Black Bartlemy's Treasure

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Black Bartlemy's Treasure Page 33

by Jeffery Farnol



  Next morning I was up mighty early and away to the little valley, firstto view my pots and then to pick some flowers for her birthday,remembering her great love for such toys. Coming to the ashes of thefire, I must needs fall a-cursing most vilely like the ill fellow Iwas, and to swearing many great and vain oaths (and it her birthday!).For here were my pots (what the fire had left of them) all swollen andbulged with the heat, warped and misshapen beyond imagining.

  So I stood plucking my beard and cursing them severally and alltogether, and fetched the nearest a kick that nigh broke my toe and setthe pot leaping and bounding a couple of yards, but all unbroken.Going to it I took it up and found it not so much as scratched and hardas any stone. This comforted me somewhat and made me to regret my illlanguage, more especially having regard to this day, being as it were aday apart. And now as I went on, crossing the stream at a place wherewere stepping-stones, set there by other hands than mine, as I went, Isay, I must needs think what a surly, ill-mannered fellow I was,contrasting the gross man I was become with the gentle, sweet-naturedlad I had been. "Well but" (thinks I, excusing myself) "theplantations and a rowing-bench be a school where a man is apt to learnnought but evil and brutality, my wrongs have made me what I am. Butagain" (thinks I--blaming myself) "wrong and hardship, cruelty andsuffering do not debase all men, as witness the brave Frenchman thatwas whipped to death beside me in the 'Esmeralda' galleass. Wrong andsuffering either lift a man to greatness, or debase him to the verybrute! She had said as much to me once. And she was right" (thinks I)"for the Frenchman had died the noble gentleman he was born, whiles I,as well-born as he and suffering no greater wrong than he, according tohis own account, I had sullied myself with all the vileness and filthof slavedom, had fought and rioted with the worst of them!" And nowremembering the shame of it all, I sat me down in the shade of a treeand fell to gloomy and sad reflection, grieving sorely over things longpast and forgotten until now, and very full of remorse and scorn ofmyself.

  "Howbeit" (thinks I) "if rogue and brute I am" (which is beyond alldoubt) "I will keep such for my own kind and she shall know nought ofit!" And here, getting upon my knees I took a great and solemn oath tothis effect, viz., "Never by look, or word, or gesture to give hercause for shame or fear so long as we should abide together in thissolitude so aid me God!" This done I arose from my knees and betook meto culling flowers, great silver lilies and others of divers hues,being minded to lay them on the threshold of her door to greet her whenshe should arise. With these in my arms I recrossed the brook andstepping out from a thicket came full upon her ere she was aware; andseeing her so suddenly I stood like any fool, my poor flowers hiddenbehind me. She had taken up one of my misshapen pots and was patting itsoftly as she viewed it, and a little smile on her red lips. All atonce she turned and, spying me, came towards me all smiling, fresh andradiant as the morning.

  "O Martin," says she, turning the pot this way and that, "O Martin,'tis wonderful--"

  "'Tis an abomination!" quoth I.

  "And 'twill hold water!"

  "'Tis like an ill dream!" says I.

  "And so strong, Martin."

  "True, 'tis the only merit the things possess, they are likestone--watch now!" And here, to prove my words, I let one drop, thoughindeed I chose a soft place for it.

  "And they will be so easy to carry with these handles, and--why, whathave you there?" Saying which she sets down the pot, gently as it hadbeen an egg-shell, and comes to me; whereupon I showed her my posy, andI more fool-like than ever.

  "I chanced to--see them growing," says I, "and thought--yourbirthday--they might pleasure you a little, mayhap--"

  "Please me?" says she, taking them. "Please me--O the dear, beautifulthings, I love them!" And she buries her face among them. "'Twas kindof you to bring them for me, Martin!" says she, her face hidden in theflowers, "Indeed you are very good to me! After all, you are that samedear Martin I knew long ago, that boy who used to brandish his rustysword and vow he'd suffer no evil to come near me, and yearned forogres and dragons to fight and slay on my behalf. And one day youcaught a boy pulling my hair."

  "It was very long hair even then!" says I.

