”

  Noah ran for the house but knew he’d be too late. He skidded to a stop as the car disappeared up the drive. He ran into the house to grab the keys to the SUV from off the desk. Instead, he found Thom’s laptop was missing and a note from Zara.


  I love you. There I said it.

  Fariq is very worried about whatever information

  Christian let slip. He’s willing to meet with me and

  has agreed to trade Thom’s laptop to leave us in

  peace and call off the contract.

  Warn them in Mesa, he may have already set

  something in motion to destroy the information

  that’s there.

  I raided your wallet and took the cash you have. I

  can make arrangements for more money off-the-grid

  so I’ll be fine.

  I love you. Please try not to be too pissed at me.


  Thom rushed into the cottage. “She stole my car!”

  “No shit. She also took my keys, your laptop, and all the cash I had on me.”

  “Fuck. Then we’re stuck until Avery lands.”

  “No. I’ll go hotwire the vehicle we used to get out here. We’re going to have to check in with Mac on the fly. Tell him Zara thinks Abdal may have done something there at our headquarters. They should probably secure all the information and do a deep sweep for explosives.”

  “Shouldn’t we stop and talk to Mac first?”

  “No. This isn’t Zara’s first rodeo. She’s already got a head start on us. I don’t intend to give her any more of one than I have to. I need you to come along to drive one of the vehicles.”

  As Noah hotwired the SUV, Thom placed the call to the office and briefly filled them in. He had just finished up when Noah drove up to the front of the cottage.

  “Mac said they’re getting everyone out and will stop whatever it is Abdal arranged. He wished you luck,” said Thom.

  Noah noted the bemused expression on his friend’s face. “Between asphyxiated breaths from laughing?”

  Thom grinned. “Pretty much. I told him to have Avery land as planned, and we’d get in touch with her when we knew more. Zara will be okay, Noah.”

  “Only until I get my hands on her…then she and I are going to go to town about her inability to follow the simplest orders.”

  “You know, not all women are cut out to just follow orders.”

  “They are if the right man is giving them,” Noah growled. “Sorry. It’s not you. I’m so pissed at Zara I can’t see straight. There are people gunning for her, and she decides to go have tea with Fariq Abdal.”

  “Take a breath. First, like you said, she’s experienced. My guess is this isn’t the first time someone has wanted her dead. Second, she took the gun from under the coffee table and some ammo. Third, she does have contacts in this area, the Middle East, and Africa, but so do we. We’ll find her.”

  “Did you notice if she got her passport?”

  “Yes, but she didn’t take yours.”

  “How considerate of her,” Noah snarled. “When and where is Avery supposed to land?”

  “There’s a private, undisclosed airstrip about a mile from the cottage.” Thom checked his watch. “Avery should be there in about two hours.”

  “Good. Just have her stay there.”

  “Should I ask how you plan to get Zara on board?”

  “Toss her over my shoulder and take her aboard kicking and screaming before putting her in restraints. If Avery won’t take her that way, the two of you can go up to the cockpit while I deal with her until she quiets down. Then I’ll take her home and hand her off to somebody there. But I’m going to keep Zara safe whether she likes it or not.”


  Zara headed into town, found a parking space for the sports car right outside a branch of her Swiss bank, and got the cash she needed. She used the phone in the bank to arrange for a powerboat to leave Monaco’s harbor and take her to Abdal, who she knew was most likely to be on his yacht, cruising the Mediterranean Sea. She then left the bank and stopped at a kiosk she knew handled off-market, burner phones and bought several.

  Zara arrived at the marina, arranged to have the rental car returned, and then boarded the boat. She hoped she’d been quick enough that she was motoring out of the marina before Noah ever got the SUV hot-wired.

  Noah was going to be furious. She had no doubt her tender lover of the night before was going to be replaced, at least for a while, with the hard-nosed, no-nonsense commando who would make sure she understood the extent of his wrath. It galled her that the very thought of it made her tingle all over, and not in a bad way. It wasn’t that she looked forward to his punishment, it was the man himself and his dominance that made her shiver in anticipation.

  She had no choice but to handle things the way she was. After all, Abdal was a businessman first and foremost and would stand by the deal. It rankled her that she had to give up whatever it was that had him rattled, but it was worth it to ensure Abdal didn’t make killing Noah a priority. She would trade the information, and what she was sure was a Pulitzer prize-winning story, for his safety.

  Once she had cleared the marina, she placed her first phone call.

