The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 5

by Tori Leigh Vella

  He let go off me and with Michael’s help, they carried Nate to the infirmary. I trailed behind them along with a few other members of the pack carrying some of the dead to the infirmary.

  The hours seemed to pass as minutes before I realised that I had been at the infirmary for nearly four hours. Tyler was outside getting coffees and talking to Michael. All if my emotions had hit me and I was drained.

  It was time to go home. I walked outside to met Tyler in the hall and gave him a small smile.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked me while placing a hand over my shoulder.

  “I’ve felt better,” I said.

  We walked silently home together. Tyler made sure to avoid the field where hours ago my brother had lost his life.

  As soon as we reached out room, I collapsed on the bed and within minutes I was asleep.

  After a few hours, I woke up. It was dark by now and I could not see Tyler. I tossed around for a while before I decided to get up.

  I walked over to the window and saw Nate's body lying on a podium. It was tradition for direct family members of any alpha. Nate was supposed to be the next alpha now the title fell to the person who despised it the most.

  Daniel would have to take over. Now that was the least of everyone's worries.

  I searched for Tyler until my eyes finally rested on him standing in the door way.

  “Hey” I said. He walked over to me and held me like he always did. I realised how consumed I had been over avenging my brother's death I forgot the most important thing to me.

  “Are you hurt Ty?” I asked, looking him over for any injuries.

  “I'm fine, how are you holding up?” he asked.

  “I want to get out of here as soon as possible,” I said crying into his chest. “Please Tyler; take me away from this place. I hate it. There are too many bad memories.”

  “I know and we will, we'll start packing tomorrow and then we'll leave as soon as the ceremony is done.”

  “Ok” was all I said.

  “You need to get more sleep; your eyes looked like they’re bruised.”

  He carried me bridal style onto the bed and tucked me in before cuddling into me.


  Bad dreams plagued me that night and each time I woke Tyler was there to wipe away the tears or he hold me.

  One dream I dreamt that it was Tyler who had been shot and not Nate. That was not any better. I would be in even more pain if I lost Tyler.

  They say that when you lose your mate, you lose a part of yourself. You are nothing without your mate. When that mate dies, a part of your soul dies too and you are never the same.

  The other dreams were that my father had killed the pack that was supposed to warn us of an attack. He orchestrated what happened to his son only he aimed the gun at me and Tyler jumped in front to save me.

  In all of my dreams, someone I loved lost their lives when it should have been me who died not Nate or even my father. Nate was the best of all of us. He was the middle child; the peacemaker. Everyone loved him and now he was gone because of a stupid hunter and a stupid idea my selfish, arrogant father had come up with the moment he found out I was a white wolf and had inherited his stupid gene.

  I could not do this.

  I was not cut out for this.

  How could I be a wolf?

  When I did finally fall asleep, I was exhausted. Tyler was whispering soothing words to me and drawing on my back with his fingers.

  Everything would be better because he was there.

  Somehow, I had to get through this.

  I would prove how strong I was.

  I would do it for Nate.

  Chapter 16

  I awoke the next morning in Tyler's arms. I felt safe and happy. I cuddled closer into his chest. His shirt had his scent on it.

  I quietly got up and took a shower in his bathroom. After the shower, I pulled on a clean pear of undies and put on one of Tyler's shirts. I inhaled deeply and smiled. It just smelt like him. I just could not explain it. It was a smell I held very close to my heart.

  I could sense that Tyler was stirring and was close to waking up through our mind link. I walked back into the bedroom and got into bed with him, once again snuggling into his chest. His body responded to mine and he wrapped a protective arm around my waist and gave a growl of approval.

  “How long have you been up? Oh I like you in just my shirt” he smirked.

  “Aren't you funny and not that long” I said sarcastically.

  “You love me being like this,” he said with a lazy smile on his lips.

  “I love you,” I said returning the smile.

  “Time to get up I think, today is a big day”.

  “Yeah I know don't remind me” I said grumpily.

  “Come on princess, up you get”.

  Tyler led me over to his wardrobe where he retrieved a black knee length curve hugging dress.

  It was tradition that after a wolf died, they were to be buried the next day.

  “I thought you could wear this today, it was supposed to be a present but after everything that happened I think you deserve more than a dress,” he said kissing my forehead.

  “Thank you” was all I could say.

  This boy literally meant everything to me. I did not feel complete unless he was by my side. I loved him so much and all I wanted was for him to be mine forever.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked.

  “Of course princess what is it?”

  “Well since we're mated and all do we still have to get married or?”

  “That's up to us, normally they don't bother because being mated is enough but if that's what you want to then I’m fine with it”.

  “You really mean that? I mean I am happy being your mate and your soul mate and all that but I have always wanted to have the big white wedding I guess.”

  “If that's what you want then that’s what you’ll get, you know I’d do anything for you”.

  “We'll talk about it after the ceremony, could we do it before we leave though? I want to start my life with you with no regrets and just me and you”.

  “Okay, we'll talk more later”.

