Black Bartlemy's Treasure

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Black Bartlemy's Treasure Page 41

by Jeffery Farnol



  I awoke late next morning to find my clothes clean gone and others intheir place; but garments these whose like I had never seen. For herewere purple breeches be-laced and ribbanded at the knee and buttoningthere with great gold buttons (six a side), and each set with a greatpearl; a fine cambric shirt; a doublet cut in at the waist withgold-braided lappets, the sleeves slashed and very wide and turned upat the wrists with point-lace, and this wondrous garment fastening infront with many gold buttons all set with goodly pearls; so that Ijudged this coat to be a very fortune in itself. Besides this I founda great lace collar or falling band, a pair of silk stockings, shoeswith gold buckles set with diamonds, and a great penthouse of a hatadorned with a curling feather fastened by a diamond brooch; whileshard by was an embroidered shoulder-belt carrying a long rapier, itsguards and quillons of wrought gold, its pommel flaming with greatbrilliants. Beholding all of which gauds and fopperies, I vowed I'dnone of them, and cowering beneath the sheets fell to shouting andhallooing for my lady; but finding this vain, scowled at these garmentsinstead. They were of a fashion such as I remembered my father hadworn; and now as I gazed on them a strange fancy took me to learn how I(that had gone so long half-naked and in rags) might feel in suchsumptuous apparel. So up I got and dressed forthwith, and found this amatter of no small difficulty, what with the unfamiliar shape of thesegarments and their numberless points and buttons. Howbeit 'twas done atlast, and now, coming without the cave, there was my lady upon herthree-legged stool preparing breakfast. Beholding me she staredwide-eyed for a moment, then rose, smiling roguishly, and sank down ina slow and gracious curtsey.

  "Good morrow to your lordship," says she. "Your lordship called, Ithink, but I could not answer your lordship's shouts since I was busiedpreparing your lordship's breakfast."

  Now beholding all the sweet and roguish witchery of her, the sun sobright and the world about us so joyous, what could I do but smile and,sweeping off my great hat, make her as deep and profound a reverence asever was seen at Whitehall or Versailles.

  "Madame," quoth I, "your ladyship's most humble and very obedientservant. I trust your ladyship hath breakfast ready, for of a truth mymagnificence is mighty sharp set."

  "O Martin," cries she, clapping her hands, "I vow 'twas most gallant!It needeth but for you to trim your hair and beard--no, I think I willhave you clean-shaven, 'twill mind me of the boyish Martin of yearsago! Yes, you shall shave--"

  "Shave!" quoth I, staring like any fool.

  "Yes, Martin, I have all things ready. Come, it shall not take youlong, we will breakfast when you are shaved and trimmed." So,willy-nilly, she brings me back to the cave and presently comes bearinga gold-mounted box, wherein lay razors with soap and everything needfulto a fine gentleman's toilet. Then she sets before me a gold-framedmirror, and taking a pair of scissors at her bidding I began to clipthe hair from my face, but so bungled the business that she presentlytook the scissors and did it for me. Thereafter I shaved (awkwardlyenough, and she mighty anxious lest I cut myself--the which I did!)and, having at last washed and dried my face, I stood all amazed tofind myself so much younger-looking. Now, seeing how she stared at me,and with rosy lips all a-quiver, I smiled, then wondered to behold hereyes suddenly a-brim with tears.

  "O Martin, you do look the same Martin after all!" says she and so awayinto the sunshine; yet when I presently joined her I found her blitheenough.

  "Are you hungry, sir?"

  "Ravenous, my lady!"

  "Why then, here we have broiled fish--caught by my ladyship--salt,Martin! Butter--churned by my ladyship--and--bread, Martin! Breadbaked by my ladyship's own two hands."

  "O marvellous, sweet lady!" says I.

  "And 'tis none so ill though I had no yeast, is it, Martin?"

  "Delicious!" says I, my mouth full.

  And now, all our recent woes and sorrows clean forgotten, a rightjoyous meal had we; our hearts light as the sweet air that breathedaround us, and untroubled as the placid ocean and broad serenity ofheaven, with no dark shadow anywhere to warn us of those evils to come.Thus we ate and talked, finding joy in everything. Often my fingersmust go to feel my smooth cheeks and chin, and she, catching me, mustneeds laugh and vow a smooth face suited me well, and that I should behandsome were my nose another shape and my eyes a different colour.Thus (as I say) brooding sorrow seemed clean vanished from my world, sothat my heart swelled with gratitude for that I should live to breathethe air she made sweet.

  Breakfast done, I fetched my saw, and despite her remonstrances and myresplendent breeches, forthwith set about making a cupboard; vowing Iwas well again, that I never felt better, etc. Hereupon, finding me seton it, she presently brings me the following, viz., an excellent newsaw, divers chisels of goodly edge, a plane, a hammer, an auger and anadze; the which rejoiced me greatly, more especially the adze, thewhich is an exceeding useful tool in skilled hands. All these she hadbrought from the secret store and I mighty grateful therefor, and toldher so.

  "Why then, Martin," says she, "if your gratitude be real and true, youshall do somewhat for me--"

  "What you will!" says I eagerly.

  "Nay," she laughed, "'tis no more than this--keep youshaved--henceforth."

  And so it was agreed.


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