The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 8

by Tori Leigh Vella

  “Actually I do not have a very good relationship with my father. I have the white wolf gene and he used me as bait to take out the hunters. As a result, my brother who was next in line as Alpha was killed because of him. He lost all of my respect.”

  “I understand.”

  My father appeared walking in the middle of two council members who were holding him by the arms and leading him towards the council. They placed him in the middle of the room and dead bolted the door, ensuring that he could not escape.

  “Alpha Ren do you deny that you were working with rogues to take out the pack?”

  “No I do not deny it; in fact I admit to it, I wanted to see this pack slaughtered because my stupid daughter chose them over her own family. Werewolves are loyal to their packs and their birth pack. She was not loyal, she did not turn like other wolves, she was a late bloomer, but she was stronger, faster, and smarter than all the other wolves. She never made me proud. She got her brother killed. She is a disgrace to this family. She is not my daughter”

  I could not believe that this man was my father. He was a pig and he disgusted me. He got everything that he deserved. His words definitely hurt.

  “Ren, you are stripped of your Alpha title. The Alpha title falls to your son Daniel. You are banished to walk the earth as an outcast and a rogue. You are to have no contact with your old pack, your daughter, and your son. Your wife has the choice to either stay with the pack or to join you as a rogue.”

  “As long as I don’t need to associate with her that is fine,” he said pointing straight at me.

  Before I knew it, he had pounced on me and was trying to rip out my throat. God I had some serious daddy issues.

  I fought back with everything I had. I would not let him get to me.

  I could feel Tyler trying to pry him off me.

  “You killed your brother” was all he said before he was taken off me. Two men were on each of his arm while Annabeth walked up to him and stood in front of him.

  “How dare you lay a hand on your daughter, you are unworthy of your alpha title and of being a father and the punishment of being a rouge is too lenient for you”.

  Both Annabeth and Tyler’s father looked at me as if for approval. All I could do was nod.

  This man was a disgrace to all werewolves. I could not believe that I had been his daughter. He betrayed his pack and mine and that was something unforgivable in werewolf law. We are meant to help and serve each other.

  Loyalty to one another was our most sacred law and he had broken that as if it had meant nothing to him. He was selfish and power hungry.

  Two more men moved to stand in front of my father. The next minute his heart was ripped out from his body and he collapsed on the ground. A pile of blood was left next to him. I scoffed and walked out of the room. He was finally out of my life and I was rid of him and his orders.

  “Are you alright Kay?” asked Tyler in a concerned voice.

  “I’m fine; you know how I felt about him”

  “I know but he is still your father.”

  “I know, hey this concerned look suits you” I said teasing walking to stand in his outstretched arms.

  “Does it now?”

  “Yeah, it’s a very sexy look on you.”

  Call me heartless, that even after I had watched my father’s heart by ripped from his body I was not in the least bit concerned about my mother or my brother.

  They were no longer a part of my life. They had not spoken to me since I left and within a day, they were already plotting against me. The last time I spoke to any of them was on the day I buried my brother.

  Thoughts and memories of Nate hit me hard. I missed my brother a lot.

  “I’ve got something to take care of, I’ll see you in a few okay,” I said walking out of Tyler’s arms.


  He knew what I was planning through our bond but he could not hear what I was saying in my head.

  I was cursing my father and what he put me through and how he was the one responsible for my brother’s murder. I know it was really the hunters but he was to blame.

  If he were not, so power hungry then none of this would have happened. If I had never turned into a white wolf, Nate would still be alive.

  I could not just turn off my wolf instincts like I wished so badly. I was battling myself about whether I should never turn again.

  Part of me was wolf and that was not something I could give up. I had been raised as a wolf pup my whole life and that part of me would always be there, but I was human as well and my emotions were running wild.

  I could not vow to never turn because if my pack needed me I would give them my service. If I wanted to have pups with Tyler, I would have to turn. We all had a choice and I could not choose to harm my pups just because I promised myself I would not turn.

  Others were more important than I was and unlike my father that was something I had always seen clearly.

  I also had not been on a run with Tyler, which is something most bonded wolves do. That was something I had to look forward to but in the meantime I was going to do a tribute to Nate.

  I spent the next few hours making a memorial site to my brother. I placed his photo in the middle of a reef and many flowers. I placed his old football next to the reef along with a few other things that meant something to my brother.

  He died so young and he never had the chance to meet his mate, which was something he had always wanted. All he wanted was to have a family of his own. He did not care about being an alpha or having power. He wanted a simple life and he was destined for great things.

  Fate was something that I had always believed in and yet the past few events had been messed up. My luck really sucked.

  I sent Nate a few silent messages and lit a few candles I had placed around the reef.

  I felt a presence come up behind me and knew instantly it was Tyler. I could smell him and sense him through our bond. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck.

  “This looks great babe, our own memorial site to Nate”.