  I changed into the dress and put on some low heels. I brushed my hair and let my natural waves hang loose.

  I wasn't in the mood to do my hair or make up and I didn't need to look good. I didn't bother with make up because I knew that all I would do was cry.

  Tyler emerged from the shower dressed in dark blue jeans and a black dress shirt. He looked good. He paired the shirt with a loose tie and a black jacket.

  I just stared at myself in the mirror.

  Could I do this?

  Could I bury my brother and leave this place to start fresh as a Luna?

  All these doubts plagued my mind. I felt a hand snake around my waist and my eyes met Tyler's.

  'You'll be fine. Stop doubting yourself please and I will be here beside you the whole time all right, I love you' he said kissing my hand.

  'I love you too' I said through our mind link. Hand in hand, we walked slowly down the stand and out to the podium that Nate's body was laid on.

  Once a wolf dies, they stay in their wolf form. I went up to the podium and brushed my fingers through his soft fur. All I could think of was our memories as kids and how we used to play games together. That was when the three of us were close.

  Since the day, Daniel turned into a wolf he did not have time for me anymore. I do not even think he knew he had a sister. Almost as if he had read my thoughts Daniel appeared by my side with his mate.

  “Hey little sis” was all he said.

  “Hi Daniel”.

  “Can we talk for a second?” I let go of Tyler's hand.


  Daniel led me to a secluded area that was not too far from the podium. He stopped walking so I stopped as well.

  “Look, I know I haven’t been much of a brother to you but I want to apologize. I know how dad treats you but he just does not know how
to handle you. I mean you are not a bad kid but he does not exactly handle women well, I mean look at him and mum”.

  “Yeah I understand and its fine, I’ll be out of here soon anyway and then none of you have to deal with me. He was never really a great father to me anyway”.

  I did not have much to say to Daniel. For the last few years, we have barely spoken two words to each other. All Daniel was concerned about was himself and how much sex he was getting. This was a completely different side to him.

  “I appreciate it Daniel and I could say it’s too late but it’s not, you'll never be like Nate. He really cared about me so you do not need to step in for his sake. I can look after myself and I have Tyler. He is doing a perfectly good job. Just do me a favor and do not put on the sorry act. You do not really care about me you are just doing it for your image now that you are Alpha and all”.

  I could see right through his little act and before he could say another word, I walked away, back to the only person who meant anything to me, back to Tyler.


  The ceremony was beautiful and I balled like a baby. It was so sad to see them bury my brother's dead body in the ground. He was surrounded my flowers and placed on a smaller podium.

  It is also tradition to Alpha families to place a statue of the dead near their burial spot. It was believed that their spirit would remain around the site and be a source of guidance.

  It would be nice for them to see him I guess even if it was in wolf form. Before I left to go back to Tyler’s, which had become home I placed a bouquet of red roses on his grave.

  “You'll always be my brother Nate and I’ll always love you” I managed to whisper before I broke down into tears.

  “Let's go sweetie”. I turned to see Tyler's mum, Anna.

  We have not spoken very much considering everything that had been happening but she was sweet. You could see in her eyes she felt for me. She knew how my parents felt about me. She treated me like her own daughter though. She led me inside and put the kettle on.

  “How about I make you a cup of tea?”

  “Sounds great, thank you” I smiled as Tyler and his Dad joined us in the kitchen.

  “How do you feel Kaylie?” asked his father.

  “Fine thank you Rick” I smiled.

  I adored his parents. They were so thoughtful, unlike my own parents.

  “Hun, Rick and I just wanted to tell you that you are always welcome in our family. You have made our son so happy and I know they are your family but they treat you horribly. You are like a daughter to us and we love you. We will protect you no matter what and I know one day that when you take my place you will make a great Luna”. This made me smile.

  “Thank you so much Anna”.

  I got up and hugged her and I started crying into her shirt. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. I knew without Nate I would be fine. I would miss him but he would always be with me.

  My eyes searched for Tyler and through the tears, I saw him looking at me full of adoration.

  After I had some tea, we went up to Tyler’s room. I crawled into bed and just layed there. I felt Tyler get in and wrap his arms around me.

  “I never got to say thank you for holding and comforting me last night”

  “You’re very welcome and I would have done it anyway. You are my mate. I feel your pain remember. What is mine is yours”.

  I just smiled. I knew what I needed to feel better. I sent the images to Tyler through the link and hoped he would listen and understand.

  “I never thought my mate would be so full of energy, are you sure babe?”

  “Yes this is what I want, I want you”.

  This time was even better than all the other times. I guess practice makes perfect.

  Maybe I was sinning. I should be grieving over my dead brother but right now, I could not.

  I was over crying and being an emotional mess. I would always remember Nate and it felt like a part of me was missing. Something felt empty inside me but for a minute, I felt complete again. I felt whole when I was with Tyler like this. Tyler was healing me and helping me see through the grief.

  He would save me.

  Chapter 17

  After yesterday’s events, it felt good to wake up next to Tyler, even though he did snore. I was not complaining. We slept together again which was a bonus and because I slept like a baby after our exercise last night.