  "And he made your lip bleed, Martin."

  "And I hit him on the nose!" says I.

  "And he ran away, Martin."

  "And you bathed my lip in the pool and afterwards you--you--"

  "Yes I did, Martin. Though 'tis a long time to remember."

  "I--shall never forget!" says I. "Shall you?"

  Here she buries her face in her flowers again.

  "As to the pots, Martin, there are four quite unbroken, will you helpme bear them to our refuge, breakfast will be ready."

  "Breakfast is a sweet word!" quoth I. "And as to these things, if youwill have them, well and good!"

  And thus, she with her flowers and I with the gallipots, we came to ourhabitation.

  "What do we work at to-day?" she questioned as we rose from our morningmeal.

  "To-day I make you a pair of shoes."

  "How may I aid you, Martin?"

  "In a thousand ways," says I, and I plucked a great fan-shaped leafthat grew adjacent. "First sit you down! And now give me your foot!"So, kneeling before her, I traced out the shape of her foot upon theleaf and got no further for a while, so that presently she goes abouther household duties leaving me staring at my leaf and scratching myhead, puzzling out how I must cut and shape my goat-skin. Well-nighall that morning I sat scheming and studying how best I might achievemy purpose, and the end of it was this:

  (Sketch of a leaf cut to shape.)

  This shape I cut from the leaf and with it went to find my lady; then,she sitting upon the stool, I took off one of her shoes (and she alllaughing wonderment) and fitting this pattern to her foot, found itwell enough for shape, though something too large. I now took thegoat-skin and, laying it on the table, cut therefrom a piece to mypattern; then with one of my nails ground to a sharp point like acobbler's awl, I pierced it with holes and sewed it together with gutin this fashion:

  (Four sketches of shaped hide showing stages of manufacture.)

  This is quickly over in the telling, but it was long a-doing, so thathaving wrought steadily all day, night was at hand ere her shoes werecompleted, with two thicknesses of hide for soles and all sewed mightysecure.

  Now though they were not things of beauty (as may plainly be seen frommy drawing herewith) yet, once I had laced them snug upon her feet,they (shaping and moulding themselves to her slender ankles and daintyfeet) were none so ill-looking after all. And now she, walking to andfro in them, must needs admire at their construction and the comfort ofthem, and very lavish in her praise of them and me; the which didpleasure me mightily though I took pains to hide it.

  "Why, Martin" says she, thrusting out a foot and wagging it to and fro(very taking to behold), "I vow our cobbler surpasseth our carpenter!Dian's buskins were no better, nay, not so good, judging by pictures Ihave seen."

  "They will at least keep out any thorns," says I, "though as to looks--"

  "They look what they are, Martin, the shoes of a huntress. You willfind her very swift and sure-footed when her bruises are quite gone."

  "I'm glad they please you," says I, yet upon my knees and stooping toview them 'neath her petticoat, "though now I see I might better themby trimming and shaping them here and there."

  "No, no, Martin, leave well alone."

  But now and all at once I started to feel a great splash of rain uponmy cheek, and glancing up saw the sky all overcast while seaward thewhole horizon was very black and ominous; great masses of writhingvapour and these threatening clouds lit ever and anon by a reddishglow, and pierced by vivid lightning flashes. All of which took usmightily by surprise, we having been too intent upon these new buskinsto heed aught else.

  "Yonder is storm and tempest," says I, "see how it sweeps towards us!"And I pointed where, far acr
oss the dark sea, a line of foam marked theoncoming fury of the wind. And presently we heard it, a faint hum,growing ever louder and fiercer.

  "O Martin, see yonder!" and she pointed to the onrushing of the foamingwaters. "'Tis very awful but very grand!"

  "Let us go in!" says I, catching up my tools. "Come, soon will beroaring havoc all about us!"

  "Nay, let us stay awhile and watch."