  “Ghazil, you bastard, if you call Noah, I swear I will tell everybody and their brother just how many times I’ve used you for information and that you are in the employ of the Wild Mustang team.”

  “Zara, my darling. Did you manage to get away from that delicious man who was so intent on finding you? I must say you have exceptional taste. There is no need to threaten me. You would never sign my death warrant by revealing the help I have given you in the past. And I am fa
r more concerned about what Noah Taylor would do to me than about you. But tell me anyway how I might help.”

  Zara sighed. Ghazil was right. She wouldn’t get him killed, nor would she reveal he had worked for her and with Wild Mustang.

  “Noah’s people think Abdal is behind the hit that has been put out on me.”

  “He said as much to me. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibilities, but it doesn’t make sense. You are no threat to Abdal. After all, what could you reveal that isn’t already known? But the heir apparent who hides in the shadows? That’s another thing entirely.”

  “Do you think Abdal knows about the contract?”

  “I think Abdal knows everything. He may not have given the order, but he also hasn’t canceled it. Speaking as a friend, you really should let Taylor and his people look after you until this is over. The whole arms community is taking a wait-and-see attitude.”

  “What about Springer?”

  “Gerold Springer is out. You must have been lying low. His apartment was bombed late last night. Several fatalities, Springer among them.”

  “The heir apparent?” she asked.

  “Perhaps, but my money is on Abdal himself. After all, Springer did try to make a play for Abdal’s organization, and Abdal isn’t ready yet to leave.”

  “Ghazil, thanks, and sorry about the threats. You’re right. I’d never do that to you.”

  “That’s all right, Zara. Want to make it up to me?”

  She laughed. “Sure, what do you want?”

  “An invitation to the wedding.”

  “What wedding?” she asked, confused.

  “Yours, of course. You don’t honestly believe a man like Noah Taylor isn’t going to claim you as his and then make you put a ring on your finger, do you?”

  “We’ve never even talked about marriage.”

  “In case you missed it, Taylor isn’t much on words. He’s a man of action. I suspect when he catches up to you, he won’t do much talking.”

  She laughed. “You’re probably right about that at least. Well, if there’s a wedding of any kind, I’ll be sure you get an invitation.”

  “Thanks, darling. If you need help planning it, do let me know.”

  He rang off, and Zara shook her head before doing the same, stomping the cell phone into multiple pieces and tossing the thing into one of the holding tanks in the boat. Her next call was to Finn. She prayed she was alone and could take the call.


  “How’d you know? Can you talk?”

  “Not for long. Croft is on his way back to the house. I have maybe ten minutes. Are you all right? Do you have any idea how pissed the whole lot of them are, Noah in particular?”

  “I’m fine. I’m sure they are pissed, and I don’t want to think about how pissed Noah is. Jesus the man has a wicked hand.”

  “You’ll be lucky if it’s just his hand.”

  Zara laughed. “Yes, I will. How are you holding up?”

  “You mean because it seems my brother is not the man I ever thought he was, but instead is part of an organization that has put out a contract on my best friend?”

  “Don’t go there Finn. There was no way for you to know any of this. I’ll be fine. It isn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last, although I suspect knowing I have the Wild Mustang boys behind me will deter some of the possible hitters. Abdal has agreed that, in exchange for Thom’s laptop, he’ll call everything off, and we’ll go back to square one. Neither you nor I can pursue the story, but at least everyone is safe. And let them know there may be something afoot there in Mesa.”

  “They’re already working on that. You aren’t really thinking of confronting Abdal directly, are you? Have you lost your mind?”

  “I have no choice. If I hadn’t agreed, he was going after Noah. Ghazil believes your brother is the one who actually put the hit out on me, and if he’s the heir apparent, Abdal is the only one who can stop him.”

  “I get that, but Abdal could have done that, and he hasn’t.”

  “I know, but he wants Thom’s laptop and the information buried, so he’s willing to do an exchange. Oh shit. Ghazil just told me Gerold Springer’s apartment was bombed last night. Springer is dead. The team might know already but tell them just in case.”

  “Zara, I don’t know what you think you’re going to do, but you need to let them bring you in and keep you alive.”

  “And do what? Hide the rest of my life? Look, I know he’s your brother…”

  “No, the day he became Abdal’s henchman and put a contract out on someone’s life, he ceased being my brother. If it comes to it, and it’s you or him…you take him out. He’s dead to me already,” Finn said with a catch in her throat.

  “I’m sorry, Finn.”

  “Me, too. But we haven’t been close for years. He thought I was irresponsible, and I thought he was just toeing the family line. How was I to know he’d gotten involved in the international arms trade. But you know what frightens me the most?”