  Not once did I wake up because I knew he was protecting me. I always felt safe when he was around. It hurt being away from each other which was not very often. No one in my family cared when I stayed over Tyler’s. I do not think anyone really noticed either. I had always been the child who defended for herself.

  I would cook my own meals or eat with just Nate in the kitchen when everyone else was out busy doing something else. I liked it like that. Just spending time with Nate eating ice cream out of the tub or spaghetti while watching television. It felt nice to remember him that way.

  I felt Tyler stir.

  "Good morning" he said, stretching.

  "Morning Ty" I replied sleepily.

  "I was wondering if you wanted to talk about the marriage thing now since we got a little distracted yesterday." He asked.

  "I want to do it today," I said.

  "You really think you could get everything done today?"

  "I don't want the reception and anything like that, I just want the ceremony, something small, just me and you and some of our closest family and friends"

  "That actually sounds good, I will call mum through the mind link and we can get her to help. She’ll love it".

  "Ok" I smiled.


  After half an hour later, all the guests had been invited; a celebrant from the pack would be marrying us at 4 o'clock. I had a beautiful dress on that had been in Tyler's family for centuries and was a family heirloom. It was truly beautiful. It was detailed, and the bottom looked like a sprouting rose. It had been modified to suit my body. The corset was beautiful. There were no words to describe the dress.

  We had both chosen roses as our flowers and a cake was being made as we speak. I was still in shock that his mum had the dress in her wardrobe but she said she never packed light.

  Anna had curled my hair to perfection and was putting my veil on.

  "You look so beautiful," she said trying not to cry.

  "Thank you".

  "You don’t need to thank me darling; you’re family now, my daughter".

  "And you're like a mother to me, more of a mother than my own" I said in a quiet voice.

  "Sweetheart I'm sure your mother means well".

  "She has a funny way of showing it," I said.

  "I won't disagree with you on that but you look amazing. Tyler is going to flip out when he sees you".

  All I could do was smile.

  I was ready.

  This would be the start of my life. The one I had chosen to live and the path I had chosen.

  I walked down the stairs and into the garden which was all done up nicely. Anna had gone to take a seat. We had only invited Tyler's mum and dad, his father’s beta, Athen and his wife. Tyler had invited my mum, dad, Daniel and his mate, Imogen and a few other members of the pack. He said it was the last time I would have to see them before we left in a few hours for good.

  My eyes were glued on Tyler. He looked so handsome. His eyes burned into mine as he took in me walking down the aisle. It had been decorated beautifully with white and red rose petals. Candles surrounded the chairs and there was a floral scent to the air. Once I reached the altar, Tyler smiled and offered me his hand.

  "You look so beautiful," he said. I just smiled. I knew if I spoke, I would cry. I turned to face the celebrant as he began the ceremony.

  Tyler soon realised that I could not speak and grabbed my hand, smiling to himself.

  "Dearly beloved, we are here to celebrate the marriage and union of Tyler Summers and Kaylie Flynn ...."


  The ceremony passed in a
blur. I finally heard the words I had been waiting for what felt like my entire life.

  "You may now kiss the bride". As our lips connected, I felt our bond strengthen. The rings we had exchanged felt like they were burning against my skin. They had been mixed with our blood to complete the ceremony and tie ourselves together.

  We were finally husband and wife or mates, whatever anyone preferred.

  Everyone came to congratulate us but I was not paying attention all I wanted was to get upstairs and have my way with Tyler. We had come to an agreement that we would be leaving in 2 days to travel back to Tyler's home, and now mine. Well he convinced me.

  "So wife, how do you feel?" asked Tyler once we were alone.

  "I'm well husband but I have a few propositions for you in mind, well more like positions," I said showing him a visual of what I wanted through our mind link.

  He growled. "I like the way you think Mrs. Summers" he said picking me up bridal style and carrying me back to our room.

  Chapter 18

  I awoke feeling refreshed. Last night had been amazing. I was wrapped up in the sheets with a still sleeping Tyler next to me. The memories from last night came back in a rush and I was in heaven.

  Flashback to last night...

  Once we were in our room, he unzipped my dress and I was out of it in no time before I felt his lips on my neck. While he was busy, I undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it off. I lifted my arms up while he took off my undergarments and bra. He quickly undid his pants and pulled them off so he was in nothing but boxers. He slipped my panties off and threw me on the bed. My breathing was getting heavy and my heart was racing. I was so in love with this boy.

  Tyler was on top of me and staring into my eyes.

  “You ready for me to rock your world?” I laughed at his remark.

  “Haven’t we done this before?” I asked, trying not to giggle.

  “Yeah but this is different this time, you’re now my official mate and wife”.

  “Oh yeah I am too” I said.

  “Don’t be smart”


  His lips were soon locked with mine while we were trying to kick off the sheets. My hands were exploring his well-defined chest, tracing his six-pack. He was hot and he was mine. I felt his hands explore my body. Chills ran down my spine and it was intoxicating. I felt him against my thigh as he trailed kisses down my body.


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