  As she spoke it seemed as the sea gathered itself into one great andmighty wave, a huge wall of foaming waters that rolled onward hissingand roaring as it would 'whelm the very island beneath it. On itrushed, swelling ever higher, and so burst in thunder upon the barrierreef, filling the air with whirling foam. And then--then came thewind--a screaming, howling, vicious titan that hurled us flat andpinned me breathless and scarce able to move; howbeit I crawled whereshe crouched somewhat sheltered by a rock, and clasping her within myarm lay there nor dared to stir until the mad fury of the wind abatedsomewhat. Then, side by side, on hands and knees, we gained our rockyfastness, and closing the door, which was screened from the directforce of the tempest, I barred it with the beam I had made for thepurpose, and stood staring at my companion and she on me, while all theworld about us roared and clamoured loud and louder until it seemedhere was to be an end of all things. And now suddenly came darkness;and in this darkness her hand found mine and nestled there. Thus weremained a great while hearkening to the awful booming of this rushing,mighty wind, a sound indescribable in itself, yet one to shake the verysoul. In a while, the tumult subsiding a little we might distinguishother sounds, as the rolling of thunder, the rending crash of fallingtrees hard by, and the roar of mighty waters. And presently her voicecame to me:

  "God pity all poor mariners, Martin!"

  "Amen!" says I. And needs must think of Adam and Godby and wonderwhere they might be.

  "'Tis very dark, shall we not have a light?" she questioned.

  "If I can find our lamp," says I, groping about for it.

  "Here is a candle!"

  "A candle?" says I, "And where should we find a candle?"

  "We have three, Martin. I made them with tallow from our goat, thoughthey are poor things, I fear."

  Taking out my tinder-box I very soon had these candles burning, andthough they smoked somewhat, a very excellent light we thought them."And now for supper!" says she, beginning to bustle about. "Our meatis in the larder, Martin." Now this larder was our third and smallestcave, and going therein I was immediately struck by the coldness of it,moreover the flame of the candle I bore flickered as in a draught ofair, insomuch that, forgetting the meat, I began searching high andlow, looking for some crack or crevice whence this draught issued, yetfound none. This set me to wondering; for here was the cave some tenfeet by twelve or more, and set deep within the living rock, the wallssmoothed off, here and there, as by hand, but with never a crack orfissure in roof or walls so far as I might discover. Yet was Iconscious of this cold breath of air so that my puzzlement grew thegreater.

  Presently as I stood thus staring about, to me comes my lady:

  "Good lack, Martin," says she, "if we sup on goat to-night we must eatit raw, for we have no fire!"

  "Fire?" says I. "Hum! Smoke would do it, 'tis an excellent thought."

  "Do what, Martin!"

  "Look at the candle-flame and hark!"

  And now, the booming of the wind dying down somewhat, we heard astrange and dismal wailing and therewith a sound of water afar.

  "O Martin!" she whispered, clasping her hands and coming nearer to me,"What is it?"

  "Nought to fear, comrade. But somewhere in this larder of ours is anopening or fissure, the question is--where? And this I go to find out."

  "Aye, but how?" she questioned, coming nearer yet, for now the wailinghad sunk to a groan, and this gave place to a bubbling gasp mightyunpleasant to hear.

  "With smoke," says I, setting the candle in a niche of rock, "I willlight a fire here."

  "But we have no fuel, Martin."

  "There is plenty in my bed."

  "But how will you sleep and no bed?"

  "Well enough, as I have done many a time and oft!"

  "But, O Martin, 'twill make such dire mess and this our larder!"

  "No matter, I'll clean it up. Howbeit I must learn whence cometh thiscold-breathing air. Besides, the fire shall cook our supper andmoreover--"

  But here I checked speaking all at once, for above the dismal groansand wailing I had heard a sudden fierce whispering:

  "O Martin, O Martin!" sighed my companion, "We are not alone--somewherethere are people whispering! Did you hear, Martin, O did you hear?"And I felt her all of a-tremble where she leaned against me.

  "'Tis gone now!" says I, speaking under my breath.

  "But 'twas there, Martin--a hateful whispering."

  "Aye, I heard it," says I fierce and loud, "and I'll find out who orwhat--"

  "Who or what!" hissed a soft voice. Hereupon I sheathed the knife Ihad drawn and laughed, and immediately there came another laugh, thoughvery soft.