  “That he’s involved your family and their business with Abdal.”

  “That’s it. I can’t imagine what it will do personally to my parents, but if it becomes public, the ramifications will destroy a business that has been built by our family over hundreds of years. If it doesn’t, then how do we extricate the investment firm from this mess Christian got us into?”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Zara could hear someone entering the house and the phone being taken away from Finn.

  “Zara? This is Croft. Turn that fucking boat around and get your ass back to Monaco.”

  “Delightful to hear your voice again, Billy. Do tell Noah I sent my love.”

  Again, she disconnected the phone, dropped it on the deck, crushed it with her heel, and tossed it into the holding tank.

  Chapter 16

  The cell rang.


  “Croft. She just talked to Finn. I came in right at the end and told her to get her ass back to you in Monaco. She told me to tell you she sends her love. Finn says that’s really significant for Zara. However, Finn isn’t being exactly forthcoming on the subject of the phone call. Two big items: she’s headed to meet Abdal—”

  “Shit, I was afraid of that. She has Thom’s laptop. I think he may have offered to rescind the contract on her life if she gave it to him.”

  “We listened to the conversation on our end. We managed to bypass some of Abdal’s security measures. He also told her if she didn’t make the exchange, he’d have you killed. She told Finn Gerold Springer is dead.”

  “How the fuck does she know that?” asked Noah, amazed at how quickly Zara could gather information.

  “Finn says Zara told her, and that’s all she’s willing to give up. I can see if I can get more out of her.”

  “No, leave your girl out of this. My guess is she spoke to Ghazil. That’s just the kind of info he would have and would share with Zara.”

  “I think you’re right. Baez texted me that Ghazil just let them know. Look, do you need me to head your way?”

  “No, you sit tight. I sent Thom to meet with Avery. I told him if I’m not back to put my spitting wildcat on the plane, that he and Avery should take off. I’ll check in when I can.”

  “You sure you’re all right without any backup?”

  “Zara isn’t the only one with friends in this neck of the woods. I’ll be fine just as soon as I catch up with her.”

  “Yes,” laughed Croft, “but will Zara be fine?”

  “Mostly. There’s a few areas that will be getting some special attention from me.”

  “I’ll bet there are. Take it easy, Noah. We’ll keep running it down from this end. If you want Avery and Thom to stay, even if it’s just in Monaco, holler and we’ll get them set up.”

  “Will do. And, Croft? If Zara calls Finn again, tell Finn to tell her I love her, too.”

  “Do you have any idea how tempting it is for me to give you a ration of shit
about how fast you fell and the kind of woman you fell for?”

  “I’ll bet, but a buddy wouldn’t do that until the other guy had his woman safe and back in his arms.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Don’t sound so disappointed.”



  “Seriously, well done! Hughes is one helluva woman.”

  “That she is. Look, while I’m thinking of it, Zara and I both think Springer planned to use Finn against Christian. I really don’t think Christian wanted his sister harmed or killed.”

  “But Ghazil is pretty sure Christian is the one who put out the hit on Zara.”

  “I agree. Zara is nothing to Christian. I just think Finn might sleep a little easier if she knows her brother didn’t set her up to be killed.”

  “That makes sense. If Christian is worried about what was on the flash drive and lost it, but Springer got it back, Abdal would be forced to reconsider his options.”

  “That’s what we were thinking. And I think we try to take Christian down without killing him. If we can get him to turn on Abdal, we might be able to get him put him in some kind of witness protection program and at least save his life.”

  “I think that would be easier on Finn. She’s trying to put on a brave face, but it’s got to be eating at her. Go get Zara.”

  “I will. Take care of Finn.”

  Noah rang off. With Springer dead, Christian would have redeemed himself in Abdal’s eyes. But Abdal wasn’t going to want a fight with the firm. Maybe they could use that to their advantage. Maybe if he could get Zara to agree to back off, and Abdal knew the information was no longer a threat, he would call off the contract and shut Christian down. Then, if they could get Christian, they’d have a whole new ball game—one that would keep Zara and Finn safe and break the back of Abdal’s organization.

  Chapter 17

  Zara had received the coordinates of Abdal’s boat and was closing in on his position. She could see his massive yacht in the distance and the gunboats that patrolled it keeping others away. Apparently, they’d been given the green light for Zara to approach. She was given instructions as to where to tie up to Abdal’s floating fortress and was greeted by the captain whom she had met before.


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