  “Thank you, you know it means a lot to me and thank you for being so supportive of me. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. The last few days have been so hectic and you’ve made everything so bearable”.

  “Well Kaylie here’s the thing, you’re my mate, and I love you. That means I would do anything for you. I would die for you. You make life so much better. You complete me. When I am with you, I have no doubts I feel like I could do anything because I know I have you. Therefore, I should be thanking you Kaylie for choosing me and accepting me, as you are mate, for staying by my side and for returning the love, I feel for you. I want you to be the mother of my pups and I want to raise a family with you by my side. If you are not in my life then life itself is not worth living. I want to stand by your side when we run this pack together as Alpha and Luna.”

  All I could do was smile. I was so speechless. How could someone care so much about someone else?

  Tyler was my oxygen. Without him, I would not be able to breathe, to function. That was the best way of explaining my love for him.

  “I love you Tyler.”

  ‘”I love you Kaylie and that will never change. Forever remember?”

  “I remember. It will always be forever.”

  I became lost in his eyes. I knew deep down that everything would be all right as long as I had Tyler by my side. He was literally my rock.

  “Do you want to go for a run with me?” he asked, snapping me out of my trance.

  “I would love to,” I said as we both shifted and took off into the forest.

  I had been waiting for this moment for a long time. I smiled to myself thinking of how Tyler must have sensed what I felt earlier about wanting to run with him.

  He definitely knew how to make a wolf happy.

  Chapter 24

  As we ran, I let all the negative thoughts leave me. What I like most about being a wolf was that I could forget all my troubles. I almost
did not remember being human when I was a wolf. We ran for a few hours before deciding to shift back.

  Tyler was laughing at me at usual.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked, annoyed at the fact that not even for five seconds of being in human form and he already he was laughing at me.

  “You- have-leaves- and-grass-in-your-hair” he said in-between laughs.

  “Well get it out you idiot” I said lightly hitting him.

  “Give me a minute to catch my breath”.

  This boy really drove me crazy. How the hell was I supposed to spend the rest of my wolf life with him? He was so childish.

  “You are such a child,” I said storming off.

  “I wouldn’t go too far sweetheart.”

  “And why not?” I said crossing my arms. This earned me a laugh from him.

  “Have you forgotten that we are both naked?”

  I looked down at myself only to see that he was right. I was in fact stark naked and standing in front of him. I tried to cover myself but it did not really work.

  “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before babe” he chuckled, making me blush.

  Stupid asshole.

  I shifted back into my wolf form and raced towards the pack house. Thankfully, the door was open and I raced up the stairs into my room before shifting back. There was no way I was letting anyone see me naked.

  I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. I stood in front of the mirror and began the painfully boring and long task of picking all the twigs and grass out of my hair. I felt more relaxed and at peace after my run with Tyler.

  I hadn’t gone running since I first found out I was a white wolf and that felt like years away. Nate was still alive then and I actually had friends. I felt lonely in this pack. I had no real friends other than the ones I was introduced to at the bon fire and that was only because they were mates to high-ranking members in the pack.

  I stepped into the shower and began thinking about my life and the situation of friends. I really needed a best friend again and when Tyler and I do decide to start a family, I need someone to help me through and be there for the baby when Tyler was away for pack duties.

  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I knew, without hesitation that it was Tyler. He opened the shower door and stepped in under the steaming water. The water droplets fell down his back like rain drops and his muscles were even more defined. He caught me staring.

  “See something you like?” he asked cheekily.

  “Maybe” I teased back before stepping into the shower with him.

  He cuddled me and began to rub my back in slow circles. It felt good and I needed it after the run. My body was so tense.

  “Look, I know you’re worried about the friends and all that but you’re new babe. It will take some time and you have Alexa and Patrice.”

  “I don’t know them and they don’t know me. They have best friends. I am just the new girl who happened to mate to their future alpha. Everyone grew up together and I just feel like an outsider, which is what I am and what I always have been. I’ve never had a friend beside my cousin because everyone thought I was weird because I didn’t shift and when I did they stayed further away from me because I wasn’t normal. Sam only spoke to me because of my father. The only real friend I did have was my brother and he’s dead.”

  “Are you not happy?” he asked with a look of concern.

  ‘I’m very happy with you it’s just everything else. What happens when we start a family? Who will be there for our kids if I can’t? Yes, there is you and your parents, but the kids will not have any aunties or uncles because you’re an only child and I don’t speak to my family. They probably blame me for father’s death so basically if anything happens to you I’m all alone.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you, I will never leave you and you know that my family is your family right?”

  “Yes I know.”

  Tyler looked at me before opening his mouth. “I was thinking of taking over the pack.”

  “You are?” I was a little shocked. As far as I knew, he wanted to learn the ropes first.

  “Yeah I think I’m ready but how do you feel about it? Are you ready to be a Luna yet? Because if not I can wait until you are. I’d do anything for you.”