  "Ahoy!" I shouted, and presently back came the answer "Ahoy!" and thenagain, though much fainter, "Ahoy!" "'Tis nought but an echo," says Ilaughing (yet mighty relieved all the same).

  "Thank God!" says she faintly, and would have fallen but for my arm.

  "Why, comrade, how now?" says I; and for a moment her soft cheek restedagainst my leathern jerkin.

  "O Martin," says she, sighing, "I do fear me I'm a monstrouscraven--sometimes! Forgive me!"

  "Forgive you?" says I, and looking down on her bowed head, feeling herthus all a-tremble against me, I fell a-stammering, "Forgive you,nay--where--here was an unchancy thing--'tis small wonder--no wonderyou should grow affrighted and tremble a little--"

  "You are trembling also," says she, her voice muffled against me.

  "Am I?"

  "Yes, Martin. Were you afraid likewise?"

  "No--Yes!" says I, and feeling her stir in my hold, I loosed her.

  And now, bringing fern and bracken from my bed I kindled a fire and,damping this a little, made a smoke the which, rising to a certainheight, blew back upon us but always from the one direction; andpeering up thither I judged here must be a space 'twixt the roof andthe face of the rock, though marvellous well-hid from all observation.Hereupon, the place being full of smoke I must needs stamp out the firelest we stifle; yet I had discovered what I sought. So whilst mycompanion busied herself about supper, I dragged our table from theouter cave, setting it in a certain corner and, mounted thereon,reached up and grasped a ledge of rock by which I drew myself up andfound I was in a narrow opening or tunnel, and so low that I must creepon hands and knees.

  "Will you have a candle, Martin?" And there was my lady standing belowme on the table, all anxious-eyed. So I took the candle and creepingthrough this narrow passage suddenly found myself in another cavernvery spacious and lofty; and now, standing in this place, I staredabout me very full of wonder, as well I might be, for I saw this:Before me a narrow door, very stout and pierced with a loophole, andbeyond this a rocky passage that led steeply down: on my right hand,in a corner, a rough bed with a bundle of goat-skins and sheets thatlooked like sailcloth; on my left a table and armchair, rough-buildedlike the bed, and above these, a row of shelves against the rocky wallwhereon stood three pipkins, an iron, three-legged cooking-pot, acandlestick and an inkhorn with pen in it. Lastly, in a corner closebeside the bed, I spied a long-barrelled firelock with bandolierscomplete. I was about to reach this (and very joyously) when my lady'svoice arrested me.

  "Martin, are you there? Are you safe?"

  "Indeed!" says I. "And, Damaris, I have found you treasure beyondprice."

  "O Martin, is it Bartlemy's treasure--the jewels?"

  "Better than that a thousand times. I have found you a realcooking-pot!"

  "O wonderful! Show me! Nay, let me see for myself. Come and aid meup, Martin."

  Setting down my candle I crawled back where she sto
od all eagerimpatience, and clasping her hands in mine, drew her up and on handsand knees brought her into the cave.

  "Here's a goodly place, comrade!" says I.

  "Yes, Martin."

  "With a ladder to come and go by, this should make you a noblebedchamber."

  "Never!" says she. "O never!"

  "And wherefore not?"

  "First because I like my little cave best, and second because this istoo much like a dungeon, and third because I like it not--and hark!"and indeed as we spoke the echoes hissed and whispered all about us.

  "Why, 'tis airy and very dry!"

  "And very dark by day, Martin."

  "True enough! Still 'tis a wondrous place--"

  "O very, Martin, only I like it not at all."

  "Why then, the bed, the bed should serve you handsomely."

  "No!" says she, mighty vehement. "You shall make me a better an youwill, or I will do with my bed of fern."

  "Well then, this pot--here is noble iron pot for you, at least!"

  "Why yes," says she, smiling to see me all chapfallen, "'tis indeed avery good pot, let us bring it away with us, though indeed I could dovery well without it."

  "Lord!" says I gloomily. "Here have I found you all these goodlythings, not to mention chair and table, thinking to please you andinstead--"

  "I know, Martin, forgive me, but I love not the place nor anything init. I am very foolish belike, but so it is." And here she must needsshiver. "As to these things, the bed, the chair and table and theshelves yonder, why you can contrive better in time, Martin; and byyour thought and labour they will be doubly ours, made by you for ourtwo selves and used by none but us."

  "True," says I, greatly mollified, "but this pot now, I can never makeyou so brave a pot as this."

  "Why, very well, Martin," says she smiling at my earnestness, "bring itand let us begone." So I reached down the pot and espied therein along-barrelled pistol; whipping it out, I blew off the dust and saw'twas primed and loaded and with flint in place albeit very rusty. Iwas yet staring at this when my lady gives a little soft cry ofpleasure and comes to me with somewhat hidden behind her.

  "Martin," says she, "'tis a good place after all, for see--see what ithath given you!" and she shewed me that which I had yawned for sobitterly, viz. a good, stout saw. Tossing aside the pistol, I took iteagerly enough, and, though it was rusty, a very serviceable tool Ifound it to be.

  "Ha, comrade!" says I, "Now shall you have a chair with arms, acupboard, and a bed fit to lie on. Here is all the furniture you maywant!"

  "And now," says she, "let us begone, if you would have your supper,Martin." So I followed her through the little tunnel and, havinglowered her on to the table, gave her the pot and then (albeit she wasmighty unwilling) turned back, minded to bring away the firelock andpistol and any such odds and ends as might serve me.

  Reaching the cave, I heard again the dismal groans and wailing, butmuch louder than before, and coming to the door, saw it opened on asteep declivity of rock wherein were rough steps or rather notches thatyet gave good foothold; so I began to descend this narrow way, mycandle before me, and taking vast heed to my feet, but as I got lowerthe rock grew moist and slimy so that I was half-minded to turn back;but having come this far, determined to see where it might bring me,for now, from the glooms below, I could hear the soft lapping of water.Then all at once I stopped and stood shivering (as well I might), forimmediately beneath me I saw a narrow ledge of rock and beyond this apit, black and noisome, and full of sluggish water.

  For a long while (as it seemed) I stared down (into this water) scarcedaring to move lest I plunge into this dreadful abyss where the blackwater, lapping sluggishly, made stealthy menacing noises very evil tohear. At last I turned about (and mighty careful) and so made my waysup and out of this unhallowed place more painfully than I had come.Reaching the cave at last (and very thankful) I sought to close thedoor, but found it to resist my efforts. This but made me the moredetermined to shut out this evil place with its cold-breathing air, andI began to examine this door to discover the reason of its immobility.Now this (as I have said) was a narrow door and set betwixt jambs andwith lintel above very strong and excellent well contrived; but as Ilifted my candle to view it better I stopped all at once to stare up ata something fixed midway in this lintel, a strange shrivelled blackthing very like to a great spider with writhen legs updrawn; and now,peering closer, I saw this was a human hand hacked off midway 'twixtwrist and elbow and skewered to the lintel by a great nail. And as Istood staring up at this evil thing, from somewhere in the black voidbeyond the door rose a long, agonised wailing that rose to a bubblingshriek; and though I knew this for no more than some trick of the wind,I felt my flesh tingle to sudden chill. Howbeit I lifted my candlehigher yet, and thus saw beneath this shrivelled, claw-like hand aparchment nailed very precisely at its four corners, though black withdust. Wiping this dust away I read these words, very fair writ inbold, clear characters:




  In a while I turned from this hateful thing, and coming to the bedbegan to examine the huddle of goatskins, and though full of dust andsomething stiff, found them little the worse for their long disuse; thesame applied equally to the sailcloth, the which, though yellow, wasstill strong and serviceable. Reaching the firelock from the corner Ifound it to be furnished with a snaphaunce or flintlock, and thoughvery rusty, methought cleaned and oiled it might make me a very goodweapon had I but powder and shot for it. But the bandoliers held inall but two poor charges, which powder I determined to keep for thepistol. Therefore I set the musket back in the corner, and doing soespied a book that lay open and face down beneath the bedstead. Takingit up I wiped off the dust, and opening this book at the first page Icame on this:




  Hereupon, perceiving in it many charts and maps together with a plan ofthe island very well drawn, I thrust it into my bosom, and hearing mylady calling me, took pistol and bandolier and so to supper.