  “You’re a cutie and yes I think I am. It will give me, something to do and I am sure a lot of the females will want to be my best friend. I can look at possible applicants.”

  “Very funny and don’t worry mum will help you out and teach you. All you’d have to do is some of the cooking for pack meetings and check up on the hospital and keep an eye on the kids and things like that.”

  “Actually I want to do the paperwork side of things like manage finances of the pack and even help fight?”

  “That’s not traditional Luna duties though.”

  “And when have I ever been traditional? If you want, you can even have a pack meeting about it. In fact, I will ask your dad to call one. I do not want to take all of that off your mum. If I have to I will even still cook, clean, and visit hospitals?” I said getting out of the shower and drying myself.

  “Ok, I’ve told dad, there’s a meeting in ten so be ready for it. You have to present your case.”

  “I sure will, I’ll see you then,” I said as I walked into our bedroom and looked for something to wear.


  “Okay everyone we are here for a few reasons. One is being that my son Tyler has proposed the idea to take over the pack with his mate. As current Alpha and his father, I have been showing him the ropes until he is confident to do it on his own. He had already been in a few fights defending this pack and out territory so we know that he is a talented and powerful fighter and will do fine in that department. However are here to agree about his mate and your now Luna on her role in the pack. Kaylie you may step forward and state your case.”

  On my queue, I stepped forward and walked to the front of the room. I looked at Tyler for support and saw him smiling at me. He believed in me. I could do this and I would do a damn well good job of being Luna. I would make Nate proud.

  “Okay well as you may know I’m Kaylie and I’ve only recently joined the pack as Tyler’s mate. I come from a family of white wolves and as of this year, I inherited the white wolf gene. My father was Alpha Ren. He used me as a pawn to end the hunters but did not succeed. Because of his selfishness and his hunger for power, my brother Nate was killed by silver poisoning his blood. In my old pack, I was never accepted nor had many friends because of my age and the fact that I did not shift when everyone else did. I shifted for the first time on my seventeenth birthday shocking many because I am an Alpha’s daughter. Now that I moved packs and was away from my father, I thought about being a Luna and my responsibilities. I am no means traditional. I have fought in two battles the first being with the hunters and the second when the rogues attacked us. To my knowledge, there have been no female white wolves in over a hundred years. My abilities allow me to fight and to have an advantage. I was given this gift for a reason and I will not waste it because of traditions. If you would let me, I would like to do paperwork and be in charge of finances. When I was at school, I was studying to get a business degree so I know how it all works. I want to be able to fight along our warriors and beside your alpha helping to protect our pack. I would still do the cleaning duties and cooking if you choose as well as visiting the hospital. I just want to fit doing something that I am good at. I hope you will give me a chance.”

  I sat down and saw Tyler’s father stand up and take his place at addressing his pack.

  “Now we all will vote. Those that agree for Kaylie to be in charge of the paper work and to fight alongside your alpha raise your hands. Those who agree that she should stay with the traditional Luna duties raise your hands. Those who think she should not have to do cleaning and cooking duties raise your hands please”.

  The votes were all tallied before he could address the meeting.

p; “The votes have been counted. Kaylie you will be in charge of all finances and funding. You will be allowed alongside the alpha in battles as long as you are allowed to have warriors protecting you and watching your back. You will not have to cook and clean because I know my wife loves to do that and will not step down, but you will be asked to take care of the hospital department. Do you accept these terms as Luna?”

  “I accept Alpha,” I said smiling.

  This was everything I had ever wanted. People actually accepted me and listened to me even if I was younger. They respected me and I was there Luna. I could do this and I would. I had bright ideas for the hospital and was very keen to check it out so I could start with budgeting and planning.

  I looked for Tyler’s face in the crowd and smiled. He was already looking at me, grinning.

  I was finally accepted.

  I was home.

  Chapter 25

  Kaylie’s POV

  The next few weeks were spent with my head stuck in paperwork. I had my own office and papers littered every inch of the room. I had gone through the packs finances and arranged them according to the month. Everything was organized finally, and I could start to work on my ideas for the hospital.

  So far, I had drawn up plans about redecorating the rooms for the kids and expecting parents and long-term patients, so they didn’t feel like they were in hospital. All the rooms would be painted in bright colours and decorated to suit the patient.

  I had gone out and bought the paint myself a few days ago and came back with many blues, greens, crèmes and vibrant pinks and reds. For one of the young girls who was a long-term patient, she wanted a field with butterflies and water so that her wolf could run free. Her name was Felicity and she was fifteen years old. She had a rare birth defect that was not curable as of yet which limited her to what she could. She would get tired very easily and not be able to hold her own weight. Her bones had not fully developed.

  Her parents were both wolves and were just as shocked at her disease but didn’t love her any less. She was an only child and was full of life. I made sure I visited her at least once a day and we would spend the remaining time together sitting by the window where she watched the wolves run wild.


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