  Thus amidst howling storm and tempest we sat down side by side to sup,very silent for the most part by reason of this elemental strife thatraged about our habitation, filling the world with awful stir andclamour.

  But in a while seeing her so downcast and with head a-droop I mustneeds fall gloomy also, and full of a growing bitterness.

  "Art grieving for England?" says I at last, "Yearning for home andfriends and some man belike that loves and is beloved again!"

  "And why not, Martin?"

  "Because 'tis vain."

  "And yet 'twould be but natural."

  "Aye indeed," says I gloomily and forgetting my supper, "forcontrasting all you have lost, home and friends and love, with yourpresent evil plight here in this howling wilderness, 'tis small wonderyou weep."

  "But I am not weeping!" says she, flushing.

  "Yet you well may," quoth I, "for here are you at the world's end andwith none but myself for company."

  "Why, truly here is good cause for tears!" says she, flashing her eyesat me.

  "Aye!" I nodded. "'Tis a pity Fate hath chosen you so ill a companion."

  "Indeed and so it is!" says she, and turns her back on me. And so wesat awhile, she with her back to me and I gloomy and despondenthearkening to the howling of the wind.

  "You eat no supper!" says I at last.

  "Neither do you!"

  "I am not hungry!"

  "Nor I!"

  Myself (speaking after some while, humbly): Have I angered you?

  She: Mightily!

  Myself: Aye, but how?

  She: By your idle, foolish talk, for if I grow thoughtful sometimeswhy must you ever dream me repining against my lot? To-night,hearkening
to this dreadful tempest I was full of gratitude to God thatHe had brought us to this safe harbourage and set me in yourcompanionship. And if my heart cry out for England sometimes 'tisbecause I do love England. Yet my days here are too full of labour forvain grieving and my labour, like my sleep, is joy to me. And there isno man I love in England--or anywhere else.

  Myself (and more humbly than ever): Why then I pray you forgive me,comrade.

  At this she looks at me over her shoulder, frowning and a littleaskance.

  "For indeed," says I, meeting this look, "I would have you know me everas your comrade to serve you faithfully, seeking only your friendshipand nought beyond; one you may trust unfearing despite my ungentleways."

  And now I saw her frown was vanished quite, her eyes grown wondrousgentle and her lips curving to a smile; and so she reached out her handto me.

  And thus we two poor, desolate souls found great solace and comfort ineach other's companionship, and hearkening to the roar of this mightytempest felt the bonds of our comradeship only strengthened thereby.

  When my lady was gone to bed I, remembering Adam's journal, took itout, and drawing the candle nearer fell to examining the book moreclosely. It was a smallish volume but very thick, and with very manyclose-written pages, its stout leathern covers battered and stained,and an ill-looking thing I thought it; but opening it haphazard, Iforgot all save the words I read (these written in Adam's small clerklyhand) for I came on this:

  May 10.--Glory be and thanks unto that Providence hath been mysalvation and poured upon unworthy me His blessing in that I this dayhave fought and killed this murderous rogue and detestable pirate,Roger Tressady.

  Here followed divers accounts of his labours, his discovery of thesecaves and many cunning devices day by day until I came on this:

  May 28.--To-day a storm-beat pinnace standing in for my island, and init Abnegation Mings and divers others of Bartlemy's rogues, survivors(as I judge) of that cursed ship "Lady's Delight." They landed, beingfifteen in all and I in great fear and distress therefore. Theyleaving their boat unwatched I stole thither and to my great joy foundtherein a watch-coat and bonnet, 3 muskets, 2 swords, 5 pistols withpowder and shot, all of which did hide among the rocks adjacent (acunning hiding-place) where I may fetch them at my leisure, Providenceaiding.

  May 29.--This day 1 hour before dawn secured arms, powder, etc., andvery grateful therefore.

  May 30.--To-day set about strengthening and fortifying my door since,though Roger Tressady is dead, there be other rogues yet to slay, theirevil minds being full of lust for Black Bartlemy's Treasure and myblood. And these their names:

  A true list of these rogues each and every known to me aforetime inTortuga, viz.:

  My enemies. My equipment against the same.

  Abnegation Mings (Mate of A determined mind. the "Vengeance" galley) 3 Musquets with powder and shot Benjamin Galbally a-plenty. Jasper Vokes 2 Swords. Juliano Bartolozzi 1 Axe. Benjamin Denton 2 Pikes. Pierre Durand 5 Pistols. John Ford A chain-shirt. James Ballantyne Izaac Pym Robert Ball William Loveday Daniel Marston Ebenezer Phips A boy and one woman.

  June 1.--This day, waked by a shot and the sounds of lewd brawling, Ito my lookout and mighty alarmed. Upon the sands a fire and thereby awoman and 6 or 7 of these rogues fighting for her. She, poor soul,running to escape falls shot and they to furious fight. But my hopesof their destroying each other and saving me this labour vain by reasonof Abnegation Mings bringing them to accord. Thereafter they todrinking and singing of this lewd piratical rant of theirs. WhereuponI tried a shot at them with my long-barrelled arquebus to no purpose.Have made me some ink and do answer very well.

  June 2.--Went a-hunting three of my destroyers, viz. the roguesGalbally, Vokes and Bartalozzi. But they well-armed and keeping alwaysin company did no more than harm Vokes in the leg by a bullet, and soto my fort and mighty downcast. Began to make myself a chair witharms. This day also wrote me out divers parchments thus:




  and of these parchments 13 (the boy being already dead), with everyrogue his name fair writ that they might know me for man of my word andleave me and my treasure in peace.

  June 3.--The weather hot and I out after my bloodthirsty enemies. Cameon the French rogue Durand and him sleeping. Removed his firearms andkicked him awake. He to his sword and I to mine. Took him in quarte atthe third passado through the right eye--a shrewd thrust. Tied aparchment about his neck and so to my refuge very full of gratitude.

  June 4.--To-day, guided by Providence, surprised Izaac Pym gorginghimself on wild grapes. Spying me he whips out his pistol, but I firedfirst. Tied a parchment about his neck and so left him.

  June 5.--Evil days for me since these murderous rogues keep evertogether now and on their watch against me day and night. My greatchair finished and all I could wish it.

  June 9.--This night the moon full they assaulted my fort with hugehalloo and many shot, battering my door with a great log for ram. ButI shooting one and wounding others they left me in peace.

  June 10.--All this day ventured not abroad fearing an ambuscado. Andlighting a fire within my inner cave the smoke showed me how I mighthide from my bloodthirsty foes an need be.

  June 11.--My would-be slayers camped all about my refuge and howlingfor my blood, though keeping well out of my line of fire. So I tomaking me a ladder of ropes whereby to come at my new-found sanctuary.Determine to make this my bedchamber.

  June 12.--My cruel enemies yet raging about me ravening for my bloodand I very fearful. Have taken down my bed to set it within my secretchamber.

  June 13.--This morning early the rogue Benjamin Denton, venturingwithin my fire-zone, took a bullet in his midriff, whereof he suddenlyperished.

  June 14.--This morning having gotten all my furniture into my secretchamber do find myself very comfortable. But my stores beginning torun low do put myself on half-rations.

  June 15.--My murderers very silent with intent to lure me to my deathbut I--

  The rest of this page was so stained and blotted that I could makenothing of it save a word or phrase here and there as:

  ... secret pass ... pit of black water and very ... fear of death ...head over ears ... to my chin so that I ... miserably wet ... on handsand knees being determined ... wonderful beyond thought for here ...tlemy's Treasure ... very great ... this gold I saw was ... emeralds,diamonds and ... pearls a-many ... through my fingers ... like any poorcrazed soul. For here was treasure greater ... moreover and wealthundreamed ... shaft of ... suddenly ... the valley ... sore annoyed Istood to ... he knelt ... seeking the water ... turned ... our knives... through my forearm but I ... broke short against my chain-shirt andI ... beneath the armpit. So back by the secret way to bind up my hurtand behold again my treasure.

  Here my candle dying out and I in the dark, I laid the book aside andpresently got me to sleep.


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